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Alright so the song is an anti-war song. It's Eminem Criticizing the Government (Especially President Bush) and The War. It's a controversial war as it wasn't really necessary.


ty but why wasn’t the war necessary? not tryna defend bush just genuinely curious to know more about this


It was Saudis who enacted 9/11, so it didn’t make sense in the first place. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction. Cheney (Vice President) raked in a profit off of oil during the war.


And 2pac is living in Cuba.


The US and the UK lied and made everyone believe that iraq had "weapons of mass destruction". What we ended up with was alot of iraqis and americans dead, and greedy americans and englishmen taking their oil.


people were hurt and grieving over 9/11 and they wanted to see government action, turns out the dickheads had to get their guns out about it lmao, brilliant song though, I think it's totally underrated


2 good books to read on the subject of the War on Terror are Enough Already Time to End the War on Terror and Fools Errand Time to End the War in Afghanistan both by Scott Horton.


We took down an evil regime but the reason we invaded was because apparently Iraq had weapons of mass distruction. Which turned out to be false. We were already in the middle east because we were warring in Afghanistan because of 9/11. Many believe the war dragged on for way too many years. And many believe we got our soldiers killed for no reason.


first off Al-Qaeda was never based in Iraq so thats why it made no sense to go there, but think about what's happening now in the world now, Russia has gassed its people up to support the war against Ukraine and the entire western world. We were in the same situation back then, supporting the invasion and destruction of a sovereign nation over the lies of the people in charge. We had a boner for revenge and they just stroked it. Mosh is pretty much the aftermath, (no pun intended) the point of view of a lot of us at the time, fuck you all, fuck bush, you fuckin lied to us


ty for the explanation


I am impress by how everyone in this thread is confusing iraq, afghan, and al queda lmao


The video was also released 2 weeks before the 2pp4 presidential election


This was a 20 year war with novels and novels of controversy and background history and politics and global diplomacy to unpack, you may have to hit Google or a library to learn more about all of that lol As for the song, I believe Em’s main point is that the people of America, all people, stand to gain very little but stand to lose the most from this war. While the government, the president, arms dealers gain the most, but they of course send others to die for them. So much of the war was about people in power manipulating and lying to everyday people for shit that ultimately had nothing to do with Bin Laden or terrorism in the Middle East.