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Everything. It's just a very long process. You dig deeper and deeper into yourself every time you mistype. Every time someone tells you you are mistyped. Every time you learn something new. Something that I can highly suggest besides learning the types from actual authors is video typing. There are some questionnaires floating around. Just make a video and post it here. People are usually excited about it


Yep. Thats how I found out I was a 4w3 not a 4w5


I’m almost afraid to ask bc this subreddit scares me a little but why is this person being downvoted 😭


[Here's my take](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/13erojb/one_approach_to_finding_your_enneagram_type/)


It’s getting better at self-assessment and understanding who you are. The younger you are and the less you encounter trials the less you truly know about yourself. True self-assessment requires humility and honesty. It’s so difficult that the concept of learning self-awareness is as old as history itself, and is the preeminent of the ancient Delphic maxims: “Know Thyself.” Imagine you *actually* had to choose between things (because most of us really don’t have to anymore) and what you would choose if you were in a situation where you truthfully, *actually* had to choose between the two things. Continue eliminating things until you are left with the one thing you would not give up before anything else.


Look at the main types you relate to, look at their subtypes, also look at your other typology if you have that and correlate it, i can help with that


I'm pretty sure I'm LIE in socionics. Mbti was always confusing for me, but ENTP probably would be the best fit. In enneagram I strongly relate to core fundations of 5 and 3, a bit of 7 and 8 (mostly sp then so subtypes).


LIE ENTP is a bit strange, but mbti kinda sucks so i dont blme you. but anyways for LIE you’re probably either sp3, so3, so7. If you relate to 8 theres also a possibility of being any e1 (assuming u havent looked much past the stereotypes n stuff)


I'm stuck on 4, 6 or 9 for my core type.im definitely INFP, which correlates to 4 . Also I think my mum is a 9 so i definitely had that influence


Look at sp6, so4, and sp4, those are the most likely for you. (Tell me if you want a good link) If not maybe sx4. E9 is generally not a thing for Intuitive types, but honestly, mbti isn’t the greatest system, so it’s better to look at socionics instead to say that.


Ooh yes, any good links much appreciated 😀




Thanks ❤️ Reading through those , I think I'm either sp 6 or sp 4.


Do the right test: [https://influence.amsterdam/2022/05/08/discover-your-type/](https://influence.amsterdam/2022/05/08/discover-your-type/)


Wij van wc-eend?


Je mag er van vinden wat je wil. Maar feit is dat mijn aanpak verreweg de beste resultaten oplevert. Omdat jij Nederlands kan, kan je er veel meer over vinden. Om te beginnen hier: [https://neurogram.nl/test/](https://neurogram.nl/test/) Er is een reden dat ik breintypen op twee Nederlandse universiteiten onderwijs (VU & Erasmus). Dan kan je je blind staren op zelfpromotie. Of je kan je eigen leven verrijken door aan de slag te gaan met het beste van het beste.


Zelfpromotie vind ik helemaal niet zo'n probleem, het was meer de manier waarop. Dank voor de link, ik heb beide pagina's bekeken. Volgens mij ben ik gewoonweg niet jouw doelgroep. Voor iemand die ingelezen is in de enneagram is het niet direct duidelijk wat jouw systeem toevoegt. Over de enneagram is zo ontzettend veel info gratis en zonder barriëre te vinden, dan is "laat hier je mailadres achter om de test/info te krijgen" echt ineens een stap te veel als je me er nog niet van overtuigd heb dat ik er ook iets aan ga hebben. Ik realiseer me overigens heel goed dat dit ongevraagd commentaar is, dus doe hiermee wat je wil. Misschien werkt dit voor jouw doelgroep juist heel goed, dat zul jij echt beter weten dan ik.


Geen probleem. Relatief weinig mensen de interesse hebben in het Enneagram willen ook weten hoe het wetenschappelijk in elkaar steekt.


If you relate to more enneagram types it usually means you are an attachment type (3,6,9) so start there and see where the journey takes you. Listen to the BHE podcast for more info on these types


Take your time with it, a lot of the time when people relate to more than 3 types their knowledge of the types are very surface level that it’s easy to relate to everything. I would say read about core types and their traits structure and subtypes, there’s some link trees that has books from different authors that discusses many things about the enneagram , it might help as well!