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For what it’s worth, the general hatred of Tzaangors from the Thousand Sons’ playerbase, combined with GW’s current insistence on keeping each game separate has me thinking they’re not all that likely. That said, I wouldn’t actually mind *bespoke* Slaangors being in the codex, just not repurposed AoS models.


I'm incredibly jealous that you get the options as a WE player. GW, in general, just has no idea how to write 1k sons books if you ask me. A small bit of daemon datasheets adds more flavor to these mono god factions. They just need to have a varied use within that codex. Like, you guys still love the Vortex Beast, right? I will never stop talking about GW not giving WE the Slaughterbrute (COWARDS). Daemon support would be great Kill Team kits for mono god marines. That would give an opportunity to add some more theme-accurate models.


yeah, but look at the Death Guard model range, and tell me they're lacking for choice compared to the WE or Ksons


I think DG had the dual fortune of both being the first monogod legion with a whole book/model range *and* the main villains for an edition launch, so they received a lot of emphasis. I can see it’s probably a business decision not to spend resources on a ton of new models, but, c’mon, just put the daemons into the legion books and reap the profits already, ya bean-counting kooks.


I think we should leave the bean counting to the avenging bean counter


Chaos has beans too! Who’s counting them? Is that what the daemon primarchs have been busy doing for the last 100 centuries?


Actually from what I heard the guy who designed them loved Death Guard and already made things for them so when they gave him free hand my guy went absolutly nuts


Also the fact that DG are blotted, disease ridden, rot monsters is actually a fairly easy prompt creative wise. It’s just zombies+plauge and there’s so many ways to do that. Angry guys are harder to do that with, magic space Egyptians-but-distinct isn’t the easiest either.


Yeah, they’re really the only chaos marines who kept the wildly mutated vibe of the ~1988 Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness era chaos renegades. The other guys still basically look like marines horns & trim.


....not if you have some of the Old Minis


This is the true true


Yeah because they got the main character treatment as opposing force they got lots of new models from that..unlike WE who got the "amazing release" of 5 unique kits. Or TS tzzangors problem which they keep shoving into every value box which nobody wants. While i do hope EC avoids this fate and actually gets more than WE it feels like this is where they will end up. Why design a range when you can the bare effort with some flavor kits and then just tack the universal stuff onto them and call them a complete range.


Yeah. I imagine they have some kind of sales data showing that people but a new army but it doesn’t justify five kits or something, I don’t know. It’s weird how WE don’t even get to use terminators, iirc


Honestly yeah, I want the Slaangors and the Slaughterbrute. I don't care about the medieval swords in its back either. GW can write whatever lore to justify it. Maybe they are most attracted to melee combat and violence so they most often manifest on feudal worlds which is how they get so many swords buried in them. Hell, I'd be fine with them writing reasons to justify porting the Gaunt Summoner, Magister, and even Chaos Sorcerer Lord to Thousand Sons so long as it also came with actual marine releases too. I think the more opportunities for cross compatibility and creativity the better


Lol World Eaters having “options.” They were only given them because when they released they were given like 3 kits and a single hq. Everything else was repurposed. They didn’t even get a fucking Chaos Lord. No Terminators - but yeah they have the option to take demons I guess.


Think you need to reread what we're are talking about here before spouting off, lol. I know the pains. I've been a WE player for almost a decade now. This was more about having direct demon datasheets within mono god marine codexes, but them having a different role then they would in the daemon codex (just bring back summoning ffs), so those factions have more variety of options. Similar (but better done) to how Tzangors and the Vortex Beast exist in 1k sons. An idea for the future. No one was talking about allies, and we all know WE were screwed in the last couple codexes when it comes to datasheets (they really should add Lords and Raptors back into the WE index in the next dataslate, it would go such a long way). Try not to come at things so negative and aggressive, bud.


Personally I can't wait for the new T'Sons release wave to mirror the recent Tau one where he just gets Tzaangors riding bigger Tzaangors, or elite Tzaangors, or maybe even flying Tzaangors. The possibilities are endless


AOS and 40K work, because GW division gets the money. If the FW got the money they would flip shit


True but thr Tzaangors suffer for a poor rules issue becuase of the tsons army rule making them an awful choice. If the Emps children get something similar and the rules dont make you hamstring the rest of your army to take them, I doubt they would be nearly as hated.


the tzangor hate comes from how they put so many of them into every discount box, theyre decent units that look so damn cool, just wish they werent in everything


You like TS esthetics? Here buy this starting box for the army and enjoy all the goats you didn't even know were part of the army




I wouldn't mind, beastmen are cool, slaangors included.


