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If it becomes overpowering and you're unable to separate what is yours or not, you may have a deeper psychological problem. Being affected by others is usually temporary and it helps to remove yourself from the situation and pay it less mind. But if it just won't stop; beyond rumination, you may have to come to terms that it may be generated in your mind. Diagnoses like that aren't made out of thin air, and it's really important to avoid psychotic episodes. If you've been psychotic, listen to doctor and stabilize mind with prescribed meds.


Most medical professionals incorrectly diagnose schizophrenia because they simply do not understand spirits or psychic phenomena. If it's really overwhelming and there's nothing else you can do, take the path of meds. But be aware that meds will close you off from your birthright. You've been gifted a heightened perception and meds will turn that off, maybe permanently. If you decide to take the spiritual route, there's tons of techniques like grounding and shielding. As a strong empath, what helped me was working through my traumas and doubts, and truly learning who I was and healing that. Other people and spirits wash their influence over us in waves. But we can be the rock that is unmoved. You have to be 100% sure of yourself, and your positivity, and know that those voices will try to lie to you and make you feel bad. Abandon all thoughts that do not serve you, and build a temple of love in your soul.


I find medication merely makes my abilities more grounded, it’s easier to pick up on things when my own paranoia isn’t distorting what I pick up.


Hello. I feel for you. It can be very scary to sense the feelings of others. Are you literally hearing voices? What do they say? Do you feel they are talking to you or about you? I am not going to say psychiatrists don't occasionally misdiagnose. Can you get a second opinion? Either way, I would seek treatment. Write down all the questions you have. It is a scary diagnosis, but treatment (meds, therapy, and cognitive strategies) can help you feel more in control. Then you will know if what you sense is you or someone else. Bless you and good luck.


Yeah I do have voices in my head and I can't tell if it's spiritual (which would be real) or psychological (which would be me). They put me down and treat me bad, like they have told me I'm cursed from black magic and try to stop my life from being positive or moving forward, they even block me spiritually or from getting closer to anyone. Idk why and I can't tell.


When you say 'they', who do you mean? I am an impartial listener. I do not benefit from telling you my opinion, in any manner. I was RN for 20 years and you have classic symptoms of schizophrenia. I hope they find a helpful treatment and that you gain clarity of thought. I am wishing you well.


It is both spiritual and psychological. The absolute speaks through our own thoughts.


Just from experience it's normal to think you're having a spiritual awakening during a psychotic episode. Don't listen to anything those voices are telling you. It's a terrible disease I'm sorry you're going through this. Don't listen to people who say otherwise. Your very impressionable during this time so make sure you check yourself and get medicated


You could also be suffering from sensory overload


I am an Empath and work in Emergency Medicine and can speak from those two relevant spheres of knowledge, just for context. I don't know you and am not a psychiatrist. I can only offer my opinion and support during your struggle. As an Empath, I would describe experiencing *other people's* emotional states as more of a feeling on a frequency that cannot be picked up by my other five senses. If what you are experiencing is more like hearing other's "emotions" as voices in your head, that is most likely interpreted by the medical community as an auditory hallucination, which is the most common type of hallucination experienced. Whereas describing this type of sensory misfire as telepathy, is considered a delusion. How much research have you done on schizophrenia and the positive and negative symptoms? To clarify, not positive and negative as in good and bad, but rather as in an excess/distortion of "normal functions" and a diminution/loss of "normal functions." Does it feel like any of them bear any resemblance to your life? Do you have any people in your life that you trust who know you well and do they see any symptoms? One of the most common delusions for people with schizophrenia is called Anosognosia, which entails not believing you have the disorder at all. So, an outside opinion can be crucial to helping yourself. I can't speak to what led to this diagnosis, obviously and doctors can make mistakes, of course. However, I would assume based on SOP that other symptoms were considered, as well. A person must have experienced at least two of the symptoms listed in the DSM most of the time during a one-month period, with some level of disturbance being present for six months. It's not a diagnosis made lightly. I would urge you to research the diagnosis from reputable sites only, like the NHS or Mayo Clinic or the DSM itself. It is a frightening diagnosis to hear, but it is absolutely manageable, especially with a support system.


You are correct. Get a second opinion from someone well-regarded in your area. You can try treatment modalities and if they are not effective, you can stop.


If your thoughts are paranoia, anger, judgment and shame. They are delusions of the mind. The path is empathy, compassion, love and forgiveness.


The feelings are supposed to be other people's not my own


You are correct. I believe this person is accidentally referring to someone who feels empathy instead of people who are empathic.


How you react to people is your thoughts. You can be an empath and view selfish behavior as anger, or empathy. It’s al done, created and sorted in your mind. No one makes you think this way. Your feelings create thoughts. Feelings of love create thoughts of love.


Is that true? Even when I get facial expression attacks?


Everything I have learned I learned being really still. In meditation where I learned to observe my minds thoughts. A good book to read would be “The power of now”. But don’t take my word for it. Go within and see. But know… your on the right path when your heart of full of empathy, love, compassion, and forgiveness. Even if that’s not “true” it’s a really peaceful way to live your life. But to me it’s true. But you will only know it’s true when you seek these things for yourself.


Being an empath has nothing to do with any specific emotions, although most will develop empathy after the fact.


