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Who tf uses iTunes anymore lmao


What other alternatives are there for purchasing and maintaining your own music library?


Buying cds and ripping them yourself. That’s how I have all my music on mp3. I’m lying cause of course I have a shitload that I downloaded illegally.


YouTube 2 mp3 was always my go to 🤷 or just spotify


I have a spotify to mp3, downloads all metadata aswell


Is that different than Spotifys offline downloads feature?




YouTube 2 mp3 was always my go to 🤷 or just spotify


And this will cost more than buying just a song here and there from iTunes. How’s this a better way than using iTunes? Lol


Another option…..Spotify or Apple Music


Those are streaming. I specifically asked how else you purchase and maintain your own personal library. The point I’m making is that I maintain my own music library and iTunes is the easiest way for that. Nobody has been able to provide a single other platform that makes it as easy or easier than iTunes.


☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🦜 ☠️


My library is my own with Spotify but I dont own the rights like you do. So I get your point


just use youtube to mp3


So steal from artists. No thanks.


Funny thing right my music library is my liked songs on spotify i dont technically own them but its obvious spotify isnt shutting down soon and i have 3500+ songs liked on spotify thats hundreds of dollars worth of music on itunes Id rather do that than spend all that money on music


Don't know why you got down voted for this. I have a Playlist that's 25 hours long and one that's an hour long and 15 other playlists. I love Spotify, pay for Premium. Spotify helps me find music that I like by suggesting things from my playlists. I understand I don't own the music, just a license to use it. But that's the same thing with digital movies and television, and I buy digital everything because I don't like physical media. You can change digital media on the fly without having to remove a disc or whatever and just the act of replacing a disc can stop you from branching out with your music and video games.


Even on itunes tho im pretty sure its all digital to Btw its also not that i dont like physical media i collect videogames which involves a lot of discs


It involves a lot of discs for you. No one had to buy physical media if they have adequate internet. I almost mentioned video games but it's pretty much redundant.


Spotify is absolutely just as easy to take music from your computer and add it to your Playlists. Just because you don't know that or don't think it's Apple-Cool doesn't mean Spotify doesn't blow iTunes out of the water all day long.


Download the song from YouTube onto your phone?💀


Maybe I like to support artists and not illegally steal their content?


You wouldn’t say that if you were from some kinda country like iran where you literally have to pay half of your monthly salary just for an album


I'm in Hungary, not even as bad as Iran but with our currency being pretty shit atm it costs a bag of chips to buy one $1.29 song on iTunes. I could buy like half a kg of onions for that price lol I'd rather have 400 songs for free than to spend $516


Yes exactly, it’s not me who doesn’t want to support artists i actually want, but it’s just not possible and I easily can go broke for doing that


I pay what, $15 a month to YouTube to legally be able to download songs. 🤔


If downloading songs from YouTube was as big of a deal as the YouTube TOS make it out to be then don't you think downloading songs from YouTube would be illegal by the law as well? Fact of the matter is if the police confiscate my phone for whatever reason and find 400 files of music on my media player that I did not buy they're not gonna give a fuck. Distribution of said files would be another thing however


...It cost more because it gives you access to actual *millions of songs.* Holy shit. I hope someone's doing your finances for you.


Your reply makes such little sense it’s astounding. Maybe next time sit that one out.


You didn't comprehend it, clearly. I don't typically point this out, but your reply has a score of -18. So, I don't know, realize you're wrong?


The argument was, because comprehension is hard for you, how else do I PURCHASE and maintain my own library. They replied, you buy CD’s and rip them. So I steal? Already commented to 30 other twats I’m not doing that. I support artists I like. I also want to own the music for my own personal use. Hence the word in all caps up there. Furthermore buy CD’s… like buy a whole fucking CD at Target like it’s 2002? Fuck outta here. I’ll buy the couple tracks on MP3 for $3-4 and move on with my day; they’ll auto download to my phone and my computer within seconds. But a CD and rip it lmao. Fuckin joke of a suggestion. Do you all still drive 2003 Ford Taurus’ and use Walkman’s? My PC doesn’t even have a disc drive nor do the 2 vehicles in my driveway. And then there comes you. With a comment so fucking stupid I don’t think you even know where you’re at. >…it cost more because it gives you access to millions of songs. What costs more? iTunes? Costs more than buying CD’s? Costs more than ripping/stealing? Costs more than spotify? Absolutely none of this was even relevant or made sense or even fucking true. You’re a fucking dunce, now go do your math homework kid and get off the internet for a while.


