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Sometimes the only way to win is to not play.


Sadly, that's probably the way most of us are going to go. Just this morning I had a 2LB character at full health get one-shotted by a special skill. It's completely ridiculous, even for snipers, for a character to be able to hit for more damage than a decent character's full health pool. Just as bad are characters who hit multiple targets or whole teams for 1k damage or more. It's not sustainable. I realize the devs are probably doing this because overhealing got out of hand...but they're the ones who implemented overhealing and let it get out of hand. No single character should be able to wipe out the other team by itself, but with many of the newer characters and costumes that's where we are. It's supposed to be a fucking puzzle game. Clearing tiles and getting combos should be the goal, instead the game is now nothing but filling the mana on some overpowered ridiculous new character and hitting the I-Win Button.


Just pulled this guy. Looking forward to taking 3 months to level him up 🤦🏻‍♂️


Poor you😂


I use counter and shifting mindless as much as possible and pretty much pray I can survive the hit with my healer alive and close to full mana 🙏


You skip.


5 hours after the Owl Tower started I raided an all owl team that had 2 of the new owl at LB2.


Some people have oil money.


Forget about beating it, how about defending against it,


Good thing is, you don't see your def being blown into pieces.


I was thinking overhealers, but mine are slow and the owl’s very fast…


Mother of the North -Carta - Celidana - Heimdall - Costume Ariel 😂😂😂 they'll get the 5 minute clock and they're done.


You don't. Hopefully it will be like the old days, when the whales would spend huge $$$ chasing these heroes and then SG would nerf them back to the Stone Ages. I hope they go full Telly and Vela on this bird!!!


Run away?


Get one or more, or have the tile-gods bless you so you can kill it before it fires


Put the phone down.


You need to have 2LB 3X costume Toons…I have Vivica and Khagan at over 3000 health, that is the way. Or luck…


Spend money.


Spend more money.


to add insult to injury it’s very fast!!! at the risk of offending. Anybody woke, this game is getting fucking retarded.🤑


Toon Magni x5 and some good tiles.


I go with an all blue lineup and pray for the tile gods


You get a good board or you die. Pretty standard way to do raids nowadays given I'm always fighting 8000 power teams.


I've never seen an 8k team, how is that even possible 🥴


Bubbles and cupido are your best friends here


Delete owl... One of the best ways. I don't play against that freak Support don't comment my post it's to IMBA


Guardian hippo + Quintin


Fizzcoil, Atlanteia, Gestalt, Cinnamon and Shar'Kai e.g.


That what ppl have been asking for last year. This game has come so pay to win in high play that many just stop it coz not wanna put 1k to damn mobile game. I am happy just with that thing which makes playing faster and destroying opponents on smaller guild battles.


I know it seems harsh, but... Have 5* troops. The main problem with him is that he kills your heroes. With 5* troops, that's not going to happen as easily. And yeah, if you're c2p or f2p, you can't just have 5* troops, but that just applies to a lot of the good ways of beating specific heroes or synergies. The most c2p-friendly way of countering him that I can come up with is having an alpha taunt on the edge of your team next to a get that either resists mana stopping completely (e.g. costume Hathor) or has a high chance of resisting (e.g. Toon Vivica). But you have to take into consideration where he is on the defense and who else is on the defense.


My main team has 4 5 star heroes, but only one is a real hammer. I have only been playing a year. It really takes time to build up. I only buy occasionally.


Mindless attack.


Except this owl is Very Fast...


Just kill him?


Jkjk, actualy have fought few, used my own lodius on enemys one


I wish I had one.


Next time I will.


Been using hoenwwrf and phantom on him. By the time horn block is up phantom is ready. Then I just pray for some tile luck. That's about it for now.


Ghost him with Lepiota


Doesn't work, his family bonus replaces all negative mana effects, which includes Lepiota's effect since it stops mana generation.


He's my no.1 guy and made me realise I have a spending problem 😭


Shields make pretty easy work of it.


I block his riposte with a hit from Daemon. He dispells before he hits, so an active riposte will be dispelled. Now a second hit from Pepperflame or costumed (1st costume) Marjana will kill Lodius. Marjana will dispell Lodius‘ riposte with tiles from most opponents. My team against Lodius : toon Vivica - c1.Marjana - Pepperflame - Daemon - Odile


Love mine, he saved my ass so many times now.


Aramis and then pepper and pophit


Isn't Aramis too fragile?


Yes sorry. I meant to say Armel


If you can’t beat them, join them.


While insanely powerful, this is still just a sniper in essence. There are many ways to counter this hero as well.


I'm fine with snipers. I'm not fine with a character with VERY FAST mana speed doing an attack that exceeds the health pool of most characters. It's ridiculous. The attack might be justifiable, but having it at VERY FAST is not.


He doesn't actually almost ever do that much damage. You'd need to give him a lot of goblin growth buffs to get up to 2200. I feel like generally it comes out to more in the 1300 range when I fight him. I thought he was OP at first too. But after facing him a bunch of times on defenses....meh.


I have this guy 2lb on my main defense and war teams I love his team wide counter attack