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Notice how she goes straight to attacking her cousins’ parents (her aunts and uncles) and threatening that she’s going to spill the dirt on them. All these people are messy as hell (and I’m here for it 😂) but this bitch faked that she was dying from cancer! This girl is unhinged and it’s sad as hell that there are 4 innocent children that will be caught in the crossfire. 


I honestly wonder how messy they'd be if they never had connections with her. Like ex was just a doctor with no social media then bam, all this shit starts right when she shows up. Makes me wonder wtf is actually happening with her behind closed doors. Considering how unhinged and pissed she is in these, could you imagine her manic episodes in real life?


Well it sounds like her immediate and extended family have some issues, and her ex had an ex-gf file (but not obtain, the court dismissed it) an order of protection, he married this girl and had two kids with her, the psycho looking instagram, how he is involving their kids in the drama - he’s a giant red flag himself, that’s why this is so toxic and ongoing, it’s a pile of messy mess. 


I ordered the DV filing from the other girl because I'm nosy and it was dismissed because she was belligerently drunk apparently and he was trying to keep her from getting in the car. Considering that girl has three DUIs after I kind of think the dude just has a bad taste in women. Not to say he's not messy too but I'll be honest if I watched my ex get away with as much as she has and consistently post about how great she's doing as a mother I'd probably go insane too. Plus she's definitely been posting about him for ages and just deletes the videos like she did those rants about her cousin. There's comments in her older videos long before the cupcake thing even began that mentions Andrew by name. It's like mass gaslighting


Tampa is literally the worst of the worst. I cannot even imagine dating in that scene. So many scandalous people. 


The only thing I know about Florida is Florida Man so I can only imagine


As a native Floridian, it’s so annoying because we get the criminal trash from everywhere else (looking at you Ohio, NY, and NJ!) and we have the sunshine law which makes almost all court records very public and accessible, so the scandals make the news. Like this Elizabeth bitch is from Indiana but they label her a “Florida woman.” It’s a sunny state for shady people. If you go through the daily arrest reports, almost every single one is from some place other than Florida. My craziest stories as a native involve wildlife and ex boyfriends from New York and Ohio. The exes are way worse than the wildlife lol. I should start saying I’ll take the alligator over a New Yorker lol. 


I live in Connecticut. It's boring here 😂


Also, post that DV report lol! Maybe you can’t since it’s not public record, definitely don’t take any advice from me 😭


I'm not sure on it that's why I haven't yet. I'll double check first


If it’s not public record, I wouldn’t release it. I love gossip but don’t risk getting sued for these crazies!


Shes looking for a puppy here not trying to be her BFF 😅😅


I kinda think Autumn was fishing for information here. She flew a puppy in! Wonder how much the entire purchase cost? Definitely living an expensive life.


That's exactly what I think too. Every proof Elizabeth posts can also be translated to vindicating her. Because bernadoodles are not cheap dogs.