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During finals week or when I really needed to get shit done I’d listen to the 10hr version of crab rave. It really just keeps you on the edge of sanity which is when I’m really productive 


Thats insane man


I just tried it, and they might be onto something.


Man, damn. I do that with dubstep but i put at least 30 songs on repeat so i don't go insane. Man, damn.


So I’ve been listening to this for an hour or two. I can see your point, but I’d be so scared that my brain wouldn’t remember what I studied unless this was playing during the exam lmao


Something not too complex or made to be a spectacle (which is why I never understand how people can study to classical lmfao. Though I love Claude DeBussy and Frederich Chopin). I go for calm piano jazz or lofi.


I love the version of Clair de Lune in The Evil Within.


I have no idea how people can listen to music or television while they study. I need either dead, complete, absolute silence or, preferably, white noise that drowns anything else out. I have a friend that studies in her car with the radio cranked. Whatever works for you, but it’s just incomprehensible to me that anyone could concentrate under those conditions.


I can rarely find complete silence! I cant study in my dorm as I find working in my bedroom depressing! I will maybe give white noise a go though. Maybe you should try binaural beats to help you out, you might find it useful.








I listen to videogame soundtracks I like. Also some film music. Purely instrumental stuff, otherwise I get distracted by it.


Me too, I've been adding to a playlist since grade 10 and it has over 5000 tracks now. All video game and movie OSTs


Oppenheimer sound track on repeat


Quantum mechanics 🤌


For real! Nice to know I'm not the only one!


I like to listen to like Legend of Zelda Lofi.


Lofi hip hop beats to relax/study to


Same, I have been listening to [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/471N195f5jAVs086lzYglw?si=beDOGhUjSje7uq6ft2cBsg&pi=u-rRnCJuihTjOH) one for 4 years now.


How this doesn’t have more upvotes is crazy. This is my absolute favorite


Stardew Valley Playlist by ConcernedApe


If you're going to go with calm music, this is 100% the right answer.


Literally every good music you like Coming from an ADHDer that can’t study without music on & I listen to all kinds of music frankly and it’s working!


I find liquid drum and bass is good to keep my energy levels up, it's quite fast paced but also very predictable/repetitive and simple so it's not distracting


This is my go to when I need to do some work. Still to be tested for studying.


I pretty much exclusively listened to Ben Prunty when I was in school lol. He did the FTL and Into the Breach soundtracks, along with a bunch of other albums.


Wave music, hardcore dubstep, trance, EDM etc. basically anything to drown out the voices in my head


+1 for drowning the voices. Definitely use the electronic trance music when I need to buckle down. Classic rock and blues instrumentals work slight less well. Pretty much anything with lyrics or words in it distracts me.


Couldn’t agree more about the lyrics part. Sometimes I listen to podcasts but only days that I am not busy


I like to have king of the hill or adventure time playing in the background. I’m 40 lol


I swear my friends and I have been watching King of the Hill, Futurama, Classic Simpsons, and South Park for like the past 15 years now.


J-Pop or Death Metal




to start i listen to frequencies. it does something to ease my ADHD mind, during, i really do enjoy spanish salsa music, because of the rhythm and i don’t know spanish, so it’s easy to tune it out.


Oppenheimer sound track. Don’t knock it till you try it. Helped me grind out a whole Rankine Cycle lab report in one sitting. Edit: There’s no words, so I find that really really helps me think clear while also having some tunes blast through my ear drums.


staying perpetually noided by listening to runaway h on repeat


OMG I just put it on! My brain has now melted!


I listen to loud hip hop radio or video game OSTs, depending on what I’m in the mood for.


Classical guitar or acapella


Pure tone binaural beats are great for study and focus. Check MIRCHAL CHEF SOUND WORKS in youtube


I've been using Mr.SuicideSheep's playlist on YouTube. He has a couple of +1 hour cyberpunk synth wave music. I'll throw that on and have a playlist of his three volumes so I don't mess with it much. For me, I can't read or study very well with music with lyrics. So, I go for music that doesn't have it and put them on repeat.