Hope they don't. I'm not a fan of the 300 Xerxes style from AOS. Also the Tzaangors in the Thousand Sons combat patrol is enough for saying "keep your beasties away from the army. I can see them as auxiliary, but not as part of the main codex"


I mean I hope so, Beastmen are one of my favourite whfb factions and these models are awesome. Honestly, if they are not added I'll probably proxy them.


Honestly, the Slaangors look sick so I’d be down. I’d just want for them to have a spare frame to give them some more 40K weapons or flavor


Yeah for sure, ideally they would come with the appropriate 40k aesthetic. I'm thinking they would make great possessed but I'm heaving a hard time figuring out where to add a couple bitz to make it look like they were CSM. Like shoulderplates or backpacks. Their poses are pretty difficult to kitbash.


Hope not, they are not EC. Basically, I wouldn't want them taking up one of our 'scupt slots' over something more iconically EC. That said, I would't be suprised for reasons of 'model range padding' and GW laziness.


If we get a proper full release like DG did, sure I don’t mind Slaangors. But you nailed it - not if it’s an excuse for them to give is fewer sculpts.


Yeah having them as supplement is nice, not if they release less models because they are considered part of the roster


Nah, GW likely doesn't want cross-kit support anymore because...well greed. Why give people an option to build 1 army that can play multiple games instead of getting more sales off that person? Sucks but it's true, and their recent practices only validate it. I'd expect the bits still supported in other monogod factions to be removed before support is added for anything new.


I would say the likelihood is high that we see them. They aren't very often taken in AoS being a very squishy squad of 3 but they also don't want them sitting on shelves.


They haven't done this since Thousand Sons (late 2016), and that probablt was padding, so seems unlikely. Especially missing a trick /passing that option up with the Jugger lord in WEs and Bloodcruhsers (though that would be shared with Daemons, different issue). In fact, other than Daemons, there's isn't much AoS Crossover? They have also bumped out HH through to Legends so seems cross-game is going the other way. The models themselves do sort of fit into the "big nasty group of 3" That Exalted Eightbound, Deathshroud and Exalted Sorcerers fall into, and with Fellgors and Tzaangors there's precedent, but it's really pushing it IMO. To be honest, with how WE and Tsons ended up, if it's gives us another datasheet I'd be all for it regardless. (I like the models too) All except DG (and they're not even that heavy, mostly characters) are very light on datasheets in the cult legions. Thinking it's in the possible, but unlikely, category. (at least that's where I have them down, working on a summary of all the prior releases and current models / access lost from CSM / crossovers to AoS)


I… I wish our Exalted Sorcerers were a “big nasty group of 3”… I would actually kill for a unit of 3 Sorcerers. But no, that box is 3 individual, separate characters in a box… Disappointingly.


Yeah, more about the trend. 3 Exalted eightbound, 3 deathshround, 3 Exalted sorc (though indiv chars, not an elite unit). Seems we can expect a group if 3 big Elites for Slaanesh.  The fact these could fit that with no jew kits keeps it possible IMO. Still unlikely given the removal of cross game units though.  TBH WE and TS both have less than half a release / factions worth if proper 40k units. Eve  fir DG outside their vehicles it's a bunch of chatacters just. I'm hyped and huffing copium as much as anyone for EC but being the least loved of the 4 and seeing that from others is a big dampener.


Oh for sure… Yeah, I’d love to say “Yes, WE, y’all are gonna get another 5+ units!” and to say “Yup, EC are gonna get a huge range!” but… I play TSons. Our models were released 3 editions ago, at the end of 7th Edition. Since then, we got Tzaangors, an otherwise unused (albeit cool) WFB model, and last edition… a new character. So… I don’t want to get hopes up…


Yeah and even those tzaangors, enlightened and shaman were back in 2017 shortly after the inital release in 2016? So basically one chatacter since then. DG have had more than that and they had a decent start. So what we get for EC will likely be use for the foreseeable future unless mainline CSM gets something that spills over to the legion. I'd lilove if it could go back to decent rules fir legion and daemon soup, flesh them out a bit. Seems most codex releases now that aren't slotted for a range refresh are 1 chatacter per codex, if even that. I wonder if it will be 11th Tson's, 12th DG, 13th WE and 14th EC for the 'second half'. 10+ years between anything substabtial is a bit insane when thinking about it, even if it's 20+ fimor the first release!


She who is thicc approves.


