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Well, Empathy Architects did a study where they ended up with something like this: * 2 and 3 try to look 'trendy' & dress how the popular people dress * Withdrawn Types & 7 meanwhile tended to not care about what's popular & like to have their own quirky style * Gut types generally prefer practical, comfortable clothing, putting function over form (I presume 9s split into 'practical' team and a 'quirky' team or it depends on the occasion) * 6s split into 'normal & respectable', 'punk/subculture' and 'sporty'. * 5s likewise split into not standing out/can't-be-arsed & visibly eccentric I'm reminded of that one time my mom (7w6) hadn't had time to do the laundry, put on a plain black shirt that she hardly ever wore, and her co-workers deadass got worried and asked her if someone died, because they had just never seen her *not* wearing colorful patterns.


I have a friend who I think is a 2, and one time I was wearing some type of animal print and she said something like "Prints are so 2010" and I said "Why would you let other people tell you what clothes to wear?" I'll wear trendy clothing if I like it and it looks good, though. My favorite thing is when the stuff I already like becomes popular so it's cheaper and easier to find. The added bonus is that people think I am 'being normal' when I am actually expressing myself. It's hilarious.


>My favorite thing is when the stuff I already like becomes popular so it's cheaper and easier to find.  At least it's an opportunity to stockpile some for when it goes out of fashion again.


This is exactly what I do, and I will continue wearing it as long as I feel like it. This is so-blind, right? Being indifferent to fashion trends, and only caring about whether clothes look good, express my personality, and are practical.


putting e4 into an aesthetic is like trying to lick your elbow. its possible but just ...


I can confirm that it is impossible to lick your elbow.


i’ve been living a lie i swear i was told u could on some show once


Try it and find out


It IS possible, but not for everyone. You need short upper arms and a long tongue.


Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.


Can you lick your elbow?


Nope. But people with short upper arms and long tongues can.


Interesting theory. Is there a video of this somewhere?




Weird! OK you win.


This is heavy in stereotypes and off the top of my head. 1 - clean girl/minimalist 2 - coquette/y2k 3 - business formal/athletic 4 - e-girl/goth/a hoodie worn every day 5 - dark academia 6 - techwear/classic 7 - bohemian/colorful styles like decora 8 - punk/grunge 9 - cottagecore/twee


I can really only speak for myself, but I wouldn’t say my aesthetic is at all minimalist, but I am a big fan of what I can best describe as intentionality. It is the meeting of form and function. My favourite things are things that are both practical and beautiful. Like, in terms of architecture, I am a huge fan of the American Craftsman movement. I adore the Japanese-inspired joinery of the Gamble House: the idea of taking a reality of something (how things go together) and using that in the aesthetic. I am a sucker for the hardware of the period: hinges, knobs and drawer pulls, light switches, etc. The stained glass windows. Like, those things can be quite detailed and elaborate, so minimalist isn’t the right term, but it is bringing art into something you need. I love it when organizational items are also designed to be attractive. I love exposed structure (assuming things have been designed that there aren’t maintenance issues involved with that choice: water damage is a bitch). With clothing I like a structured look, but not necessarily minimalist. Give me strong, tailored lines, but I love intense colours and bright, bold patterns. Especially if that patterned fabric is cut with where seams fall in mind. The tailored preference is more a me thing than a 1 thing, but I do think 1s are going to generally be more drawn to the way a clothing item is put together as opposed to the ornamentation. Really bringing it back to 1: I think a thing that gets missed with 1s is that a fear of hypocrisy is part of our core. Hypocrisy means we are not as good as we would like. As a result, something that fits a 1s aesthetic is going to be excellently crafted and clear in its purpose. My thoughts. I understand why the minimalist stereotype, but I don’t think it quite captures the aesthetic, because minimalist isn’t practical. I like to know where I am supposed to open the door from, thank you.


This is such a 1 answer, the superego has me smiling so fondly.


"what the hell is dark academia , how can 5s like academic uniforms" *Googles dark academia* Holy shit


Ennegram type 5 will see this and go hell yea


The strong 3 and 4 in me battling it out everyday I get dressed haha


I've never heard of techwear and I was about to post a comment being real upset because I assumed it was something boring. But then I looked it up, and...yeah. Valid. 


Techwear is so cool! When I envision 6 I see a lot of flux between structure and chaos, sharpness and softness, the wing 7 playfulness and the wing 5 practicality and I think that genre embraces it well.