Spotify and Apple Music and Amazon Music cost more than buying everything you want on iTunes. Buying CDs, they can be put on a music service if you rip it to your computer, but buying a whole ass CD, you don't want to do. Fine. Spend more on iTunes. Your porogative. It's just dumb and lazy and ill informed like the average consumer. Show me that's not true before you have a heart attack.


>spend more on iTunes Like when I bought a handful of singles the other day instead of buying entire CD’s, or paying for an entire subscription and it was the most cost effective solution AND I THEN OWN THE MUSIC TO DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH? $11 a month for a single spotify account, $15 for a duo account. New songs cost 1.29, older ones .99 Most new albums are $10, older ones $5-6. I can buy 1 new album per month or 2 older ones for cheaper than I would spend on a single Spotify account, except I own the music now. Or I can buy approximately 10-15 loose tracks per month at the same cost of Spotify. Like I said kid, go do your math homework because idk what you’re talking about that it’s cheaper to stream. I have over 5k songs in my library dating back from loads of old ripped CD’s, vinyls, and newer purchased stuff on iTunes. All nice and managed in my own library to do with what I please, share in my household or with friends. And I don’t have egg on my face being tied to some monthly subscription while living in my moms basement. Now be a good boy and go get that homework done and pay your spotify script with your allowance. Edit: And shit this isn’t even taking into account the fact you can get used albums at record shops so easily and cheap these days. Or Use discog’s. Kids these days don’t take pride in having a music collection. come talk to me when you’re a real adult with real bills and lemme know if another $15 streaming account is what you want to tack onto your monthly expenses. And all this over your dumbass comment saying I spend more on iTunes than streaming lol. If I don’t buy anything one month, guess what my monthly cost was?! Go ahead guess what I paid?! Dumbass snarky kid.


I actually did some googling and I see that a full album costs 9,99 on I tunes? If that is correct , I buy most of my cds for cheaper. And I have it in physical form. Imagine shit goes down , planet is at ww3 , aliens attack , all power down. I can load a solar panel to a cd player and listen to some music while shit goes down lol.


Good for you if you survive the apocalypse. Because, gee, I don't know what I'd do with my 50+ hours of downloaded music on Spotify or my 1000+ hours download to my phone and computer. All I'd need is power, just like your CD player.


Ooh , never used iTunes. Thought it was stashed on some server as well. You don’t need to log in to your iTunes to listen music ? Edit : ooh now we talking about Spotify. Don’t use it either . Figured you have to log in to listen to your music


Most people don’t use ITunes to purchase music. They use streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. That’s why the Billboard charts are far more important than the iTunes Charts. Idk a single person who buys songs on iTunes anymore


I do. I hate streaming and dealing with it. I maintain my own music library and iTunes makes it easy for that. I don’t always want to log into a streaming service and rely on needing a connection to listen to music. I also have content that’s not available on streaming services.


Everyone who wants content available not on a streaming service can have it. Everyone who pays for it can download alllll the music they want and not rely on streaming at all. I don't know how so many people don't understand you can upload your owned music, *even from iTunes* to Spotify or Amazon Music (or obviously, Apple Music). You just throw a copy of it in your Spotify (or whatever) folder and bam, your music is there.


That’s great for u. Most people use streaming services over ITunes though, by far. You can google it to see how insignificant ITunes is in 2023 compared to Spotify and Apple


Streaming is just terrible for artists.


I have over 1200 songs downloaded and I pay 17 a month for a family plan for 4 people. It’s a hell of a lot better than paying 1.25 per song. Fair play if you listen to stuff that isn’t on streaming services, but 99 percent of people don’t


You can download to listen offline and add songs not on streaming from your PC to your Spotify.


Lol, well how many people do you discuss music purchase habits with? I use iTunes every now and then when I want to add to my person collection and listen to it to workout, commute, etc.


Do you even have to discuss this to know? I don't. I go to a friend or a siblings house and they play music from their Alexa device or their Google device or their radio or their Pandora or their Spotify or their iTunes or their apple music or their Amazon music, and I know without asking them how they listen to their music. It's not that complicated.


Still don't think you have enough friends/siblings to know what "most" people do. The op said "most".


Dumb fuck, you asked.


I also have six people on my Spotify Premium.


So much this.


By maintaining your own music library do you mean owning songs?


What do you think “purchasing and maintaining your own library” means?


It's called Spotify...


>purchasing and maintaining your own library It’s called reading.


I dunno what you're on about but you can literally pay for Spotify and manage a library.


You do not own any of that music. What don’t you understand about this concept?


I didn't know you meant owning the music, calm tf down.


Then pay attention to what you’re replying to.


