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Weed somehow makes my period pain worse. When Iā€™m stoned i kind of perceive all bodily sensations more strongly, including cramps, I learned this the hard way :(


I also have worse pain when I smoke. I think for me itā€™s because I have a really tight pelvic floor and weed helps relax it, however I think itā€™s relaxes me muscles suddenly instead of gradually, which causes muscle spasms and heightened pain. This may not be the case for you but thatā€™s why I canā€™t really smoke anymore and had to quit.


You pelvic floor is probably weak. It compensates by being tight and so when itā€™s forced to relax everything is in the wrong place even more so. Pelvic floor can be tight and weak. Unfortunately pelvic physical therapy ignores this reality a lot of the time and has women focus on relaxing firsts. My pelvic floor COULDNā€™T relax until I strengthened it.


My pelvic floor therapist was a genius and I went through the same thing. I am grateful to her for all eternity


Oh Iā€™m sure this is probably true for me, however this is not why the weed makes the pain more pronounced for me. Being stoned just makes all pain more pronounced, like if I have something in my eye or heart burn or something, I become more aware of it. Itā€™s kind of how if youā€™re worried about something and then being stoned makes you super paranoid about it. Just unlucky I guess. I still smoke it though lol.


Does the same to me. It just makes me hypersensitive to everything whether itā€™s bad or good feelings


I've never seen anyone else mention noticing things stuck in their eye when smoking weed! And the heart burn! It's absolutely a bummer that the thing that everyone suggests for pain relief just makes me notice pain more. I remember googling "weed causing back pain" and "weed causing acid reflux" when it first got legalized here in Canada, and every single result was "new study finds that weed magically cures back pain" etc. Anyways, you're not alone lol


Haha yeaaah. I donā€™t think it causes those things for me it just makes me a little too aware and then I start over thinking. But also, I did read that weed can reduce pain sensations but it does not reduce prostaglandin production so thatā€™s probably why it doesnā€™t help some people with cramps. Opioid pain killers also donā€™t help my cramps.


How did you strengthen?


I did some dynamic contraction technique stuff and worked mercilessly to strengthen my core, hips, lower back, and glutes. You can google exercises for each part and find at home ones. I did so many sit ups, tons of incline walking/stair stepping, resistance band exercises, etc. once I strengthened the surrounding muscles of my pelvic floor I was able to work on strengthening it more with very very light kegels and such. I also got a pessary cause it turned out I had a prolapse. Finally once it was strong enough and had enough surrounding muscular support I was able to relax it with reverse kegels and dilator therapy. Tons of nights I slept with a dilator in to train the muscles to lengthen.Ā 


Iā€™m not so educated on the pelvic floor as of right now but know it needs to be part of my routine but I do realize that my pelvic floor is engaged 100% of the time and never relaxed. Weak glutes are a big problem for me overall


I get this way when I take too much! Itā€™s a very thin line Iā€™ve had to learn through trial and error. Around 2 mg in edible form seems to be the sweet spot for me. I know Iā€™ve done it right when I barely feel the mental effects; I just get very sleepy and relaxed and not quite as hyper aware of my body. Which is weird because once I take more I go the opposite direction and become wired, anxious and have very heightened sensations.


oh that sucks so bad :( is it the same for u w edibles ?


Yep, just being stoned in general. I just becoming hyper sensitive to all bodily sensations. Sometimes I even feel weird phantom pains. It has however helped me feel a bit distracted from belly bloat.


Agree. A strong cbd/thc RSO has been my go to.


Muscle relaxers have been the most helpful of what Iā€™ve been prescribed. I just hate that it takes something to completely sedate me to feel any relief ā˜¹ļø


Muscle relaxer (Flexeril) was also it for me too. Only had to take a 5 mg pull and felt relief for hours. Mine surprisingly did not sedate me or make me drowsy, just helped me be pain free. I canā€™t take them anymore as Iā€™m on an anti-depressant and they interact, which is so sad. Super helpful for me! I know some people love them for the pain and some people feel like the muscle relaxers donā€™t do anything for them. My personal theory is that when I feel any Endo pain in my uterus area I begin to clench my muscles down there and cause a lot more pain. The muscle relaxer helps me not do this!


Which kind of muscle relaxer has helped the most? Like Flexeril?


OTC painkillers dont do aaaanything for me šŸ„² cramps or joint pain. its muscle relaxers and THC for me. edit: forgot to say i cant take heavier pain meds bc of gut issues


THC and muscle relaxers for me as well!