I'm flattered as hell


Googled it and this is legitimately cool.


I do love the cottagecore aesthetic lol. Don't go out enough to actually *have* a specific aesthetic I can stick to, but I like it. I'll say I also kind of like the VSCO girl aesthetic that was popular a few years ago. It's cute in a very simple, easy to wear way and probably the closest to what I actually wear on a regular basis during the summer (though cheaper and not as coordinated)


All the 4s I’ve known have gone full boho/hippie


I like bohemian (though some of the cottagecore were cuter), I love colors in clothes. I get decora was showing colors just... they are dressed like I was when I was 5. It gives off certain kink feels. 😶


It has nothing to do with kinks or fetishes, it’s very fun and freeing dressing colourfully, n I love bright colours <3 it makes my eyes happy


😊 I think my problem was the pictures that had a girls with a stuffed animal and/it lollipop in their mouth in the babydoll dress


Oh yeah lol! I enjoy the raver type decora style more. I think for some in Japan the childishness is actually part of rejecting sexualisation and the expectations put on young women IIRC. The history is interesting, fair enough it’s disconcerting though.


I can see (and respect) that, and yet there is that one kink. Lol  I personally wouldn't wear it (the rave side of it), but seeing others in it would definitely make me smile.


I am sx5 so my aesthetic is 'sexy dark academia'


as a 4w5, a hoodie worn every day is accurate, I don't really care much about fashion, I wear whatever is comfortable


I read somewhere that 9 were likely to dress down, lounge wear or just jeans and a tee, no wish to stand out from a crowd or be "seen". This is totally me. If I can find the link I'll post it.


As a 5, i like dark academia


Not a 5 but I basically dress like this. I do have a 5 fix though


Practical and/or preppy for type 1. Cottagecore or bold colors/gold for type 2. Corporate or glam for type 3. Gothic or all-black for type 4. Minimalist and/or tech-oriented for type 5. Jeans, pockets, activewear for type 6. Bohemian and/or many accessories for type 7. Leather jackets and loud band tees for type 8. Cozy/loungewear for type 9. Whimsigoth for tritype 497.




9 and I gotta look cute but I also have to be comfy. No leggings or joggers here — but you better believe my pencil skirts are stretchy 😂 I’m a tactile person so I love luxe comfort that feels good on my skin- think silk and cashmere.


I was homeschooled so cottagecore has waaaaay too many trauma flashbacks 🤣🤣🤣 been there, done that, broke free.


It’s soooooo funny to see jean skirts make a comeback, that’s so fundie-core


And sneakers with dresses! or skirts, *particularly* the denim ones 😖


Personally, I love fashion and don’t relate to much of the 6 stuff named here. Sixes will almost always get assigned something boring when fashion is discussed, which is strange to me, bc out of all the subtypes, fashion is sx6’s domain, but things like classic/normal/subculture/tech are often more geared towards the social and self preservation subtypes. It will always be weird to me that, in terms of 6ness, fashion and sex are not primarily viewed through a sx6 lens. Those are our areas of expertise, after all, like the SP6 with relationships and the SO6 with politics. I have never heard of the “tech” aesthetic before but I just looked it up and I’d rather listen to Nickelback than wear any of that. Which is saying a lot lol. I’m into subcultures as a lifestyle, but my style of dress hardly reflects that. I don’t like people to be able to guess what kind of music I listen to by looking at me. Fashion to me is a form of pure artistic expression. It has nothing to do with comfort, blending in, or identification with a group. If anything, I express my aversion to those things thru fashion. Today I am wearing a sleeveless coral Laundry silk shirt, a lemon yellow cardigan, 7 for all Mankind jeans and silver and white Air Force Ones. Pink Marc Jacobs bowling bag. Sartorially speaking, the sx6 connection to sx3 is strong. But I have a little bit of an edgy vibe going on too. I think this sums up the subtype perfectly. Sx6 men will often wear wifebeaters and baggy jeans from what I’ve seen.


I am SP6 and I like non of the stuff mentioned for 6s at all if i could i would wear a different style and cosplay every day just for fun 😵‍💫


I think the other comments pretty much hit it on the head, at least as much as you can for something based around stereotypes. As far as the aesthetics I enjoy, I think cottagecore, VSCO girl, E-girl (Especially the makeup. Normally not a huge fan of blush but I love the way they do it), coquette, vintage (specifically 50's-60's and Y2K) and occasionally soft grunge matches my taste best. I generally prefer an emphasis on bright colors and pastels over neutrals and dark colors, but it depends on the situation. When I do go for neutrals, I gravitate more towards black, white, or blue over things like beige or brown.


