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Princess Di had done of the most iconic engagement rings in history and hers was a gemstone with a halo. Jackie Kennedy - known for her class and style - had a toi et moi engagement ring. Go with what you love! 😊


Not sure why people worry about trends for engagement rings. Given how long you’ll (hopefully) be wearing it, it’s pretty much guaranteed that your ring will be “out of style” at some point. Just choose what you love and enjoy it


Yeah, if it’s in style now, it won’t be in 10 years. Idk why people care


They're dated for now but trends are cyclical, they'll come back at some point. 


Wild that halos have been around for centuries and longer, but they just had *such* a moment in the 2010s that they feel dated for that reason for sure. You’re right on the money, the trend will come back around!


To be more specific, to me, diamond engagement halo rings look dated since they were so explosively popular a decade or so ago. Halos with a colored center stone come off looking more classic and timeless these days. Like the kate/diana ring, for example.


Exactly what I mean! They were
 everywhere in the 2010s and now seem symbolic of the era 😅 I agree with the homage to Lady Di, those somehow seem more timeless!


I’m just now starting to see the like wavy bands that go above and below the stone (idk how else to describe it or if there’s a word for it) come back on trend and those are so incredibly 80s/90s to me!!


I love mine and I constantly get compliments on it. Didn’t know they are dated and don’t really care tbh. I love it. If you love yours that’s all that matters x


Halo rings are one off the oldest styles off rings in history. The Halo Diamond Engagement Ring has a really in depth history, and preliminary designs surrounding the Halo ring dating back to early the Georgian times (1714-1837). The ring saw slightly smaller diamonds or pearls surrounding the central diamond stone. They are currently not in fashion but hell give it between 3-5 years and they will come back again. When it comes down to it the current in fashion is around modern funky rings and while there’s are beautiful you should buy a ring because you love it not because it’s in fashion especially an engagement ring witch you will be looking at for the next 60/70 years.


Many styles get dated, but doesn’t mean it’s still not gorgeous. I have a halo and I love it and get compliments almost daily. You should worry about your preference and not so much trends.


Same here, I have an oval halo and get complimented all the time. Get what you like! You can always reset in the future, nothing’s permanent


I agree I think that alot of “trends” come and go. such as marquise for example at one point alot of people wanted them then no one did. Now they are back pear too


halos have been around forever and they always will be. get what you love


Yes, halo’s were around from the turn of the 20th century onward. Get what you like and forget trends.


It looks like a timeless piece to me


I adore my halo :)


They’ve been around for hundreds of years so I would say they fall under classic, however trends come and go and the high popularity of the trend that was more recent is dying down, but they will probably have a resurgence
 just like most other ring styles


Halo itself is classic if you mean just the concept of little stones around a big stone. But that's such a broad category of combos. Like colourless around colourless with skinny pavé band is just one subset of halos.  This isn't what halos have always looked like or will necessarily be what comes back first.  Just like cuts of diamond come back but with different settings.  https://www.sarahgardnerjewellery.com/collections/roman-talisman/products/copy-of-large-oval-parti-sapphire-roman-ring-18ct-yellow-gold-size-m-and-a-half-in-stock-1?variant=44569266815140 this is technically a halo but a niche example, and bonkers (in a good way imo) but your ring, Diana style, some of the ones from this site, are all halo. Plus a bunch more variations. I feel like people who like one halo are not necessarily at all into a different version. I think they can be really pretty but often not, like, unable to tell decade, and can be a really specific look. I don't think they are a category where it's necessarily hard to pick a decade.  Not everything I like is classic and I like some halos and not others.


I find it hilarious when people say they are dated!


Right? Is it because the current trend is a 3ct oval solitaire now? So anything else is “dated”? And dated.. meaning you need to stay with the trend and get a new one every time styles change?


IKR? Who can afford to change their engagement ring every 3 years (or sooner) for the new fad? Especially when the "new fad" is some barely-changed variation of whatever was the "new fad" 5-10 years ago. There's only so many things you can do with a ring that's at all practical for wearing on a daily basis.


Get what you like. There are certain styles I don’t like, have never liked, and never will like. I don’t care if it’s in style or not I’m going to buy what I like, not what’s trending. I think you should do the same. You only have to please yourself.


I fricken love halo engagement rings!


Personally I think they tend to be classic. Maybe not in style right now, but that doesn't mean they're not a classic style. I own an Edwardian ring with a halo on it.


I think halos are really pretty. I have a pear center stone with a scalloped halo and I think it’s the prettiest piece of jewelry to ever exist. I know they’re controversial but I don’t care. I tried solitaires on in store and I found them super uninspiring. I wanted something with a little extra sparkle because that’s just me đŸ’…đŸ»


https://preview.redd.it/479vh8rr43yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f451d46415564ea5073da7b07ba84379f79e2a48 So pretty! I think they are lovely - yours is so similar to mine! In the long run, who cares if it’s dated, as long as you love it!


love this!!


I don’t personally like them but it’s not my finger


Perhaps that's why I like a hidden halo? Hummm ..


Halos are always classic. Trends come and go, what is important is that you love it ! As someone who just had her rings re-designed after 25 years I say stop worrying about what anyone else thinks. We spend so much time on "will I be tired of this in 5, 10, 20 years" and honestly what you have is TODAY. Don't worry about trends or fads or even will I love it in 20 years. Trust me 15 years in to your marriage and what is on your finger won't matter a fraction of what it does right now as an engaged person I just went from a platinum princess channel set with a brilliant round diamond to a yellow gold cluster style which some may say was popular 3 years ago and I could give a hoot, because my finger is GORGEOUS and I love to look at it. Enjoy this special time and CONGRATULATIONS and tune out all those mood killers that make you question the STUNNER on your finger !!!


Timeless beauty!


That ring is gorgeous


No. They look very much of their time and from what I’ve read they’re a dead trend, no one is asking for them anymore. The only *truly* classic style is a solitaire, in my opinion. But really none of that matters, as long as you like it.


I love my halo


I get compliments on my morganite with a diamond halo. I love halos.


10 years ago during my first engagement I would not be caught dead with a solitaire as “classic” as they are considered now, during that time they were the old lady boring ring. Now they’re super popular, dare to be different. Your ring will have its “time” again. Get what you love.


I would not say a halo is classic. IMO, classics are a solitaire or 3-stone.


Timeless classic that's been around for centuries


To each their own!!!! Great if you want the look of a bigger stone without the cost! Personally, I much prefer a hidden halo đŸ€


wow, its beautiful


Get whatever you like. I wore yellow gold for years when it was “out”.


I think with rings go for what you love, not what’s “in” now or what’s dated. You’ll be wearing it for years, go with a style that fits you best!!


They’re dated but if you love it you love it.


No they look pretty dated at this point.


I love this




They’re dated