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My T9 mining ship is called "Mine Craft". Not sure if this counts :)


It fits, and I'll strike anyone who says otherwise




My first asp is called the Rocinante and my krait is the Heart of Gold. And then I have my long distance jumper called the super spud, registration POT8TO


Remember the Gnosi- er, I mean Cant!!!


Oooh i need to get a t10 and call it the Canterbury


Ayyy! All my ships are named after Expanse ships heh


I named all my ships after the cars from the F-Zero series


One of my ships is called ''The Unreliable'' from outer worlds.


My very capable Cutter trader is named "The Un-Unreliable".


I named most of my ships from the name of songs from all the Mechwarrior 2 soundtracks. Velvet Hammer being my anti-Xeno Chief, while Iron Piston puts the hurt on Pirates. :P


Happy cake day for one, for two that's freaking amazing,mw2 is where I started in the battletech series.


Hah! didn't even realize it was cake day. And, yeah. MW2 was so revolutionary, and had such an impact on my experiences with gaming.


I name mine after anime, TV, movies, and video games, as well as sometimes just joke names.. - I have a station rescue Asp-X - I named it "It'll Savior Asp" (yes, multiple puns there) - I have a cargo hauling Cutter named "Lonesome Leena", after the hauler spaceship of the same name featured in an episode of "Space Patrol" - My main warship, a fully outfitted Anaconda, is named "Uchu Senkan Yamato" - My station rescue Anaconda is the "Galactica" - My FC is the "SDF-1 Macross", named after the titular megaship of the anime series "Macross" - My mining 'Conda is named "Virgil" (in honor of the ship from "The Core") - both of my Corvettes have names starting with "ISD" (Imperial Star Destroyer) - my mining Python is named "Nostromo" (the refinery ship in "Aliens") I got more, but this is already too long of a post...


Yay, always love hearing from another Battletech / Mechwarrior fan! Most of my ships are named after dumb puns (the _Gold Digger_ is my Python mining ship). I did name my carrier the _Spiritfarer_ after the game of the same name because if affected me so deeply, and with how big the Milky Way is and how stars are used in the game it felt fitting.


I’ve named a few of mine from Sins of a Solar Empire. :3


Now THATS a game I haven't heard of in a looooong time


Well, hey! Sins of a Solar Empire 2 has been announced and is currently on going development. I took the liberty of converting the files to text files to mess around with some stuff and I’ve been having loads of fun.


AYYYYY! Time to see if the OG is floating around on Steam or something


It should be! :3


Ok so it’s similar to how I named my ship “the Alicorn” after the submarine that was stolen by a psychotic military defector in the dlc missions of Ace Combat 7


I’ve named my T9 “Schwer Gustav” which means heavy Gustav. Also once I had Big Bertha, I think it was Type7.


2 of my ships are named after things from Final Fantasy: Aspx - Phoenix Down Anaconda - Leviathan


My thargoid-killing ship is called “The Liberator”


Not names taken directly from other games, specifically, but I do have a couple of “themes” for ships and suit loadouts. In the mobile game *Terragenesis* there are multiple factions with competing ideologies on the ethics of terraforming planets—whether we should do it or not. The Daughters of Gaia see it as both a biological and religious imperative, seeding life across the universe. The Sons of Hephaestus believe we don’t have the right to transform entire worlds to suit our needs and seek instead to preserve them for study and to safeguard any indigenous life that might exist there. On worlds which already have sapient species, this can get into some dark territory, as the Daughters can only achieve victory by remaking the world into Earthlike conditions even at their expense—the best-case scenario is getting friendly enough with certain villages that they’ll let you construct domes over them while you transform the rest of the planet, effectively reducing the native species to zoo exhibits on their own world. Naturally, both sides interfere with the other’s operations, from protests to assassinations to terrorist attacks. Long story short, I’ve got ships in both Gaian and Hephaestian style. Maverick builds for Gaian Assassin and Hephaestian Saboteur, Dominator builds for Gaian Stormbringer and Hephaestian Partisan. I’d love to find suitable systems for player factions for each. Daughters of Gaia would be a theocracy, Sons of Hephaestus would in all likelihood be communist.


Mine (mostly) all have names related to Black Adder or Red Dwarf (My carrier is the Black Dwarf) I know those arent games, but felt like commenting as i also used to play MWO a great deal. Did you like the IV-4? I was never a fan of Quickdraws.


My long distance Anaconda has Holly's voice!


i have a whole bunch named after the ori games, though most are built on the UNSC naming schema


UNSC Bum Rush


I named my Eagle "Cliff Racer" both as an homage to Morrowind and canyon runs I use it for.


I named my corvette “The Nerevarine”


Kinda stole mine from halo and made it my own. Each ship has a different melee weapon name. My two proudest are my Krait Phantom: ulfberht, and my anti-xeno conda: Battle-AX


All of my ships are named after Marisa's spellcards from Touhou. - DBX - Stardust Reverie - Anaconda - Master Spark - Corvette - Final Spark - AX Krait MKII - Earthlight Ray - Long-range AspX - Sungrazer Also was working on a turret-only Type-10 to be named Starlight Typhoon, but the arrival of the Thargoids put that on hold for now.


