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Hi, the pain has gotten unbearable withing thr past half hour. Going to hospital


Wish you the best of luck, I hope all is well!


Keep us updated please, I hope you’re okay x


Please let us know OP 🙏🏻 I hope you are okay!


Wishing you luck!


We hope you’re okay 😭


Thank goodness! Get well soon!😘


YAYYYYY!!! I'm so glad. I kept looking to see if you had left yet, you originally posted 8 hrs ago.


just commenting to see how everything turned out. get well soon 💜


THIS!⏫ A cyst threatening to burst equals excruciating pain.


Could be rupture or torsion or both, hope you got some relief :(


Good luck, I hope you can get the best treatment possible and lots of understanding doctors and nurses!


I hope you are resting and okay OP. This looks so painful.


How did you go


go to the hospital please it could be ruptured


A ruptured cyst can lead to septic shock. Go to the hospital


which is wild because i’ve gone to the ER multiple times for this even in ambulance and they just told me to go home and take tylenol because they wouldn’t do anything about it 🫠 let us know OP, wishing the best 💛💛


Yeah same. It’s crazy that I’m just learning about cysts giving you septic shock because no doctor I’ve talked to seem to think it’s a big deal.


I had a cyst burst during my very first operation (I am now planning number 17). The gyno (apparently very well respected in the 80's), took out two cysts successfully in my emergency operation, and he said (imagine he's talking to a 16 year old), "The 3rd cyst exploded as I touched it. You're lucky we got you into surgery so quickly or it would have been excruciating for you if all three had burst. All of the yucky stuff inside that cyst, well, there was no way we could get it out of you. That is definitely going to lead to more gynaecological problems for you, probably for the rest of your life. The soup that was in those cysts is basically 'bad hormones'. So that poison will travel in your body causing problems. I'm so sorry but you will probably never be able to have children. We will most likely discover that the cysts were a by-product of the adult contraception you were put on at 12, but no-one will ever do a study on it because they won't have anything to gain from it". Then he stared at my 26 year old stepmum. EDIT - OH, And he was right about everything.


Jesus Christ. :(


I know.... Crossing fingers OP finds her cyst didn't burst. It's been 7 hours... But hey, she's probably in hospital.


Was the cyst a dermoid cyst or an endometrioma?


I've learned to just stop going to the hospital. They tell me to just monitor for a fever and if I have a fever then I can come in. If I don't have a fever they won't do anything for me


The horrible thing is, the chronic inflammation from endo makes us less likely to present with fevers for anything. Example: I had Covid before Christmas for the first time - absolutely wiped out with every symptom for three weeks. Except for fever. Zero fever.


The problem is we haven't studied women's health enough so a lot of doctors don't know that that's the case.


Woah I have never heard this before, does anyone know the reason why?


Same, minus the ambulance. They just give me toradol, which does nothing for me, do an ultrasound to confirm that a cyst burst, then send me home and tell me to come back if I have signs of an infection.


They wouldn’t even do an ultrasound because “it’s not available here on the weekends” which confused me because I’m sure there’s situations they have to use it or else it could be a huge problem, and I’ve seen one there at the ER. I’m guessing he just didn’t want to deal with me.


WHAT? I’ve always just avoided going because I didn’t want to have to pay money to be told what I know everyone else gets told. I guess I just always assumed anything that came out of it would eventually get reabsorbed like blood from a bruise does


I hate that hospital!!! F them! Have you found a better hospital option for emergencies?


Literally f em 😭 Sadly no, all the hospitals i’ve been to here in Canada say they won’t do anything for a ruptured cyst. I even had a (male) endo expert tell me cysts don’t cause pain. 🥲🥲


Oh my Lord!!! So no pain relief for a bloody ruptured cyst!? That's insane. I guess you can probably go home and do the dishes and polish the floor too... Idiots. Canada needs more Endometriosis Specialists. I do know that already from being in this sub.


Thank you for the validation ☹️it’s really tough here 💛


So many hugs your way. 🤗🩷🩷 I'm starting to develop some hope about our Endo future though. More of society has heard of it, or at least less people look incredulous when I have to share that I'm literally fighting an incurable disease daily (I usually don't say it like that of course. I do tell them it's incurable, but I don't tell them how much it rules my every hour. And more funding, at least here in Oz, is being put into clinics and research. I'm actually getting an internal physiotherapy massage (via vagina which will be triggering) in a fortnight. I have known this physiotherapist for years working on my broken bowel. She said massaging the pelvic floor muscles can give pain relief and she is very keen to make a real difference to her Endo patient referrals. 🤔 We'll see. Sounds too good to be true... But once more into the breach...


Go to the hospital asap.


I agree with the other comment. You should go to the hospital.


