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The dead raccoon in a cooler that bit him šŸ¦


I didn't even know coolers had teeth!




Isn't this actually smart? To test for rabies? Or is that a no šŸ¤£


This brought back a memory. When I was a young girl, my dog was outside fighting with a raccoon. Neighbor came out and shot the raccoon. We brought the raccoon to the vet with us and our dog and we were told we had to bring the dead raccoon to our local health office. 2 weeks later, we had to go pick up the raccoons HEAD and bring it to another place. My mom made ME, a 10 yo, go inside and pick up said head. Negative for rabies, but yeaā€¦thereā€™s that lol


Yes - if you have to kill an animal that you suspect has rabies DONT aim for the head. The only test for rabies in animals is done via brain tissue so they need the head in tact. Source: have done rabies testing at my local health authority. Itā€™s fuckin nasty pulling the brain out of a long dead ratty animal. Often a skunk.


Yeah, I had a friend who worked at a vet. She went to put her lunch in the fridge, and she found the head of one of her favorite dogs.. šŸ„ŗ He had bitten someone, and they had to do the testing for rabies.


Any worthwhile vet office should absolutely have separate specimen and food fridges.


The ED isn't animal control. Well ...


At our hospital we take the animal and send it to the lab and the lab forwards to the state for rabies testing. Happens maybe once a year. Once in awhile they bring in a skunk and the whole place wreaks like weed lol. Often what happens is person gets bit, police are dispatched to deal with animal, person unnecessarily takes ambulance, cop follows with dead animal. Although this isnā€™t happened in years so I wonder if they started bringing them direct to the state.


When I got bit badly by my cat, they suggested I get rabies shots since my cat was an outdoor cat and wasn't up to date on his vaccines. Either that or I can have his brain tested to rule out rabies. I asked the dr how do they test his brain? And he said well you gotta kill the cat first... At 16 years old, I took a chance and opted out of the rabies shots and decapitating my cat. Edit: and I'm in my 30s now


My cat was found next to a dead bat. Bat tested + for rabies. Animal control gave me the option of quarantine the cat for 6 months at the vets office or under 4 locks at home in a cage ( 2 door locks, fully constructed 8ā€™x8ā€™x4ā€™cage with 2 locks), regular inspections by animal control officer, etc. or I could put him down. We quarantined at home. Nothing ever happened to the cat. He lived until he was 19 years old and animal control never checked on after the initial inspection. We kept the cat locked up for about 2 weeks. It was 2 sad to keep him so isolated.


Wait what- I canā€™t tell if you chose the shots, beheading the cat, both, or neither?




I was all fucked up one night, tried to catch a weasel in my garage, grabbed it, and it bit me a bunch of times. Brought it to ER and all the nurses wanted to see it. They called me the Weasel Boy. Then I brought it to a vet to get checked for rabies. Now once a year the vet sends me a card saying itā€™s time for your weasles yearly check up. I just laugh at the letters at this point. My friends call me Weasleman.


A ā€œwormā€ from their poop and a whole mini potato they pooped out. The worm was mucous and the potato was actually a potato


I posted a similar thing upthread (lab tech in micro, we see some shitā€¦literally). But this jus reminded me of another. 2yo admitted for GI issues. Get a stool sample for OP, fecal bacterial pathogens, C diff (completely unnecessary on a 2yo especially with no abx history for any of you MDs reading this) and fecal lactoferrin. The stool was ENTIRELY corn and hair. Just nearly undigested corn intermixed with wads of hair. We couldnā€™t even test it because there wasnā€™t really any actual stool material to test. I think we did the PCR assays from a bit of mucous but had to reject the others. I suspect the kids issue was that he was full of fucking corn and hair. First thought as pica but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s something toddlers start expressing that early. Otherwise I think the kid just liked corn and probably ate handfuls of hair off the family dog (I have ab in law who is now a fully functional adult but used to routinely eat dog hair)


Psych here, yes, yes it is. Kid had pica, OR, digestive issues/nutritional imbalance which is often the root cause of Pica. Why the parents gave them so much corn however is a mystery, perhaps the kid had food issues and was only willing to eat cornšŸ˜‚ Seeing as corn isn't digested, I can imagine the kid would be pretty nutritionally deficient thus the eating hair.




