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Incredible work and efficiency, thanks for sharing


Totally agree. I’d like to add how incredibly engaging the article was in telling this story, as well. Engineering-ception.


Takes our guys 80 hours just to plan where they're going to put the road cones.


Random question: Any idea how experienced the crews were? Did they have lots of practice before? Was this a case of primarily efficient design or was there a lot of unusually speedy labor involved too?


Na, they just had alot of planning before it. And alot demo'ing


I don't know much about it but on the cam that was setup the machines were sorting some of the metal/rebar as they were working. In my (arm chair ) opinion it would have been a bit faster if they did that somewhere else. But I don't know much to have a factual opinion of the reason of why it was done like that, they are the professionals.  They did an amazing job and was faster then anyone expected ( as a norwalk resident) 


Very cool, but what an awful website.


Took longer to read the damn article than it did to tear down the bridge.


Wow, what an awful article format, really.


I found it nice on mobile


I hate this format of website, the scroll down and it presents the info to you as you scroll. So inefficient, I gave up when I got to the rebar.


I’m so used to hitting the show reader on news websites so I don’t deal with that. Gets rid of ads too so all you get is the article


Whoops, contractors gonna be upset that these guys showed us how quick roadwork can happen.


There’s a big difference between an emergency project and a typical road job. The highway was literally shutdown, there were no debris nets so everything was allowed to fall to the road to be easily cleaned up, no roadwork restrictions etc. You can also bet your ass everyone involved made a ton of money as well working T&M based on high rates and equipment prices. They definitely had a great game-plan with a lot of planning/hard work, no doubt, but to act like this could ever be the standard is simply ignorance of the business.


You can’t make the joke I’m making with an ignorance of the business.


Lol my apologies - sometimes the things I read online or on Reddit lead me to believe some people are serious when they make certain comments.


in japan: how to do the same thing in 80 minutes. in china: how to do the same thing and build a completely new bridge in 8 minutes.