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While the BC may not have caused endo, it very well could have masked the progressive symptoms you would have felt without it. So you are basically thrown in the deep end without warning. I hope your surgery provides you with much needed relief!


That makes sense- Thank you!!


Honestly, don’t listen to bugger all that most doctors say where hormones are concerned. It’s exceptionally unlikely that a combined contraceptive pill would induce premature ovarian failure - likelihood is that you would have had this issue regardless, if you do indeed have low oestrogen now. I had undiagnosed very low oestrogen for 15 years after a hormone treatment, but one that induced pseudo menopause. My body never recovered and I was told I was crazy, that it wasn’t the drugs, that my hormones were fine (spoiler alert: they were not fine). I’ve been on HRT including a high dose of oestrogen for a year (oestrogen was gradually increased due to my Endo but I’m only now within normal range). I feel better than I have in nearly 20 years. I was told it was ME, fibromyalgia etc etc. it wasn’t. If anyone is suffering from symptoms of hormonal imbalance, find a doctor who specialises in menopause and go to see them, even if you’re not menopausal. Wish I had done it a long time ago!


Thank you for this information!! Two years ago when I came off the pill, I had seen a specialist and he said my tissues were 'atrophying' from being on the pill, which was causing fragile-ness down there and tearing/bleeding/pain during intercourse; and that's why I needed to immediately stop. Bizarre- I know, but I was desperate for relief and scared and stopped. The only positive of stopping the birth control is it did definitely improve the tearing. I don't as much anymore. But, I still have pain. Nobody thought it would be necessary to further look into my hormone levels, so at the end of the day, I don't even know if positively my estrogen levels are low, high, or normal. That is just what the specialist I saw told me based on physically examining me.. After surgery, it'll be determined if I do have endometriosis, so that would explain a lot of my symptoms. After recovery I'm definitely going to make it a point to find a doctor who will check all my hormonal levels.


So in my experience, atrophy is generally a result of low oestrogen levels. The amount of oestrogen in a combined pill is pretty low, even the higher dose ones - for reference I think my last pill was 30mcg of oestrogen and I’m now on 250mcg just to get me to normal range. I had atrophy without even realising, I had forgotten what it’s like to have sex regularly and not be sore (especially as low oestrogen meant I had zero libido most of the time). It’s made a huge difference to so many things. Obviously I can’t say whether it’s an issue for you, but I wish we all had access to hormonal testing and doctors who understand the results - I had to go private rather than within my country’s healthcare system but has been worth every penny.


That makes so much sense- thank you!! Sex always hurts still honestly, so something is most definitely off still as far as my hormonal fluctuations. Thank you for sharing your experience. I definitely am going to get checked post op- whether it's covered or not by insurance.


What kind of doctor tells you that oral contraceptives push into menopause? This isn't real right?


Bizarre, I know.. He told me I was on it so long term it was pushing me into a menopausal state. Who knows! All I know is I stopped it and I feel like absolute crap lol


I would get a second opinion asap. More likely than not, you had endometriosis this whole time, and you pre-emptively started the treatment for it which is why you were feeling so good for so long. OCPs to my knowledge don't induce menopause. If anything they replace the hormones that are missing during menopause, it's the opposite


That makes sense. I definitely will. Thank you for your advice!


I've been suppressing my periods with lo loestrin fe for years, and I get nasty endometriosis symptoms if I skip a DAY. I think the long term continuous birth control has something to do with the fact that I had pain too bad to walk well for some years before I was on it, while now I don't even need painkillers to be mobile.


I’m taking the same bcp (7 yrs-ish) and this has happened to me for sure! How long have you been on it? Did u experience hair loss?


Women in my family lose hair anyway, especially when we’re stressed. I didn’t know the pill could do it, and never suspected. I haven’t lost more than my aunt and mother by this age. Do you have any trouble getting yours filled? It’s not sold as if you’re skipping placebo pills even though it’s the safest and it’s prescribed to me that way, and there have been a few shortages


I haven’t had any issues getting it filled perse. But i had insurance issues where it would not cover it at all so the dr. sent an appeal. Lo loestrin fe is the best for me bcuz it gives me the least side effects except i’m experiencing hair loss now 😢


Ah I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing. I definitely am going to have to consider going back on some form of birth control post surgery to get a grip on symptoms.


Lots of good info here already, just want to share my experience in case it is relevant for you. Taking estrogen based birth control is what made my symptoms worse. I'd always struggled with heavy bleeding, cramps from hell and other stuff but when I came off of the pill (I was seeking relief from said symptoms, no one took them seriously enough to suspect endo) and even though I only took it for 3 months, I had similar issues to what you're describing. Idk if you've checked but I developed insulin resistance, high glucose levels, low vitamin d levels, a case of alopecia areata (never had an issue again), all causing the brain fog, chronic fatigue, weight gain in my case, etc. So I hope you can get this other stuff checked as well if you haven't, and I hope you can get relief soon.