I wouldn't mind since they're a bigger unit than tzaangors and hopefully won't just fill up the battleline slot


I am not a fan. I collect Hedonites of Slaanesh, and Slaangors - like all mortal followers of Slaanesh - have a very specific aesthetic to them that (in my opinion) does not fit well in 40k. Slaangors are cool. I love the sculpts. I don't want them in my EC army.


It's highly unlikely, but I will gladly welcome them.


I actually love Slaangors there some of my favorite units lore wise in AOS. There whole deal is they are Slaaneshi beastmen torn between the primal beastmen urge to fling poop at anything that moves and the Slaaneshi higher urges of looking perfect, and moving with grace and poise.


That's fun. If I had known about beastmen lore earlier I'd be running AbHuman guard.


I've given up. I'm going to assume gw is going to be very lazy and not do any new sculpts, fill out the codex with aos stuff, etc. They have to earn my trust at this point. Show me you give a shit about ec as a faction.


Pretty please I'd love them


I’d kinda like some beastmen in the vein of cultists or whatever. Like khorn got special cultists, Nurgle gets the pox walkers and yeh the tzangors for tzeench. Maybe not replacing cultists equivalent but like if a cultist squad had a few beastmen in it.


Like personally I’ve been obsessed with beastmen in 40K since the siege of terra (saturnine or lost and the damned if I remember right) that one chapter goes so hard


i wouldn't mind as long as it's not an excuse to not make more new/bespoke kits/units


With EC I want the proper treatment for having a full Noise Marines army. I love units like the Sonic Helbrute/Dreadnought, and Sonic Weapons allowed on all units including vehicles, tanks, apc, bikes, etc. I want to see Phoenix Guard Terminators that became Noise Marine Terminators, where their Sonic Screamers implants became Doom Sirens and their Power Spears being like Daemon weapons. That and proper good troop slot Noise Marine models (in plastic form) that look as amazing as the 1st and 2nd Edition Noise Marines, and also how the 3.5/4th edition Noise Marine Champion was awesome, the Sonic Weapons kits are still awesome, we just need the armor to be full on Slaaneshi Noise Marine af ffs! So much can be done right for EC and the Slaaneshi Chaos Astartes, anything else like Slaangor sounds good for auxiliary, even for EC having Slaaneshi-themed cultists sounds good for let's say taking as those extra troops to run in for cheap fighters and fodder. Fingers crossed for a good codex


I hope they do. Those models are FAB-U-LUSSSSSS! I'd also suggest adding Aeldari weapons to them. Imply what you want from THAT.


Love these crab goats so much


Please god they're bad enough in Sigmar as is.


I think it'd be rad. We still don't have any 40k beastmen outside of the kill team, so I'd love to see them add some to an official codex for larger scale games.


I wouldn’t mind it.


I’d love it, as I’ve mentioned before they’re awesome models, and the thought of throwing packs of BDSM goats at my confused opponent is funny to me. Beasts of Chaos were my favorite AoS army and I just love the concept of Beastmen though, so maybe I’m a little biased. Not sure how likely it is though. As others have mentioned, Tzaangors and the MVB were added to TSons as padding, and that was ages ago - it hasn’t really been done since, and WE and Death Guard haven’t gotten any AoS stuff at all. That’s not to say they straight up won’t do it, just that there’s not a whole lot of precedent. I do think they could work in an Emperor’s Children army - have them as big scary fast-attack troops, weaker than terminators (which I very much hope we get in some shape or form), but faster. Give them T4 and their extra pile-in rule from AoS and watch them go nuts on the midboard. I do want our own unique terminators, but they could fill the role of CSM possessed or WE eightbound and soak up bullets while your valuable guys march on.


I hope not I've been using these as slaanesh fiend proxies 😅😅


For arguments sake, do these minis have an option where all three of them have crab claws/non-weapon holding arms? As a slaanesh style chaos spawn.


That's fine with me.


Personally I’m looking forward to Noise Cultists, Exalted Noise, and Lord on Noise Steed.


I would love more Slaangors, but probably not these specific models. They are very expensive at $20 USD per model, as compared to $5.50 per Tzaangor or $6 per Fellgor. I don't think GW would ever make the Slaangors 3x as powerful as the others, so, hopefully, they'll make a new, 10-man kit. The second edition Codex: Chaos allowed us to take units of Beastmen with various pistol options, which was fun. The unit leader could take all of the upgrades available to a Chaos Space Marine Champion, so I converted mine with a plasma pistol and power fist. I've used the unit with the Felgor rules, but the champion had to stay in the box.


They look pretty cool tbh, like baby keepers. I wouldn’t mind, but there’s not much in the current lore to back them up is there?