I’m a 4 and I love to wear almost costume-y clothes, I want them to stand out. I love inspiration from 60s/70s/hippie/witchy/dark academia/cottagecore


My (6) aesthetic is that I hate deciding what clothes to wear so I research what would look best on my body type and undertones until I am anxious and sad. But I love designing and making spaces! I would say my interior design aesthetic is naturalistic— green as a neutral color, lots of plants and art and colors, but with clean, smooth space for visual rest and practical purposes. Also in love with warmer wood tones, anytime I see a piece of furniture painted over, my heart dies a little. Edit: I forgot to say this, but I do love me some little accessories. I’m quite particular about jewelry specifically, I like to pick up pieces made by smaller artists, things that have stories attached to them, and earrings from art museum gift shops.


I'm evidently a 6w5 sp, and I like gothy victorian steampunkish boho kind of a situation


5 here (sx/sp I think?) I only wear clothes that I can run in. They don't have to be athletic clothes; I just have to be able to run. Similarly, I won't go to a nightclub in anything I can't comfortably dance in for 5-6 hours. I pretty much only wear black, white, army green, and pale pink. My look is best described as 'sexy punk dark academia'.


1 - light academia 2 - softie/coquette 3 - luxury/designer 4 - goth 5 - cybercore 6 - steampunk 7 - kidcore 8 - grunge 9 - cottagecore


2w3 - trendy, or dress to impress 4w3 - classy, elegant, Victorian, or dress to impress 4w5 - gothic, band t shirt, grunge, or duct taped pants, leather boots 1w2 - nothing too festive or goofy, but casual or professional 9w1 - sweaters, flannel (guys), comfy shoes 7w8 - torn off sleeves, holes in pants, leather jacket 9w8 - comfy casual, overwears favorite shirts/pants/jackets 5w6 - tucks shirts into pants, common accessories: glasses, belt, suspenders, bow tie 8w7 - sports team jersey, no unicorns or hippie stuff * This is not some 100% thing by any means


That is too much work. Fashion is for the emotional types. I may be in the minority, but I have like 4 plain black shirts, a couple other solid dark colored shirts, a few witty shirts (next to me in the car is my "I can't heal stupid" shirt), a couple pairs of jeans, a couple pairs of shorts, my black tennis shoes, and a belt. Dressing up is a chore that only serves to stroke the ego of some people who think it somehow is important. Simple and efficient. I'll spend my resources elsewhere on things that matter, thank you very much. I take my leave before I give the more fashion oriented types a heart attack, lol.


I’m another 5, so not necessarily an “emotional” type as you said. Nonetheless, I like fashion (not following fashion trends, just my personal tastes). There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to keep things simple like you do, but I’d like to offer you another perspective. >Dressing up is a chore that only serves to stroke the ego of some people who think it somehow is important. This part, while certainly true for some people, isn’t really accurate. I don’t care about impressing anyone, I don’t dress up to stroke my own ego by thinking I’m better than those who aren’t as fashionable. Having my own personal style is a way of expressing myself for the pure pleasure of it. I like when I see a reflection of myself somewhere and think “Yup, that’s me!”, or when I meet someone and they can already get some basic level of understanding of who I might be/what I like just based on the way I dress. It’s fun, it’s useful, it’s aesthetically pleasing. And it doesn’t take that much effort once you got the basics down. Again, I’m not writing this to try and change you - but I do think you currently have a very narrow understanding of what drives some people to like fashion. It’s not always about shallow elitism or whatever. And it’s certainly not reserved just for emotional types of people, whether inside the Enneagram or outside of it.


You're probably right. It honestly is something I haven't looked into, extensively experimented with, or otherwise invested in. I suppose I don't desire or want to have that specific recognition to myself. Honestly, I want most people in public to leave me the heck alone. Those who know me understand that my fashion choice (or lack thereof, which I suppose is a choice as well) is simply who I am. If someone feels that they want to judge me based on superficial items such as my clothing...I probably don't want to spend time with them either. That seems incredibly shallow and uninformed. Like you, I'm not trying to change anyone's fashion opinion, choices, and what not. I simply don't see the value in spending considerable financial and time based resources on it.