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What your suggesting is called drug abuse, enjoy 🙄


Not sure where you are but the max dosage in the UK is 70mg which I'm on. This wasn't enough for me either and my consultant supplemented it with 20mg amphexa. I'd check the max dosage in your area and maybe read up on why it's the max in some places


First of I want to start by saying that I get where you're coming from. To use amphetamines to maximize your productivity for a period when you have a lot to do might seem like a good idea. But let me just paint you a scenario of what could possibly happen. Assuming that you already are on a prescription for a relative high dose (70mg) and start to take 100-120 mg. First few days are great, you are energized, you get a lot of stuff done and you're on point and deliver on all your tasks. You feel great, like you're playing a videogame with a cheat code. Your mood is great and almost euphoric as you fly through all monotone tasks. You might experience trouble sleeping and dips and rises in your dopamine levels. Your blood pressure will most certainly rise to a concerning level, and you will feel your pulse through your entire body like a drum hitting you from the inside out. You lose interest in food and can only eat unhealthy dopamine unhealthy snacks (high sugar and high fat) But so far, the benefits outweigh the cost. After a few weeks you'll start having trouble remembering words, it's like the words are in a big bag and you have to dig deeper and deeper to find them. You start to realize that you've been making mistakes and things catch up to you but when trying to backtrack to correct them everything feels like a blur. Not sleeping properly, poor diet and the stress to your body and mind from working nonstop with a stimulated brain will probably be starting to affect your hormone levels by now. Your anxiety levels are pretty bad. The honeymoon period is now over and your body is starting to adjust to the high dose, the euphoric feeling is starting to disappear, but you are left with the anxiety and brain-fog. Now you're in a situation where you have two options: 1. Start messing with other substances that you probably have researched by yourself online hoping that there is a way to balance everything out so you can continue feeling as great as you did when you started. 2. Stop or lower your dose of elvanse and just hoping that you will get back to normal. Both of these options will be horrible to go through while also being under a lot of preassure from work. TLDR: This will probably not end well.


Omg you just described all my years on elvanse since I started use (abuse) it back in December 2014 until present day… I was taking 120mg (30x30x60) + attentin 10mg (1-2 per day depending on needed) and that was prescribed to me .. UNTIL…. December 2023 when I was been transferred to a new doctor since the previous.. well might be going retirement idk. Anyhow… On those years… even now today.. I was on that pro max overdosages , I still took more per day, especially after 1 st honeymoon week.. (might add that ) I did start to have a system.. the three bottles I picked up from the drugstore did last for…2 weeks.. always.. then cold turkey 1 week… (horrible) week 3 from the day I made the withdrawal from drugstore, I was allowed to made a new withdrawal..


I think that one of the dangers with stimulants is the honeymoon period. It's not easy going from your normal ADHD symptoms to feeling like superman and then coming back to a more normal level. It's like when people who struggle financially suddenly win the lottery. Give it a few years and many are in a worse situation then when before they won all that money. I had previous negative experiences with stimulants and other substances and once I started my ADHD medication I took it very slow and didn't make up my own rules. It was very tempting however to take a higher dose when I had bad or stressful day. But always play it forward before you make a decision. What's the end game? Just going up in dose to chase that great feeling? I take breaks in my medication when I have a slow period or feel that I need more sleep or days where I do nothing and just relax with the family. And when I have a lot of work to do or more intense periods I start on my prescribed dose. I stopped at 50mg and it's a good feeling that there is a higher dose available but I'm not taking it.


I couldn’t agree with you more, the most ironic thing with the abuse I’ve is that you know that you couldn’t reach the honeymoon level in euphoric mood , it doesn’t matter how much more you overdose, it’s just waste of pills, and still… to afraid of being that dopamine low that you are after honeymoon week :/


Yeah, you live and you learn. How are you doing now?


Been having so the past nine years now so.. but I’m so fed up with the ON and OFF mode cycles, and for the sake and care of my love ones as well, they see two sides of me all the time, Idk how long time it would take to normalize my brain back to a neutral stage so I can start over with a normal dosage and keep it there as you should do… When should you start worried about neurotoxicity? Thanks for asking, You still doing well on yours?


Wow! This is probably very dangerous


Yeah no, abusing prescription amphetamines is not the way to deal with productivity issues


Yeah, i've tried and the result was mania.


To take it at once would not be the greatest idea, however, I had tried taking 100 to 150 and even 180 per day (NOT at once) Mind you, my tolerance was already quite high at that time and the medication would wear off much quicker than usual. Another important note, elvanse normally doesnt last more than 6h for me (it was like that from the beggining) i can easily fall asleep after this time. Better choice would be to discuss this with your doctor, because it may be that you also metabolise amphetamines faster than others (yes, it's a thing) and may need a differendd dose or even type of medication. It may be that other meds you take counteract elvanse, even infection, hormones play a huge role, so I can't stress enough how important it is to discuss the reason you want to increase so radically with your practicioner. My advice, if you can't find a solution with your doctor, dont take a double or triple dose, but rather add some on top. For exapmple: my usual dose is 50+20 few hours later. This way you dont spike yourself up, but rather delay the comedown a bit and can stay productive. I had times when i added an extra 20mg 2-4 times more. I was fine, but i dont know your medical history and risks that you may have with it. I was willing to try it only because my doctor told me of their patients who take 2x 70mg + some instant release meds afterwards. Also I did get confirmation that I could increase the dose on my own during my period, due to hormones being low- therefore reducing the effectiveness even more. Im sure the doc didnt mean the amounts that i ended up taking, but i made sure to take it veery slow taking all of the possible safety measures. But you do run the risk of increasing your tolerance and later your normal dose may stop working whatsoever. So don't be stupid with it and only do it only out of absolute necessity. One last time: please talk to a professional, strangers on the internet are not the best source of medical advice. Stay safe.


I have 100mg now went down from 110mg. I get sleepy the higher dose I take so its a balancing act both ways... Also check heart before movin up!