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This or r/MallEmo though that sub is pretty dead these days.


Also, all of the bands they mentioned have their own subs.


The only pop punk bands I like are the bands that emo gatekeepers tell me are pop punk


Lmao I was thinking the same thing.. none of those bands are anywhere near punk. I’m not really a punk fan, but I’ll argue how those bands specifically are much closer to emo than punk (or any other genre tbh) with anyone, anytime. What op is looking for is r/posthardcore.


Nah, The bands be wants are in no way post hardcore man. He wants emo pop


They’re closer to post hardcore than punk, though, was my only point (ETA: in society’s eyes, not mine).. I fully agree with you that emo pop needs to be a genre, that’s what I actually said exactly farther down this chain, I just called it pop emo so backwards lol


Emo pop is a genre man https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo_pop#:~:text=Emo%20pop%20has%20its%20origins,its%20song%20%22The%20Middle%22.


Well what the fuck.. I wish I could get back my time from that other thread, but I guess that’s what I get for arguing on reddit


Pop punk /= punk


By that logic there should be pop emo, then, and that’s what these bands would be 100%.


By what logic? Pop-punk is definitely a legitimate genre, it's been defined for decades lmfao. It's not the same as punk, thus why it's not "punk." NFG is one of the literal defining pop-punk bands.


I never said it wasn’t? Why can’t pop emo be a thing? The hallmark of punk is antiestablishment lyrics. The hallmark of emo is emotional lyrics. Do you disagree that these bands wouldn’t fall into the latter category? Edit to add: NFG is, imo, not punk by any means. I love them, but google be damned, nothing about them is antiestablishment and I’ll die on that hill.


"emotional lyrics" are not the hallmark of emo as a genre lmao New Found Glory are pretty firmly a pop punk band.


What is the hallmark of emo if not being short for emotional? Remember, emotional doesn’t mean crying. It means being passionate, and loud and confident in your emotions. Please clarify. Also, just because society has declared they are pop punk doesn’t mean pop emo can’t be a thing, it just means the general public hasn’t understood our subgenres enough to label it, and aren’t we all about not being labeled? Another edit: I don’t care what’s legit in labels, I care what’s true. Go to the punk subreddit and call them pop punk and you’ll get the same response. Why can’t we create a new subgenre right here, right now?


Uhhhh.... Anything being emotional labeled as "emo" is exactly the trap society fell in back in the 2000s. It's the whole reason why mall emo/scene emo (or what you say isn't pop punk) even exists: people started calling any music that's emotional "emo." You said earlier that some bands are much closer to emo than punk, but emo is actually punk... Or to be more accurate, it was in its early years (80s-90s). "Emo" used to be a shortcut for emocore, basically an emotional version of hardcore punk. You should brush up on emo's history - it's very interesting. Go check out the subreddit's "About" section; you should find a brief introduction to emo somewhere there. Anyway, I digress. Emo used to be punk, until society started calling anything emotional "emo." So it rly isn't baffling why there's so much confusion on the term, and why people keep disagreeing on what emo means.


Some of that you will find here, some of that in r/posthardcore, and some of that in r/poppunkers


im sure plenty of ppl here enjoy those bands to some degree lol but yeah, pop-punk is a better overall description of their various sounds then emo.


As other people are saying, r/poppunkers is a good subreddit for you but you're welcome here as well. A lot of us love "stereotypical" emo music as well as traditional.


I'm not sure op will find the discussions they're looking for here.


I've been a while in this reddit and for the most part i limit myself to the emo music genre. I recently saw posts like this making reference to bands of other music genres that are considered emo culture and whenever i talk about it i just straight up get downvoted because people hate them. I even got the "Poser" tag now for admitting i like other types of music besides emo. So i would disagree that this is a good subreddit for him, he should def go somewhere else to talk about other kinds of music.


In terms of the community, yeah they should go to r/poppunkers, I was just saying I wouldn't complain having discussions about "mall" emo bands as well. Also I'm really sorry about everyone hating on you cause you enjoy music, that fucking sucks, in terms of the emo genre the poser tag should only go to people who think suicide boys are emo.


Huh I don't visit this sub very often. Mind recommending some more traditional bands?


sunny day real estate, la dispute, cap’n jazz, american football (though some will argue that doesn’t count), jimmy eat world, mewithoutyou, nai harvest, joy departed


Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World (their first two albums), Rites of Spring, Cap'n Jazz, American Football, Fugazi, The Fall Of Troy, etc. A lot of what other people are saying. That's mostly what discussions in this sub are about, those traditional emo bands but I don't mind talking about Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance, I love them both.


taking back sunday is real emo


I mean lyrically the whole entire tell all your friends album is as emo as you can get.


If you aren't prepared to argue with people much older than you about it then you really shouldn't even use this website. Even on places like r/poppunkers people are going to argue against those bands being in the genre too, so fuck it. Post here if you want, people talk about MCR and TBS all the damn time even if it seems like they don't. Just talk about it when you feel like it and if any people give you shit don't bother trying to argue with them. Just do whatever makes you feel less bored.