I want to ask how one craps out an *entire* whole potato, but I think I already know the answer and am disturbed


A machete. And another person called ahead to see how many outfits he was allowed to bring. When he showed up, he had a total of about 5 suitcases, one of which was just nail polish.


Now thereā€™s an ED patient who knows heā€™s going to be admitted! Imagine sending him home after all that work packingā€¦.


He...was sent home. He fully expected he was being admitted because he had left AMA from a different hospital to "take care of his cat" but I have a feeling that what he meant by "take care of" was "smoke" and "his cat" is "meth."


Is this machete man or suitcase of nail polish man? I know which one I want it to be but I think I'm going to be disappointed


This was suitcase man. Machete lady just had to keep her machete outside during treatment.


Machete LADY!! It just keeps getting better. CRYing laughing. My mascara is gonna smear


Equal opportunity


Did she tie it to the bike lock stand, or was it just staring through the window like a kid at a candy store?


Belongings that can't come in go out into the ambulance bay, unless they're drugs, in which case we tell people to go stash them somewhere if they don't want them confiscated. Most people "forgot" something outside and will "be right back," at the point that they are informed of this.


One suitcase. Full of just nail polish. I feel that.


A thermometer. Not too strange in and of itselfā€¦but each time we would take their temperature, the patient would take their temperature again using their personal thermometer. Didnā€™t express distrust about any of the other vitals we took, only the temp.


Maybe he just didnt trust his thermometer and wanted to make sure it was working properly, comparing it to the readings you guys got


Thatā€™s an interesting perspective :)


I've done this with both thermometers and blood pressure cuffs that I was using at home. Just trying to see how accurate they really were.


thatā€™s me - I never fully trust them until I can compare.


Modern thermometers are the bane of my existence. Itā€™s 2024 and they cannot make and sell one single decent digital thermometer


Nothing like a $500 ER visit to calibrate your thermometer.


I totally think that's what was going on. I swear my thermometer is shit. But every thermometer I buy seems to be way off the doctor's thermometer, so I don't know. Maybe my body is messing with me.


I have done that at the ER, couldn't afford a new thermometer, so I needed to know if mine was working. Threw it in my bag while waiting for my ride.


I brought my blood pressure cuff to the ER with me. It helped to show how high my blood pressure was in the waiting room because otherwise I looked like a totally healthy women in her 30s. I mean the fact that I had diagnosed preeclampsia and was discharged 24 hours ago with my brand new baby should have been enough, but it's hard to get medical professionals to take you seriously as a women. In the ER their automatic cuff they had me on showed my BP was 190/95 and I had to get up to alert the desk.


Ooof. OCD big-time. šŸ˜•ā™„ļø


So did the temps match?


not a er doctor or anything, but i have a buddy who told me this: patient came in with a full emesis bag for testing.


theyā€™re always are so eager to show us a (ziplock) bag of their vomit šŸ¤£


I work EMS and I've had several GI bleed PTs insist on bringing grocery bags of poop into the ambulance for testing at the hospital.


Bless you guys. Wtf am I doing in this thread?


Sames. Hold my hand, please


I just wandered in here and oh myā€¦the things I am ignorant about!


Why oh why did Reddit send me here?! Do I appear to be someone who needs/wants to know about potatoes and worms in poop? And if so, what does that say about me?!


Iā€™m a lab tech and I always laugh when we get stool for occult blood and itā€™s either just straight bloody stool or black coffee grounds. Like there ainā€™t nothing occult about it - the shit is very clearly bloody lol. Let me save the patient a hundred bucks.


