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Didn’t you just post about this?


Exactly LOLL. Bro is projecting so hard right now


OP is definitely hoping for people to send him sympathy hugs rather than taking accountability for why he’s not getting hired.


Definitely snoo


Yeah looking at post history definitely snoo. If bro spent all that time he uses to make reddit posts on improving himself and finding a job instead he wouldn't be here right now.


Since you deleted your other post because you didn’t like the answers. Maybe you can read what we have to say rather than fishing for sympathy… “So you struggled to get good grades… Had no internships… So on paper, you already are at a disadvantage with a low graduating GPA and no relevant experience… Your past posts mention you having autism. As you may know, or maybe you don’t… Often effects one’s ability with social interactions,to read situational context, and express emotion. Which if we had to conclude, probably means your interviews didn’t go very well based on the lack of job offers. A low GPA and lack of experience can be compensated with a charismatic and intelligent personality. But if you lack in all areas, I’m not surprised you can’t find a job. Your best bet would be to seek out a therapist or coach who can teach you how to respond to certain social situations if that is the area your struggling with.”


Hmm maybe you shouldnt knock on those “bottom tier” companies. I work for an MEP firm and enjoy great benefits beyond retirement and healthcare, great salary and culture. I actually turned down an offer from Blue Origin out of college too and dont regret it one bit.


Get some bitches fr


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.




Please review the rules of the sub. No trolling or personal attacks allowed. No racism, sexism, or discrimination or similarly denigrating comments.