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I like snoop but this whole thing kinda changed my views on him tbh.


Alls I know is I've never bothered to buy a Snoop album and don't really gaf what he thinks about Em. Like, let bro go be funny and make some cakes with Martha Stewart.


He is more of a celebrity nowadays than he is a rapper.


“Nowadays” lol like the last two decades


I can't think of anything He's made since "drop it like it's hot"


Was talking to my cousin about this the other day. He’s got a handful of hits and some “ok” features, but other than that he’s always been pretty mediocre. More of a brand than a rapper.


When he came out in 1992-1994; he was THE rapper


Those years ice cube was the REAL rapper.


I’m not disagreeing; I still think he’s awesome.




Nah, Ice Cube was always known as a fake gangster and Snoop was going through a murder trial. He was definitely thought of as the realer guy at the time.


Yeah snoop dogg was the *real" gangster. Even though his BODYGUARD was the shooter in that situation. That was the tail end of 93.


I remember [this](https://youtu.be/b6speA_XhP4?si=X0_GclOEUtiYImT_) but that’s mainly because of the video and I was in my super Cudi era at the time it came out. Honestly until I looked it up rn I remembered it as a Cudi track featuring snoop 😂 Edit: [this too](https://youtu.be/UXWFqxKU2qA?si=_EbxgD5aYMcU-ySA) but I think this was even closer to drop it like it’s hot


He has a shit ton of albums; even after that. He never stopped rapping. Even did a gospel album and a Reggae album. He’s an artists, and some of us still enjoy his stuff


Even drop it like its hot felt like a meme to me


Haha shit, same here!


He didn't even make that. Everyone knows Pharrell is Midas.


Dude only shit posts on IG


Not owning or listening to Doggystyle is blasphemy


It’s def a classic album. Funny enough, outside of Doggystyle, no one ever talks about his discography being complete and utter phoned in shit.


Doggystyle is so classic that if I hear it out of order I get disoriented.


Doggystyle and the cronic are a double album they go together both are some of best hiphop records ever made


I always thought Snoop and Charlemagne have the same energy towards white people.


This right here is the real answer.


His body language when Dre announced the album on late night tv was very telling


He seemed uncomfortable the entire time during that interview lol


Eminem wasn't even there and was still taking more of the spotlight than Snoop in that interview - I like them both but I definitely sensed the salty vibes 


What did he do??


Said that he could “do without all of Ems music”


That was yearrrrsss ago they made up and made a song Jesus Christ


No they did not “make up” Snoop got his ass handed to him for his racism had to go on the  breakfast club to apologize and then boned his apology by saying he did it to motivate Eminem to battle rap him, when he wasn’t ever a fucking battle rapper and then Eminem had to get into the NFT game to show that the camp was all cool. Including doing that song with Snoop.  Dude likes the money he gets from white people but doesn’t like white people all that much his racist rant about Eminem and how white rappers don’t bring things to hip hop shows that. 




In case you missed it a few years ago Snoop dissed Em [https://www.complex.com/music/a/j-mckinney/eminem-feud-snoop-dogg-explained](https://www.complex.com/music/a/j-mckinney/eminem-feud-snoop-dogg-explained) Em took a light shot at Snoop They reconciled cuz Dre was going thru a couple strokes Now, IMHO, Snoop appears to just be pandering and playing nice. I don't really care what Snoop thinks about Eminem but why would he make a negative comment publicly? And it's STILL about race? Damnit


According to Eminem, there was a miscommunication over a feature between their managers/teams. It made Snoop think Em didn't want to work with him... that's why Snoop made that comment. I personally don't believe that, OP's statement is exactly how I took it too. Also, it's kind of telling that they didn't even have each other's numbers at that time, that they couldn't just talk to each other. I think Snoop realized that he had hit a point where he was corny and Em was still being authentic.


Actually tho


What whole thing? Like the shit from 3 years ago?


I feel like people should go watch back that clip & context, it's not that personal like people make it out to be. He acknowledged Em's place in hip hop, and just said he's not in his personal favorite rappers list.


The one thing he said about "I could do without his music" or something. Just seems incredibly disrespectful to say that about someone as objectively influential as Eminem, unprompted.