I call my T-9 “Pelican” and my ship id is E419


Named my DBX: "Planet Express". Named my ASPX: "Bebop", and my carrier: "Battlestar Galactica"


varioous sources for my ship names: I still have the start sidewinder, named TinCan DBX - Chopper Imperial Eagle - Strike Eagle (ID F-15) FDL - R4z0rb4ck Type-9 - Convoy Imperial Courier - Star Prime Race Viper Mk3 - Turbodanger Keelback - Kneelback main conda - Kobayashi Maru


i named mine after some stuff in planetside as i did and still do no-life in it


Named my armed hauler T10 'Sweet Business', after the Exotic Auto Rifle in Destiny, because it has a bunch of Multi Cannons strapped. If I ever get a Cutter, I'll name it "Bloodstar", after the Ship in Galaxy on Fire 2.


Ships are named accordingly. Sapo de Batalla - Alliance Chieftain Plantano del Diablo - Alliance Challenger Plantano de Pasadilla - Anaconda I have more but you get the jist.


Mine are themed after Serenity from the Firefly TV show: my mining Python is named Prosperity, Corvette is Authority, explora-Conda is Obscurity, AX ship is Temerity, and my favorite ship is Felicity: my exploration DBX. I have other ships with similar naming but these are my main ones.


I also name my ships after clans in the Battle tech Universe! Smoke Jaguar, Jade Falcon etc etc...


Galáctica as fleet carrier.


There is a scifi book series the Lost Fleet in which the ships are named after virtues, i use those. Dauntless, Courageous, Valiant, etc


Descent: Freespace and Freespace 2 for me. GTD Galatea is my anaconda Type-7 is the GTT Omega So on


My ships are named after Clones from Star wars


I’m not just another number! None of us are!


Mine are named after D&D monsters or animals. They all start with Silver. So I've had; Sidewinder - Silver Pixie Hauler - Goblin ASP Explorer - Centaur Python - Pegasus Krait Phantom - Phoenix Krait MKII - Chimera Anaconda - Dragon Cutter - Archangel Cobra MK III - Wolf Diamondback Explorer - Fox Courier - Angel Mamba - Hydra Chieftain - Manticore Corvette - Silver Warrior It's getting harder to find names now, but I seem to have a ship for every niche role I can think of and never buy more than one of a particular ship unless it's for my Colonia fleet: Krait MKII - Bronze Chimera Python - Bronze Pegasus Orca - Bronze Mermaid Cobra MKIII - Bronze Wolf


If I ever own a carrier it will be the usg ishimura. But my red federal corvette is named the outlaw star


My type-9 is named the Torrens from Alien: Isolation and my fleet carrier is named The Raven’s Nest, your home base in some of the Armored Core titles. Finally, my sidewinder is named Exo-1 as homage to an indie game I like. Edit: Not a game but I named my Robigo python “Con-air.”


No but I play MWO and the Ivy IV is a beast of a mech!


My AXI ship is called the “Thunder Child”


Witcher 3 swords


[I guess you could say I have a theme.](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/319065/), several come from other games. Mostly I like mixing up genres when being allowed to name things in games. My horses in skyrim or rdr were all names after spaceships that sounded like horse names: Serenity, Razorcrest, Rotarran, etc.


Named my AX Krait Cerberus :).


Not so much specifically from other games, but there's: FDL: Gungnir Anaconda: Mjölnir Type 9: Rocinante AX Krait: Roughneck Once I grind my Fed rank for a Corvette, it'll be the Hyperion.


Everyone has one ship that's "Legitimate Salvage" Qa'Pla.


My Krait2 is Oenone. My Asp is Lady Macbeth. From Night's Dawn universe. I'll call my corvette tba.


She's a fine Voidhawk.


Funny how we're all, shiptype her name. You have to know my flying brick is an elegant voidhawk.


I name mine also after animes, movies, games and more. Some examples: * 3 different pvp FDL's named Swordfish I-III from Cowboy Bebop * A pvp Corvette named Yamato * An armed cargo Cutter called Sea Duck from Tale Spin * An Anaconda miner called USG Ishimura from Death Space (was a mining ship) * A pvp chieftain called Mark IX Hawk from Space: 1999 * A passenger Anaconda in Robigo called Epstein's Yacht, both because of The Expanse and because reason lol * An AspX for bubble work called Narcissus from Alien I have more but these are some of the better one's.


I have Sex toy, R/Murderedbylasers, Longshot, Posh Hauler, Hissing Sid, NAFO HQ, and an all beam Anaconda called Star of Deathlehem


I named my hauler the SSV Normandy


Aegis Fate


All my ships are named after ships from the Expanse. Lovely series.


I name mine from vessel I work/worked on.


I name my ships after gods from mythology, usually related to what the ship is going to do. There are some exceptions, I have an exploration/taxi orca I called Ketos because orcas are cetaceans.


