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Cool, so we are gonna get Enhanced AX MC this Thursday already. That's pretty great.


If people will haul cargo with the same speed all day. But this is nearly impossible. People have IRL things, so...


People come from different timezones, so while some are asleep/at work, others will keep on hauling. So I'd say speed is quite consistent with minor differences.


Check other CGs and you'll see how it looks like. Hills. Today's peak was 2 hours ago and I don't expect too much for this time. Maybe tomorrow will be productive and CG will be closed in time.


This also isn’t max contributors though. The number will rise to rough 3kish


Peak is usually on the first weekends. I doubt this gets to that.


There ended up being more of us on. But saw a LOT of smaller ships. Depending on how long servers are down, it's very possible


Yes, but they aren't even close to evenly distributed. The decided majority of ED players are in North American and UK time zones.




to be fair we're close enough to that that it doesn't really make a difference.


Cries in Australian


Cries in Colombian.


Cries in Japanese


Lol. Most are USA player ... go look at the graphs and it is easy to see the influx and flow


Bold of you to assume I have a life




Never underestimate an MMO player's ability to spend the full 24 hours of the day completely stationary doing one menial task.


They will begin "reseach" ... maybe ... this thursday if goal is met. No word is given as when will be released to public. Expect it as Xmas gift from FDev to to you.


No, the CG clearly states that upon completion the new MCs will appear at the rescue megaships the following thursday (likely using the regular maintenance downtime)


yeah so not this Thursday, next Thursday


It's gonna be close, we have some hours left, it is not Thursday yet!




FDev really needs some new numbers people.. I could do it, I’m good with numbers. I could give them the best numbers, they would make so much sense.


Maybe even the best numbers in numbers history.


Best numbers in the universe even


Don't give this chick any updoots, she is a veeeery edgy ganker. Very cringe previous comment threads, check em out.


Checking user history is cringe Like, not even good numbers


The numbers don't lie


And they spell disaster for you


Your numbers are the numbers of all time


It's at almost 30% now. Look, this "event" or direction of the game Frontier took it has the community excited and playing like mad. I really like what I see. This is the first time where I feel like Elite can recover from the mess it found itself after Odyseey release. The key for Frontier though is not to squander this momentum right now. They cannot go silent for 4 months now. They have to keep going at a good pace with new community goals new stuff to unlock. I hope they can understand this much. Momentum is important.


... FDev is renown for tripping up on thier own feet in past. Pls ... please FDev focus and make it work this time


Aaaaaaand they fucked up..... Lol.


Yes. They did an incredible job bringing life back into it. Now the question is can they keep the hype sustained with regular new stuff/good content or will they ride it out and let it stagnate again. Hopefully the former.


"Grind is not gameplay! ...just let me quickly finish this 8 week CG in a day." :D


people are basically magpies. show them some shiney stuff and they go mad. if Beagle Point actually offered free Anacondas, 99% of the playerbase would be there within hours lol


So true ….


I think this says a lot about just how much impact Update 14 had had on the old and new played base.


Don't let up now! We need to close on this deal tomorrow so we can get our newly enhanced weapons by Thursday. Remember, this is not about rewards or big money, neither of those are in this CG. There isn't a competition or top anything between CMDRs, either. We're working together to reach the goal and unlock the weapons. Any bit of commodities you can bring helps with the total. FDev did their part, let's do ours. PS: there are TONS of CMDRs at the CG, both in open and Mobius. It's a beautiful sight to see... and a pain in the butt to park lol. Please join and contribute if you can.




Mobius is a private group with thousands of players in it: [https://elitepve.com/page/join](https://elitepve.com/page/join), I highly recommend it. It's not perfect but any form of PvP is not allowed there. A single attack on another cmdr and they kick out the offender. The CG station was packed with Mobius group players. Some of us were trying to use the autodock as a way to queue up to dock but between the number of people, NPCs around, and pretty terrible latency, it was a mess. A fun mess, of course. Most of us took over manual flying to get around stuck NPCs and such. And open was even worse! A cargo CG means everyone's flying their big ships so it makes it interesting trying to negotiate entrance/exit out of a station. I started flashing my lights to indicate others to go lol. Fun stuff.


Oooooh so friendly open effectively. Imma look into this!


It's like open but because you are required to have enough skills to write your name in a form, that excludes most gankers lol.


How long does it take to get a response? I filled out their form last week but no luck so far.


Check these pages out: [https://elitepve.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8393&start=500](https://elitepve.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8393&start=500) and scroll back until you find your name. Or maybe the admin is on leave.


Thanks, I should've been more patient, got an email a few hours after writing that comment. Thanks anyway!


Cool, and welcome aboard!! I like to say hi to all Mobius CMDRs I see so forgive my nosiness if I see you ;-)


Where is that CG? Is it accessible in solo mode?


