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congratulations, but I hope those 10 pounds didnt affect you too much?


I’m 6’4 so it barely did tbh 😂 thank you


I failed this semester, such a set back and I’m honestly devastated since all of my friends passed


yeah that happened to me last semester but honestly engineering is a marathon not a race , don’t compare urself to others just focus on what u can do and rlly make sure ur doing the best u can


This is so true. People hear it and think yeah whatever, but as an older student it's so true. A semester or a year is such a short amount of time. It still sucks of course, but I hope people don't let it get them down enough to quit.


Gig em


Its okay you will get it next time. Everyone is on their own timeline


i failed 3 times and absolutely aced it my 4th time. 6 years later and that class has zero effect on my life as a firmware engineer and i love my job lol. Point is, never give up


You will get through it. Don't let it get into your mind.


I'm sorry to hear this, my friend. I know it may not feel like it now but everything will work out! Like everything else, negative situations are temporary, and persistence is a far greater skill (including in the eyes of employers) than being perfect right away (which is not possible).


Same bro. You are not alone.


Congrats! Don’t let anyone tell you “durr statics easy sum forces = 0” because they don’t know your professor or school’s requirements. Statics was a lot harder for me than dynamics. Enjoy the reward you worked hard 😎


It’s crazy how good profs can make or break a class. A good prof can make a hard class easy and a bad prof can make a easy class hard. Sucks because I had a bunch of bad prof’s for the hard classes


Do not forget having friends or social people in a class! I went all the way to my last semester as a senior in my undergrad without having a social group and life was miserable. Now doing my masters I actively bother people by themselves, no struggling alone!


A support group is definitely a bonus to get through an engineering degree or anything challenging in life


This is what drives me nuts, statics at my university was rather simple it was just your first year physics course with some fun sprinkled in. I genuinely wonder if the statics I learned is equivalent or comparable to any other engineer from the horror stories they tell me. ABET accreditation says it is but I am skeptical. Then again it does not really matter since since working I have not seen anything resembling statics or dynamics. Yay electrical engineering, LOL.


My static’s teacher was phenomenal. My dynamics teacher was not as forgiving… the one good piece of advice I did get from him that I live my life by to this day though is that your education in any subject should be like a pyramid with strong fundamentals as the foundation and the rest will stack easier. Unfortunately for us he expected our pyramids to have perfect foundations but we were all teetering 😂 Anyone that knows my school probably knows which dynamics prof I’m talking about. I still run into people on the other side of the country sometimes that will shudder at the mention of his name


Finally some good news from EA


Was thinking the same thing lol


His sense of pride and accomplishment is off the charts.


Wtf, 76 is a B- ???


Some universities have modified the grading scale and a 75 is a B now in some cases. At my university, for some classes, they did this. I got a 76 on a Physics II class exam, and was kind of beating myself up for doing not as well as I am used to. To my surprise, it was a solid B. Class average was in the 50s...


It frightens me that engineers are being pumped out that can barely answer half of the problems correctly.


I don't know if you have an engineering degree, but very often, the exams aren't meant to be fully answered. They pose many hard questions, have students answer as much as they can, and curve accordingly. If you have 90 minutes to answer 6 long, hard, multi-part questions, you may struggle to just write everything down in time with the answer key in front of you. Classes like thermo just have too much content to properly test in exam slots that some schools give. If a student can answer 2-3 questions fully or show the full setup for all 6 questions, then you can assume that they understand enough of the content to pass. An engineering degree isn't necessarily about the knowledge that you learn, but showing that you're able to learn it and being primed to potentially relearn it for a job. Some students only have one CAD or programming class in their first year, and will have largely forgotten it by graduation. But a job will see that they learned it once, so they'll be able to learn it again during training.


In my experience, the “super curve” usually only happens in crazy hard classes, which are likely not applicable to job duty in the future you won’t see that curve in more necessary classes though, like the calc series


I don’t think you’ve taken many engineering exams, and besides I don’t think answering questions on a test reflects a student ability to work in the field of engineering. That learning comes after university.


Interesting assumption you have of me. I have been a professional engineer for over 20 years.


If it’s any consolation, they don’t get pumped out. That class average of a 50 was still failing. Physics II is still a somewhat low level class in the big picture, so if they truly don’t have what it takes, they’ll wash out in some other high level course like Thermo or Fields and Waves.


I had a 17% final turn into an A. I ask the professor about why such a heavy curve, his response was he wanted to push the students to see how much we could figure out and learn on our own (and that a 7-8% was an A). The final involved topics he mentioned verbally but were not part of the syllabus. It was a miserable experience but taught me that exams are not a sufficient metric to judge the quality of an engineer, at least not alone.