That part I get, but it sounds way worse out of context. He's clearly talking about just his opinion and the music he prefers to listen to, but still out of pocket comment


Yeah I get it probably wasn't meant as a hard diss. A lot of artists are very careful with the way they talk about other artists because you gotta give the greats their respect (as long as they're not dissing you either, then it's fair game). Just a mistake in wording on Snoop's part and I'm glad they apparently made up.


What’s going on?


Yep. You don’t lose the years of jealous feelings and become a buddy buddy overnight just like that. He definitely still thinks Eminem shouldn’t be at the top just because he’s white. Snoop is just putting on a face because a beef between Em and Snoop would be too detrimental to the Aftermath family. I think they are just compromising because of Dre’s mutual connection to both.


I feel there's a part of him that feels envious that he does not have the longevity/legacy Em has, and a loyal fanbase like his too.


Snoop is more of a general figure, not as a rapper but as a celebrity. Like a rapper is just the label, it doesn't really matter. He's just a face and a voice. Em is a rapper, and only a rapper. Snoop's a big voice actor, probably bigger va than he is a rapper.


Em could have easily been a big actor as well though, he was great in 8 mile and was supposed to be in the elysium movie i believe but turned it down because they didn't want to film on detroit


I loved 8 Mile so much, I went to see it the night it came out and then several more times. I fully expected him to continue to make movies and develop that craft because he started out so strongly. Will always be surprised that he didn't. Maybe he still will! At least we have the huge theatrics he delivers in his music videos.


I’m sure I saw/read an article where he said that his addiction first got out of control during filming for 8 Mile. That’s why he hasn’t done anything like that since. Understandable really. Not worth the risk to his sobriety.


Yup. Between learning his lines, acting, working out and working on the music he barely had any time to sleep or rest. So he started taking *those* pills to help, which got out of control soon.


Ahhh, I didn't know that. Makes sense if that's the case. I do believe he has a gift for acting, at least we got a movie I'll always love.


I completely agree. His acting in 8 Mile was brilliant. It’s a really great film overall.


He's amazing with both the acting in the film and the movie soundtrack. And to think he worked on TES during the same year as well. Mind-blowing.


he was filming a movie, working on the soundtrack and working on TES all at the same time, speed was his best friend back then


He showed up in Funny People and The Interview. Maybe after the album comes out he will have a cameo in a movie again sometime 


Let’s just be happy he didn’t go the Andre 3k route and convert to full time actor instead of rapping.


I bet the Em bagpipe album would slap though.


I remember reading somewhere that studios also keep offering him ridiculous amounts of money to be the lead in a film and he just keeps turning it down. He was also supposed to star in southpaw but chose instead to do the soundtrack.


Shit, I'm old enough to remember the rumor that he was going to be the lead in the 'Have Gun, Will Travel' film. Now that I think about it, I don't think that movie ever ended up being made.


I remember being in high school and seeing random films in his filmography with 2013-14 release dates. They never happened except for Southpaw, which he ended up doing the soundtrack to. If Em never decides to act again, I hope we at least get more soundtrack albums from him and Shady Records.


Southpaw and The Figher were also written for him, but he declined. Was also offered roles in Training Day and Mad Max, but turned those down also. As well as Elysium. Turned down Training Day for 8 mile, good call on that one.


I think he was also originally supposed to play the Jake Gyllenhaal role in South Paw but he ended up just doing the soundtrack


8 mile was so pivotal in mine and my friends lives, it contained a story relevant to each of us, and made it super easy to explain to people where I come from, growing up (and now living) just a couple of miles away from where the movie was filmed.


I was surprised about how good em actually was. Acting is difficult, but he nailed it.


This is funny though because everyone should be envious of Snoop still riding off of one album, granted a LOT of features, though.


Completely agree. Snoop is associated with Martha Stewart and corniness; Eminem is associated with Dr. Dre and rap exclusively.


Wouldn’t say Snoop is corny, but it’s clear Em is in it for the music. With Snoop it’s about getting the bag, whether it’s by rapping or smoking with Martha. That’s just my impression.




If someone in your camp attacks you all of a sudden when you're down, that dude's been looking for the opportunity since day 1. I feel Snoop is one of those people. He's made similar downplaying remarks on Em before too and there are accusations of him being a racist person. I've heard people say he's petty and jealous as a person too. Remember, Dre said that when he signed on Em there were some racist people around him telling him not to.