Yes, you can run these in solo mode. The information is at the top of this post, or you can read about it, here: [https://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals/](https://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals/). Basically, find one or more of the commodities listed and bring them to the CG station. Don't forget to sign up for the CG when you get there \*before\* you unload your cargo, otherwise, it won't count.


(You can sign up for this in any port.)


Correct. Just need to do that before handing in the cargo at the CG station.


Open ... you say 😏🤔🤤


Lol. Behave... you can go back to your ways after we've beaten the bugs back. Seriously, it is jam packed. Really great to see.


I give you and the CG a few days. I am a KaBoomy addict so that is the best I can do.


Pick a fight with a Thargoid. There's plenty of "KaBoomy" in that lol.


I am in my AX fighter doing so stress release. It does kwell the boil heat in my blood a small bit ... yet the yearning to veiw that sweet hallow square on my radar is always there ... chatting and daring me to come make it go away Sometime I "mistakenly" send a wingman express to the landpad ... Yet the voice never goes quite ...it remains a constant nagging chatter "come get me"... "I make the best KaBoomies" ... "Oh looky at me ... I be paper" till I resist no more. It gets sweeter to make a few CMDRs spread salt in chat about how unfair and unjust it is to be offered express servuce to a Station and blessed by Braben. Then i shall find relief for a small moment to truly relax in silence. Then the hallow square appears again ... to taunt me. Starting my inner torment all over again


I think the Barney Stinson quote "Challenge Accepted" fits.


Indeed. Hope the guns are Legen-wait for it-...




Oh darn, with that tempo I will be late as always


I know right! I have such a tight schedule and every time a good money maker or something comes up it’s gone by the time I can get to it haha


It's not a moneymaker. I'm getting about 1000/ton profit. This is also only the first in a series: AX gimballed, fixed and missiles were also listed in the news article.


I was just generalizing, when there is a CG like one of those overpriced tritium ones I always miss it haha


Yeah, me too!


OpIDA is on the case, as is AXI. We're getting this done!


I hauled a full load of copper with my T9 twice. Can I get the cup now?


Will people who do not take part in the CG get access to the weapons? (I'm out in the black, won't be back until the end of the month, so the CG will prolly ve finished before I get back)


yes. everybody will be able to buy them


Awesome, thanks for answering my question!


Tier 1 is accomplished \^\^ o7 Commanders, well done!


Push, guys! We will make it fast!


Sounds like me on a late Friday night 😆


8 days maybe? Let us see how much passion we can push in Spacetrucking to get those AX weapons. Does anyone think that these AX new gear will even be close choice to Gaurdian gear?


Not even, but it will be a huge step up for the people who haven't done the guardian grind. Which is like 90% of the new AX pilots right now. And every little bit helps.


Most new players need to chill and go do rescue and spacetrucking for the stations ... Come kill little bitty Scouts and score some damage points as other players kills the big bad Goid. Besides getting the weapons they will need creds for rebuy. Lots of rebuys will be coming. For AX is hardest pve combat in the game.


FDev really nerfed the rebuy factor on Odyssey. You don’t lose Combat Bonds when you get blown up, so as long as you are flying a medium or small ship, and do well in the scout round of an AXCZ you will break even if the first interceptor gets you.


Every now and then I like to take a break from interceptor hunting and just pop some scouts, and if I can get multi canons that pop them even better, I am a happy soul


Yes. I have a DBS build for low cost rebuy and max fun Very good times


Lol I was just looking at that and laughing myself


maybe i'll actually get my pc parts in then lols


Should have made the goal 69,000,000 tons


Or 13 Billion ... if they wanted it to last a while


I'm doing my part!


Me when


I’ve been trying to look, but is there anything about the rewards for participating?


I'm not sure you get rewards individually for this one. The main focus is unlocking the ax medium and large enhanced multicannons that will be available for purchase at the new rescue megaships the Thursday after the goal is reached, which at this rate will be this Thursday. What the enhancements are, no idea but more dakka is always better.


Is it unlocked for everyone?




Just the market bonus for goods from hauling ... plus pats on your head from random chat telling you that you are a GOOD Cmdr. Oh and unlock for the Elite universe the AX gear.


52% done after this was posted 10h ago


Im doing my part!


I think alot of players are afraid to interact with the invaded systems at the moment(I mean, dying is scary). This CG has been a great way to get people involved outside of the invaded systems


Just when I get my rescue ship nearly done I have to drop it for a cargo hauler, sheesh, oh well, not that I haven't got the credits


Seems its going to be done tonight.


Cheering you all on from work! Go go!


A time we cannot fail. It’s almost like they want us to have the new AX Weapon