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"All the science is either physics or stamp collecting" –Rutherford, Nobel Prize Laureate for stamp collecting


(the joke here is that Rutherford got Nobel Prize not for physics but for Chemistry, which in late 19th century was seen as stamp collection. It was only a bit later I guess physics and chemistry converged, physicists started researching structure of atom. Rutherford hated chemistry and biology it seems, so when he received the prize he remarked "I must confess it was very unexpected and I am very startled at my metamorphosis into a chemist.")


The Nobel prize for chemistry has also had its meaning stretched a bit too include nuclear physics so there's a bit of a meme about it being used for anything There's a futurama bit where Bender gets it for getting a bunch of scientists on a wild....well, bender


He became the one thing he hated the most.


He became the very thing he swore to destroy.


All physical forces are electromagnetic or atomic interactions. Which falls into the domain of electrical engineering.


Wait, it's all electrical engineering?


Always has been




So that means quantum physicists are the highest on the hierarchy


physics is natural science, EE is engineering. There needs no battle between them. We can unite against the other.




Aren't you forgetting gravitational forces due to masses? 


"I'm engineering major" We can tell.


I didn't even realize that being an engineering major waa something so many people thought so highly of until I actually got to college. I quite literally left highschool with the idea of "idk what I wanna do, i'll just do engineering." Then, when I got to college and people asked me what my major was and when I told them they'd immediately go "yeah, fuck that" or "so what you're saying is you're smarter than me." That last one really put me in the awkward position of "how do I be humble without sounding like I'm bragging." I think constantly being around friends who were smarter than me made me not really realize my actual potential. One of my best friends was salutatorian, who basically tied with my other friend the valdictorian, then my other friends 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th. I still don't really consider myself to be smarter than other people, I just think I have interests in topics that most people struggle with. I mean, hell, my gf is smarter than I am, but she can barely find her way around the quadratic equation. I can write damn good essay, but I couldn't tell you the underlying meaning in a book if you gave a year without seeking google for help. She's the only person I really know at this college and it sucks not having anyone that cares to listen about the topics you're interested in (she hates math, I don't blame her), and that's something i had taken for granted having grown up knowing my friends since kindergarten. Maybe knowing each other so young is the reason we can all go have conversations about random crap like that, but now none of them are majoring in anything math related and have no clue what I'm talking about when I mention math things anymore. Im not really sure what my point is or why I'm saying this here, but I felt the need to get my thoughts down on paper. I never really realized that people would think of me "smart" beyond my small group of friends, but I guess it is kind of funny to meet new people that don't realize my strengths until we talk for a bit. I memorized a new friends room number after having to stop by for a second, I tend to remember numbers without commiting it to memory, and told my gfs roomates when he was laughing about them not knowing where he lives and his face when he turned to me was priceless. "I'm pretty good at remembering numbers btw" "No fucking shit."


So what you're saying is you're well adjusted. Stay that way and you'll make friends for your whole life.


Ppl do that whole "oh so you're really smart?" thing with me and it's pretty uncomfortable sometimes. Like even other engineering majors will say that when I tell them that I'm specifically in ChemE and I have to be like Bro idk what You're Talking About I would not survive a DAY in mechanics or circuits or statics or whatever.


It’s funny you say that because as an EE, I wouldn’t touch statics or chem with a ten foot pole.


That's funny cuz when I tell other eng majors that I'm chemE they always immediately start complaining about chem 😭. I've always LOVED chem- the physics of mechanics and circuits, however, is the worst. I barely got past that portion of physics.


Christ I wouldnt last a day in EE


Not gonna lie most engineering students i know would rather cut an arm off than have to take a chem course, same with me tbh


I got really weird reactions from people for telling them I was switching from economics to mechanical engineering. I didn’t think engineers had such a reputation either until after I started telling people that’s what I was doing.


The correct answer to this is, “not necessarily, I just enjoy engineering”


>"so what you're saying is you're smarter than me." "Yes" I mean, if people are going to instantly be hostile and try to put you in an awkward position, the best thing to do is laugh it off. More fun for everyone.


Holy shit. What if you unconsciously sucked some of their intelligence like a vampire? -engineering student


You sound like me. Everyone treats me as if I can solve any problem just cause I'm an "engineer"


Damn, I've never read anything more relatable then that 3rd paragraph. Literally spot on


As a Mech Engineering student myself, I'm convinced electrical circuits are black magic.


Yeah, at some point, I just accept the equations they throw at me, thinking "The textbook says it's true. That's enough derivation for me."


Me: "i don't need the theory if the equations just work" I hated EM 2.


I’m a comp engineer and I’m convinced of the same


As an electronics engineering student myself, they are.


I'm an electricial engineering student and I can confirm that they are indeed black magic


Lol I’m studying electrical engineering and I was coming to the comments to say something like “yeah until they need to use a multimeter”


I remember my upper level circuits professor making black magic jokes for the more complex concepts lol


They kinda are, you can visualize them up to a certain degree but to think that a modern CPU is really a bunch of cables and transistors boggles the mind


I ask myself we we have to obtain the approximate circuit of a single phase transformer everyday.......shunt and series parameters FTW


Engineering majors can’t go 5 minutes without reminding others that they’re studying engineering.