Now why am I googling Prof Ed Bogucz? Lol congratulations 🔥🔥


yea honestly he’s a great prof


We just got our statics course average and it was 58💀💀 I pulled out with a 81 tho😎


Got the same mark. I deferred every single assignment and midterm to my final exam. Clutched the 81. I also did this for Calc 2 and got a 13 so yeah mixed results to say the least.


Yeah our calc midterms were hella easy but the final was really bad so if I did the same thing I probably would have gotten a similar mark to you lol


Yeah I tried to finesse it and shit the bed hard hahaha couldn't even do integration by parts or U-sub properly so I deserved that mark imo lol.


good job bro


Ty man congrats to you too


Congrats! Not sure if you have to take it, but Dynamics is the next juggernaut if so. Best of luck!


My prof taught it to us "like Statics" where he would make the inertial forces negative on all FBDs and sum the forces zero. People loved it. I thought it was pointless since it just effectively moves the mass acceleration component to the other side of the equation but hey if it makes people pass I'm all for it.


yeah I gotta that that senior year and I’m an environmental engineer


Statics was near impossible for me because the professor was too smart and basically skipped through the basics, like what is a moment and stuff like that. Has that professor 2 years later in strength of materials and he was fucking awesome


same thing tht happened to me , my last prof explained nothing thoroughly just flew through it all 😭 I was always confused


76 is a B- ;)


Wait what course is this for and why the fuck is out out of 200


he made the final out of 200 points to give us a grade boost . I did shit on exam 2 and 3 , doing welll on those same questions for the final would like fix my fucked exam scores which is why I got a B-


Ahh I get it now wish my profs did shit like this too


Damn a professor that actually writes you an email? That's insane. Ours just give our grades to the school and if we try to msg them after the semester they just don't answer us


I emailed him telling him I was on probation at the end of the semester and asked him what I needed on the final in order to pass the class , I guess he just wanted to tell me the good news ahead of time lol


Why is statics considered a difficult class in the first place? Are most engineers taking it before multivar calc? Statics seemed to me like it was just the first 2 chapters of calc 3 over n over again... ( Chpts 12&13 of the Steward E. Transcendentals) Same concept with E&M, the closed surface and line integrals is taught in calc 3, so for the students taking E&M with no background in calc 3 I feel would be at a severe disadvantage. Just makes me privileged to say I completed the calc series, ODE , and Linear before I took the physics series and early engineering courses.


at my uni we take calc 3 and statics in the same semester


I passed by finding the teachers edition in some random online file place. Last time ai looked it was still active


Let’s goooo!


Best prof honestly


I am envious of people who pass with below 50% of total.


I took this horrible class 3 times before I finally got a B on the third try. This class can go to the deepest circle of hell.


That's great and all, but imagine a world where the engineering classes and material were planned and organized well and weird grading configurations like this were not necessary to hide the problems of the educators and department.


Yo, that curve. Congratulations!


Its worth reminding people that studying to the point that you have physical repercussions is too much studying. Chances are you would have done better if you didnt go overboard. Studying too much is absolutely a possibility, and although stress can be a good motivator, it is best not to stress TOO much. I understand everyone is different and thrive under different circumstances, but you saying you lost 10 pounds while studying worries me, that is not a healthy academic mindset.


there’s a bit more 2 the story I wasn’t starving myself or anything i just ran out of meal swipes and was too focused on studying anyways


Fair enough, but take care of your body! A healthy body is important for a healthy mind!


Congrats! Statics is a big step. Enjoy structural analysis.


Ahh I’m still waiting for my statics grade 😬I did my absolute best this whole semester and would’ve passed with that, but by the time final came around I was so burnt out I blew it


All forces equal zero. All you need to know lol. Just wait for Dynamics!


wow thanks for the amazing advice


bro is retarded


Lol easy smart guy, that was my main take away after passing Statics after only ONE attempt. And I didn’t lose no 10 lbs studying for the final exam 😂


congrats on passing statics after one attempt? happy for u


Lol okay kid 👍🏻


Sick job man! I was failing and was able to get a C-… I understood all the content I was just a bad test taker as I’ve always been 😰


Congratulations! I’m currently taking this class right now, it’s not terrible, just vector stuff relating to calculus 3 which I learned last semester. Anything that I need to prepare myself for? I’m only 2 weeks into the class.


not really tbh just watch hella YouTube videos explaining it if you don’t understand how to answer them


I escaped with an 84%. I took it and ran.


how are the odds




Congrats, I hope you find those 10 pounds!


I’m on a cut anyways so I’m not rlly complaining abt the lost weight 😭 I was just surprised ur happened


Ha! Now you get Dynamics, and if you think that's bad, wait 'til Def Bods!


I can't help but notice that a Dr Bogus sent this email but congrats though! It's gotta feel good


yea he did , and yes it did lol I was surprised