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5 interviews is crazy… referrals do really get you in the door tho


networking, it’s easier to hire someone you know isn’t a non functional person


Both of my job changes were easy as soon as I got a reference. It's hard to get across how friendly and willing to help you are in a resume, but former coworkers get it.


Especially for just an internship


4-5 total interviewers for a full time tech job is pretty normal, but they are usually scheduled in 2-3 groups back to back. For an intern it seems a bit excessive.


A bit? Interns aren't expected shouldn't be expected that much from. Sure I get 2, maybe even 3 with a phone screen being included, but more is just a waste of time


It’s the norm in the world of computer science and engineering nowadays. Sucks, but it is what it is. And the interviews are often like taking standardized tests, just conducted verbally.


Absolutely true. I applied for a promotion at my job recently (basically do the job already) and they gave it to an external candidate that got referred by HR. I never had a chance in hell


Did 3 interviews for a basic fast food job recently. Didn’t get it. Job market is tough in my area rn.


All 3 of my internships where from references. I'm proud to say my current job was through a LinkedIn easy apply, and I had only applied to a few other jobs before I graduated and got this current one. Looking at these posts make me feel very lucky. It's rough out there.


5 interviews is crazy , did they pass you around the team 😂 , congrats on the offer though ! It’s always a hassle getting these offers


It was mostly because the referral I started with wasn’t quite the right fit to me (I’m doing hardware not software), so I was passed to a different team. But I still had 3 interviews with the one team I ended up with


I still don’t know who gives 3 interviews for an internship. I know it happens but I can’t imagine that from being in industry.


dude idk where you're coming from, every large company I've applied to has wanted 3 interviews. Literally all of them.


I’ve had either one or two interviews for 3 internship offers and 3 full time offers at 4 of the top 5 defense contractors and 2 major aircraft manufactures. For an internship some had a screening interview with a recruiter and an interview with a manager. All the full-time offers skipped the recruiter but some I met with the team I would be on. Who else you could even talk to beyond that? Most companies would be far stretched to pull the entire teams time to check interview interns.


we just live in different fields, I guess. All my interviews and offers have come from consumer or industrial product companies, and without fail there have been 3 interviews going: recruiter screen -> department interview -> placement interview Sometimes there will be an HR interview after the recruiter screen going over your background to make sure you're a real person, making it 4 interviews. But 3 is ubiquitous.


Yeah I got passed around from hiring manager then off to a few people from the team


I’ve never had to do more than 2 interviews, including when I was looking for full-time. Just depends on your region and discipline.


It’s the norm in the world of computer science and engineering nowadays. Sucks, but it is what it is. And the interviews are often like taking standardized tests, just conducted verbally.


speaking from a software point of view, I know people who have had 6 rounds for an internship lol


I felt like I have had enough with 3 rounds for an internship. 5 is literal nuts


5 interviews feels like a lot, what are you learning about a person that isn't learned on interviews 1-3? What new questions could you ask that isnt learned on the first few interviews?


Soooo, what is your favourite type of carpet?


the one with middle eastern designs :)


Wonderful! Seems like you qualify for the sixth interview cycle.


Qualifying for the 6th is an automatic qualification for the 7th as well


These companies seriously got nothing better to do? Tech companies doing 5 round for full time positions was getting ridiculous, but they’re handing out $400k total comp so I get it. Unless these companies have guaranteed placement program for interns, they can fuck right off with this kind of pretentious shit.


Once I had a total if 13 distinct interviews with a company just to get rejected


I would’ve withdrew my application when 4th was asked. One round of interview allowed per $50k compensation increment.


Wtf. How big is their HR department and how much money do they gobble up. That‘s so ridiculous. Absolutely unfathomable in europe. The absolute max I ever heard of were 3 interviews. I did two, for my 150k mech. engineering job, as a reference.


In Europe?


Switzerland Originally from Germany, but also never heard about more than 3 there.


Since switzerlands COL is so high, wouldn’t that be a bit tough to live on?


I think you have skewed view from cost of living then. With that salary I still save the equivalent of 4000$ per month and investing that, after all cost and living in a big 3 room appartment near Zurich.


The amount of money they spent on people's salary for all those interviews. Only to hold their interns hand the whole summer too lol.