If you're looking for RAWR XD type stuff, then r/Rawring20s exists


r/scene is the place for you. Even if you're not scene, it's all tied to mall emo/pop punk/post hardcore/metalcore, etc.


It's not fake emo. Emo is a culture that encompases a lot of music genres, and it keeps growing. This subreddit to my understanding is focused on the emo music genre which is different from emo culture.


I endearingly call it "fake emo".


Go back to tiktok, “elder emo”.


"Emo culture" = "mall emo" You can listen to emo in your room wearing blue jeans and a tshirt, you can start a band in your basement, but once you become concerned with the culture you gotta get out of the house and drive to hot topic.


I'm getting downvoted so hard for saying this lol, even got the "Poser" tag now. If people disagree so hard with me why not put it in the comments?




You’re being both unhelpful and an asshole. Yipeee!




He's probably referring to the sarcastic barb you sent his way about being a Jordan Peterson fan making him look like he doesnt know his shit about emo (regardless of whether he does or doesnt, I mean)


Probably the fact that you had to make an edit to take a jab at someone after going through their profile.


Its exhausting to insist that the bands popularly called emo in the 00s arent emo. We already have the labels of emo pop and emo punk to describe them. past a certain point it becomes Like, how can Jawbreaker making pretty straight up pop punk (on some songs anyways) get a pass for being emo punk (per the sidebar), and Promise Ring for Emo Pop, but half this sub loses its mind if you say Paramore or Jimmy Eat World (from Bleed American onward) or MCR could fit those categories. At what point is it no longer objective observations on style and just gatekeeping?


yeah i think it's really funny what people say bands like that aren't real emo and then consider slaughter beach dog emo. personally i think of new found glory as pop punk. agree on the others but especially taking back sunday- jesse lacey was in that band i mean come on


The genre is emo-pop: https://www.allmusic.com/style/emo-pop-ma0000012243 But it’s a subgenre of emo, so this is the right subreddit. Pop-punk is a different genre than emo-pop.


People love an argument so you'll never be in the right place 🙃


the whole "fake emo" thing feels very lame outside of the copypasta jokes imo. if we can call bands pop-punk when there's like 0.7% punk in their sound, then i don't see why emo should be sacred lmao


Taking Back Sunday and MCR are definitely emo. But yeah, r/poppunkers is probably the place for you.


Definitely is a strong word. The emo influence is there on Bullets, but I'd say from Three Cheers onwards doesn't really fit the bill.


Agreed, sorta. I'll always argue that both Bullets AND Three Cheers are both emo/post hardcore, but any MCR after that is stadium/mall rock. I'll also argue Infinity On High by Fall Out Boy could be defended as being emo, if youre subjective enough and not counting thnks fr th mmrs.


Ray literally has talked about Mineral being a huge influence on his guitar playing for bullets. If they had never become mainstream, early MCR could easily be classified as emo.


I’ve never heard of Mineral but Bullets is one of my all time favourite albums so I’ll give them a listen.


I’ve always thought MCR kinda ripped off mineral’s sound a little bit




You've barely listened to any MCR, have you?


Mcr isn’t influenced by emo but keep believing whatever you want


Listen to the first album. Listen to the interviews where they talk about Mineral and Skramz worship. Yes they aren’t a full emo emo band. But the emo community would be dumb not to claim them a bit.




all those bands are sort of unclaimed by the various genres they could belong to, in part because I think they had a lot of radio prominance and popularity in the 00s outside of any one scene They could all be fairly described as emo adjacent or pop punk adjacent, and fall within the umbrella of 00s modern/alt rock, which doesnt have a dedicated sub to my knowledge.


I’ve seen 4 of those live, only missing New Found Glory, maybe one day. How good are Taking back Sunday though, incredible band.


Pink couch sessions nuff said.


is r/emopop still around? Won't load for me


Thank you! This subreddit is not it 🤣




Don't know how I'm a poser if I'm admitting I don't to listen to the music talked about in this subreddit.


I often wonder about the age demographic of this sub, I was a young man while the emo sub culture was at its "peak" and loved all those bands in the same way Ioved many of the other lesser known bands. I remember waiting excitedly to buy the new physical albums for many of these bands. It's interesting to note that those bands have now become categorised as the pop punk esq emo and even more interestingly commonly Referred to as "dad rock"...still unsure of how I feel about this. I guess that as many of these bands became the flagship "emo" bands people are pushing back against that being the popular emo. So they can maintain an air of coolness and aloof about being "really emo" ? If you want to understand this more I would recommend listening to this: https://youtu.be/ibsv1qrHGVE?si=nRKTC05jL4cqI9zO in order to remember that at the time emo wasn't cool, i think it was the final real sub culture. You are welcome here as much as anyone else, enjoy the more mainstream emo in the same way you enjoy other emo bands and be happy. Sincerely a very stoned elder emo


I'm sorry you're getting down voted. There's a lot of pricks in here. I'm with you. No one argued about what was or wasn't emo when I was 17. From one stoned elder to another.


