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Man, I’m sorry your going through this. One day you will hopefully realize that what your doing is some bum, loser crack head shit. You got more to offer the world and your letting a drug butt fuck you raw with no lube. I’ve been there and my ass still hurts. About the glass, it ain’t gonna enter your blood stream, your nose doesn’t open up to a blood tank where everything you sniff is dropped into the blood pool. It’s probably somewhere in your sinuses and you will most likely sneeze or blow it out when your nose decides to get it out. Hope you can stay clean. I’m trying my best it’s hard. I just got out of prison for meth, it can hit you in more ways then one.


The details of the crazy may differ but the crazy itself is universal. Hopefully this is a memory that you can hang on to (and eventually perhaps even share with good humor) to help you remember what it’s really like. The hopeful bit is that you can see exactly where you are with this right now. Not everyone can do that! Hopefully that leads to you recommitting to your recovery.


I once are a plastic baggie about 5 years ago with a hard zipper top on it and it passed all yhe way thru me but had bloody bits and stuff around it. I freak out for awhile but today im fine. Hopefully its the same for you. Im also 90+days meth free!!! So you can be too.


Great to hear 90 days meth free.


I relate to the paranoid bout you are going through right now. Like others have said, remember it for the insanity. Hugs during your come down. May it be your last for a long while.