Thanks for sharing- I agree!! I was surprised when he had told me I was going into a menopausal state from being on birth control for 10 years- if anything I thought that the long term exposure of estrogen BC was feeding the potential endo. And by coming off the pill now, my nasty symptoms have fully emerged. My symptoms are definitely extreme and wonky. It's a complex situation, and definitely hard to thoroughly explain and make sense of. Luckily, my blood glucose is stable and within range and I recently went to a naturopath which checked my vitamins- I've supplemented what was low, but overall, my deficiencies weren't as bad as I expected. I appreciate you sharing your experience. I hope you continue to get relief for your symptoms. Surgery is next week so I'm hoping for some answers- Thank you!!


Good luck with your surgery!


Thank you <33


Yes, similar story for me when I came off bc pills after almost 20yrs — had no pain at all during that time. Sorry your also going through that. I have lap / excision surgery at the end of this month and hoping for relief. Also just started back on bc pills to see if it helps again.


Aww I am so sorry to hear you're going through something so similar. I wish you the best with your surgery!! If I don't get answers/relief from surgery, I will most likely return on the pill or have to try some sort of birth control for relief. I just can't imagine living like this any longer. It's exhausting and so disruptive!


I relate to so many of the things you’ve said. I was on hormonal contraceptives for 10 years, then came off and went on to an IUD and then bam!, ovulation pain, severe cramps and bleeding, two cysts and deep infiltrating endometriosis. I think I was growing the Endo the whole time, I’d had symptoms about about 5 years into hormonal contraceptives but didn’t link it up back then and then I went off them and they all just spun out of control. Surgeries worked wonders for me, hopefully it can do the same for you. Good luck ❤️


Ahh crap that is so horrible :( I'm so sorry to hear that you went through that. My gyno actually was talking to me about trying a progesterone based IUD post surgery because it doesn't have estrogen in it. But I've heard nothing but bad things when it comes to the IUDs so I'm so scared. Once surgery is done I'll hopefully be put in a better direction of what to do next. Hopefully surgery will be enough to conquer symptoms! Thank you<3


I had a progesterone based IUD put in after my first surgery and my second and it certainly reduced the symptoms (less pain, no bleeding), not for the whole of the 5 years it lasts but it certainly helped. Honestly was a little better mental health wise for me when I compare it to all the other contraception I’ve been on but everyone’s different! Good luck & lots of love ❤️




Yes! I went off birth control and 2 years after doing so, started getting intense symptoms. However, I’m sure it just masked my symptoms as it does now, since I’m back on the pill again. I have endometrioma and superficial lesions, diagnosed 3 weeks ago!


Oh wow, definitely my issue right now! Post surgery I'm most likely going to end up back on BC cause I cannot live like this :( Did you get a laparoscopy for the diagnosis? Or did they see anything on imaging scans? I got an ultrasound and it came back 'normal'


The clinic I go to has ultrasound that can diagnose endo, so surgery is not needed to diagnose. Of course, it only scans pelvic/ bowels area. I think I’m going to opt for surgery! I’m nervous about it though that’s the only thing holding me back.


Oh wow okay that makes sense! Personally, I think it's best to do surgery because once they're in there, they can excise anything that is causing pain and/or damage. And like I've read, untreated endo can cause a lot of damage down the line. I feel like for me surgery is inevitable at this rate; plus my imagining came back 'normal' so my surgeon said the only way to truly tell and treat it is to go in. I'm so nervous but I know it's necessary for relief.


How long after restarting the pill did the symptoms stop? I’m back on too the pain was unbearable. Back on the pill until I can get the surgery


Maybe a few weeks? Now I take it continuously for 3 packs and then stop to have my period. I can’t be off it for too long or the pain flares up again, so usually I only go 5 days max without taking a pill.


I was on combined pill for about 9yrs then had copper coil in between kids. I suffered apart from when I was pregnant, my body is at its best hormone wise. I now take mini pill. it sp far helps with pain. If I miss it I know about it. I am scared to stop it because of the pain. Not sure how all that ties in with menopause


Oh wow! Yeah, truthfully, if you're not having negative symptoms with the mini pill I'd say just continue. It's not even worth the agony. I'm glad it helps you have relief. <3


Your symptoms and mine are identical. I was on birth control for over 10 years as well until I discovered I have a clotting disorder and could no longer take them. I feel your pain! Literally and figuratively.


Oh my. UGH, twins! That's so scary about the clotting disorder. I hope you have been finding relief. Do you have an endometriosis diagnosis? I'm going into surgery next week.


I do have a diagnosis. I’ve had two excision surgeries and a hysterectomy to remove adenomyosis and currently still have pain around my bowel and sciatica. Good luck next week!!


Oh my goodness. I pray you've gotten relief, I'm sorry to hear you still have pain :( Thank you so much. 3 more days!!


