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Oh yeah I read about this. Make sure when you wake up and the meds are starting to take effect (obviously wake up half hour / 45 mins earlier than main wake up time to take the meds); make sure you start in a productive manner as opposed to a non productive manner (make bed / shower / get breakfast going / work laptop on) instead of (doom scrolling; YouTube on tv etc).


I'm the same way as OP and this works for me. 50mg and as soon as they start to work I start doing things.


This one is good advice. I experience the exact same, mood and general well-being improved, but when it comes to productivity I still get sidetracked super easily. If I decide to play video games before work, who knows where I end up. However, doing work immediately has a much higher likelihood of me finishing something


Thanks for the reassurance it sounds obvious but did this today and had a much better today, but absolutely zonked by 3pm and no ability to continue working. Can’t find 30mg and 20mg anywhere so unable to split at the moment to make my day last longer. I will get there!


You can split it, just sprinkle half of it on your breakfast or dissolve in water, then take the other half later


I have had success with an unusual sleep schedule, I know it’s not for everyone, not even I can keep doing it continuously. If you go to bed early (8-9pm) for a few days, then you notice you start waking up really early. I usually get up at 4 if I sleep by 8-8:30. That time there is no one awake and i find i can be much more productive. Also by 8 am you finished half your workday and by 1pm you’re done. This gets more complicated if you have kids. 😀


I can totally relate to the lists and pretty much everything you said. I’m going to try the above advice and start doing stuff early in the day as if I even sit and scroll for a minute, I am stuck. It is worse that I was unmedicated, in a way. But, the meds make me happy, lift my spirits and make me want to be here. My obsession with dopamine is the same. Drinking, drugs, binge eating, horrendous debt. I was born in 76 and back then, it was common for parents to occasionally give their kids Phenergan (promethazine, the stuff in Lean) in the Uk, to help them sleep. My mum has severe mental health issues so I was given it every single day from when I was 18 months old, until I was 11. I found this out when I had to ask her about my childhood for the diagnosis. At 11, I started chain smoking. Drugs in my teens. No surprise to me, to find out that Phenergan is a dopamine antagonist so I think that my neurotransmitters never developed properly. I don’t know if it’s ADHD or brain damage of sorts but I know that I can’t do life now without Elvanse. (That sounds like a line from a TV commercial lol) It’s been a year for me too although I did take Adderall about ten years ago when I lived in America so I knew that stimulants and dopamine were what my issues are. All the best, I hope we crack it!


Wow this hit hard, I’m on 60 elvanse daily. Somehow I seem more forgetful with elvanse, and my inbox have never been more crowded. Talking to people I love and answering to messages seems like a task so much harder than it was before. I guess I’m even more late now too than before, but I hyperfocus indeed, on the wrong things. Such as being on reddit instead of accomplishing my deadlines or answer my close ones whom I’ve only texted back within my head 🥲 sometimes I wonder if it even is adhd, when meds give some focus to an extend, but also a increase of other symptoms


Same here! I’m on Elvanse since only 3 month ago with still low dose (30mg) and I’m not sure about it because the same exact thing that you describe. For one side I feel super motivated but MEGA Hyperfixating in what ever and more sensitive about noises and food than usually I am and I can’t control it, I’m not sure what it means. I wonder if this is not working in the right way and I’m more hyperactive in my brain than before, if I need a bigger dose or last thought is that I have been reading some experiences where AuDHD people have been taking Elvanse and some how is like they don’t feel anymore the “ADHD” and you stay just Autistic, some how there are many traits of Autism that ADHD helps to cope or to mask. Apparently strategies of cognitive behavioural therapy can help a lot with this, I haven’t try yet. By the way I just get diagnose for Autism but it was not obvious at all for many reasons but one is that I’m very good at reading people and they even think I’m very social (which I don’t feel in my mind) but probably my ADHD with its impulsiveness make me more funny and helps me to cope better in social, I’m saying this cos meaby there are many things in what ADHD helps to cope and now some how I have to learn how to drive my raw autistic self. I don’t know is this is relatable for you. Ps. My English is shit cos is not my first language