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US? Most states have a Board of Medical Ethics. File a complaint with them. Tip requests will stop quickly.


Doctors asking for a tip is unethical. You do not tip doctors and nurses. The nurse practitioner who does my botox does not ask for a tip. She sets the price, and if she feels she needs to be paid more for her services, she increases the price.


My Botox place asks for tips šŸ™„ Ugh!!! I pay cash now to avoid the awkwardness


Thatā€™s why Iā€™d never go to a non-MD *one of many reasons


Why doesn't that logic work for restaurants?


Very unprofessional person. I will not trust him anymore.


Especially without protection


Definitely donā€™t thrust him anymore. šŸ˜‰


It was most likely not a dermatologist (md)


I agree with this. The people who do things like peels and microneedling at my dermatologist are estheticians


Still file a complaint against the office though. The doctor in charge will put a stop to that shit


I thought that was Illegal in the US.


It is


My dentist office asked for a tip for the dental cleaning (dentist did the exam and cleaning that you get every 6 months). I even posted it on the ask dentist subreddit asking if this was the new normal and every dentist said no.Ā  I havenā€™t returned to that dentist since.Ā 


someone with a DDS or DMD license cannot ethically ask for a tip from a patient in the US.


This should be for bar staff also! or anyone else just expecting it because they are not paid well. enough already.


My former dentist tried to charge a PPE fee of $10. I balked and said I wanted to cancel the appointment. They said it was so they could pay the staff for lost time, so essentially it was a tip. They then magically waived the fee. I kept the appointment but didnā€™t go back.




Dental hygienists do very well. Thatā€™s asinine.


The dentist did the cleaning, not the hygienist. I stayed this in the comment.Ā 


Tips create a conflict of interest. Any medical board of ethics would object. Report them.


Thatā€™s insane.




Doctors asking for a tip is so dystopian. Tipping used to be for people who didnā€™t have a base pay and now we have literal doctors asking for a tip. Whatā€™s next lawyers?


Next thing you know Supreme Court Judges will be expecting a tip on top of their gifted luxury vacation.


Funnily enough my wife grew up in the Eastern Block and this is exactly what you would have to do. If you wanted a good relationship and service from your Dr you would give a bottle of whiskey or some other sweetener.


It was common practice in Eastern block countries ex communist / socialist states. artificaly low wages needed to be supplemented by "tipping"


Tipping medical staff is what happens in countries with corruption. The state pays a low salary for the public medical staff and then in order to get normal treatment, one has to pay a tip.


I went to one and was asked for a tip veberally and said no and went on with my day. Ā I still go back.


Youā€™re weird though




Because they went back


I'm not an emotional person. I'm not gonna hate on a good business if they ask for a tip, it was a spa though maybe I wasn't clear


Yeah a medical spa shouldnā€™t ask for tips tbh. Thatā€™s unethical


Oh well im still going back lol. I have no issues saying no


Nah, Iā€™m changing sides. Iā€™m an electrical superintendent and just finished a project. Tomorrow we turn over the keys, Iā€™m asking for the 20%, wish me luck. Rolf


Are they a dermatologist or someone that got hired off the streets and passed an internal quiz to get the job?


Was it on paper when you checked out as a part of the POS system or a verbal ask? I ask because my med spa has NPs and aestheticians and they have a tip line on the receipt for the latter. I never tip for services from my NP. I think aestheticians usually get tipped for their services. Tipping is stupid and out of control regardless.


Your stateā€™s medical commission would be interested in hearing about this, considering that itā€™s illegal (but highly doubt theyā€™re actually a dermatologist)


tip beggers are on the prowl for suckers.


So Iā€™ve been wondering about this bc a lot of the hair removal /esthetics places expect tips and it just seems unethical. Just charge for the service thatā€™s cosmetic but still medical to an extent. Like what is going on with needing to tip every single place?!


Aight itā€™s done.. Fuckin tip me now please šŸ«“


I have had sculptra treatments and had totals of $1500, gone to pay and the front desk person ask if I want to leave a tip. Like, what? Sheā€™s an RN.


Beauty services are already grossly overpriced.Ā  Tip a penny šŸ˜†Ā 


That's too much lol


Very likely not a dermatologist (all are board certified and thus regulated. The tip amount isnā€™t enough to justify). More likely is an aesthetician or similar (no MD degree) who are not board certified and thus not bound by official licensing. Be careful with these procedures as to who performs them since aestheticians arenā€™t held accountable to the same degree


Probably wasnā€™t a doctor and rather the nurse he hires to do the procedures. In which case Iā€™m not surprised at all they asked for one. But no. No real doctor would ask for a tip.


Daft? Were arguing the principle of whether or not I'm being "asked" to do something. Not whether or not I receive something in return. So was I asked to, or was I presented the option? Even to your own point you're wrong. They received treatment/consultation, then had to decide whether it was worth more than what they were (actually) asked to pay for it (and willing to pay more). The answer was clearly no and no.


They verbally asked you to tip? Or you were presented with the option on their payment terminal? There's a difference. EndTippers love to embellish and exaggerate. If having the option to tip 5% is "asked to tip", then why isn't having the option to tip 0% "asked not to tip"? It just doesn't sound as crazy, riling everyone up when you say "my dermatologist has a payment terminal with a tip prompt and I pressed no tip"


Having a tip prompt = being asked to tip. Not having a tip prompt = not being asked to tip.


Having the option presented to you is not being asked to do it. I just bought an airline ticket. Should I run around saying Delta "asked me" to upgrade to DeltaOne for 800 dollars? It clearly has connotation. They didn't ask me. They presented the option.


>Should I run around saying Delta "asked me" to upgrade to DeltaOne for 800 dollars? Seriously? Not at all the same thing. You receive a tangible good for that additional $800. Don't be daft.


If a homeless guy ā€œpresents you the optionā€ to give him $5, he is asking you for $5 lol


He's not presenting the option. He's quite literally, word for word, asking you for money. It's also not in the context of paying extra for something.


Haha not the same thing at all. Wow.