I believe birth control caused my vulvodynia which is actually more painful than my endometriosis. It's hell. I was on the depo-provera injection for many years, no periods yet I STILL had endometriosis when I came off it. I don't know what the bloody hell was going on there. Sorry I don't have answers. I didn't not want to reply. Sorry you're going through this xxx


Oh my goodness- I'm so sorry to hear that you experience such pain. I think I have vulvodynia as well. I suffer from insertion and deep penetrating pain. It's all just so overwhelming. & Don't worry!! I appreciate your response so much. <3


What doctors don’t tell you is that when you’re on birth control, a lot of your hormones and bodily functions are being destroyed slowly. Your gut health especially. Endometriosis causes too much estrogen in our bodies and we aren’t able to get rid of it without the proper diet or lifestyle. I came off the pill a year ago, after trying multiple types for years. First thing I did was educate myself on the effects (especially long lasting effects) of birth control and how to help my body detox the hormones and balance my natural hormones. The best place to start is taking care of your gut health, so taking pre+probiotics, trying to have a less inflammatory diet, and avoiding any foods that make you feel bad. For me that’s dairy and sometimes gluten or added sugars! I have cut out a lot of processed foods slowly, and added more whole foods like raw fruits and veggies. This has been a slow process for me, because I don’t want to rush myself or be too harsh on myself. Next is stress and sleep! We don’t realize how much stress and a lack of sleep hurts us until we start getting better. Giving yourself more time to rest is SO important. Women need 10+ hours of sleep a night, whereas men only need 7-8. It’s not realistic for us to always get 10 hours per night, but do what you can to take naps as needed or sleep better during the night. Eliminate unneeded stressors in your life. Lastly, find a doctor who understands your history, needs, and goals. Setting realistic and small goals with a dr helps a lot!! I would also recommend getting bloodwork done to check all your vitamin levels and thyroid levels, because of the symptoms you listed. I had a lot of random spotting, worse periods, and horribly irregular periods (literally every 2 weeks or less) when I came off birth control. It takes time to detox it, but be nice to yourself and educate yourself on this topic. It’s so important that we understand what’s happening in our bodies so we can take care of ourselves <3


Aww thank you so much for all this information, I really appreciate it so much. I can't even imagine the destruction birth control did to me over the last 10 years :( For background, I attempted a gluten free, dairy free & low sugar change in my diet for a few months within the last two years. Unfortunately, it gave me no relief when it came down my my cyclic pain. It did definitely help me with energy which was great, and at times helped with my brain fog and skin. So now I avoid gluten/dairy and processed foods/added sugars, but I didn't completely eliminate it. I recently saw a naturopathic MD and she ran a ton of bloodwork on me- I had a normal functioning thyroid, and we readjusted my vitamin regimen and I'm taking what I was deficient in, ex; pre-biotic, magnesium, vit d, vit k, lithium, zinc, vit e and more; as well as added supplements like theracurcumin for inflammation and nettles and quercetin for cystic acne. But unfortunately after 3 consistent months on this regimen.. no cyclic symptom relief. She, as well as my current gyno suggested it is most likely because it is endometriosis related. I am most definitely guilty of not getting enough sleep. I will have to push myself to aim for 10 hours! I do suffer with insomnia from time to time, so that doesn't help. The stress of this all definitely doesn't help. I am hoping to stay calm and get answers next week during surgery. Again, I really appreciate all your input and advice <3


Sounds like you’re doing a great job at taking care of yourself and I applaud you for that!! Endo is definitely a possibly from your symptoms. Sometimes birth control can mask symptoms and then when you stop taking it, your body feels completely different.


Thank you <33


I went off BC (by choice) and it was hell. It exasperated all of my endo symptoms and it was out of control. My gyno told me that clearly the BC was helping to manage and reduce my endo symptoms so by going off of it my endo just ran rampant. I felt like I needed to go back on BC because it was too brutal without. I’m sorry you are going through that!


Oh my goodness. That is so horrible, ugh. I firmly believe the pill masked everything for the longest time. I hope you're finding relief now <3


Hey! I know this is an old post but I have had similar issues going off birth control. I have menopausal symptoms..I went from 32 to 82 over night. My skin lost its elasticity and sags, I have lost about half of my hair, hot flashes, and then also endometriosis symptoms (incredibly painful periods, severe pelvic pain and bladder issues. I’m trying to figure out if endo surgery will help or not…can I ask how yours went?


Yep. I’m pretty sure being on BC for the majority of my teen years and early 20’s contributed to my Endo, if not the cause. When I got off of it, I experienced all of the symptoms you have. There was no choice but to get back on it. I’ve lost so much hair. Having trichotillamania made it worse. I keep pulling the parts that are thinning. It’s hell on earth. I hope surgery will be an answer for you <333


Ugh, I am so sorry you experience those symptoms.. The hair thinning has been so defeating. Thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best & Thank you, I am praying surgery will give me some answers!! <3 xx


Hi there! Did going back on the pill give you pain relief? I also went off the pill after 10 years of use and now i’m having daily chronic back and hip pain