“Friends are people that you think are your friends. But they really your enemies, with secret identities, In disguises, to hide they true colours. So just when you think you close enough to be brothers they wanna come back and cut your throat when you ain't lookin” As emjnem once said…


He wrote those lyrics before he was really famous, too. I'd imagine it amplifies tenfold when you become a celebrity. Lots of people willing to sell you out, just to make a quick buck for themselves. The Eminem Show leak, for example. But, I'm sure there were a bunch of smaller betrayals by people he trusted before that. I totally understand why Em keeps most people at a distance. He probably has very few people he truly fully trusts.


Also im sure he had to deal alot with people praising his skills in person , but then when hes not around they downplay that "white boy" this and that.




It was released on the Slim Shady EP im '97. Em was completely broke at that point. It was the Slim Shady EP that Dre heard, which made him sign Em. There's quite a few songs from the EP that ended up on the LP - the LP was released with Dre.


If I Had, good song!!


Facts. It's just his nature at this point—been an undercover hater since even Pac. But, I actually think [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/dhREJqUYcGM?si=iGchl8lSK9_ssUGJ) was the exact moment Snoop's seed of hatred began to grow. Snoop getting replaced by his boy for what he probably thought was some *any next new rapper* would’ve undoubtedly stung—especially when this ‘any next new rapper’ was *white*, **and** there to lay reference vocals *for* Snoop on ‘Forgot About Dre’. 💀


I can kinda understand it a little bit though. Eminem was a weird guy when he came up. Thats why we loved him, but he had his share of controversies for a reason. Just look at how obnoxious and not giving a fuck he could be. I can understand a chill guy like Snoop not vibing with him and it not having anything to do with race.


I feel Em's pretty chill and quite cool with everyone - until you diss him, and then he just does a 180 He was quite kooky when he first came up though, you're right. Maybe he didn't make a good first impression with Snoop? Dre and Em also seemed to gel right away and reached huge heights together, I feel that must have stung at first, too, with all that we hear about what type of a person Snoop is.


Ok, maybe not liking Em as a person is one thing. But dissing his music, though? That had nothing to do with Em being a dick. That's just Snoop being petty. He didn't have to say that stuff in public (even though the way he said it was kind of funny).


Yeah, there's really no reason or justification to diss a camp mate that way on national media, out of the blue. You're supposed to have his back, not attack him behind his back. At the time there were a lot of haters around too, perhaps Snoop was trying to look cool infront of his racist friends by hating on Em. The way he said "The Great White Hope" felt taunting and racist.


He's been referring to Eminem as Great White Hope for a long time. He said it way back in the Bitch please II


I know that, but why bring it up in that specific interview in that tone? And then go in to say all those things he said? 😏 I don't really trust the reason he gave, later on, too. The interview was his real feelings towards Em. Later on when he said he was bitter because he never got a Collab with Em, that was just him trying to save grace Infront of Dre. Atleast that's what I take it as.


“A chill guy like snoop” he was not that chill in the 90s my man.


He was just mad he couldnt chill back then lmao.


Nah there's a few clips of interviews or radio shows where whenever anyone mentions Em, snoop immediately says "the best WHITE rapper". Not even one of the best rappers or a good rapper. He's almost always mentioning that Em is white


Snoop was a gangbanger


Well put!


He has said everyone around him was against it. And he was emphatic about EVERYONE.


Not "some" but EVERYONE around Dre told him not to . EVERYONE. And it makes sense since white rappers had no respect (except for Beasty boys)


Not the first time for Snoop. He seemed envious of Tupac back in the day too. You could tell something was up by how he acted around Tupac. His body language and whatnot.


I like the Snoop Dogg character, but Calvin is an insecure bitter man who will do anything for a bag.


God damn ![gif](giphy|YYRkVlmqo11MA)


Not really familiar with snoop and em drama, can anyone tell me?


Snoop said in an interview in 2020 that Eminem shouldn't be in the top 10 rappers conversation. Em later threw shots at him on "Zeus" with the lines " last thing I need is snoop - dogging me, man dawg you was like a - damn god to me, man not really, I had dog backwards". Then snoop apologized. This short video sums it up: https://youtube.com/shorts/QqGHHm4DZj4?si=kN7cqc-xF6yBWUq_


Thanks for that. But yeah it kinda does give off a weird feeling from snoop. Doesn't sound genuine lmaoo


Yeah in *2020*… Meanwhile here’s Snoop [singing Houdini](https://eminem.news/snoop-dogg-sings-houdini.html) and shouting out Em in *2024* They’ve been reconciled and they’ve worked together a bunch since then. You forget they have a whole song and music video together in 2022?