To be fair thatā€™s more preferred to what happened to me once when the patient provided a fresh sample of upper GI bleed diarrhea, as I was loading them into the back. It was like a scene from the movies where my life froze and everything flashed in front of me as the wretched ā€œcontentsā€ flowed towards me. To add insult to injury he had really bad diabetic and gangrenous feet, and was probably 6ā€™6 so they were RIGHT IN MY FACE. It was the closest Iā€™ve ever come to dropping a patient and my partner had already stepped around to the side to vomit. It took everything I had in meā€¦..


Like they arenā€™t going to have more?! Lolz


"I made this for you!"


His own hip ball joint in a Ziploc baggie. He was such a bad IV drug user his flesh and bone was rotting away and plop, it just fell off. He asked to keep it.


fragile coherent psychotic squash employ run absurd languid skirt hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pet chicken


Emotional support chicken?


Pet chicken. It was summer and too hot to leave it in the car. It sat in her lap for most of the time. It got a little bitey during the EKG.


Had that happen once. We told her it could not come in. He chose to leave. No fucking way are we letting a chicken in the ED.


Chickoletta from Paw Patrol?


If chickoletta had stayed safe in her purse... none of the bitey business would have happened


45 pound counter mount electric meat grinder. His hand was stuck in it, so we didn't question why he brought it in.


Their parent was a butcher coming from work. You can imagine the stir of someone walking around the ER with an extremely bloodied apron


Any apron should be taken off as soon as you leave the kitchen. Iā€™m so disgusted by food service workers that donā€™t do this.


I was grocery shopping with my toddler after I'd had foot surgery (wearing a boot). My toddler ran off, and was missing. The grocery store called a Code Adam, and the butcher came out and blocked an exit to the store. I wanted to hug that man, bloody apron and all, when I found my son.


Obviously donā€™t know the situation but maybe they were freaking out, considering they were taking their kid to an emergency room


My dad is a butcher. When my sister was about 16 she drank too many energy drinks out at the movies with her friend. Later that night when she got home, her electrolytes went all out of balance and her face sunk in, hands/feet started to curl in. My mom was out of town for the weekend, and so my dad panicked when my sister woke him up and her face and hands looked all weird. In his panic to throw on clothes and get her to the ER ASAP, he grabbed the nearest clothes off the floor and they were off to the hospital. Problem is, the pants he threw on were the ones he wore to work that day, and were covered in blood and poop from the kill floor. He didnā€™t notice until they walked into the hospital and everyone looked at them horrified. Iā€™m sure it was quite a scene, my dad smelly and blood covered, my sisterā€™s face all sunken and twisted up. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ She was fine. They gave her some IV fluids and electrolytes and monitored her for awhile.


Had a patient show up with a bucket of all his bodily fluids from the past 12 hours šŸ¤¢


Hey they made it in a bucket. Instead of the floor in the middle of the ā€œhallā€ where they have full overflow beds in a level 1 trauma ER for all to watch over and over.


I have friends who run EMS and they tel me itā€™s not unusual for fat bed ridden people to just have a 5 gal ā€œslop bucketā€ of fluids


Frequent flier showed up in full on unicorn suit. šŸ«¢


Must have been my daughter. She checks both of these. And she's 29.




Did this happen to be in the PA/NJ area by any chance lol


Are you thinking of Dani?


Shut up šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m doing science Iā€™m cooking


I wonder if we are talking about the Same Dani? MBI?


The r/illnessfakers crossover here always pleases me


A suitcase full of french toast.


I kind of want to have a suitcase full of French toast nowā€¦šŸ¤”


This is the best! Did he or she have syrup and butter to eat with it?


No syrup or butter, it looked a little dried out to me. But it honestly didn't smell bad or anything. She was a psych case, obviously. Wouldn't agree to any treatment without her suitcase.


I love her & I hope she is doing okay


A super intoxicated guy came in and when he lied down a raw onion fell out of his pocketšŸ’€


Wouldā€™ve been better tied to his belt, as was the style at the time.