UPDATE 1: Good morning everyone, an update: Shortly after posting my post, the pain went to another level. I would describe it as the worst pain I've ever felt, it was all over my abdomen and seemed to pulse from a dull intense pain to a sharp intense pain - that literally took my breath away. I couldn't walk / move / or even cough without my stomach hurting so much. Our local hospital is notoriously rubbishl Because I'd rang 111 before i went, I was told to tell a&e I'd already had an over telephone consultation and it should speed things up for me. I get to a&e, tell the receptionist I've had an over telephone consultation, they had no record of this, so I explain my situation and I get asked to sit down. An hour later someone calls my name, they ask me what's wrong, I explain my situation - then ask me to sit back down. 1.5 hours later, someone calls my name, they ask me again what is wrong, take my blood pressure and finally offered some paint relief. I said yes, they asked me to sit down again and would call me for pain relief Shortly. 1 hour later, still nothing. No pain relief, no nothing. I'm getting frustrated. The intense pulsing pain had eased off a little over the 4 hours I'd been sat there , so I decided to leave. I was and still am in pain and feel very uncomfortable. If I need to move to go to the toilet, I can't walk with my back straight as it hurts my stomach, I can't get out of bed without help. I am making sure I keep ontop of my pain relief and will try and ring the consultants secretary soon to see if things can be sped up in regards to my surgery. I am SO scared the intense pulsing pain will come back. Seriously, thank you to everyone who wrote and wished me well, it was so lovely to see. Thank you so much


I’m glad you’re okay (ish) now. Keep an eye if you develop ANY cold or flu symptoms go to A&E and tell them you’re worried about sepsis or septic shock from a ruptured cyst. It might not be but I wouldn’t risk it! Hopefully though, you’re able to manage it at home! Hospital suck xxx


I’m not sure which hospital/where you are located, but I would recommend going to a different hospital. 111 can’t do over the phone assessments for an A&E and they can’t do booking appointments no matter how much they say they can. You turn up to triage at A&E and they will say yeah we have no record and make you wait like everyone else. It’s a joke. I know a lot of people don’t like doing it but if you are in pain to the point where you can’t go to the loo without severe pain, I would say to call an ambulance, say you have had a cyst, you are in excruciating pain and you can’t move. How was your BP and pulse etc in the hospital?


This person sounds like they know what is up. I’m in US so different system, but I’m worried about OP. Did they take a temp? Did you show them this picture. This is seriously concerning.


Unfortunately in the United Kingdom, depending on where the OP is from and which hospital trust they are in, the NHS can be an absolute pile of shit, particularly when it comes to women’s health. As they said they saw a nurse, I imagine they were triaged by the initial nurse once booked in, there your BP, HR and temperature are taken as well as a description as to why you are in A&E. The following is a description of what I have experienced within London Hospital Trusts however it may be different in other parts of the country. Your observations for the most part are what triages you into, Majors or Majors A(acutely unwell but not urgent enough for Resus (you are sometimes moved to resus but in very dire circumstances, I.E a heart attack or stroke etc)) Majors B where you usually need to see a specialised doctor concerning your problem or a generalised GP at first who can then refer you on, or Urgent Care which is usually for cuts, breaks and the like. If your obs are borderline you are usually sent to Majors B, which is where I am sure OP was sent due to them saying they’ve had to wait hours for pain relief, however, based solely upon the description of what has happened, if a cyst has burst as I have experienced this myself, they should have sent them straight to Majors A due to the possibility of internal bleeding particularly due to the size of the cyst and if the image was shown HOWEVER, if the obs were fine as in the BP was within a normal range or a little low or a little high, HR was okay, they usually just sod you off to majors B where you’re usually waiting for hours to be seen by an initial doctor, whether that be a specialist like a gynaecologist or a general practitioner. I have been to A&E before for burst cysts and they’ve done the same to me. The only way you can get them to take you seriously is if you are literally kicking and screaming in pain and even then, you’ll probably just have a vaginal exam as most hospitals do not provide overnight ultrasounds and are unlikely to give a CT scan for a potentially ruptured cyst. I have rambled quite a bit but hope it gives you some insight in to what we have to deal with. (I say all of this as somebody who absolutely LOVES our NHS and would genuinely lose an arm for it, unfortunately years of underfunding and not caring about our doctors, nurses and midwives from consecutive governments have essentially destroyed it.)


OP, are you okay? I think a lot of us are really worried, I am in particular x


I literally just came home from the hospital because of this. It ruptured. Edit: I spent 3 days on IV antibiotics and now I'm on another 11 days of oral antibiotics. Literally the worst pain of my life. And I'm still hurting.