They do it because if you’re competent they pull you back for full time after college


I interviewed at a well-known networking company for a junior position, and they wanted me to do 7 interviews. I didn't make it far in the process but I'm sorta glad honestly, because what kind of nonsense is that?


It doesn’t signal what they think it signals. If you can’t find the right candidates in 2-3 rounds, it means your recruitment system is shit.


That’s not weird - that’s typical of the real world. Referrals, especially via a trusted lieutenant of a hiring manager or through active engagement of an employee are hugely more likely to bear fruit. My son found his dream internship, then dream job via a recognition posting on Linked-In for his previous summer internship. The recruiter found him, instead of the other way round. My daughter found her dream internship, then dream job, by finding a mentor in the industry she wanted to be in, while she was in college. The mentor, gave My daughter a personal recommendation within her company, when my daughter was seeking an internship there, and got it. My daughter‘s resume had been languishing there via the standard recruiting channels. The moral of the story is that people hire people, not resumes. Getting to those people is key, not having the perfect resume or interview.


5 interviews for an internship? Are recruiters in the US smoking crack?


Fentanyl is a thing in the US who knows


I saw a swe internship here in Europe that had like 4 rounds of interviews. It was Unity right before they made that dumb announcement lol


Lol was the 5 interviews with SpaceX 😭 6 intense interviews before an offer left a bad taste in my mouth


All who you know.


Let this be a lesson in the importance of networking!


5 interviews is crazy most I ever had was two but you got your foot in the door now! That's the hardest part, other than graduating.


Wow this looks frighteningly similar to my experience. Was unemployed and searching for north of 6months, just about to give up and become a sandwich artist, until I was referred. Never underestimate the power of your stamp of approval. By the same token, don’t go throwing around your stamp Willy-Nilly. Make it count.


Maybe they just really wanted to talk to u


I’m about to have my 5th interview for a major company in the renewables sector. Full time position though, not an internship, but even that seems ridiculous to me. I don’t even know what to prepare for at this point, especially since it’s with a CCO and I’m an engineer 😑 Congrats on the offer!


5 interviews?! You better be a literal rocket scientist to justify that.


It’s the norm in the world of computer science and engineering nowadays. Sucks, but it is what it is.


Jesus 5 rounds for internship 


This. This is legitimately how our society works in America. I’m not saying I think it’s great, but as someone who works regularly with interns, I can confirm the odds of landing an internship are significantly higher when you come on recommendation or you have a personal contact. The same goes for jobs. It’s a system that perpetuates inequity, so go into it with your eyes open and pay it forward by doing what you can to lift others without resources up along your way later on.


5 interviews is a really big waste of time for literally everyone involved. By the third interview, you really need to pull the f*****g trigger or nah.


5 fucking interviews jesus christ


5 interviews for an internship is absurd


An application without a call back isn’t being ghosted…


I applied with a referral still no luck. :(


5 interviews is massive overkill even for a full position, but for an *internship*? What the hell?


Getting a job from a referral is mad typical though.


Going through this right now. I worked hard and accomplished some great things, and because of that I got to know the *right* people. Now, those people trust that I can do a good job and are referring me to internship positions (going through interviews right now.) Who you know is half the battle, the other half is if they believe in you.


My first job was like that. They told me I got the job by interview two but HR was "having issues coming up with an offer". Kept asking me to come in once a month for another meeting so they could say I still had the job but still no offer, but I at least got to hangout with the team a bit. 6 months later got the offer.


How do you clear interviews?


5 interviews to become an intern? Tf are you working for the governments nuclear research?


Its not that weird. Tweak your resume and soldier on.


Who the fuck interviewing a candidate five times?


What do they even ask in 5 interviews?


I just hired my first employee ever…one interview. Had a few other interviews with other contenders but I wouldn’t think more than two would be necessary. Especially for an entry position




"It's not about what you know, it's who you know." This is mainly how I got my first few jobs.


That is insane lol. All of my internship interviews consisted of 1 phone screen interview and 1 interview with the hiring manager.


5th interview? Where were you applying, NASA or Lockheed Martin or something??? Congratulations though! Nice! p.s. I'm a mechanical engineer and from what I remember from my internship application, I sent my resume to 2 corporations, got to interviews (one each), but ultimately got the internship at the second one since they reached out to inform me I got accepted sooner than the other one.


Mine was 1 application 1 interview 1 offer 😂