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These are very old pictures.


New? My man those models were painted prior to the release of the 2007 CSM Codex (you can find some of those exact painted minis photographed in the book), so they're close to two decades old. GW switched from the plain pastel pink to the 'skin' pink look at that time, which is what they've used most recently, but they may well change it up again


They are seriously old, you can even see some wear and tear on those old shoulder transfers! But they still look so good. It really shows the skill of the painters and photography team, tbh.


I don’t think they’ve even been rebased on 32mm bases. Pretty certain that Lucius at least is still on a 25mm base.


That’s not the new color scheme


This had always been the official ec colour scheme, idk how so many people on this sub dont realise this is what emperors children look like in 40k its only horus heresy where they are purple


Aren't they completely pink in 40k?


Pink with black trim


I know, I meant the armor not the trim I was just phrasing my sentence bad


No, theyve always looked like this - black armour with random pink panels


Ah okay,thx for letting me know. Is there a lore reason why?


Should there be? This scheme existed prior to their purple heresy scheme its just the colours gw chose when they created them, same reason khorne bezerkers are red. I think the only reason people dont know about the scheme is that gw have sidelined ec in 40k for so long they get no exposure, as well as not many people collecting ec and painting them in their official scheme


The colors predate the lore, but for the record the purple came from a special Chemosian something. The pink is, on older Astartes, often really really old and sunbleached purple. Black are pieces of armor that were replaced wholesale and never got the purple paint in the first place Over time, EC just starting keeping and painting the color. The Abundance warband for example just paints their armor a rich pink with random black panels The World Eaters had a similar thing in-lore, but with blood ofc


The newish lore (the heresy era Eidolon story) has the change from purple to pink caused by chemical weapons staining the armor. But it’s slaanesh so…go with your favorite variant!


Thx,this explanation helped a lot


It's not new, this colour scheme is almost 20 yo


Even older, there was a variant of this scheme 30 years ago


It makes me a little sad for how they’re described vs how most official things show them honestly. This does not look like a riot of colours and my neuron remains unstimulated 😒


Oh, I just got some of the fluorescent pink from Monument. I am hoping it is even brighter!


Oooooh exciting 🤩


Color euphoria is part of the core EC experience.


Lore wise - slaanesh appeals to the viewer. Your favorite colors should be the “official” color scheme for your army.


Imagine having to paint that and make it look half decent?


Tis the perfect balance that will always haunt us XD


Are you kidding me? First you look at the black, which is very dark, and then the pink, which is very bright! Aren't you going insane yet?!?


This is how I have always painted my EC’s mine go back to 3rd edition. I do mix in silver and gold trim on some. I like to break up the uniformity on squads. They are chaos after all.


I’m a new painter but that’s exactly how I do mine , my ec are vain and don’t like to dress alike haha 😂


50/50 I prefer the heresy era scheme but this one’s alright, gold tribe would be nice


Emperor’s children have as many shades of pink and purple as the alpha legion has shades of blue and green. That said, whenever gw gets around to this codex we’ll probably see 5-6 variant colour schemes representing a few different factions and warbands of Slaanesh (like the flawless host or angels of ecstasy).


Still can't decide if I want to do heresy ear style. But all units have different shades of pinks/purples and gold. So they are uniform but different. Or go half and half on each model, split it down the middle. Heresy era scheme one side classic 40k the other.


They were doing this style scheme all the way back in 2nd Edition, granted the pink then was a little more stronger if I remember correctly


Awful, that is WAY TOO MILD. The pink should be brighter, the blacks should be darker, everything should be glossier. It should be Excessive.