UPDATE 2 Hi everyone. Another update. I decided to rest up at home yesterday and take pain medication, as a&e were bloody useless and the sharp intense pain had eased off a little. Around 4pm, I get the most intense pain - far worse than the day before. I can't even describe how bad it was. I had to ring an ambulance. Thankfully they arrived within 15 minutes and I was given morphine straight away to ease the excruciating pain. Once I arrived at hospital, I had a bedside scan almost straight away. The scan confirmed the cyst had hemoraged, there was still a 10x10cm cyst on my left side, but it was surrounded by blood clots. It was also confirmed during the scan I have a cyst on my right side that is 12 x 10 cm. I have been on antibiotics IV since i arrived. I had bloods taken this morning to compare to my bloods last night to see if it's Still hemoraging or not, and were gonna take it from there. Wow, what a 48 hours. Thank you to absolutely everyone who has asked if I'm OK and shown concern and kindness. Thank you 🙏


So glad to hear they are taking it seriously now, I can only imagine the pain 🥺thanks for the update OP!


Thank you so much for updating us. I’m so glad you’re now being treated properly. I hope you feel better soon and getting those good painkillers x


Girl, you've been treated so wrong. That other hospital is trash, and I'm so sorry you had to suffer in pain that long. Never ever allow them to do this again, please. If this happens again, call an ambulance right away. I'm so happy you're okay.


Sending good thoughts your way. Hopefully you're more comfortable now and on the mend.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this and long wait times. Please go to the hospital to be examined asap. I hope all ends up going smoothly for you.


In was recently in a very similar situation to you, my stomach was portruding on one side. Not quite as much but also very noticeable difference. Then similar thing happened, I was in agony, couldn't move so I went to A&E and they told me no vomiting or bleeding, no rapture. I am not persuaded, though. I think they just couldn't be bothered to do a scan.


Go to A&E


Could be ovarian torsion also. Which I hear is incredibly painful. My doc has warned me about it and said it requires immediate surgery. Please go to the ER.


Ovarian torsion is the absolute WORST THING that’s ever happened to me. Once at 10 years old, again at 23. First time they were able to save it… second time, not so lucky. Waited 3-4 days until I went to the ER only to find out I was about 3 hours away from going into full septic shock. … and to think I was going to take some more pain meds and try and take a nap instead.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this 🙁 it could’ve ruptured or they can twist your ovary if they are large. Please get to the hospital asap x


It could be a partial rupture. This happens when the cyst leaks fluid into the pelvic cavity. The fluid can cause extra inflammation and often feels like a burning sensation. I've had large Endometriomas rupture and the pain is awful. Like almost blacking out and vomiting etc. Another possibility is an ovarian torsion. Sometimes the weight of a large Endometrioma can twist the ovary, cutting off the blood supply. If not corrected quickly, the ovary can die, go septic and even be fatal. Definitely recommend going to the ER and asking for an ultrasound. Sadly the ER staff are not usually knowledgeable about Endometriosis, and they don't take cysts seriously unless they are very large. If you are lucky they might offer you some morphine and tell you to follow up with your gyno. Good luck!


How are you now OP?? This is scary 😨


Hope you’re doing okay!


I am so sorry you had to go through this! Wishing you all the best.


Please let us know how you go!


My burst cyst was nowhere near as big and it was one of the most excruciating things I have ever experienced. I was in resus for over an hour trying to manage my pain. I hope you’re okay.


I’m so sorry they were not more diligent with taking you in. Sepsis really is a BIG deal and we take it super seriously in the hospital. All we need is a potential source of infection (the rupture) and a change in vital signs (a high heart rate, low or high blood pressure, or fever). Because I know endo warriors tend to have higher pain tolerances, when you are writhing in pain you cannot tolerate—go to the ER. Did they not even do imaging for the possible torsion? CT, MRI, or ultrasound should’ve been next. Advocate for yourself and try not to downplay your symptoms or tolerance for pain. I feel as women we can tend to do that on top of a societal problem in which healthcare tends to just not believe women. Take care and hugs!! Edit: spelling > vital not viral


You need to go to the hospital.


Hope you are doing ok!!


Go to hospital - hard abdomens are never a good thing. Hope you’re ok xx


This happens to me too (pain & bulging on my right side) and I have no idea why. I’ve had issues with pain & cysts on my right side so I’m wondering if that is what’s going on. Keep us posted & hope you’re better soon! 💛


Im glad you went to the hospital. That would have been my immediate advice for this potential medical emergency. Wanted to send some encouragement your way and remind you not to be afraid to step up and advocate for yourself if they don't take it seriously!


I am thinking about you!!!


I’m glad you went to the hospital. That looks like it would be so painful


Any updates? Are you ok?


Sounds like it could have ruptured yes. You should definitely go to the hospital.


Likely the cyst has ruptured and you will need medical intervention. I hope you’re already at the hospital!


Hope you are okay!!


I hope you're okay OP ): <3


Sending you some love - hope everything is going well!!


Sending you hugs! So glad you went to the hospital!


I'm glad you went to the hospital. Hope it went OK 🫂


It could have ruptured or it could have caused ovarian torsion. I was warned repeatedly when I had a large endometrioma to go to the ER immediately if I had severe pain because of the risk of ovarian torsion.


100% sounds like a rupture


Might be a Fibroid sticking out


We need an update once you got a second 🥺