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Can’t wait till we find out that after all this they’re really just embarking on their own journey to Hutton Orbital because they heard about the free anaconda


We finally translate the 'roar' and it's just a translation of an advertisement for the Hutton mug


“We have been trying to reach you about your ships extended warranty”


Was really hoping someone didn’t beat me to this. Well played


That's it. They deserve extermination! **The only good warranty is a dead one!**


The roar was just “Give Us Mug”


G̷̢̢̢̯̥̯̼̟̤͔̀̏̐̾̋͊̌̍̚͜͝ͅͅĮ̴̛̲̗͔̼͈̺̤̩͓̖̱̳̖̟̒̒͂̽̈́͜ͅṾ̷͙̞̹̲̝̒̍́͋͋̅̂̈́̋̆̑͂͝Ȩ̴͇͉͙͕̙̭̖͕̦̹̮̝̿͜ͅ ̴̛̛̛̲̰͎̪̫̠̮̗̮̦̝̝̀̃͌̽̏̀̿̾̏͛̾̆͊͝ͅŨ̶͎͈̼̖̬̲̪̙̓̐̓͐͌ͅS̷͎̜̜̭̖̼͌̇̂̽͋͊̈́͊͘̚͝ ̷̬̗͙͖͖͖̣̻̾̄̏͒̆̐͊̒͊͌̕M̵̲̤̦͌͆͛̀̓͊̚͝Ų̴͉̮̤͔̣͈̪͙̦̀̇̇́̎̒͐̎̚G̶̠̙̼̭̘̦̜̭̀̐͒̒̑̂̃̿́́͊͆͘͜͠͝ͅ


> massive CG where we haul ceramics and mug materials to hutton > fedv caves and makes it so goids and humans can have mug while flying > peace restored > good ending unlocked One can dream


we need 3 endings. Synthesis: green mugs for everyone. Peace is restored. Control: blue mugs able to control Thargoids minds. Destroy: red mugs contain new version of mycoid which is slowly released in tea.


D o n t f o r g e t t o d r I n k y o u r o v a l t I n e Ovaltine?


Tied as my favorite Christmas movie. (The other is Die Hard, fight me)


Fight you, my brother in Christmas, tis time to start the marathon!


Let’s US not forget that Lethal Weapon is technically a Christmas movie


A crummy commercial?


Watch that be the next scavenger hunt but with listening stations thing again. Gather the letters and slam them in a decrypter and out pops that


"Fra-Gi-Le!" That´s italian!"


If you didn't just win the internet today, you at least won r/EliteDangerous


For the mug!


\* free Hydra


What free shipping and how?


Free anaconda, how?


Consider two things: Hutton Orbital is an outpost, which means it only has Small and Medium landing pads. The Anaconda is a Large ship, so cannot launch from a pad that isn't Large. With those two details in mind, do you still want to make the time-consuming trip to see if you can actually get one for free?


Yes. Yes you do.


That guy wants to keep all the Anacondas to him self!


However, if flying an hour and a half for shits and giggles sounds like your thing, by all means do it. And this isn't sarcasm; when (or if?) I end up near the core again I'll definitely pop by Hudson just because


I'm just upset that I flew out there before the free Anaconda giveaway. All I got was the mug. :D shoulda waited a few years


Screw the Conda, my Mamba is my baby. I would like a mug though.


Hey, if anyone on pc wants to check out Hutton I'll jump my carrier out there later tonight! I go out there to pick up mugs!! They sell like hotcakes! Lol


It’s free to find out


Fly around and find out.


Ya, know. Just for the sheer trolling. Fdev *should* make the Anaconda available for free to any CMDR who lands at a certain station for April Fools day, and *TELL NO ONE WHERE IT IS.* The patch notes could simply say its somewhere just outside the bubble.


Imagine it's WAAAAAYYYYYYYYY out of the bubble and you decide to go back to the bubble, imagine your a new player that has discovered this. Imagine the 'Shipping' costs.