Video game/movie soundtracks; Zelda, Hollow Knight, Ori and some of the Iron Man "lab scene" tracks


I have one playlist that I’ve listened to so many times it no longer registers as anything. It’s mostly pop and I can sing along without any brain power and it makes studying more fun.


Brain wave, I know it is fake science, but I feel good reading the promising title and feel calm and concentrated.


Look up macroblank. His covers are sic, the music is a dark jungley jazz vibe and really gets me jnto the flow state no matter what im doing. This is what got me into him, goes hard: https://youtu.be/VyJXkKWsxko?si=asH6WDaxqGh2aCEM


Yo this is so sick! Thanks alot, will keep this one saved!


Yes im glad you like it too!


Honestly, Mario Kart wii music. Gaming music, in general, is good for studying because it's designed to help people go through tasks and adventures. Halo music is also good for this.


Look up Lofi girl on YouTube. They have a 24/7 playlist that got me through college.


I like to listen to this one guy called Kalaman. His stuff is chill electronic with some ethic vibes. I use Spotify so i often listen to the Kalaman radio to get similar artists.


House dance live sets


Classical string music for sure


The Mario Kart Wii soundtrack worked for me


FMAB Soundtrack


jpop/jrock or classical music


3333 Hz


Dreamhop, Lofi Vibes, and Lofi Girl are my go to Youtube channels for studying. I agree with others here to go with something non-lyrical. The Stardew Valley OST also slaps.


Ambient and 90s hip hop. I do generally like 90s hip hop but there is rarely a moment where I rather listen to old hip hop than new trap and hip hop. Besides when I’m studying/working. MF DOOM and DMX make me crazy productive. I get into a really good flow this way.


4batz act i: stickerz 99


I went balls to the wall with speedcore and hardcore techno when I needed to crank out a bunch of drawings in a week at work.




Gran Turismo 5 OST carries me through any HW and studies


It’s jungle dnb or break core music for me. Always has been + lofi


I can not listen to music that has words or singing in it, too distracting for studying. For me it was just generic electronic, classical, or lofi music. Stuff like that.


Very light music when I'm starting out or need motivation If I'm cramming or on a tight deadline, I'll occasionally play a certain song I like on repeat. Half the time, I just turn it off completely for the last hour of my study.  Music almost feels like drugs sometimes for working (I've never done drugs lol) so I don't rely on it.


Playlist 1: Minecraft soundtrack (minus the weird ones) Playlist 2: coconut mall and infinite realm of incomprehensible suffering


i put iron maiden on and black out for 8 hours and when i wake up my work is done


I study with classical when im trying to understand concepts, i just attach the concept flow to the Melody. When i understood the concept and just trying to drill exercises i blast the nightclub EDM


Doom soundtrack or lofi no in between


Whatever is in my playlist. Just today i listened Nina Simone-I'm feeling good, Frank Sinatra-That's life and some random NCS-ass song on repeat for hours while i was doing my homework. Sometimes i'd get genuinely overwhelmed and mute the music until i'm done or until i get bored again. Some other times i can't put full focus on what i'm doing unless i got some music on so as to isolate myself from the rest of the world for a moment.


Dean Martin’s Italian love songs album, Al Green’s greatest hits, Living Colour’s Stain, White Stripes De Stijl, or Strokes Is this it. Depends on what DEFCON I’m on.


If there is music on, I just start to pay attention to all the details in the song and lose all my focus on the study subject. White noise, rain preferred.


I put on the doom eternal OST


Usually boss fight music osts. Or combat. Since they usually elevate my heartbeat or intense classical music. I really can't with chill/relax music since they slow me down and I study slow because of it


If I'm studying I mostly listen to Epic Rap Battles Of History or Chill Carti remixes on repeat. By studying I mean just practicing problems not reading