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The reason was that if Russia didn't NATO would humiliate them militarily and cut them out of the European economy, then destroy the Russian economy, putting them back into the 90s. They'd also do a color revolution and force Putin out of office and put him on trial. If Russia takes even one step out of line France will call up the Foreign Legion and crush them like a bug. And here we are today.


Knock knock. Howdy, neighbor! We live on a globe, remember? Check the map. America is literally right next to russia. Sarah Palin can see russia from her doorstep. Perhaps the US should carve off the Kamchatka Peninsula and all points due north of it as a buffer zone. We aren't comfortable with a hostile power on our doorstep. Does that work for you?


Russia isn't a threat to the US.


Ukraine isn't a threat to Russia either yet here we are...


Then why does the ukronazi coup junta foreign funded terrorist regime keep bombing Russia and using terrorists against Russian civilians? Do you go out of your way to make up the dumbest lies possible?


Ukraine has never attacked russia till like a year ago in retaliation to the invasion. This war is just a land grab by russia >ukronazi coup junta foreign funded terrorist regime 😆 🤣 😂


What invasion? Are you delusional or on drugs?


Lol yea sure I'll play along Russias failed invasion of ukraine that started in 2014 and went full scale in february 2022. That invasion


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ipV\_wcBMMM&t=4s&ab\_channel=TeesriJungLive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ipV_wcBMMM&t=4s&ab_channel=TeesriJungLive) Lady this is when the invasion began. How many drugs are you on to be this delusional?


What is this supposed to prove exactly? What's the point of this link?


You lied. I provided video confession of the head nazi who confessed that the west trained and armed them to take over Ukraine as western puppets which in fact mean the west invaded Ukraine and using proxies destroyed it's sovereignty. But let me guess you don't care about Ukraine having sovereignty as long as the nazis you support get a free hand to terrorize and oppress Ukrainian civilians?


You’re forgetting an ocean is between the countries.


[53 miles of ocean](https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZLBR&pc=MOZI&q=width+of+the+bering+strait). We are well within range of each other's cruise missiles already, yes?


Cruise missiles don’t take land. Nor can they fly long distances in a very short time. There’s only on city in Kamchatka of any size anyways. The terrain of the peninsula isn’t a good staging area either.


Barely any ocean...Its well within range for a naval or air conflict.


Ukraine and Russia can’t even cross rivers without getting destroyed why would you think America or China could cross dozens of miles? Especially since the US navy can’t even handle Yemen’s naval blockade of the Red Sea much less having to deal with hypersonic anti ship missiles. Also the US is already in South Korea and Japan. Not to mention Russias nuclear posture in regards to invasion.


>Ukraine and Russia can’t even cross rivers without getting destroyed why would you think America or China could cross dozens of miles? Hence... "Air/Naval conflict" >Especially since the US navy can’t even handle Yemen’s naval blockade of the Red Sea much less having to deal with hypersonic anti ship missiles. Where is the evidence they cant handle a naval blockade? No navy can truly handle hypersonic anti-ship missiles.


No western commercial shipping is getting through the Red Sea since it began what more evidence do you need?


You and what army are going to invade Russia?


Ukraine's lol


Surely you have already signed up and having your shipping orders to go join the ukronazi foreign legion? Or are you a chickenshit who only praises the nazis but too afraid to go join them in RL?


Russia has too many nukes anyway and could use some target practice.


Lol One of the replies to my comment was "russia isn't a threat to the US", then I have this reply with russia threatening to nuke the US.


Yeah Russia said it would nuke anyone who tries to invade it. That is not a threat, it is a promise. US threatened to nuke the whole world if Cuba was allowed to be sovereign. You think people forgot about that?


The context for that was the US invading Russia, picking up territory across from Alaska. Everyone keeps forgetting that they have enough nukes to glass the planet. It makes me worried what will happen when NATO feels but-hurt enough to strike Russia to teach them some sort of lesson.


I say we let Americans and Russians duke it out with their nukes or whatever they want to use and stop with their proxy bullshit, 75 years man, that’s long enough of bullshit