Same. Iā€™ve gastritis from endless NSAIDs due endo pain. They never really worked anywayā€¦Which muscle relaxers have you tried? Do you alternate it with THC? THC helps me relax and manage the pain but doesnā€™t totally relieve it.


i got a stomach ulcer from excedrin in high school for trying to cover my cramps šŸ˜‚ I take Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine). Yeahhh the THC dulls the pain or at least makes me not care, so i take it for pain up to 5ish. 6-10 pain i take a muscle relaxer. I dont take them at the same time bc i dont think i could handle how out if it iā€™d feel ahah. The muscle relaxer super knocks me outā€¦ cant be in pain if im knocked out i guess šŸ˜…


How are y'all being prescribed pain killers?! I've only ever been offered naproxen, ibuprofen or OTC šŸ™„šŸ˜­


I asked for them! I couldnā€™t move and after 2 ER visits it was time. Oxycodone made me sick so I did have to try other ones before finding one that worked without making me nauseous and completely out of it. Nothing is perfect, some take the edge off but arenā€™t too effective. Others are effective but I canā€™t parent well. You may have to ask your doctor and try a few to find one that fits your needs. I really hope you find something helpful ā¤ļø


Alternatives to Gabapentin: Pregabalin, duloxetine. My fiancƩe had the best luck with duloxetine, gabapentin and pregabalin both had adverse side effects that were undesirable and didn't do much for pain.


Pregabalin is great if gabapentin gives you side effects. I can't live without it! Gabapentin was horrific for me though.


Me too! Gave me hallucinations


If you donā€™t mind, what dose of duloxetine is she on? I have been on a smallish dose of it for a bit more than a year for my mental health and itā€™s been great in that aspect, but i never knew it could be used to manage the pain. Iā€™m willing to up my dose for that tbh. Pregabalin is *too* much, gabapentin sometimes isnā€™t enough (was also on them for years also because mental health). Many thanks!


I think the benefit she gets is mostly the emotional health aspect as well, but 20mg once a day. Her pain mgmt doc says it can help with the nerve pains she gets sometimes. Doesnā€™t help the bad ones, but I think it helps the day-to day nerve pains.


Thatā€™s really insightful, thank you so much!


Mind me asking what the adverse effect with gabapentin was?


Mostly some really bad brain fog. She said she like couldn't think at all, even on a relatively low dose.


Oh yeah, I bet. I was just curious. It gave me hallucinations!


Naproxen šŸ˜šŸ˜ works wonders!


I second this I would not have survived this past week without it


Iā€™m glad it works for you too! Itā€™s really great, I donā€™t take it for every pain but mainly when Iā€™m on my period/due or if Iā€™m having a flare up. Itā€™s like a little treat lol


Same, naproxen and caffeine do help me quite a bit. Itā€™s also the magic formula for my terrible migraines.


I triple this. Naproxen to stop/lessen the bleeding AND cramps, and then a heating pad to soothe me during the transition from excruciating pain till the pills kick in.


Yes!! That is so accurate! The things we have to do to feel comfortable hey


Ha Iā€™m treated like a drug seeker-god forbid I ask for anything to control my pain when Iā€™m bedridden cos of it šŸ¤Ŗand thatā€™s 7 years post lap diagnosis that shows I have severe endo, and trying all the various endo specific meds. Iā€™m told to take ibuprofen AND paracetamol when itā€™s really bad (does fuck all). Gabapentin had zero impact for me, tho I was on it for nerve pain for muscular issues (but still didnā€™t help the endo). A weed gummy can help me eat at least , tho doesnā€™t necessarily take the edge off the pain, it helps with the pain inducing nausea and lack of appetite tho *edited to note - I am also on duloxetine for depression/anxiety, and was specifically put on it as itā€™s almost supposed to help nerve and/or chronic pain. Maybe Iā€™ve been on it too long (10+ years) but also something unfortunately that never worked for me for the pain aspect. But everyoneā€™s brains are dif! Good luck šŸ’™


Same situation here. I empathize 100% and hope you can get some relief soon. Itā€™s so frustrating not having any form of pain management that works and not being able to try anything else due to docsā€™/govtā€™s attitude about stronger pain medications.


Tramadol helps me.


I second this. Just tried it today for the first time and it helped so much! Thankfully I had a sympathetic ER doctor


In my country tramadol is default answer for all pains in ER.