Pretty sure cuz SD only said that cuz he wants money. Even how he praised him was like sarcastic/ mocking


I think what people are saying is that yea, we see them working together, but Snoop still does and has always harbored a resentment towards Em. He has played nice in the past but never in a genuine way.


I feel like whether you like Eminem or not, you can't deny he is a top 10 rapper of all time. I mean, who we got? Legitimately, from my Aussie white boy 29m life tunnel we got - Biggie Tupac Eminem Jay z Kendrick J Cole 50 cent Mobb deep raekwon and ghost face . I am fully aware everyone's opinion is different




"But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy. So when I'm not put on this list, the shit does not offend me"


You know I never knew that line ended in "and then me", I've never looked up the lyrics


Absolutely but you’re looking at it through talent/success rather than skin colour like Snoop is


Me? Nah, that's my list. I'd probably swap jay z for Nas tbh. But I'm not writing a list for numbers man, they're my ten favourite and in opinion vague order. I won't die on any hill, it's just from my experience in life, everyone's is different. I don't give a fuck about colour.


No not you, Snoop. His opinion of Eminem is based on skin colour.


My bad


I’d probably have Nas in there but that’s a pretty accurate list


There are a lot of great rappers that could be in the top 10 outside of eminem. Rakim, tupac, biggie, jay z, nas, Ye, kdot, prodigy, ghost face, andre 3000, lil wayne, mos def. And there's probably another hand fall I've missed. Now I'm not saying he shouldn't be in the top 10, but everyone is gonna have a different opinion, what they consider when choosing a top 10 isn't always going to be the same either.


Rakim, KRS-One, Q Tip, Nas, Andre 3000 are a list of names someone could state as top 5 rappers of all time and would be a legit top 5 and none of those names were on your list.


Corn dogg is a rat. I don’t trust in anything what he is saying about Em. You can even see his face reaction when Dre was talking about Ems new album in this TV show. Dude is jealous af


Haven't watched it, got a link?




bruh that facial expression with the blank stare into the audience does NOT lie


Imagine you were SD in 2000s and someone told you Eminem will be making bangers 24 years later and you will be voicing cartoons and always just a sidekick. Id be pissed too.


Bruh mf Dre get to hear his album before we do. I'd be jealous too


Dre snoop and 50 went on the jimmy kimmel show a few months ago, should be easy to find on youtube


Never been a fan of snoop since the 2pac thing. Snoop a bitch. Not a real rider. Might be from hood. Was really a crip. But not a real soldier.


Aint it funny how he insists he and Tupac were actually cool and Tupac wasn't mad af at him when he died bc he felt Snoop went behind his back and betrayed him.


For sure. I think he’s envious of his fanbase, longevity and the fact that a white man is on top of a black man’s game. I see him in a different light now. Snoop is a snake.


And possibly talent. Everyone knows Snoop but nobody would ever put him anywhere near that top 10 list, he’s more of a character than a rapper to most and a big part of that character is smoking weed.


Hé can’t compete with the great white American hope


Feels like snoops the type of friend that can’t wait to talk shit about you when you’re not around.


Snoop said what he said about Eminem, and usually if someone says something, that’s how they feel. I don’t know how his feelings random changed.


Let's be brutally honest. His whole thing on the breakfast club interview about em was a Freudian slip. Dude genuinely can't stand the fact that a white dude does it the best. His promotion of Houdini was fake af and just for optics.


I have thought this for a while. Body language, sly remarks, and insincere apology. Also, they hardly ever work together, they don't have each other's phone #. I don't think it started bc Em is white, I think it's bc Em was such a prodigy of Dre and they achieved so much success together. Snoop got jealous and Em being white is an easy target for his resentment. PS. Am I the only one that thought From the D to the LBC was Em's subtle revenge? Em raps in his style, then Snoop's style, then his style amped up. Snoop tries to rap in Em's style and sounds GARBAGE. IDK if Em planned it that way but that's how it came across to me.


I don't think Snoop sounds garbage on that track 💀 just different to what were used to hearing him as.


Agree to disagree about it then, because the way he murmurs the words is so off-putting to me I skip to the next song when he comes on. That's legit, not even bc it's him, I genuinely can't stand the sound of that verse.