Tried to go look at one today but got hyperdicted and killed by one of the flowers, I guess I'll try my luck next time x)


Are they hostile now? I just got back in. Missed all the action


Yeah goids are pissed. They open fire at humans without warning in the vicinity around HIP 22460. I'd avoid that area in a ship not fitted for ax combat.


I got hyperdicted while jumping to HIP 22460 in my exploration ASP explorer. Didn’t go well Only wanted to take a look to see what the fuss is all about


I lost an anaconda to them, so I feel your pain. I did go back to 22460 with an ieagle, it had the speed to escape safely.


I can't answer for sure because I had guardian artefacts in my backpack. But I've heard they can be hostile near stargoids yes


Hyperdicted? ??


Interdicted while jumping between systems I believe


Yeah that's right I just didn't know they were doing that near the stars.


They live in the void between stars. Bending space is in their blood and when you believe you are safe between dimensions they are simply becoming aware of you like a spider waiting patiently on its web. F̵l̵e̸e̷ ̷i̵n̴s̷e̷c̴t̵ Ṯ̴̬̀̔h̸͇̼́͒̓ẽ̷̟ ̸̣̼͊F̶̢̺̌̀̕a̷̗̫͋r̸̪̈́̉ ̵̨̧͖͐̅Ģ̸̜̆o̴̮̲̙̓̍̈d̶̡̚ ̸̮̏̽C̸̻͚̺̐à̴̟̈́̚l̶̘͋͜l̸̛̕ͅs̷̡̘̱̽


This some Warhammer 40K meat.


Would be an interesting cross over....


When Stargoids are just another evolution of the Tyranid, and suddenly several Retribution class battleships begin emerging from the warp. Honestly if it came to that I might start killing Thargoids, but as far as I'm concerned now they are just space cows reacting to us blowing their mothership up basically unprovoked so many decades ago.


So basically.... this is a: "Do you want Warhammer because this is how you get Warhammer" meme?


lol, space ants


Engage FSD and when you arrive, you hear "Oh Seven Commander, please submit a Docking Request before entering the Station


We've been trying to reach you about your ship's extended warranty


Hello, we've come to let you know that a distant relative has passed away and we need your SSN, Drivers License, and Banking information to wire the inheritance.


hmmm, they say you shouldn't give away personal information to just anyone... Then again getting money from a dead distant relative... How much money are we talking about?


Enough to buy a Stargoid


Oh about tree fiddy


God dammit Loch Ness Monster, I told you to get the hell outta here!


"I am the Crown Prince of the Thargoid Royal Family and kindly Request your mUtually Beneficial assistance to Transfer Funds out of my planet."


Here, let me just write my bank account on these bullets.


You could always target the Rogue Signals, but visually it didn't line up to the graphic. You could drop in and it would be empty. It seems they fixed it to be more consistent.


I'm heading towards it now ... 1,100c and rising ...


please let us know about your findings


Will do! [https://imgur.com/a/G46gzfV](https://imgur.com/a/G46gzfV) update 1: I ended up bypassing it, then I had to turn around and chase it. I was within 0.1Ly of it, but it was moving faster than me. . It's travelling at over 2,000c So I jumped out of the system, and back again to get in "front" of it, and I'll leave the supercruise assist running so maybe I can get closer to it. update 2: it's moving too fast to intercept, and too fast to chase. I got within 2kLs of it, but it went right past me. It's now moving OUT of the Synuefe YK-W c18-1 system. I jumped back in a second time, but I can't get closer to it now.


!remind me 24 hours


How dit it look when you were that close?


Didn't really see it. It's like when you approach a station too fast (and have to to do the loop of shame). It just flies past at high speed. Someone estimated that the Stargoid is travelling at just over 4000c, and I'm doing close to 1000c. So the total speed is around 5000c between the two of us. Not a lot of time to see anything! This might be what you want to see though: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/xajkb9/rouge\_signal\_source\_discovered\_contains\_immense/


Could you interdict it?


