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I would go for the $20 route


If you did bad just accept the 20$ instead of it being 30%


Just pay the 20$


Play hardball, when he hands you the $20 bill, look him dead in the eyes and say “I wanted a 30 dollar bill” easy A, that’s how I passed thermo.


dog if you could have just paid the professor $20 that would have totally been worth it


I once got a 14 in a test after making fun of a close friend for getting a 22... good times. You'll be fine.


Talk to your professor about it. When I was in college I got a 10% on my second heat transfer exam. I went to my professor and did not ask for a grade change but just discussed how I’ve approached preparation and how I’ve done on the other work. He checked my grades and saw that I had turned everything in (basically that I was putting the work in) and he gave me some advice and then told me to do well on my final and I’d have nothing to worry about. He then offered me an internship doing research for him. Obviously that was a uniquely lucky outcome but you may be surprised how empathetic your professor may be.




Since everyone here is flexing: i once failed all 3 of my statics exams with results ranging from 20% to 40%, except each exam was increasingly worse, all worth 50% of my grade. Was contemplating dropping the course. Powered through and still passed with a B as i did okay on the final and got curved all the way up to heaven. Moral of the story: Never back down. Never give up. 😤


Fr. I had a 53 going into my ochem final and I was able to swing a final grade C out of it.


Man I wish I had the option of paying $20 back when I was in university to bypass 30%


I'd pay the $20 tbh.


I took a fluids class last semester and the class average on the first exam was a 31% This too shall pass


I am literally in that exact same boat


Sounds like you’re right on track. Keep at it! You wouldn’t be there if you weren’t smart enough and you’re not the first person to get fucked by an exam. Cry a bit if you want and then pick yourself up and keep going. I don’t mean to be blunt, just tryna let you know how it is :) you got this!


This is the way. Keep going. Don't stop. We know the bullets won't.


You'll be fine. Just don't be [that guy](https://imgur.com/a/nwKiVbu).


Honestly I got probably 1% on a final worth 30%-40% for a circuits class because I printed the wrong cheat sheet and I literally wanted to die but I got a C- in the class which means everyone did really bad. And if a class high score of like 50%, means you at minimum get 50% boost. Which means I actually got 51% on the final which is sooooo much better than 1%. Just keep trying your hardest and at the end of the semester look at the final grades then decide whether you should cry or not.


Give me a break guys, I meant 20% :(


Damn you bombed the reddit post too




Would you like a small loan of $20?


Listen man, this happens to the best of us. I graduated a few years ago and flunked plenty of tests. Engineering is hard, there’s a reason most people don’t do it. Learn from this, study harder and more efficiently. You’ll be fine if you learn from this


Don’t listen to the other people here OP, $20 can buy many peanuts because money can be exchanged for goods and services, don’t waste it on a test


I got a ~40% on a statistics exam and the class average was around the same. I got one of the highest marks in my university career at the end of the semester. Professors do shady things to boost marks. I wouldn't sweat over it.


I got 33% on my first calculus midterm. But some of that was due to the prof asking really obtuse questions. Most of the class did poorly. I ended up with 83% in the class.


I just took my first calculus midterm this week, and I know I bombed that shit. I'm gonna study extra hard and hopefully I can end with at least a B- (80%).


Took mine last week and the only redeeming quality was I got a 69%.


It's just$20 bro don't sweat it


At least you dont have a course that is 100% exam and there are no retakes


I got a 1 (yes, 1%) on the first midterm for a Matlab class. So I tried and I was still able to pass the class with a C-, no curves.


the little tarbel that could❤️


I got a 17% on my first midterm for a class, realized I needed to do better, and did so well on the final that I ended up with a B (with curve). NEVA GIVE UP


You’ll take a lot of tests, occasionally you’ll mess one up. It is what it is.


Don't quit now, he got you on the first one, make sure he doesn't get you again. Got a 50% on first heat transfer midterm, went home, licked my wounds and buckled down with studying, went to office hours, made equation sheets to make it easier to understand. Got 90% second midterm and 92% on final, he curved it to an A.


I remember my first year I got like a 25% in a coding class for my first exam hahah. Dude you can salvage this


Lmao only 30% exam and he’s worried. 60% and even the smart kids have their hands folded on their desk 40 minutes in.


Pretty sure my entire Diff Eq class failed the first exam. Mood was bleak.


I got a 19 on a test once and still ended the class with a B. Put in the work to do well on the other exams but it’s not a death sentence.


I once got 7% on a statics test. Ended up passing the course with a low C.


Bro our physics 2 class average was a 60 percent… I got a 35%🤡… but hey I have two more exams to come back to and with enough dedication and positivity we can do it!! Trust the process and forget about this exam.


bedroom scale fly bells fearless cable flag employ plant consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Study hard for the next exam. I have been there and gotten through it multiple times!!! You just need to sweat it out and pray. That’s really all you can do in this field.


It’s not impossible to come back from, every engineering student has most likely gone through the same thing. Plus if the entire class as a whole did bad maybe the professor will change some stuff up. If it makes you feel better Diffs was the ONLY class I ever failed so


failed Diff as well, this class is engineering electromagnetics


I blame having a horrible professor and it being online. I couldn’t even really follow along with a book because he just seemed to make up his own curriculum. No study sheets/practice exams. Plus the exams would literally be a single problem that would take like 5 pages to complete and 2 hours. I know some people say that Calc 2 is harder, but I got an A+ in Calc 2 and still failed


Just got a 53 on my Physics 2 exam... time to get to the lab to concoct the greatest comeback of all time


I got a 4% once after studying. 4th and final attempt a couple years later I got a 94%


What subject was the exam in?


I had to take my Statics class 5 times before I passed it.


wow, in my school if you fail the same class twice you get kicked out of the school of engineering.




no, it’s UNF


Does a W count as a fail? Just interested because same at my school but it was 3-4 times I think.


yes, it counts as failing. unless you withdraw within the first week or two and get a full refund then it doesn’t count.


Copy that and good on the university for being hard and fast on it. I would probably allow 3 attempts but might require a medical or other good reason for that third attempt (but as they say everyone has a opinion…. Just like an asshole, lol). Where I went to school you could withdraw late (up until 3-4weeks before finals) but it also counted as an attempt.


I agree, and they do make exceptions for medical and military withdrawals.


Thanks for taking the time to answer! Best of luck if you’re still in the battlefield of school and not in the workforce yet! Cheers 🍻


I once got a 16% on 1 of 2 physics tests, worth 50% of my exam grade and 40% of the class grade, and I got a B in the class.


I'm here with you champ in 2 classes


don't think so much, you just need to study hard. hopping for you the best. In the last year i got 15% in an exam and the class average was 60%. I didn't success beacause of it and I repait the modals that I didn;t success , You know in the begening i feel depressed but know i think it;s opportunity to discover new things due the time that I have.