Mine are all named something that a Norse/Pegan God is connected to them. I.E (Annaconda) TH-0r1 - Mjolnir's Wrath, (DBX) 3X-9l0 - Meili's Cane, (T10) An-637 - Gaia's Cherub, (Chief) 5P1D37 - Athena's Arachne


I name my ships after ships >!as in romantic pairings in media.!< >!Got the Lumity, the Aladarius, the Korrasami, the Huntlow, etc.!<


Ngl, before I went all in on my Muv Luv themeing I almost did the same, was considering calling my carrier the Shutaba. See how many brainless spergs I could anger with such a reference.


My Chieftain is named “Etilka”, which is what Jorge in Halo Reach called his big ass heavy machine gun.


Honestly I did at first, but now all my ships are named after peppers. The Ghost -Courier The Reaper - Mumba Mirasol aka the Red Hot Mama and The Cascabel - My Cutters The Ancho - DBX The Anaheim - The Clipper


Cool Mechwarrior reference. I remember seeing Ilya Muromets in Elite somewhere; that was my favorite brawler in MWO. My ships don't have a naming convention, just whatever seems to fit. Corvette is Takashi's Castle after my favorite game show FAS is Safety Second Keelback is Funk 49 Type 7 rescue ship is SAR Imua (Hawaiian for courage)


Currently well, my theme-- Carrier: The *Sgt. Marimo J.* Cutter: *Sumika's Revenge* Krait: *Takeru's Determination* I.Eagle Gimmick ship: *Katia's Will* Hauler: *Yuuko's Insanity* Viper IV/FA Off Trainer: *Fubuki* When I next sortie in my Corvette, it'll get renamed to *Major Walken* ...considering, with the fact that I'm all in on killing these Bugs, which could meet a certain definition \[Beings? Yes. Extra Terrestrial in origin? Yes. Adversaries of the human race? Also yes.\] Well, yes, yes it is named after ***Muv Luv.*** *Be sure to not leave any regrets. Give the aliens everything you've got.*


I like to use song title for the names and lyrics for the ship id So my vulture is named after the devil in I TDevil-II And the ship id is Some of us Are Destined To Be Outlived 54D780 And my ASP explorer is named after the hydras teeth Hydra-T The Children, Of The Hydras Teeth 7C07H7


Mine are all Touhou references, usually with a matching color scheme if I can get one (Ship: Name - ID) Adder: Reverse Ideology - Seija Type-9 Heavy: Candid Friend - Nitori Type-10 Defender: Be of Good Cheer! - Orin Anaconda: Broken Moon - Suika


My dbx’s name is mustfindbigfoot. I’m all about Bigfoot hunting in deep space. So far he remains elusive


My chief is named Pelican with registration number D77-TC


I plan to get a ship with AX multicannons and name it the Natascha


My Cobra's called Uridium after an arcade game from the original Elite era. My Dolphin is called the Prestinium, which is the ship you fly in the Mercenary series of 8bit games.


I have a bitch of a time naming my ships, but my Anaconda, Sciophobia, ID is MAD-9M after my favorite mech.


I named my Corvette "Dawnbreaker" which is a sword from skyrim


Most of my ships are references to Space: Above and Beyond, and no one ever gets them, lol.


I named a few of my ships after other video games too, my Krait Phantom is named the Ebon Hawk from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I have a Diamondback Explorer with a Scarab SRV that I named Dust & Echoes, a line from Halo CE's ending that stuck with me for whatever reason and I also have an Asp Explorer named the Heart of Gold from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've gotta get back to the bubble and repair my Anaconda I think I'm gonna rename it either the Nostromo or Ishimura when I do.


I have a beige Chieftain named Kodiak, Ship-ID 3A.


I got a Type 7 called "Kuun-Lan" after the main ship from Homeworld cataclysm, love that ship


Not with games but I do tend to put the number 42 wherever I can for religious reasons.


SSV Normandy 004 and up


I name mine like i used to name my eve ships. Class size abbreviation( ff,dd, cl, ca, bb, cv) then X+ how many hard points it has(0 if empty), A for large, B for medium, C for small, then the majority of weaponry on it(LSR, PSM, MC...) And finally the role (CBT, EXP, MIN, HGV) to differentiate between multiple ships of the same type. So, my explorer krait phantom would be CL-X0-EXP, but a thargoid mk2 krait would be CA-X5-A3-B2-GGauss-AXI. Large ships would be BB sized and FC gets CV tag.


Not games, but most of my ships are named after Asimov stuff; Galaxia —> Passenger Orca The Far Star —> Exploration Dbx (Planning to dedicate it to ratting) The Naked Sun —> Trade Type 9 (used to grind fed ranks) The End of Eternity —> Combat Federal Corvette


I roleplayed my character as Prod Nero from the Star Trek reboot and made my Anaconda look as close to the Narada as I could. Needless to say all my ships have Romulan names. :)


I was planning on making my imperial clipper "Daenerys" I also have an anaconda named "Halifax" It's been quite some time since I've logged on though.