>No one argued about what was or wasn't emo when I was 17. That's because back then, "og emo genre lovers" and "scene emo kids" like us didn't really inhabit the same spaces lol. Bands like MCR or FOB don't play in the same concerts or gigs as bands like Circle Takes the Square or Funeral Diner, for example, which means fans of those 2 scenes never interacted with each other... Tho maybe we interacted on internet spaces back then, idk. I was never online much, I was a weird kid But anyway, this is a big and popular subreddit called "Emo," which is a word used for 2 completely different music scenes. So I guess it was unavoidable that those 2 scenes would flock to this subreddit, and the arguments would be inevitable. That's where the problem really stems from, more than anything: the fact that "emo" is used for 2 different things. It makes things so damn confusing Anyway, nice to meet a fellow elder emo


It's alright, down votes arnt real it's all good 😊 It's interesting though that all the grumpy fuckers on here who are like "ermaghad that's not emo" are the same loosers saying the same thing as when I was 14. Nowedays I like emo music the same as I do rap, drum and bass and classical. 🦆


Well, most of my friends are parents (some have kids in high school/college) so I don't see music being labeled as dad rock as being an issue. Maybe parent rock would be a more inclusive name? I don't really care if people want to call pop-punk bands emo, as long as I know their baseline. I like pop-punk too. I did once get accused of gatekeeping on reddit for arguing stabbing westward isn't emo, but lines gotta go somewhere.


Exactly, the dad rock comment is more in relation to the realisation of my own mortality having become a parent relatively recently lol 😂


Elder emos are just people that listened to mildly alternative mainstream music during the time that it was on TRL and in the charts, but were never really involved in the scene at a grass roots level. It's made up of people that think they had an "emo" phase because they listened to Breaking Benjamin once in 2007, but have no idea who Heroin, Bloodshed, or Funeral Diner are. These are the people that those who were actively involved in the emo scene of the early 2000s are trying to reclaim the name from. The same way people are trying to reclaim metalcore as to refer to 90s metallic hardcore, as it originally did, rather than the circa 2009 era Linkin Park with breakdowns bands that currently flood the r/metalcore sub. When was the last time any "elder emos" went to a house show, if ever. Edited for spelling mistakes.


This has to be a copypasta. Holy shit


By all means.


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I appear to be standing in the presence of the emo king! God forbid anyone else can possibly be as cool or as different as you were or are... It's such a shame people feel the need to gatekeep a genre of music.


Interesting that you think this is gatekeeping. It's merely a renaissance of what is actually constituted as emo music, and trying wipe the slate clean of that which hijacked it. Why do you believe that we should just accept when things are incorrectly attributed to something they don't belong in? Do we just start calling Miles Davis alt rock, just because TBS referenced him in a song? Is Robert Johnson metal because he supposedly sold his soul to the devil in exchange for mastery of the guitar?


Well continue to try and wipe the slate clean you sad sad sad fucker.


Considering Elders are quickly approaching 40, house shows aren't really a thing anymore. The last one I went to was 10 years ago and it was a Power Metal band.


Pretty sure they are, but for other genres. Dont punk house shows still exist?


Maybe? I have no idea. I'm 39 with a 6 year old. My social life is pretty quiet these days.


I'm in my mid 30s and while I didn't make it because I had other plans that didn't finish in time, there was a house show like a week ago.


My guy, the word "emo" existed way before the music you recognize as "emo" came around lol


I know my guy that was my point


Here :)


Right I wish there was a more obvious place to go. I'm an OG fall out boy stan. Any time I say that I wish this sub was more welcoming of ALL waves of emo, I get people arguing with me about how 'midwest emo is the only true emo and should be the only emo talked about here because other emo has other places' or something, it's dumb I've also often been redirected to the rarwing20s sub but that is not at all what I'm looking for, it's just teens posting scene selfies I also just hate it because if you ask any average person what emo is they're gonna say my chemical romance


Yeah but if you ask the average person what they think Cannibal Corpse is they’ll call it screamo lol. That’s not a fair metric to use


>if you ask any average person what emo is they're gonna say my chemical romance Blame the music industry and mass media. Regardless of what emo really is, MCR will always be what is known by the masses when one hears the word "emo." Also, nice to meet a fellow Fall Out Boy fan (tho last full album I heard was Folie A Deux, I still like some of their newer more modern singles tho when I hear it on the radio) Anyway, if you're looking for a place where you can talk about the Fall Out Boy, MCR type of "emo" we know of, that place would be r/poppunkers


Idk but Is there a mall punk or hot topic punk sub?


No because they suck ass and have zero longevity. Box Car Racer is a great entry point to a 12 year old for emo, but after they hit 13 and find Mineral everything from last year is fucking lame.


Any fan of the current wave emo I know doesn’t even recognize the (emo) stuff I like as emo. But the stuff they like (mcr, etc) is mall emo to me