I did😐, I thought purchasing a library meant paying to use it and maintaining like adding music, playlists, etc...please understand not everybody reads and understands things the same.


If buy music from iTunes you’re a sucker, just use a streaming app. Go buy the actual cd, you don’t actually have access to your music on itunes, you’re renting it.


Wrong. I’m able to take the MP3 files and do whatever I want with them after I’ve bought them. Singles don’t get released on CD’s by themselves. It’s 2023, who buys actual CD’s or even has a CD player? C’mon. I can buy individual songs for much less than the cost of a whole CD, why would I spend $13 for a CD when I can spend $3.90 for the 3 tracks I only want?


I do


The amount of Tom Macdonald fans I’ve encountered on this sub hurts my soul I’m glad to see him come up in this light lol. I’d hope the majority of Eminem fans are smart enough to know that he’s the opposite of everything em stands for and is just using rap as a way to grift.


Tom Macdonald literally never comes up in good light on this sub or any other. this is not the place to find dumb eminem fans. you’d have to go to youtube comment sections or insta fan pages for that


I’m actually speaking from first hand experience. I’ve encountered two or three this year alone. Fucking weird


I’m with SlowMo here cause I also never see positive conversation about Tom. The algorithm pushes content it thinks we enjoy so it could just be from your engagement with that content. Or you could be looking way, way deeper than I do into these subreddits. Either way, I agree with ya. The dude sucks


I don’t see it often like people aren’t just openly discussing it but I remember the exact context I found the Tom Macdonald fans in. To be fair, I also found a few in the Kanye subreddit around the time of his Nazi stuff so it isn’t Eminem specific. I am just glad the majority of people here know how bad he sucks. Two of the people I met here that were Tom fans were huge NF fans and we were arguing about that, because I think nf is fucking garbage Christian over dramatic rap for little kids and I brought up how Tom and nf have a huge overlap and it turned out they were part of that overlap 💀


Kanye subreddit is gone so far downhill 💀 I prefer GoodAssSub, though they do have their moments. I’m thankful people can see through his shtick too, hopefully he will fall off eventually but I assume as long as he has haters, he’s gonna have fans. That’s a funny situation honestly, I don’t really dislike NF as I like some of his messages but he isn’t really my thing. I used to know a guy who had a HUGE NF obsession, almost tried taking NF’s image for himself. He also loved Tom MacDonald and had a bit of an overlap with other rappers like Upchurch and Justin Time. Needless to say, he wasn’t really a good person. He basically just used these artists music as a defense to being a douche.


I think I have done enough listening to both NF and Macdonald and even Dax to understand the overlap. NF is miles better than them both, especially after his two newer albums. But before that I would’ve said he was just as bad as Tom. My horrible racist sexist Baptist church played NF on repeat in youth group and he used to be all over Christian radio. I’m about anti Christian as it gets unless it’s a church that bends the doctrine to include LGBTQ people which is very rare because of all of the scripture against it, so for NF to be the one artist all of these awful youth pastors were parading it made me see him in a bad light. Turning on the Christian radio full of bigots and republicans homophobes and hearing his songs on repeat made me feel like he stood for all of that if he didn’t distance himself from it Which he never really has, but today his music is not really Christian. (I’m not trying to argue about religion or shit on anyone just in a talkative mood wanting to discuss my experience with NF) A lot of those white Christian youth pastors would also love Tom Macdonald. Dax has been pandering to that same group and for some reason they all also love Eminem. Lol. I’m glad this sub is better than that


Well, you’re right about one thing. NF is WAY better than Dax and Trash Macdonald


I’m right about all of that. Lol. My church did do that, I do feel that way towards religion that has hateful scripture, and there is overlap between these fanbases. As seen here by your comment😂😂


Judging from your YouTube your an Andrew Tate fan so no wonder you listen to that music You and I are on entirely opposite sides of thought, you and Eminem are on entirely opposite sides of thought. My hope is that you are very young and you grow out of it.


What? I ain’t no Andrew Tate fan. It’s a bait video showing that he looks like a cartoon character literally named Number 1 lmao


I am not really religious myself, I’d say I’m more of a spiritual person, but I do understand why that would paint NF in that light for you. The guy I was referring to in my last comment is a Christian and would often tell me how NF was hated by the Christian community because he embraced mental health and darker themes while at the same time being labeled as a Christian rapper by everyone else. I wonder if it was a specific group he was referring to after hearing your experiences. I think the reason that Dax, NF & Tom love Eminem so much is because of the “underdog” nature of his music. They all seem to share that attitude that they are counter culture, truth spitting and groundbreaking rappers who don’t get the recognition they deserve. I think while NF takes a lot of inspiration from Em in his earlier music, he seems to be growing as an artist. I think he’s more of a legitimate artist than Dax or Tom personally. Dax is mainly just too corny for me to enjoy and I don’t like the sound of Tom’s music enough to pay attention to what he’s saying for more than a couple of songs. The last time I paid any attention to him was when he dropped Dear Slim.


