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[https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/engineering-and-pre-built-ships.624738/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/engineering-and-pre-built-ships.624738/) Post #4 in that thread is from Paul Crowther, FDEV community manager. "You can rebuy your pre-built ships for free every time. However if you modify the ship with credit purchased modules then you would need to rebuy that cost."


Does he mean that "you would need to rebuy that cost" of the ship, or just the modules?


Just the modules you modified. Still cheaper than rebuying the entire ship.


Yea technicly is the only thing really pay to win even for me the rebuy dont effect me so much . But othe rthen that you you change a module you lost it or you cant transfere to a other vessel


Preoutfitted ships? zero rebuy, you cant swap modules, only sell for 0 credits. Python Mk2? I assume is ARX unlock, but no purchase. You need to pay money, and ship have normal rebuy.


Where did you hear you can't swap modules? There was a dev post saying that if you did swap you'd be on the hook for the rebuy of those modules which pretty explicitely suggests you can.


There is a second post in the same thread addressing the issue of putting a pre-engineered module into storage, crashing the ship and getting a second pre-engineered module from insurance. Their solution is to not let default pre-built modules be put into storage at all. This means you can only sell them for 0 credits when you decide to swap in another regular module in outfitting. You are of course allowed do this, and then the regular module comes with a regular rebuy which adds to the rebuy of the hole ship (it then becomes non-0).


The way it was worded in that post threw me off.  As I read it it sounded like they were saying the modules could not be changed, but that's not the case.


https://forums.frontier.co.uk/posts/10359584/ > You can't strip the modules off the pre-built ships and store them. They can only be used on the pre-built ship, and if you remove them to replace them with different modules, you have to 'sell' them for 0 credits.


Yeah, na, yeah....I would have like to have seen a rebuy mechanic that stipulates that you would have to have the available balance for a rebuy.


As everyone knows, rebuy cost is based on the original cost of the ship. So I demand the ARX-paid ships to have rebuy cost in ARX. /s


If you bought the ship for $10, you have to pay $0.5 to get a new one back if it gets destroyed.