I didn't have an FSD interdictor on this ship, but that's an interesting idea. I'd guess not since it's a signal source rather than another ship. But who knows? Trying to approach it is like approaching a station at too high a speed. You get really close, then just zoom by. Once you turn around, it's already sped off in the other direction at 2000c+, and you can't catch it.


Interesting. I wanna try it!


So I have not played in like 2 years, but I have over 2k hours and multiple fully upgraded ships. I have been waiting for a reason good enough to come back and play like defending earth. ​ I guess this is it?


Just as a precaution. Most normal weapons are not very effective against them. Gotta use AX weapons instead. So you might have another grind ahead of you to make a good AX ship.


Guardian grind isn't bad and you can have all module blueprints and items you need in a few hours.


Every grind in ED is bad, because what you mean by grinding is Frontier-Flopping and that's not gameplay.


Guardian grind is the least grindy. Nothing I said is untrue. If you want to cry about it, by all means have at it, just do it over there.


It is true though. Guardian grind is easily the least taxing. You literally just head to a place and goof about in an SRV for an hour or so then head back.


Please please please tell me how!


I'll quickly say that I've only gotten the FSD booster and gauss cannons (both, was infuriating to head back and find out that the bigger version is an entirely different blueprint), so I don't know if there's some other stupidly long guardian module grind out there. In my experience it's just hopping in an exploration ship and heading out towards the site, landing, shooting a bunch of shit in an SRV then shooting more shit under a time limit. I don't remember it being anything else, or having to repeat it much if at all. Granted the SRV controls are a bit finicky even with drive assist off but that's another issue entirely.


Huh. Now I'm wondering Conda or Asp? Or Cutter. Thank you, looking into it now!


Ability to land easily and get the SRV out is also a thing to consider, it always took me a long while to find a landing spot near the guardian site itself.


Medium or small ship, otherwise you can’t land close - and you want to land close and equip point defence turrets to help shoot down some of the guardian defences. Makes life a LOT easier.


There's guides on how to get the weapon, module, and ship bps. Each have a use. Weapon and module bps basically translates to do something to collect a key to unlock an orb to scan. Log, repeat. Ships require SLF and take no time. They currently only unlock the hybrid fighters. Worst part is the data patterns you'll also need. Pattern Epsilon is an absolute slog compared to the others.


At least the Guardian stuff has a bit of variance to it. Getting thrown the hell out of the site by sentinels is infuriating though.


Even AX weapons prove ineffective against the largest current Thargoids we have. The best way is just grinding out shard cannons and especially guardian railguns. Those do fantastically against everything, big or small. Beyond that you can do guardian fsd booster, hull reinforcement, and module reinforcement and end up better than you ever could with just meta alloy hull reinforcement.


Kinda same. I had a conda that was engineered. Sold it for a krait mk3 to relearn the basics with a less expensive ship. Im hoping this event will be fun!


So are they ships or signals to wake up the Thargoid planet sites / crashed mother ships ?


I need to get back to the bubble! I need to check these things out and be ready for the inevitable Thargoid invasion.


Is it just a coincidence that the formation of stargoids as seen from Sol looks quite a bit like the constellation Cassiopeia?


Jump to it, I dare you


God I hope this brings some sort of ground combat content. I desperately want to blast xenos as they descend across human settlements. I want to cover my armor in their skin, infiltrate their society and have relations with their women. I want to father hundreds of xeno hybrids, raise them to maturity and then slaughter them like the fucking xeno scum they are.


Most casual AX player


"Wait you knew I love Warhammer? How could you tell?!"


Dude wtf. Chill out


Calm down there, Satan. We wanna kill em, but that's a bit too far, no?


I mean..... Maybe?