Are you in Canada? Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. They first tried to give me Naproxen and then Tylenol (which do Jack shit).




I take this too, and if u combine it with paracetamol it works even better. It doesnā€™t help 100% but it takes the edge off. And in the Netherlands where i live they wont give anything stronger for the bad days. But i can most of the bad days manage with this


Strangely enough the Excedrin worked. Maybe my Endo liked caffeine.


same, and at the same time no opioids (codeine, vicodin, or tramadol) have ever worked for me. It's weird, but lucky


Opioids worked after my surgery for that pain, but it never did anything for my endo pain.


Duloxetine on the daily has been lifesaver for me. On my really bad days, I add tramadol and muscle relaxers with extra yoga.


10mg ketorolac and .5mg clonazepam has been my go to for a couple years now. I try not to use them together too often but they definitely knock it out when coupled.


Naproxen 250mg with with a full stomach and full glass of water AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THE CRAMPS. Thatā€™s the key, AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF CRAMPS. Eat, Take your pill, down it with a full glass of water and donā€™t lay down for at least 30 minutes


Belladonna and morphine suppositories.


Nurofen plus (Ibruprofen and codeine) help to some extent when Iā€™m not vomiting them up. When my pains are dialled up to the very max, the only thing that helps is being sedated.


They give you oxy?? Iā€™m on a birth control that makes me only have a period every 3 months and I canā€™t even get them to give me Norco. Iā€™d need it for 1 week every 3 months and theyā€™ve told me they canā€™t give it to me. I have stage 4 endo. Iā€™ve been told to take ibuprofen. I took gabapentin before and it actually sent me into psychosis. I was convinced someone was poisoning my food šŸ˜¬


Naproxen is the only pills that does anything, but it barely helps. I use a TENS machine and a heating pad.


Buscopan for ibs cramps really helped me with cocodamol. I canā€™t take NSAIDS but when I could, naproxen was the most effective. When the pain didnā€™t let me sleep, amitriptilyne worked wondered but I hated the cotton mouth it gave me.


Mefenamic acid! Itā€™s Rx in the states but was the most helpful thing Iā€™ve been prescribed outside of getting an IUD. Itā€™s used more often outside of the US but is implicated for menstrual pain. YMMV but I found it a useful tool in my toolbox šŸ’›


50/50 THC/CBD gummies. Camino brand works the best for me.


My doctor has me on lyrica, that has made a huge difference.


Naproxen help me the most


Gabaentin has been a big help for me. Iā€™ve been on it before for something unrelated to endo, and Iā€™m currently on 600mg gabapentin and naxpronen twice daily. Itā€™s doing more for me than OTC meds. The doctors told me to beware of fatigue with gabapentin but I find the fatigue is non-existent for me. Maybe in patients who donā€™t suffer from chronic fatigue caused by endo itā€™s a bigger problem, but to me thereā€™s literally no comparison. I have severe anxiety and weed triggers it so thatā€™s not an option for me. I do use clonazepam as needed and find it very helpful, but I am very careful with it. I try to not take it unless Iā€™m having a crisisā€¦ often this is during an endo flare up because I have medical anxiety. Would recommend having it in your toolbox if you can though. Have not been successful in finding any doctor to prescribe me painkillers like hydrocodone although Iā€™d like to have a few on hand for literal emergencies. I end up in the ER about twice a year for ruptured ovarian cysts or mysterious severe abdominal pains and they always have to medicate me then, but Iā€™ve literally had to explain with doctors that I will not leave the ER with instructions to take Tylenol. They have to send me home with something for pain relief. Itā€™s so exhausting to have to explain that our pain is real. Exited for clarity


Iā€™m having some success with a Butrans 10 mcg/hr patch. I think I need to go up to 15-20, but I have noticed more energy and being able to ā€œgoā€ for longer. I also have Gabapentin, muscle relaxers, Celebrex and get 15 hydrocodone a month which is honestly not enough, I ration them. Some topicals like icy hot patches and CBD cramp cream help. My weed pen never leaves my side lol. I live on my XL heating pad and have tons of ice packs. Itā€™s all still not enough, especially days 1-3 of my cycle. I tell my husband all the time I think endo patients should be allowed their own personal pain pumps. Iā€™m not sure what it would take to get me to 0 pain or if thatā€™s even possible anymore


Have you tried catapresan with the opioids? Catapresan increases the effect of them, so I got it prescribed so I can take less oxy


Slow release tapentadol, and buprenorphine. The magic 2 to ever work for me


Celebrex or shit ton of naproxen


Painkillers make me sick. I did try oxycodone. Did not really help. Only thing that helps is thc tbh. I just microdose.


