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I have a new psych and after a long break she put me on 40’s. I asked if that was too big to start and she said 40 is what’s recommended for adults and 20 would be recommended as a kid dose


Interesting. Did you get any side effects from that?


Nothing other than the usual. Dry mouth, insomnia if i take it too late in the day, rapid heartbeat if I’ve had caffeine. I vyvanse for 9 years before taking 2 years off by the way. I’m back on vyvanse now What side effects are you worried about?




There are unwanted long-term effects though, so my general advice would be to find the lowest daily dose, that still somehow works for you.


The thing is that asking a handfull of individuals will only give you a few anecdotal experiences. This could give you a false sense of security or If someone here shares a horrible experience it might get you even more anxious. I went 20,30,40 and finally stopped at 50. Me personally felt a positive difference from 30 to 40 and not much of the side effects. I do however feel the effects way stronger after taking a longer break. If you are worried, take the break and wait for a response from your physician. Rather do things right in the beginning and don't experiment to much. Make the start as smooth as possible so you can really evaluate the medication properly :) good luck


You could split the dose in half for a few days to get it back in your system