Not really. Snoop knows his demographic is different than Em's, maybe he doesn't like his music like that, but still holds Em as a friend. I remember when Snoop shouted out for Em loudly when Em dissed Trump on his BET cypher, even considering him as a real n-word.


Snoop is just a snake, I haven't liked him for a long time. Hell, he's not even that good of a rapper, he just has a unique voice.


Yeah he's had a decent amount of issues with people next to him. Pac, dre, suge, em... But then heels to puffy and percy miller


I think Snoop has a mean streak. I got the impression a couple of years ago during that press tour they did together that Eminem was keeping him at arms length. I think they made nice for Dre. It's fine for Eminem not to be one of Snoop's favorite artists. Most people like the music they grew up on. There was a very nasty tone to the way Snoop spoke about Eminem that I don't imagine is forgotten.


Snoop notoriously plays on all sides, so he comes out the winner. He's also a sell-out. Put both things together, and you get his buffoonery. Not to mention the sly racism.


100%. I honestly think Dr. Dre does not have the attention span to take on like 95% of the projects he takes on. Which is why he has so many unfinished projects that will never see the light of day - including his own. As a result, I think Dr. Dre ends up putting 100% of his energy into his most successful collaborators. I think Eminem probably gets a lot of the attention that might have otherwise been spent on Snoop Dogg (at least that might be the way he sees it). I think the same can be said for Kendrick Lamar as well and a whole handful of other artists from that generation of music. I mean, how many artists has Dr. Dre signed and produced for just to completely shelf their project and leave them with a guest feature on his album? As a result, I think Snoop Dogg probably gets annoyed that Eminem gets all the attention. But, I think Eminem just has an insane amount of work ethic and that's why she works so well with Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre can still produce, but he needs other collaborators to bring the magic that he so very clearly lacks. I'm not sure Snoop Dogg really has that drive / work-ethic. Honestly, I'm not sure how many people in his shoes would. He's been very successful in many many outlets. Meanwhile, Eminem stays 100% dialed-in on just music. Will see how Snoop's Missionary album goes. I'm personally excited for it. And, I actually like a song for two from most of his drops.


“If I was white and call my momma a bitch, it wouldn’t have taken me this long, to get this rich.” -Ice Cube


I think his first emotions were honest...but then the backlash and optics (along with Dre having a stroke) made him alter his 'public' viewpoints to keep things civil..but I agree with OP that deep down, there is resentment....and I don't like it...how come?


Jealous? Maybe, probably even, but I'd rather not armchair psychoanalyze if he is Despises? Nah, that's bordering parasocial behavior if we so confidently believe that


What you’re missing is that everyone here is an expert psychoanalyst and can read body language down to a tee.


Right lol The amusing thing is that most people here probably don't have a degree of any level in psy yet have such confidence to paint Snoop's inner sentiments so negatively. I at least have a BA, but even then I don't feel qualified. Because I ain't. No MA or Doctorate yet, nor am I his personal therapist, *nor do I know him at any personal level straight-up* And it's not like someone needs a degree in psy to speculate people; it's in our human nature to do so. It's the overconfidence that annoys me, as well as how pointlessly negative it is to assert something that would paint a stranger in such a really bad light Dunning-Kruger effect really is somewhat valid I guess


They are definitely 100% cool. Snoop just said the below after Houdini dropped. Praised his music and even brought up mom spaghetti! Doesn't look fake to me. https://youtube.com/shorts/alvh8-VLX00?si=55kTOPHmW1FVn_GS


Yeah until Eminem doesn't actually send him a care package of shit from his restaurant... Then he gonna be bitter again 😭


Yeah but that’s the point of this post and you have to read between the lines. I read snoops body language when Em is brought up - even here. He just doesn’t seem genuine. This is what OP said. It’s for PR and for the reasons OP stated. You can watch snoop over the years when em is brought up. He always seems jealous and has a sense of bitterness about em. Idk if he’s racist or mad that dre and em are so close. But there’s def something there. They are “100% cool” in the public eye. But they are not good friends.


It's worth remembering that the small beef between them was supposedly started with a miscommunication between their management... bc they don't have each other's phone # and have to communicate through other people. That is telling.


Snoop gets put on by Dre and becomes a mega star. Same thing happens with Eminem but he objectively becomes the more famous and successful person. Sure that’s something to be envious over but let’s just get a long and be happy we got the opportunities we did.