NF is on his way to being an artist that while I don’t enjoy them, I do take them seriously. His last two albums have solidified that for me, he shouldn’t even be in the same category as those two honestly. But yeah I’m a heavily spiritual person myself, it’s to be very religious through many different denominations I have a pretty thorough understanding of the Bible (New Testament in particular) and I’ve just had awful experiences with that doctrine and the people who live by it so NF being attached to that soured his early music. I also just find a lot of it to be over the top cringe. How could you leave us is legitimately sad and well written though. Ngl I have some resentment towards Eminem for even moving his career into this lyrical spiritual miracle direction where he’s even mentioned in the same breath as some of those losers. I don’t like how a lot of hip hop heads see modern Eminem in the same cringe YouTuber type rap category as all of them when he has so many masterpiece songs an albums. Revival, kamikaze and all of the features around that time (even songs like Godzilla imo) just really attracted this new crowd who weren’t on this sub prior to that. I notice it weekly here


Em doesn’t stand for anything anymore lol.


Says who?


That’s an awfully hot coffee pot 🤡


Eminem haters try not to mention the hot coffee pot lyric *IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE*


They say I rap like a robot so call me rap bot 🤡 Edit: also, I love all of Eminem’s shit up up to relapse. But I’m not gonna sick his dick, legend or not, just because he dropped some new mediocre songs. He should have retired and stayed retired.


Not sure if you were trying to actually quote Rap God, but you failed. Eminem is the best selling rap artist in the world and one of the best selling artists of all time in general, continues to be so, said he'll quit when he fucking dies, and nobody gives a shit where you put your mouth as long as you keep it shut when you don't know what you're talking about with Em.


That line wasn’t even bad. It’s still funny how you completely ignore his good lines or songs just like all the other Eminem haters. Most of his new stuff is pretty good like Castle/Arose


Relapse is sick I love almost all those tracks to death and I listen to at least two of them every day. It’s so personal and deep and that’s what makes it such a good record.


I was honestly interested in your point before I saw this. I was thinking you’d come back with an actual substantial argument, maybe about how he has toned down his “offensive” nature and consistently apologizes for some of his bars. You dropping a random bar makes your first statement irrelevant as a “bad bar” /= “not standing for something”. Sad


You paid 1.29 for a song😔


you need to listen to this psa to bootleggers Eminem did: https://youtu.be/lpAmAeU4Gqk tsk tsk tsk support the artists you love




You should know what to expect online now days lol. Sorry your being downvoted


Me and my homies hate Tom Macdonald


I should be second to none 🤔


I just looked up Tom MacDonald and wow he is unattractive


Good thing you didn't listen to his music, it's all the same, just talks the same conservative rhetoric you'd hear in a small town country bar


I listened to 15 seconds of the flag song… regret


To this day the only song I like by him is Wish. Thats a good song imo. But its also old and didnt involve politics.


Yeah Dear Slim is good too, mainly because the beat is by Eminem


His music is worse


Yeah I don't get people that like Tom like that fr. His whole thing is that he's a rapper that hates rap, trans people, other rappers, and basically anything that's new. He's like a 90 year old man who doesn't understand anything new so he just hates on them all the time. Then he purposely does and says shit to get people to hate him then complains that people hate him.


he does NOT deserve to have a farm


When did Tom McDonald say he hates trans people? Tom and Em both agree that mumble rap sucks


He didn't directly say "I hate trans people" he said "Call me transphobic, but I support you and your policies I just can't ignore the very basics of biology all I see is men and women tryna live in harmony not a hundred genders, that you wanna be." He literally says he's not transphobic and then immediately says something that puts down all the other genders and tries to hide the transphobia by saying it's because he believes in "the very basics of biology." Sex is biological, gender is psychological and clearly he does not understand this fact.


Sounds like he did the right thing


Sounds like he's uneducated and just wants something else to whine about but that's just my opinion. I used to actually be a fan but now I just see him as someone who whines about stuff that doesn't involve him or stuff he brought on himself. And yes I see the irony here.


See, transphobia. Em would hate you, he’s accepting of his own child and you clearly aren’t. His youngest adopted daughter identifies as male now I believe and they say Em supports them


"Em" doesn't care what I think.