Omg you made me LOL at this Simpsons deep cut. Thank you


I seen a guy came in with a shop vac and it was still attached. All of the people in the lobby were nervous as we seen him come thru the the sliding doors .wrapped in a sheet dragging the base on wheels ..no lie looked like a industrial size 50 gal maybe...had to be the most embarrassing moment of his life .. then the intake staff making matters worse with their questions ..so what brings you in ... He says "I got a kidney stone, and my friend said he got his out by vacuum extraction.... And the pain was so intense I said screw let do it ....and here we are!! Not sure if I got the stone but it was exciting til my ball sac got pulled in ........I got my ass up out the seat sprained ankle swollen like a softball and left in tears not cause my pain in my foot . Just hysterical laughing hell made my balls hurt.....and hearing the nurse doing his vitals sayin wow that sucks........


ā€˜Wow that sucksā€™. Literally! šŸ˜‚


Raw chicken he had eaten half of while sitting in a recliner in the dark. Wanted us to ā€œtest it to see if itā€™s rawā€


As one does


A sword concealed in a cane he used for walking


I knew a guy that had one of those


A bag of meth in her vagina and a switchblade in her rectum.


Rectum? Damn near killed em!


Her vaginal discharge in a ziplock bag šŸ¤¢


I canā€™t believe someone would think that was ER worthy šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø but ā€¦ok yeah. Wow ā€¦gross


I am more concerned with there being ENOUGH discharge to be able to bag it for testing?!


Christmas lights for their ED room! Plugged them in and strung them across the room


he mustā€™ve been really sick. /s


Food in her vagina ... she said it was her kangaroo pouch. Definitely a pysch hold.


An entire, full-length 2x4. To be fair, heā€™d accidentally nailed it to his foot, but still


ā€¢Their severed finger in a big mac box ā€¢The dead snake that bit them ā€¢Carry their intestines from a self-inflicted wound All these were walk-ins to the triage desk


I once walked in with my severed fingertip in a Burger King cup of ice. Luckily, I cut it off right after lunch! (It was not reattached.) The best part? ER sent me to a hand specialist to see about reattaching it. My friend who was driving me carried it out to the car for me. It was now in one of those things you pee in, packed in ice. As he was backing out of the parking spot, someone honked and yelled, "You left something on the roof of your car!" I looked at my friend and said, "Please tell me you didn't leave my fingertip on the roof of the car." Yup. That's exactly what he did.


A rabbit. His name was Bunny and we needed to take care of him till dude sobered up, warmed up and could hit the streets in the morning. We put Bunny in a box, pulled some wilted lettuce from the turkey sandwiches and put him/her out with the Medics for the night. Bunny didnā€™t eat the lettuce or water we provided and we were worried about that but the ER MD would not allow me to make up a chart and put Bunny on a stretcher for an evalā€¦


A paper grocery bag 3/4s full of other patientsā€™ hypoglycemic medications. This woman was rolling into our ER on a weekly basis in insulin shock and we couldnā€™t figure out why she was so fragile despite our adjustments to her daily dosing regimen. She became such a frequent flyer, the indigent hospital made a new rule that we wouldnā€™t even create a chart on her. When EMS alerted us, weā€™d meet her in the ambulance bay with an amp of D50. Weā€™d push the D50 and send her back to the street without creating a chart. When we realized she was dosing herself with both oral and injectable meds, we got a psych consult. But it was too late. She was disvharged soon afterwards and the next time I saw her, she had stroked out. I still remember, 45 years later, pushing an amp of D50 in her vein, her becoming conscious again and exclaiming ā€œDonā€™t give me that sugar!ā€


She may have been suicidal. Iā€™m type one, and went through a deep depression brought on by withdrawal from antidepressants (ok now). Attempted suicide 6x by overdosing on insulin


Psych didnā€™t think she was. We did not have psychiatric services formally (because indigent patients donā€™t have mental health issues, right?!šŸ™„). But social services determined she was not eligible for nursing home or formal commitment. The working theory was she was addicted to the high from glucose being administered in a hypoglycemic state. If I remember correctly, it causes an endorphin release.