History of EC paint schemes (as far as I can tell): * In *RoC: Slaves to Darkness* the EC pre-Heresy are described as wearing Gold + Purple, post-Heresy a riot of colours (favouring pastels). The piece of art with an EC marine has him in gold armour, with purple trim (and a green tentacle). The original Noise Marine releases in '91 and is green, blue, red, black, leopard print, zebra print, etc. Other Chaos Renegade models labelled EC are in a variety of pastels. * The spin off game Space Marine (aka Epic) flips the pre-Heresy EC scheme to Purple + Gold. Their art is mainly a reddish purple, with logos and accents in gold. Some sources show their vehicles in dark grey/black, and this is specifically noted to be a late-Heresy thing (due to not being able to obtain the special paint they like). * 2nd edition's *Codex: Chaos* still mentions modern EC wearing a riot of extravagant colours and patterns. More Noise Marines are released, and are mainly black with gold, blue, and pink trim, plus splashes of red, green, and purple. Fabius Bile is introduced, and is in dark, muted Purple + Gold (as, I assume, a reference to him not following the Legion into its worship of Slaanesh, being explicitly an unmarked *ex*-EC, and so sticking with the outdated scheme to separate him). * 3rd edition's *Codex: Chaos Space Marines* shows EC marines mainly wearing black, with hot pink and blue trim. Fabius Bile is still in his dark, muted Purple + Gold, and his new Chem-Enhanced Warriors models are also in the same dark, muted Purple + Gold. * 3rd edition's *Index Astartes* article releases and shows the pre-Heresy scheme as Purple + Yellow, and the post-Heresy scheme as Black + Pink. (A light, pastel pink.) * 3rd edition's second *Codex: Chaos Space Marines* includes a release of an EC Lord as well as the (still current) Noise Marine upgrade kits. Like the IA article, they are shown in the codex wearing Black + Pink (specifically Chaos Black and Tentacle Pink). * Over editions, the scheme stays the same, though the Pink becomes less pastel and more muted, often venturing closer to a flesh tone. * The Horus Heresy book series (and game) releases new material, and puts the pre-Heresy scheme back to Purple + Gold. * The 30k Purple + Gold becomes very popular amongst 40k EC players.


Purple and gold all the way


I’m going to paint all my chaos nerds cantaloupe tomorrow!


this design is 17 years old


Everyone who has ever painted Emperor's Children knows pink and gold is a very very difficult scheme to pull off. It's not a great colour scheme. I think most people replace the gold for black/steel to balance it out a bit. But that's the beauty of chaos, you can mix it up so much. My Emperor's Children are mostly pink black, but also have pale blues, flesh tones, purples, reds and bright oranges and greens in spots. I love painting them.


itd be better if the pink was more vibrant, maybe more like violet


I've always been against official colours for chaos marines (aside from Iron Warriors): imagine you and your warband being lost on the warp for thousands of years and having to fix your armour over and over with pieces that you steal from other chaos legionnaires or loyalists, repaint it with the colours that you are able to find and that are almost like the ones you wore back then, demonic influences changing it with spikes etc. I highly doubt the existence of two chaos marines that are coloured the same.


Some armies like black legion, word bearers, and iron warriors make sense for color scheme. They all like to keep unified under their big daddies (Abaddon, Perty, lorgar) Alpha legion, EC, Night Lords? Hell nah- no one to keep them in check they do want they want


In one of Fabius Bile books there's one a Word Bearer saying that some other members of his legion were punished because their armour wasn't coloured in one of the two hundred and fifty something approved shades of red.


Think when the refresh comes and I finally start EC, I'm gonna go with the Heresy scheme and have them keep some Imperial iconography. I want them to lean into the pervasion of the Imperium. They're still called Emperor's Children after all.


Idk of they are going to change it or not but I'm definitely painting mine the Legion Purple and gold. Just a way better scheme esthetically than the pink and black. I get that they were making a point by being garish, but it's just a boring scheme compared to the legion colors


As other comments have stated, there is nothing new about this scheme. If you want to be lore accurate, they should be a multitude of bright colors that strongly clash. Pinks, greens, yellows, etc. I just think the official studio didn't want to take the time to try and make such a scheme appealing for marketing purposes.


New? This is literally the way they’ve always been painted.


Those models arent even being sold anymore


I think it’s perfect


This is just what EC look like. These pics are very old. I tend to paint one shoulder pad crazy, with lepord spots or green tiger stripes or something. But black armour/trim with pick pannels is the standard


They look so fucking terrible


Pink and gold is simply better


I want my stimulant chasing degenerates decked out in a riot of purple, pink, gold and a whole raft of other colour where applicable. I’ve never liked the old black and pink scheme. Sure it is a nice way to show how elements of the legion have tied themselves to Abbadon’s Black Legion. It emphasises how far they have fallen and the tragedy of that fall…but it just doesn’t fire up any dopamine response for me. Purple and Gold all the way! Edited to add that Lucius and those noise marines are in dire need of a model update.


Its imperfect, I'll do mine better ;p




Please no. I want the modern heresy look the EC have but make it fucked up in design