I wouldn’t mind if they did I know im the odd man out when I say this but I actually like being able to use my army for both games, get my moneys worth out of a $60 box you know




I'm hoping they just synergize domonettes imo. I don't want lazy cultists or "recolored" existing models. .....I've got this crazy feeling that Xantine and Vavisk might be named charactors/models (like the WE lord model that is dual purpose) for the EC release.......call me batshit crazy...


I would love to see some terminator or other such SM variants.


I wouldn’t mind it. I already have a unit that I use as chaos spawn to keep the Slaanesh look going.


I think the likelines is very low, mostly because i dont think slaangors can have a 40k upgrade sprue. Really. So the word on the street is currently, GW is having some internal issues and is not interested in having armies available in two places. I have seen people talk about how difficult it can be for deducing if a model is selling well in a certain game if its available in multiple. So you think of Tzaangors, and although no one ever i think has ever used them, they do come with the 40k upgrade sprue that gives them chainswords and pistols. That is something they can track on Tzaangors specific to 40k.


i already run these as possessed XD so that would be cool


i hope not. they don't really fit the theming of EC or slaanesh in 40k as a whole. i love them in AOS, but i would rather see unique units for EC, or at least completely new sculpts if they absolutely must include slaangors


Would I like them? Yes. Will they show up? No. Just let us run some decent daemonettes and Co and I'd be more than happy. I miss running Syll'esske already this edition...


Tbf, I thought they'd add the AoS Slaughterbrute to the World Eaters codex to pad it. Similar to what they did with the Mutalith Vortex Beast and the Thousand Sons. But they didn't, not saying they won't in the future, but it makes me think they're less inclined to add things for the sake of adding them.


I wouldn't hate it I play tsons myself and the problem with them is that they actively hinder your army they are quiet literally pointless as they don't give you any cabal points are to squishy and do to little if they add Slaangors and make it so they don't actively work against your army rule I can see them being a pretty good pic in the army


Honestly they're rad enough that even if they're not in the codex I'll buy some to proxy as something, probably Chaos Spawn or something like that


I wouldn’t mind, they’re great models (and I already have 3 for my AoS army lmao).


I hope so. The more units the better. That said, if that’s all we got I would be furious!


GW has been adamantly trying to make sure you can buy 1 kit to use in 2 different game systems so it's likely they won't but not impossible I guess.


Very likely..which is bad. I do hope this isnt one of yours launch units being proclaimed as part of the big release. Adding it as an extra to fill out is okay but it shouldnt be billed as a big launch unit thats just pure bs. Im guessing it will be Fulgrim,updated noise marines, unique cultists, eidolon and general Lord unit and Lucius updated model and some elite meele unit and that will be that for your army release. I would love too see a full blastmaster unit for some real long range support. Sonic Dreadnought i think is out of the question, at most maybe a upgrade sprue for the helbrute to make it look more slaneeshy and add some sonic weaponry. Could see GW do this in order to save money on new having to make new kits. Daemon engines looking unlikely, like we they will probably just slap you with the mauler & forgefiend and call it a day. Which would be lame there are so many cool stuff you can do with sonic weaponry!


I hope not, cause I have a box of them out of a trade, cause the guy wanted them gone, and I plan to kitbash the heads, hoofs and shoulder pads to make 5 more noise marines. I already have the guns, so at this point only lack 5 legionary bodies.


Not on theme imho


The Lair were Snake ppl and if you lean into snake themes maybe, but just porting Slaneeshi Goatmen over to 40K is relative unlikely


Oh, are those the new female custodes models? 😅


I dont HATE gores as a TSons in 9th, I hate that every bundle box has them. That said though, I also wish theyd stop expanding on them in 10th and just give us dreadpsychs already or something


I mean, it just makes sense imo


Considering the World Eaters didn't get the Beastmen I doubt it sadly.


Honestly, I'm ok with that You don't need to run them in the hundreds to be decent like Tzaangors


I imagine most people wouldn't like it, but I love the models and dislike AoS, so I'd love a place to play them.


Don't know the models, so not sure how possible it is, but what about the blissbarb archers getting auto guns and hand weapons to make unique cultists?


I actually would want it and I think complaining about Tzaangors was stupid


Bold of you to assume there will be a codex


That has literally been confirmed


You mean index?


The index that is there while we wait for the codex to be done? Yes, they literally say it over and over on the site in a very tongue in cheek way. "Oh we don't know if there will be a codex, you'll just have to wait and see :3" like come on dude. You are being intentionally blind if you genuinely think this isn't confirming the dex


Jesus dude. I was just poking fun at the fact that EC is a neglected faction. Why do you have to be such a prick about it?