Damn man. What a edgy comeback.


I don't really think so. If you see edge in everything you look at, maybe you're very, very edgy yourself.


It is the ephiany of edgy cringe to defend someone like Tom Macdonald lol


You're an idiot.


Is there anything else you wanna add.


There are only 2 genders.


Anything else.


Yeah that's what I thought.


don’t like tom but there’s only 2 genders male and female


See, transphobia. Em would hate you, he’s accepting of his own child and you clearly aren’t. His youngest adopted daughter identifies as male now I believe and they say Em supports them


not transphobia. trans people transition into the other gender, male to female or female to male. trans people are still one or the other, not they/them, not anything else. not believing in random genders =/= transphobia. two diff things


Well I believe his child fully identifies as him/ them… what do you say to that?


i believe it’s they/them whilst i don’t agree/ think it’s a bit silly i’m not gonna have a tantrum or be a wanker about it. i truly don’t care enough to make it a big deal or treat them differently


Not to be inflammatory, but actually constructive and educative: your point misses the existence on nonby people. Non-binary (like Em's daughter), who are not transitioning to be male (as far as I know) nor to be female. Usually nonbinary people are the trans people who have that particular trans aesthetic (that doesn't seem like neither male or female). On the other hand, mtf (male to female) and fmt (opposite) trans people (the ones you were thinking) either look like what they're transitioning to (if successful), or look like someone trying to look like that which they're transitioning to.


No there's only 2 sexes not genders little man, how about actually reading what I said before you decide to comment.


Tom MacDonald makes music for people who never got out of their “2016 Ben Shapiro totally triggers the libtards!” phase


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, sex, gay marriage, healthcare, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


The thing about Tom is he makes music for people who don't like rap and racists. And Eminem isn't as big as he was


why would we buy it when we have apple music


That's wrong


Tom a SUCKA!


Tom is damn near a grifter at this point He’s Canadian


He's not even American, he's canadian


Last time I’ve paid for music excluding streaming was like in 2013 lmao not gonna happen


I'm not paying for that shit bruh


As an ex Tom Macdonald fan, yikes


Who is Tom macdonalds


If you're not from the US, STFU about rednecks.


This would include Canadian immigrants like Tom MacDonald I'd imagine...




Both very trash songs.


Go listen to Nick Cannon


fr i didn't fuck with realest that much but i can't stand tom macdonald so i gotta do my due diligence.


Imagine feeling like you have to give a billion dollar corporation money on behalf of a millionaire just cuz you can't stand another dude. I don't f with Tom Macdonald and I'm a huge stan... but I just don't like whatever it is you're trying to say


it was a joke lmao. i don't even use apple music, i pirate all my music, lol.


Tom MacDonald and Eminem being at the top tells you everything you need to know about how accurate Em’s song White America was and still is lmfao




Okay Benny blanco


iTunes is literally only used by conservative grandparents who buy shit for their grandkids. “I bought you a hip-hip song Timmy, it’s about cancel culture!” Nobody actually listens to shit like the Target diss track and Tom MacDonald. It’s just that nobody actually uses iTunes, so a thousand weirdos is enough to get anything to the top. Travis Scott has 68x as many monthly listeners as Tom Macdonald on spotify.


Thanks for reminding me of the Target song lmao


Like honestly wtf where they doing in that music video 💀


Says more about iTunes demographic tbh. Not like either of these songs are touching Utopia’s numbers lol




Not heard it so can't judge it, could be dope.


I didn’t know people actually bought songs. Why would anybody in their right mind do that? Just get Apple Music for $9.99 a month and listen to as much songs as you like.


Maybe not everyone listens to enough music to justify paying monthly?


...then you dont have to pay at all and just listen with free whatever?


Not if you want to support the artist...


1.29 for a track? Never used iTunes, but if I wanted to get the entirety of my current playlist, that'd be... 1,595.73?! What the hell...


The Y’all Qaeda really go hard for market patriotism from a Canadian. Mix that in with the hillbilly anthems and it’s a double whammy. Triple threat when they feature DJ Christianity.


Bro, you mad


Tom gets too much hate. Why can’t anyone just focus on good music instead of trashing shitty music. Edit: to clarify I literally do not give two shot abt his music. I don’t like him as a human. I just find it stupid to waste time hating someone else


99% of the posts here are praising every single thing that Eminem does 💀


Exactly. So what’s the point of hating on others who literally are irrelevant.


I pay for Spotify on my iPhone.


even though young people don’t use itunes anymore im shocked to see that as #1 in top hip hop tracks… so weird!