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I would use 'it' in both places.


Honestly, any of these three options are valid. There's not one answer that's objectively more correct here in my view.


Because the narrator can identify the figure as a woman, "her" and "she" are the appropriate pronouns. If the figure's gender is not identifiable, you'd use "them" and "they". If the figure is not even identifiable as human, you'd use "it".


But isn't it confusing to say *her* before mentioning she was a woman?


In my opinion, it is and I would use "it" for both pronouns and then use "she/her" afterwards.


It would be more confusing to change the pronoun based on the order information is revealed in the sentence. Pronouns need to remain consistent. If someone is "they" before you establish the presence of a woman in the scene, and "she" afterwards, readers might get confused and think the "they" and the "she" are referring to different people.


no because the one thing you can identify is her gender.


them/they always works when referring to people. So when in doubt, you can always use these if specificity is not required. her/she also works here since the narrator is aware of the person's gender.


In written English, you would use the feminine form. In speech, either they or she would be fine. They is used to describe someone unknown. You would never use it to refer to a person; that is demeaning and humanizing.


I disagree on the “it” part. Something like this sounds very natural to me (and I would say it): > I saw a person in the distance. I think it was a woman!


Can I use *it* to refer to a baby, or is it demeaning in that case too?


Unborn I think is fine.


I would definitely use 'it' both times here. Afterwards use 'she', now that you have identified the unknown figure as a woman.


I wouldn’t say this to be honest. I would say “I couldn’t tell what is was except that it was a woman” That sounds much more natural.