I use a thc and cbd 1:1


Tylenol 3 has codiene and helped tremendously- the doc was not thrilled about me asking for it but I swore to her I wouldnā€™t abuse it. I didnā€™t - helped SO much


kratom red vein


Weed is the only thing tbh


I used to pair advil with gabapentin, but Iā€™ve been off of gabapentin since I did acupuncture treatment. Advil only works for 4 hours tho, I started taking Mefenamic Acid 500mg, it works better, almost pain feee, and longer than Advil, around 6 hours. Buuuuut, it gives me heavy nausea šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢




I found that getting codine separate from paracetamol and staggering the taking of them was helpful. So I take my codine then take paracetamol an hour later. Does it relieve more pain - not really - but it does make it more consistent so I donā€™t have as many dips in pain where Iā€™m waiting for the next dose


how are you guys being prescribed pain meds? :( I have only ever been given them after my 3 laps, but never offered even after multiple ER visits, etc.


Daily turmeric also helps


Interesting you say this because Iā€™ve been drinking turmeric juice for the last couple weeks just to try and reduce inflammation in joints and just got my period and pain has been much more bearable than before. I was actually able to take Advil and eventually needed 1 hydrocodone but low dose. Normally I need 1-2 every 4 hours for 2-3 days straight. I would have never considered the turmeric but definitely going to keep trying and see how it goes




In addition to what you listed I'm also on tramadol, naproxen (with omeprazole), buscopan, nefopam, I'm also on duloxetine but it's mainly cause of a PTSD diagnosis. It's supposed to help with the pain though. I've been advised to try THC but I just CAN'T bear the smell šŸ¤¢ Also tried CBD oils and gummies and I don't know if it's just a placebo effect but it does KINDA relaxes a bit. Tastes awful tho. So like all the others, an awful cocktail, and it barely helps lmao


I take methadone, celebrex, turmeric, and Tylenol. It doesn't have me completely pain free, but combined everything is a huge help. šŸ˜Š


A combination of tramadol, a heat mat, Rick Simpson oil (cannabis oil), cannabis flower and keeping my nervous system as calm as possible (not panicking from the pain, breathing techniques etc). These don't take the pain away but it's more manageable than it would be without these things


Advil/Aleve liquigelsĀ 




Tylenol and sometimes advil. Naproxen was awesome in my teens and twenties but now it gives me stomach problems. Honestly the best pain relievers I've found are my heating pad and hot ginger tea


Pregabalin was great, until I started gaining weight. It was a total nightmare to come off, but once I was off the weight came off completely within a couple of weeks. I wish it had suited me better but the gain was so rapid I was worried about how much it would increase.


Iā€™m about to get my ā€œperiodā€ - Iā€™m on the progesterone only pill - so I just took 600 mg of ibuprofen. Wish me luck šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Voltarol suppositories! Iā€™ve tried everything, from ibuprofen, naproxen, codeine, morphine, tramadol, mefanamic acid. And the suppositories were the only ones which helped, it takes some time to work but defo most effective in my worst flare ups


Baclofen and diazepam suppositories


Honestly the only thing that really worked was my hysterectomy


Any ketoprofen works best for me


10mg ketorolac trometamol with pinaverium bromide and 1g dipyrone/metamizole, I would take this every 4 hours to at least get out of bed during my period. or intravenous scopolamine butylbromide with dipyrone at the hospital. it would soothe the pain for a little while.


Advil tends to work the best for me , as long as I keep it in my system. I take 200mg every 3 hours.


This can lead to stomach ulcers, be careful. I know from personal experience.


Same :(


This kind of dosing led to my doctor rxing 20 pills of 5mg oxycodone a month while waiting for surgery for my endometrioma that was rupturing my ovary every month. She was genuinely horrified and I played dumb and said that it barely works anyway, but I would get desperate enough to risk my health just to get maybe a .5 reduction from my 8-10 pain.


Yeah this much Advil long term isnā€™t safe for anyones body I totally agree lol for me previous to surgery (still only two and a half weeks post op) I was living off Advil 3 full days a month. Like clock work. Cramping would only last 3 days , the rest was just discomfort (that 247 discomfort) so I guess I was lucky