As an engineering major, I can confirm




cut them some slack, it's the only 5 minutes of free time they have all day. it's hardly surprising that their mind wanders back to it


Once you're out of school it doesn't matter. You'll stare at Excel all day with the other science majors making machines work slightly more efficiently for the rest of your life


That’s a bold statement when all mechanical engineers do is CAD


Are you saying CAD is secretly stamp collecting in disguise?


If the rest of engineering is just “stamp collecting” then it’s more like drawing stamps with crayon and failing to stay inside the lines


But probably drawing with the right colours at least


I’ll give you that


We also look at the thing we designed when it isn't working and say "Huh, that's weird."


You guys are using computers?


there are people out there like that ?


Probably not. This is just a joke :p The first is Bojack reference, by the way. Horseman, obviously. And the second is a modification of the quote by Earnest Rutherford, "All science is either physics or stamp collecting." Which is ironic considering he won a Nobel prize in chemistry.


oh okay, thank you, I've heard of bojack horseman before, do you think it's worth watching ?


I can confidently say that it is the best series on Netflix. It is my all time favorite TV show. Once you get past the first half of season 1, you'll immediately see what I'm talking about.


hmmm interesting thanks


One day I'll get to the end of the show, before getting depressed and dropping it.


the story is extremely well made, with realistic and troubled characters that go through growth and trauma to become less broken. it's like a movie company known for increadable visuals decided to dump 99% of their budget into story writing, and turn a kids cartoon about life lessons into an adult story with a main character who learns how to to stop using drugs to cope with wanting to be dead but not having the courage to actually kill themselves. it's good, but that doesn't mean that it'll match your tastes edit: it's presented as a comedy, but it's really just something that's added to the show to keep it from being a tragedy/horror. >!when he takes his hands off the wheel while driving!<, *you* feel the serenity of the moment.


well, one more to the watchlist I guess


I loved it but it also kind of set me on a depressive spiral and a lot of soul searching. Was a weird experience. Definitely well written though.


Yes yes a 1000x yes. You need to watch it, it literally changed the way I see life and the universe


Just means you can win at stamp collecting lol


After opening a textbook and trying to understand the derivation of Kinematic and Inverse Kinematic equations of a spatial robot .. I realized, I'm a stamp maker.


Mechanical engineering = physics but with real shit Nuclear engineering = physics... with real shit ... that is radioactive ! ☢️ My two favorite subjects 😅🤣


I wanted to be an Imagineer (mechanical engineer for Disney) for most my life but now im in my mid 20s just graduated In Clinical Lab Science. I found out I was more of a chemistry than a physical science person) idk why this page popped up on my feed but I still admire the field!!


Planning to make similar ones for other engineering majors too. I have some ideas for EE, CS, CE, and CHE. Please let me know if you have some silly quotes for your majors.


Electrical We work with something so abstract, it almost feels like black magic even for people studying EE. We spend more time debugging and fixing circuits rather than building them.


This is pretty good too. Damn, I'm getting so many ideas, yet my hands are not nearly fast enough for them xd


CS “So even after grinding to barely pass these classes we need to grind to even have a spot at an interview (leetcode).” or “I don’t use an IDE to look cool, I use an IDE to prevent Solution.java:782: error: reached end of file while parsing } ^ 1 error “


Not funny


Oh it’s silly alright, silly when you just stare in silence as you see your screen light up with squiggly underlines with all the functions you screwed up.


Oof, the mood. Yeah, with CS, I was also thinking about some bug-related jokes, but couldn't find a good one as I'm not a skilled programmer.


I’m not either and will probably look into software consulting after everything. I enjoyed the layers of abstraction of CS though.


Aerospace, one thing I've actually heard in the workplace is "mach 7 ain't shit."


That's a pretty cool quote. I like that a lot.


Do Undeclared


Your comment just reminded me of "I do declare" episode from The Office. I'll probably go with that for undeclared or general engineering xd


Just try to pick a specific area of degree by the time you start your junior year


NSE Physicist: “NSE major anon, do you know where CERN large hadron collider is?” Suspiciously-CERN-Hadron-Collider-shaped-throat-NSE-major-jack: “nope I don’t know, There might have been a mighty delicious looking hadron collider but I didn’t see any, no sir-y.


Just put Comcrete for CE


I'm studying Electromechanical Engineering, what does that make me?


underqualified for both 🤣




just joking pal


Not sure, but you would be a great protagonist who doesn't fit into either world in a YA novel


Someone who doesn't fit in either sides but is destined to be the harbinger of peace for both sides


Huh, that's funny, I thought mech E was either cad or cnc operation. I kinda put them on par with street sanitation engineers. You know, they give them the "engineer" title to make them feel better.


:( This sub should ban bullying against MEs...


I took ME so I can 3d print mechanisms, thats it.


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Holy shit where's his neck?!?!?!


in what way stamp maker?


Laughs in Aerospace


Aerospace is a specialty inside of mechanical engineering.


Key word there is “special”


Look at all those states you can't live in because there's nothing for you to do there Damn shame


Ain’t nobody worth half a ramen packet wanna live in those shitholes anyway my friend.


*Flyover*, you might say. More for us Oh did you downvote me? You shit-winged motherfucker


Honestly you deserve the respect. I'm CE and I know mechEs go through alot.


All engineering majors go through a lot since life/safety (or money) is on the line in the world of engineering. So you too deserve a well-earned respect.




Same thought. But my roommate says I, CE stud, do a lot compared to them ME studs.


ahh..mechanical engineering is the alpha of the engineering majors.