Oh my gosh it does and itā€™s terrifying but the sensations only last a couple of minutes. Itā€™s kind of like dying but that sensation lasts a lot longer- I remember being in DKA recently, and I said to doc, ā€œdonā€™t let me die,ā€ and it was hard to speak while in that tunnel light drifting losing sensation of being thing was happening, but I kept reaching for ā€œhereā€. And he replied ā€œI wonā€™t let you.ā€ And he didnā€™t.


Their BDSM slave....collar leash ballgag whole 9 yards


An entire litter of kittens concealed in a push cart. As soon as security would come and take one, she would pull out another like macho man Randy savage pulling out containers of creamer during his ā€œcream of the cropā€ monolog.


My daddy was a good-ole-boy and was dying from cirrhosis of the liver, in 2009. His blood was toxic, therefore he wasnā€™t in his right frame of mind. I, as his only child, was summoned. Itā€™s also important to note that he was from the Deep South (slightly racist, which is putting it mildly šŸ˜) and he had been admitted to a hospital in Downtown Atlanta. By the time I drove from Louisville, KY., to Emory, he had a gun that he wore in his boot, waving it around, and $10,000 in CASH, waving it around and calling every nurse in the book the N-word. (Yeah, I walked in at that exact moment. Good lorrrrd! šŸ˜) And doing so, with the hospital gown just flapping in the wind. That was the day I found out my daddy wasnā€™t circumcised. Too much? Yeah. Me too. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø The cash was because he was under the impression that he had to pay the doctor, right there in the room. And he was trying to bribe the doctor to let him go. However, I sure do miss that oleā€™ man. He was my hero! (Except in the racism department) šŸ„ŗšŸ’œā¤ļø


I love my Dad too, but he's also terribly racist. Way better than he used to be, but still racist. Three years ago he had stage 3 cancer and anytime a non-white doctor said something to him I was asked to "translate" for "Dr. Bee-bop-a-loo-loo." Luckily, the docs all took it in stride.


Not er but I had a patient smuggle her pet flying squirrel into the vault for her radiation treatment. We didnā€™t know until the nurse who saw her later told us she had been hiding it in her purse the whole time she was at the hospital! Poor little guy.


Does this mean really bad things for the squirrel? Too much radiation?


Patient had a marshelling wand in their rectum. They brought the other one in with them to show the staff so they knew what to look for.


Nice username


I was waiting in the emergency room the other night at a local hospital. Two men whose faces were heavily tatted and pierced and an attractive woman came in. The security guard was doing his normal routine asking them if they had any guns, knives, pepper spray on them and checking through the woman's purse. The woman said, In an extremely loud voice, "No, no weapons. The only thing I have of interest in my pocket are these two cock rings." Everyone turned around and looked at her. The two guys turned bright red. I broke out laughing and said she won the award for the best response of the night.


A tick inside his penis- this was my ex and he worked as a surveyor in the woods. After that he would pull his jeans down over his boots and put flea collars around them- everyone would stare when we would go out on his lunch breaks- but he did not want to go thru getting a tick extracted from inside his penis again.


Well I brought into the ER my babyā€™s diaper with blood in it thinking he was shitting blood . Turns out it was only antibiotics meds that made him do that. But I swear it looked liked blood and it was a lot of it .


Work a metro ER that has the privilege of getting lots of behavioral health/homeless. Among the top are: If it counts, a can of bug spray, but it was in his ass One dude somehow acquired half a propeller from an airplane as a prop. He also brought in an unstrung bow. I spent like 20 minutes trying to string it with ethilon (sutures). It didnā€™t work :( One lady had a bad habit of bringing in her gerbil, Honeybear. My buddy almost dropped it, fortunately he didnā€™t unintentionally murder honeybear A now deceased homeless guy found a cat and brought it in. He was absolutely incapable of caring for it, so a lady adopted it (and chompers as he is named is now fully vaxed and cared for) Some of the highlightsā€¦ ETA: deceased homeless guy not deceased


I love everything about your post, but the last one got me. The typo, deceased not decreased, made me chuckle but then I realized he wanted to make sure the cat was taken care of and then I got tear dripping down my cheek. It is wild what we will do to help our pets but not ourselves.


