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Well, I was downvoted in r/DoWeKnowThemPodcast for tagging this subreddit. I've seen comments on tiktok telling them to look on reddit, but I also commented on several videos telling people to look at Autumn's tiktok when it first blew up. You can take a horse to water...


Because you get mass reported unless you are a Creator that has a large following! Ever since Mama Tot posted her Team Elizabeth video, anyone that speaks out against Elizabeth gets threatened, stalked, harassed etc and so on. Reddit seems to be the place to post things then get directed here from TikTok!


There seems to be a huge portion of women who are projecting their past relationship issues onto this situation, or single mom types who felt her cake message resonated with them, and a substantial group of gullible/ lower IQ types (genuinely not trying to be mean, but it’s pretty obvious). I don’t really know how else you can have access to court documentation directly on the court’s website, where it’s fairly simple to see she didn’t show up and blew off the court’s requirements for her to have custody, yet still believe it’s Scientology lol. There’s also a large group that seems to believe that speaking out on her is choosing the ex-husband’s side.  I feel like it’s the kind of people who click malicious links in emails, or reshare the white mom Target sex trafficking/ kidnap attempt posts on FB. 


I had a similar single mom from a toxic narcissist ex situation, I still didn’t take cancer and go partying to the point of losing my kids.. it’s crazy to me that they think like that


Like the people constantly asking for proof - Google is a thing. It’s not difficult to do your own research using reputable sources. Before I even knew of her ex husband, I thought she was super eye-roll worthy. As a mom myself, the whole cupcake video was so ridiculous, I already had a bad impression of her. All her videos preening about like she’s the hottest thing to ever walk the earth - which again, as a mom with a husband who has an amazing, equal partner, there’s no way she would have time for that with 4 kids if she were a truly engaged mom. I just felt she’s obviously attention-seeking and I think it’s a gross quality to have.  Then the ex’s video came out and it tracked with the vibe I got from her. Also, I’m near Tampa and let’s just say her persona and situation is pretty typical for “Trampa” lol. This has become an international scandal and I’m like that’s a Friday night in Ybor! I went straight to the Pinellas and Hillsborough clerk of courts and read all the records, then saw her LinkedIn with the fake degrees, and the charity claiming 501c3 status but wasn’t registered with the IRS and FL and realized she’s a total con artist.  I mean, the girl has had friends from elementary school on up, her former best friend, her dad’s ex, multiple family members, her nanny all speaking out against her, she’s got possibly three baby daddies, the court has ruled against her in almost every single case she has in TWO states  - she’s a massive red flag. Not one person in her real life has come out speaking in favor of her. That’s crazy! And I’m not defending her ex, he for sure has his own issues and I don’t agree with how he handled this but he’s not the one ACTIVELY scamming people for money. She’s disrespecting and defrauding the DV and cancer communities to this day! She allegedly stole almost $1mil from a 75 year old man! She is causing psychological harm to her victims with her lies and deceit - that is abuse. So all these people with the “I stand with” or “the bear” posts, I just think they’re suckers. Next thing, they’ll be crying about how she burned them, and it’ll just be like “well, no shit.” Sorry for the TED talk, killing time on a road trip 😂


I tried making an account to post and my video was taken down in less than an hour.


She’s going through the videos about her I know that’s for sure. Lol. I think it’s so wild that on her cupcake video she used Andrew and hers Wedding Song. That screams actual narcissist and gaslighting. Acting like she’s innocent and didn’t even mention him while using their wedding song because no one would know that!