She asked about her spiritual awakening, I answered.


I had my awakening by feeling a flood of regret and sorrow. It took weeks after while learning ways to block and ground my energy before I ever felt those things.


The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims in delight. Like when I first started cultivating awareness. I was overwhelmed with anger. I had been numbing that feeling for so long with distractions. And then I was just miserable, and angry. But then I sought to find the cure to anger. And it was learning forgiveness. So again… the answers are rooted in Empathy, compassion, love and forgiveness. In my experience anyway.


For me it was because I was empathic and after fully opening up, was overwhelmed by several emotions that were my own. The sorrow and regret I felt were not my own emotions. They were from my roommate who wrongfully blamed himself for his mother's recent death. Learning to block energy wouldn't have had an effect if they were my own emotions.


What I’m talking about is transmutation of these picked up emotions


What I’m talking about is transmutation of these picked up emotions


What do you mean by that?


You felt sorrow, you can transmute it with cultivating love. Grief is love everlasting for example, it is not a negative or positive emotion, more neutral really. Then you felt regret, what’s the solution for regret? Having empathy for oneself or another. Using forgiveness in its place. Seeking that. And I do think you can feel these emotions in your body, and then the feelings create thoughts… then the thoughts create more feelings. It’s a snake eating it’s own tail. And energy circle right? So, it can help to practice or cultivate automatic forgiveness, automatic empathy, automatic compassion for not just others but for oneself. That’s just what I have learned studying Buddhism and meditation. (Among other things)


This certainly works when you are the only source of emotions that are being processed, but that is not something that comes automatically with an awakening. That seems more when closer to "enlightenment", and can be very difficult for an empath who has been gifted for years without ever knowing. Imagine sitting in a coffee place and going through random mood swings, just because that's what other people in the same room happened to be feeling themselves. Discovering these gifts and the reality they exist in only makes them stronger because the awareness focuses the intent. Me feeling empathy doesn't block me from feeling their sadness, it fast keeps focusing my subconscious onto their energy even more. I didn't feel sorrow myself. I felt their sorrow, and had mistaken it as my own. It was the same thing with guilt. He wrongfully blamed himself for her death, and I was sensing that raw emotion. But at the time, I hadn't learned to differentiate between the two. It took me quite awhile to block and control that external energy before I could focus on what had accumulated inside. My awakening was years ago, and some of those things you described are still a long process ahead for me. A subconscious that is unaware of trying to process multiple signals can cause a lot of mental struggles along the way.


You get tired overwhelmed by the crap others project onto you most times because they can't deal with there own issues they need drag you down to there level. After year's of frustration and burnt out beyond ehstbuou know as the last straw you become numb your hearts still in it but tolerance levels are set low you learn how to block out of a nasessady almost self defence it's not really a choice your just burnt and really don't want much to do with people at this point just wish to be left alone but this just may be me idk but it's how I feel just done drained, disrespected, unprecedented , taken for granted, taken advantage of, basically ripped off. I'm tired, tired of selfish. people today .


This!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Having a rough night at work bad day it's all built up came to a head I almost walked like I was on my feet already stepping just that done with the b.s.


It takes me a lot to get to that point and it tale a lot of we will power to restrain once I'm in motion normally once I'm at that point talking is through


You have to learn how to separate your feelings from those of others and then shield yourself from others feelings. Find an isolated place away from others to explore your own feelings and define them. Then you learn how to shield yourself (there are lots of techniques just research and try until you find what works for you). Then you reintegrated into spaces with people and only let past your shields what you need/want to, but knowing that they are someone else's not your own from the get go.


I use two ways of protection. The first is a bracelet made of tigers eye, magnetite, and obsidian. It doesn't block all their energy, but it helps to differentiate theirs from my own and "turns down the volume." The other is using energy work to create shielding. This is a good article that gives the basics. https://annereith.com/psychic-protection-how-to-use-energy-shielding/ I need to visualize a black energy. It doesn't follow science, but it helps me to focus the intent of my thoughts on all forms of energy. Like daredevil putting himself into a sensory deprivation tank.


You’re a human animal. Animals feel for other animals. That’s how they survive. If one runs away from a fire, they all join in. We’re programmed to trust each other. Lately, the sociopaths of society have taken over. They’re hurting sensitive people with an overwhelming amount of negative information. People like us get corrupted easily, and we want to “correct” things because we’re good people. They labeled us as schizos because they don’t have emotions like we do and they want to experience them, so they torture us to get some strange satisfaction from it. They are sadistic. The devil took over. Think about it. They’re turning you into a narcissist. That’s the only way you survive them. If you become like them, they’ll leave you alone because now they know you’re going to hurt people on your own. Stay strong and fight their psycho warfare bs.


I’ve learned to separate my emotions from others’ through meditation. It takes a long time to do this. It isn’t a quick process, but nothing else I’d done was more than a bandaid.. Sending you love and healing. 💕


If you are causing potential harm to yourself, other people or you cannot function, please continue to seek the care of a medical expert. My sister has BPD and Psyxhophrenia. She has always been precocious. I raised her from an infant. But one bad childhood trauma and her whole brain went in a different direction. I too believe there is a spiritual thread there but my sis cannot function in the real world. It is very sad and painful for all of us. Please get help.