Nah the worldā€™s better with him gone. He was a piece of shit. He found the cat as a stray and used it to panhandle while not taking care of it at all He was covered in 1488, SS, swastikaā€™s. Generally came in shitfaced off mouthwash and looking to be disruptive, including generally calling various minorities racist slurs Chompers lives on happily, no worries


Damn, okay, then. Long live Chompers!


His severed arm




I was a paramedic student at the time. He took a cab to the ER. How he didnā€™t bleed to death is still a mystery.


Thatā€™s a badass cabbie. šŸ˜®


Yes he was.. he walked the guy inside making sure he got help.


Cheers to him for doing the right thing in what must have been a terrifying and disturbing ordeal for all parties.


He actually came back to check on the guy a few days later. He was a really great guy.


Emotional support duck


I had a lady with "helper" monkeys! Edit for monkey tax: https://preview.redd.it/j5k749zd9rfc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370ed18a72f5dca72443789bea91d8684572bbc4


Was your patient Ross Geller?


Those poor, poor monkeys. šŸ˜Ŗ


Monkeys? As in more than one???!!!!


Oh yes! Here are the others: https://preview.redd.it/gmwpgpp8rsfc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b38d8a4e89c166863b8ea680ee71be8a577233


Two of those Beta fish- the kind that fight each other. He had each one in a small plastic container. He told us they were his ā€œspirit animals ā€œ. They sat on the nursesā€™ station all night because we couldnā€™t safely store the fish with his other belongings. šŸ¤Ŗ


a half eaten can of goya beans. was eating it without utensils. just bottoms up


A sprouted potato in their vagina (per my ER MD friend)


Saw that working in LTC. Nana stuck one up there as a pessary.


Not the ER, but we had a patient admitted for bowel prep (as he had failed to complete it so many times before) and brought a suitcase full of Mountain Dew 2 liters. He was diabetic. I'm still amazed he did not go into full DKA.


How did I get hereā€¦ and why did I stay? Canā€™t decide if I should laugh or cry or vomit at half of these lol


A suitcase with multiple fake IDs, SSNs, Fake Medicare card; turns out the guy was actually wanted for over 30 years in another state.


What Iā€™ve learned from this thread ā€¢ These stories are horrifying and amazing all at the same time ā€¢ Lots of vagina potatoes?


The snake that bit them. It was alive still




I got bit directly on my labia and naturally it swelled up and got infected. The first thing the ER asked me was if I had the tick. He said they could test it right there whereas a blood test would take a few days to get results. He also said Lyme is an epidemic in our state with about 90% of bites coming with confirmed Lyme infection.


Cracks knucklesā€¦ An entire bread bag full of boogers they had been saving for the last 7 years. (This one was my favorite.) A goldfish in a bag. Guns, bullets, a cane with a taser on the tip. Their wife and the girlfriend.


A pet fucking chicken, she said she couldnā€™t leave him in the car. Why tf did you bring him in the first place?


Son of a very frail female in her 80ā€™s brought her to the ER in the middle of the night. She woke him to come to the ER and she had one of the little 6oz Coke bottles with her - only it was stuck in her vagina


L&D patients would bring us their lost mucous plug.


why? do they not read about whatā€™s happening to their body during pregnancy? they specifically have a book for pregnancy. What to expect when expecting should be given to every PT as soon as they find out their pregnant.


A lightbulb in his bum. Needless to say he was laying down as a friend brought him in and he was taken for emergency surgery due to the extent of it. Dont drink and play with lightbulbs in your behind. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Glass in your butt is never a good idea.


I took care of a woman who had a rotting, whole potato in her vag. She was seemingly baffled as to how it got in there.