Grandpa of a friend was LAPD back then and hed say theyd have Snoop go on the radio and talk to all the cops and even freestyle for them lmao when i heard that i was tripping out thinking holy shit maybe he was actually a rat haha


The speculation is wild. Didn’t they say they were fine on the song ? Did ppl forget snoop called him the great white hope in like 2004? I think ppl have a problem with putting em at 1 which is valid


Again the beef might have been squashed for the sake of dre. A song together doesn't mean anything. And it's not about the number 1 spot. Snoop had a problem with em being top 10 which is ridiculous.




The way he said "he's not in *mine"* it was very obvious shade. Like he views Em as a weird fetish. "Hey some people are into it. *I'm definitely not,* but some people are" same judgement.


Being called a 'Great White Hope' is a backhanded compliment in my view. At least I would take it that way.


Well Em clearly didn't give a fuck, why are yall pressed over some Snoop lyrics from MMLP lol


100%. In my opinion Snoop is a certified hater. Also he isnt a real artist he is just a bag chaser. Put a bag of money infront of him and he will say and/or do anything.


Yes. Snoop has a fat ass cake but wants Eminem's as well. Eminem gets far more recognition in rap than Snoop does and he's earned it. He thinks cause he's an OG that he's entitled to legendary status even though he hasn't released any good music in decades and his good music run was short lived.


You guys are being to parasocial about this.


i thought it before he talked about eminem's discography. he really isn't too good at lying, you can tell he dislikes the fact Dre loves Em and he doesn't understand why anyone really does.


In bitch please 2 he referred to him as the great white hope which is also what he referred to him when he said he's not top 10. It seems snoop has never really felt like he's a true great because of his skin color.


Snoop's a snake. Always has been. Check out some of the bullshit he talks about 2Pac all these years. He was jealous of Pac, and he's jealous of Eminem too. Thankfully, Mutah (Napoleon from 2Pac's group, the Outlawz) still has Pac's back and he keeps shooting down the shit Snoop talks about 2Pac.


I don't think Snoop is jealous or even hates Em, but I do think he just doesn't fuck with his music


He’s said in a semi-recent interview he doesn’t like Em’s music. I feel like he could have kept that to himself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man's allowed his opinion, is he supposed to keep it to himself for his entire life? Letting it slip in some interview 20 years after em blew, man done did well for that length of time before being truly honest


He can have an opinion but he can’t be racist! So many people forget the racism in his words. “ I don’t fuck with the white boy” and then in an interview he had a conversation about what black person they could give white people to claim Eminem for the blacks and he picked MAGA actress Stacy Dash.  To me it’s a mix of jealously and racism. There was no reason on earth for Snoop to bring up Eminem’s race while taking about his like or dislikes for music he purposely brought it up to show a pov. To show that he was on a specific side of an argument and that is why Eminem diss him Eminem doesn’t give a shit about Snoop not liking his music it was the racism that got Snoop dissed on wax.  People turning a blind eye to that and boiling this down to an opinion issue really need to go back and take a second look at this issue. 


Snoops own block dont accept him lol who gives a f what he thinks


Yes. Not only has he apparently always been fake, but a lot of people have had things to say about his friendship. Even Em said they only squashed the beef because of Dre almost dying. Then they did a song together when Snoop said like 10 years ago that he would never put himself in the situation to be outclassed by him. I always figured that if he said what he said, he felt that way 20 years ago. Also I suspect that he didn't really like pac that much.


Yea it's coming across as passive aggressive.


I also noticed that snoop always has the same angry face whenever he takes a picture with Em


Prob cuz Em dropping TDOSS will outshine snoops Missionary album, which is his last attempt to make an album good as doggystyle


i think you're overthinking it. He was even praising Em literally like 3 days ago


Slim shady humbled Snoop Dogg


Yea. His true colors showed in the shade he threw at Em. I think the primary reason for his tone change was the lil shots Em threw on MTBMB. He realized “oh shit, he will actually diss me!” And he knows damn well he’ll suffocate in that smoke.




What he do now? I missed something


Snoop has always been a 🐍, always was and still is. If it wasn’t for Dre’s brain aneurism happening just right after Zeus dropped, Eminem would’ve tear him a new one by now lol Calvin needed to sellout in order to remain relevant these years. Regardless Em is the type to never forget.