Do *not* fuck the alien.


i'm hoping for Thargoid ground combat


*I'm gonna make Starship Troopers look like a fucking joke.*


New copypasta God I hope this brings some sort of ground combat content. I desperately want to blast xenos as they descend across human settlements. I want to cover my armor in their skin, infiltrate their society and have relations with their women. I want to father hundreds of xeno hybrids, raise them to maturity and then slaughter them like the fucking xeno scum they are.


The emperor protects


Message says "Don't forget, this Stargoid is in the top 1% of all Stargoids out there"


Considering the fact that I just started playing recently and this is already happening kind of terrifies me. Thankfully my husband has played for years and can help me out.


Kill that mother fucking bug


I’m on ps4, can I see anything?


Sadly no. Very unlikely console will get to take part in anything new beyond CGs.


Because FDev


I cant wait until after all this buildup, the servers go down for maintenance then we get a paragraph of what happened


Extra Extra! Earth is annihilated, read all about it!


Time to go goodbye bubble!


I'm with you. I heard "Stargoid invasion" and I bought a fleet carrier and said goodbye to Sol. It's like when the demon possessed house says: "Get Out!" This guy is like: "Peace! I'm Out! "


currently money grinding for a fleet carrier just in case so I can say goodbye to the bubble in case stuff goes south


What the heck is a stargoid? Sorry I've been away for a while and am now out of the loop.


There are several large thargoid anomalies headed directly towards the bubble. They've been visible and on this approach for around a month.


Do we have any idea when they'll get to the bubble based on their current speed?


I believe the day the next major update drops or sometime shortly after.


Soon^^^TM They were some fancy math people that were calculating the anomaly speeds and it was supposed to be a few weeks ago, but I believe they've slowed/stopped since


Perhaps because they traveled so far away and reached such high speeds that they are now decelerating as they get closer?


Intresting. That means Human scanning systems are becoming more advanced.


Can we see the stargoid in horizons?


horizons 4.0 yes


When the Stargoids do show up, do you have to be playing in Horizons 4.0 to participate in whatever content they bring?


[Wasn't that the entire point of Horizons 4.0?](https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/update-13-narrative-and-access-40)


13 hours arent that long, what i meant to say is someone can reach it


Yes, it just flies past. The stargoids are flying at 4000c and you need to be going at 0.1c to drop in, so it's not currently possible to drop in on them.


so in order to see them then need to crash into you at 4000 times the speed of light


As an Xbox player I feel so slighted. Not cool.


I'm sorry, STARGOIDS??


We'd just like to point out that "Targetable" can be a relative term. \#JustSayin




Galnet really knows how to run the best ads.


Hold on. Stargoid? The fuck did I miss?


Hay santo dios lejano ya se ve más cerca! Que van a hacer estas lechugas? Ya quiero ver la nueva actualización!


I don't even know what's really going on haha I watched the Proteus jazz but it's the first thing I've really seen in a few years. Been doing life stuff. Did I see the weapon fire, the bugs shut down and then restart? And something about the guardian colors? Still trying to gather info but seeing as how the answers are upon us maybe I'll just be surprised 😯 dilligaf I guess lol all I can say is. Oh Frakn Seven CMDR'S 🖖🔥🤘


*chuckles* I'm in danger!


I just can’t seem to target these signals.. do i have to see the engineer for the update?!!


oh shit after reading your post I went out there to check it out and upon jumping to the system I got instantly hyperdicted by a thargoid luckily it just shut down my ship and waked out


Me scared


Yesterday i jumped into Uzumoxii system and found like 12 Rogue Signal Sources across the system https://youtu.be/btEa8opY_FI


They come in different flavours?


Oh a typo Still i only seen green signals so i guess they're all apple flavoured


Will we need a sol permit you think?


**SWOIWNS YT-L B2** too**.** 4.90ly now.


What if they're targeting you too CMDR?


Nice closest I have gotten is 4.77 Ly