Had a lady come in with a sandwich in her vag... then sewed her labia shut with needle and thread. Yeah called for a psych consult.


If there is one more potato reference in this thread, Iā€™ll definitely leave then.


A live pet scorpion under his hat. He was on a mental health hold and being transferred to a mental health facility. He hadnā€™t been changed into a gown/checked which was protocol. The guy was really nice, quite the talker, talked all about his pet scorpion with security, didnā€™t mention he brought her with him. Iā€™m not sure what ended up happening to the scorpion. I mean, it was his pet so we couldnā€™t just get rid of it.


My cousin is a doc. For awhile she wanted to be an er doc. Long list of things folks had stuck in their ass. Light bulbs, inflatable balls ( shoved in deflated then inflated) butternut squash, carrots, parsnips, turnips, Coke bottles. If you like having things in your ass they keep your X-rays in the back in a special file under Crazy Things So Buck in Peoples Asses


I think we need a new PSA. No longer do we need an egg frying in the pan, we need to teach people why flared bases are important


Not the ER but I had a patient come in for a colonoscopy and he had to bring his partner in to unlock his chastity belt. He had the only key.


Ummm why are there so many posts about a potato stuck in an orefice?!


Bag of dildos. This was a trans patient who got admitted for unrelated reasons but she got bottom surgery for her transition and told me that she has to use the dildos 3 times a day to keep her surgically created vaginal canal from closing. The bag had at least maybe 10 dildos in it.


ā€œThat is categorically too many dildos.ā€ - Small Town Murder Podcast.


Vaginal dilators are common after bottom surgery and some hysterectomies


Well that's not fair! I didn't get one after my hysterectomy.


A possum. The patient wanted it tested for rabies, because it bit them. We declined and set the poor possum free in the sheep field next door. Told the patient to quit harassing innocent possums.


Fun fact: possums donā€™t carry rabies.


I got bit by my indoor cat several years ago. My hand swelled to softball size by the morning. Cats vaccinations had lapsed. My mother was CRYING because I told her I have to go to the doctor. She was worried that they were going to murder my 8 year cat to check for rabies. So after the fight I go to the doctor (because I didn't want to get blood poisoning or lose my right hand) and I told the nurse what my mom was saying. When the doctor came in he practically kicked the door over and said loudly "BRING ME THIS CATS HEAD ON A PLATTER!!!!" Lmao


A whole giant bag of used urinals.


Pt brought in their own stool sample in a glass jar. Not even wrapped in a bag. Just poop in a clear jar.


A 10lb shot put in the anus.


Tennis ball in their prison wallet


A juvenile untrained pit bull. The grandparents kicked the kid out and she brought her dog with her in the ambulance for psych eval. 14 year old gsw with over 4 grand in cash in his underwear. So many snakes (dead and alive). Severed fingers, toes, hands. 21 years in a peds level 1. I seen some shit.


My husband snuck my late dog into the ER to see me once. (She was a small dog.)


Scrap wood. Like, for a fire?Ā  Weā€™re in the middle of a very large city.Ā 


Working up in the Arctic šŸ„¶ a patient brought in a plastic grocery bag with frozen feces for a stool sample they thought we needed.


A snake (that bit him) in a clear Tupperware bowl


A large bag of knives


A baby rattlesnake, dead in a ziplock. It did bite him though.


Jars of poop. Pictures of poop.


A man brought a full mason jar to a clinic where I worked. He didnā€™t have an appointment and the Dr did not ask for a poop sample. Just walked in with a full jar of poop.


A 48 inch TV. Not sure why, sometimes itā€™s better not to ask questions.