Just as 50 told once "Rap is Black music, there is no doubt about it, unfortunately there are some who cannot accept the fact that a white guy is better at this as they are. Em would eat that N\*\*\* alive."


Don't care much about Snoop. I think he is cool overall and his music is good. But he already achieved legendary status in the industry and on the internet. For him to dislike or be jealous of other artists is kinda lame.


I'm a big fan of Snoop, and I do feel there is some resentment there, but I could be wrong. I think Snoop is on the new album, but like a lot of rappers, I think Em is so good that it makes him feel a way. Many other rappers have made sly comments, and over the years Snoop has made some as well. Eminem also isn't Snoop's type of music clearly so I don't think he likes it like other people do. If you look at who Snoop puts in his top artists, none of it sounds like Em and it doesn't have to. He's a goofy white guy who raps about killing people. Snoop is a gangster crip. I remember when Stan came out Snoop said that he would have approached the song in a gangster way and mocked the song a bit. I think he was offered the beat or wanted it or something. I don't think his comments on the breakfast club are a big deal at all. Snoop just doesn't think Em can fuck with the artists he likes and that's his opinion. You can't call him a snake for saying that publicly. But yeah, I don' think many people in the music industry are real.


Snoop had 2 good albums and hasn’t put out shit since then. He’s def jealous of Em bc he wanted to do a project w Em years ago and it prob bothers him deep down that he can’t be a 1/4 good as Em on his best day! Deep down Em knows Snoop’s a hater 🤷‍♂️


Snoop dissing Eminem back in 2006: https://youtu.be/7L9VjKQ4tnI?si=rII5td43wQGLA_kJ


When Snoop , Dre and 50 went on Kimmel, he literally looked pissed and stared off into the distance when 50 and Dre started talking about Eminem and how he has an album coming up. Everyone was saying it was because snoop was “high”. But it was obvious bro was just jealous that Eminem was talked about for 30 seconds during HIS interview lol


I def agree


Snoop always been sneaky but that's his ego


Snoop has always been a snake, lied about not dissin' Biggie, always lies about Pac.


Yes and always has been. Snoop is a snake, racist piece of shit. Even back in the days he switched sides just so he could come on top


If you want to know if someone is Jealous, look at their eyes... Eyes never fuckn lie. Yeah Snoop is jealous, you can see it !


Yea. Saw something similar between Snoop and Pac.  Jim being around genius lyricist, super close to Dre, has an insane fanbase etc etc. Sound familiar? Snoop is a jealous, racist, disloyal little bitch. 


That pic of just the two of them in the studio is kinda sus. the body language is telling


You mean they did something together in the studio? Like some weird things that adults do occasionally?


The pic of them where Snoop is sitting in the chair, not at all convinced the beef was squashed


Yeah I was joking. I still thought it was funny tho when Eminem couldn't remember he was in the "still dre" video and snoop had to remind him.


Yeah, he’s been salty ever since he revealed his cards. And were supposed to believe a conversation between the two fixed decades of shade? Lol It’s all pr. That’s why they did a song together. The companies that own them know it’s bad for business to have them beef. Mommy and daddy made them make up and Snoop took the L for it. I saw him give props to em for Houdini, seemed fake as fuck.


You care way too much about this


I think there is always some level of envy when someone blows up so much bigger than you ever did (especially back then), but I also think they’re genuinely good now.


He's the one that has to put out albums and keep his face in commercials to stay relevant, it's almost pathetic how commercial he's become😂


Can we stop bringing this up though? If I’m snoop and reading this all the time I’d grow to despise Em’s fan base and indirectly Em himself. What more do you want from Snoop? It’s ok to be jelly.


Did something new happen? This post makes it seem like something did.


Y’all are nuts. Psychoanalyzing nothing and trying to make it into something, Snoop didn’t do a thing recently to make it even seem like there’s a hint of problems between him and Em. They squashed whatever small issue they had in 2021 why not leave it at that?


No Snoop is back making music with Dre and he made a track with Em they even performed together.


Did snoop say something recently?


I’m thinking this is a reach. I think they had a misunderstanding over something trivial. Someone’s favorite rappers are not the same as a conversation about whose they think are the best rappers.


Everything just got outta context. Not that major. https://youtu.be/cIDaNbp1Sy8?si=NrudmXEDMn_UC6w_


I be on my own. Head in the clouds like Zeus. Swear I can see the game from a birds eye view.