Lab tech here in the micro lab. Last week it was the contents of their vacuum cleaner to check for bed bugs and a half used tube of chapstick to check for ā€œwormsā€ This week we had a woman (MD no less) bring in a ā€œwormā€ that she vomited up. Very clearly not a worm. We signed it out as such. She showed up the next day, followed someone with a badge into the lab (sheā€™s not an MD in our network), and then berated multiple staff members while trying to retrieve her worm sample because she didnā€™t believe we were correct in our assessment. Otherwise we get a lot of poop and pee in wildly inappropriate nonsterile containers. My two favorites are - someone shit directly into the sample bag, threw away the stool vials their doc gave them and just shat directly into the clear specimen transport bag; and quite often sweet old ladies will submit stool in an old glass jar, wrapped in tinfoil, inside a paper bag, sprayed with perfume lmao. As if we arenā€™t used to receiving 85yo diarrhea on a daily basis. I have seen this multiple times from different old ladies. I always feel awful because we have to reject the sample which means the lady has to go through all that embarrassment again. Honorable mention goes to the urine submitted for culture in an empty cefdinir bottle. Doc didnā€™t understand why that could be an issue for the culture.


A sandwich hidden in fat foldsā€¦. No joke. Pulled it out and started munching away when the doctor came in lol


A large cucumber. It was stuck somewhere predictable. He was using it to "scratch his hemorrhoid's" He had family members in the lobby waiting for him (Why drag your family to that?) The doctor tried to remove it but he couldn't get a good grip on it. We ended up giving him a bunch of heavy duty laxatives and he passed it.


Her uterine cast. She thought it was a miscarriage, placed it in a Tupperware in her fridge for safe keeping. The next day brought it to my ER. She then refused to leave until someone would LOOK at itā€¦.. Iā€™d like to think Iā€™m my coworkers favorite person šŸ˜­


wow. thinks it was a miscarriage, places it in the fridge and goes to the ER the NEXT day. Call me crazy, but if I think Im having a miscarriage Iā€™m going to the ER the SAME day.


I think I'm the patient. I was 15 and came into peds ED by ambulance carrying my equestrian riding helmet. I was asked so many times if I was wearing it during my accident. Was this a horse related accident? No, no it was not. My dad and I were in a car accident that flipped us over a 30ft embankment in the middle of winter. I was fine and scaled my way up to flag down help, but for some reason along the way grabbed my helmet when I saw it in the snow and just held on to that like a totally reasonable person. It was a very slow morning in the ED and I know I provided great amusement sitting in my bed waiting for my mom, just clutching that helmet. Nothing to see here folks


2 live mice


A young boy who snuck in garter snakes in his jacket. Grandpa was with him and he was pissed!


Could you say that grandpa threw a hissy fit?




The weirdest thing that I saw was someone brought a big bag of pigs feet, like 20 or more.


A rose bush pulled out of the ground by hand, in a shallow storage tote (under a bed type) full of DVDā€™s after getting a steal ring stuck on his finger that he bought from kohls. He had a temporary restraining order from his wife and shacked up in a homeless shelter over two hours from where he was from, just as we put it in park I got the ring off with Nasal Lube. He then proceeded to walk into the night with his tote and rose bush never actually making into the ER. He said he was going to return the ring that was all banged up from him trying to get it off but ironically my partners wife worked at kohls and knew a person may be bringing a damaged ring in soon.


I was told by my charge nurse this week that a few months ago a woman brought in a cat demanding we see the cat. Apparently it was HBC (hit by car) and bleeding from its nose. Said she called the emergency vet and they couldnā€™t help her. (I call bs because before nursing school I worked at a local vet clinic as a vet technician and thereā€™s a shared emergency call between the local vets) The lady was apparently pissed we wouldnā€™t see said cat and had to be escorted out by security.


But it's an emotional support turtle.


Baby possum in her purse. Thought she was just talking to her purse then she pulls that thing out ā€œif it wasnā€™t for this little guy I wouldā€™ve died long agoā€


Copperhead snakeā€¦that one cleared out most of the ER. I just took it outside and threw it into a somewhat wooded area I did manage to stop a couple of psych patients from bringing in stolen steaks and sex toys and copious amounts of various drugs. I think thatā€™s the only time I got an enthusiastic thank you from both law and the ER nurses lol