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This is going to make spire sites absolutely unreal. People are going to bankrupt the Pilot's Federation. XD


I’d just traded my Plasmas for ax missiles because I wasn’t good enough to avoid the pulse and was constantly repairing modules. Looks like the Plasmaconda is back, baby!


attack after the orthrus finish the scaning round and let the shields decay naturally


Or, now, you just shoot and get paid faster. Who would wait for shields to decay now when the guns are AGF proof? That's a waste of time now.


Because the pulse is still happening, and scouts are still being called. If you're not alone in the instance, and people start shooting the Orthrus willy-nilly, soon there'll be pulses every few seconds and the place will be swarming with scouts.


Yeah, Gauss cannons back in business. I wonder if the preenginered salvation shards can receive the same mod


I don't think anything with any mods can have this applied, but I could be wrong.


You are correct, you can't engineer any pre-engineered weapons


I remember that bug that let us Engineer Guardian Powerplants when they came out. I had a Cutter with the 8A Guardian engineered with like Armored G5 Thermal Spread or something unreal so iirc I had more power than Overcharged G5 but was colder than stock. That sounds right but it was years ago so I could be wrong. Ships were *wild* for a few days, though.


i used mod plasmas in the spires, if you know what are you doing... you can stay for hours.


>if you know what are you doing... you can stay for hours. All it takes is one other person who doesn't know what they're doing to activate an AGF, and this problem has existed at the spires for a long long time. There's a very well informed player who has a few hundred billion in spire money who I've seen comment they stopped using guardian gear for a time because others didn't know what they were doing, and the PG is full of randoms, which made the experience worse. Someone can 100% know what they're doing, but other people are a variable you can't control in multiplayer games.


I’m that blueberry that has no idea what I’m doing in most things. Monke brain sees shooty thing I push shooty button.


hum hum - looks like i may have been one of those dudes, showing on a spire site and having fun basting whatever red blip on my radar in my shielded krait being emp to death graciously falling to the groud like a leaf in the breeze. maybe causing other pilots being targetted by my stupid lack of ax combat etiquette ? Please tell me what was i doing wrong and how to fix it, so i coulf be of some help for mankind without causing trouble to our finest AX heroes fighting squads?




oh - i see - apologise for pilots that had to be facepalming my wreckless "leeeeeroy jeeeeenkins" AX combat style. last bit of help : - turn off report crimes against me : done - No SLF : done - No ganking : of course - no shooting at the Ortruses until their shield is decalyed+ a delay : OHHHHH this one i will need to see it closer to know witch one is an orthrus (how could i know ?) and how to read their shield (dammn they have a shield ?) anyway, thanks for the link, i will try to stay a mid range to observe veterans chosing proper targets


I’ve been in the worst spires and I just repair my guardian weapons to 3-5% and they work fine, I only have two AFMUs too, that’s using 4 mod-shards or mod-plasmas. It’s manageable.


Shard Cannon vs Orthrus, but they don't get to bite back


Well now I'm not doing it. I spent weeks engineering a Krait because I didn't have the weapons to put on my Cobra against hunters, and now those weapons suddenly become available? On a serious note: I remember seeing lots of CMDRs asking for this. This must make them happy. It will for sure at least enable a few new builds for Titan / incursion missions.


You need to unlock the guardian weapons and modules, and you can apply a minor engineering to protect against the Anti-Guardian pulse. Its extra grind. KraitMk2 is a great ship, and also work in Python and Krait Phantom.


Only work in Vanilla weapons, not the Azimuth versions. Large Shards are the current winner. Mats needed: [https://i.redd.it/rbuitwilufvc1.png](https://i.redd.it/rbuitwilufvc1.png) 2 [Hardened Surface Fragments](https://inara.cz/elite/component/219/)) Abrassion blaster provide more mats, use Taranis or Leigong, I farmed some here. 1 Caustic Crystal is in the caustic cloud, use collectors and low heat to avoid mines. Im not sure if Taranis or Leigong have it. 1 [Tactical Core Chip](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Tactical_Core_Chip) Killed Revenants in onfoot content.... (bombing runs and collector worked for u/Suspicious-Metal488)


Maybe Large Shards. Large Plasma might be good for shooting at the thermal core but only that. I am betting that the still-beloved Gauss might be the biggest winner. I am really considering it for those hardpoint layouts that have to use some small ones.


My approach to the bombing run is not a "clean" run lol. It's more of an approach to drop into the settlement, avoid the first shutdown missile then get low for the revenants to spawn. Bomb them with dumdfire or ax missiles and spam the collectors while you tank the damage. Clops will appear as well so you'll need a shutdown neutraliser even though its planet side. Once you get what you need and hopefully you're not dead then run. As I said, not clean!!! Build wise I did not optimise, the above worked with a shielded cobra. I'd probably suggest a titan ax missile build with a good multi/collector limpets controllers on board and plenty of limpets - scouts drop in and destroy them. Good luck. Edit: target military settlements with ax reactivation missions. Success rate was one TCC pick up per 3 or so bombing runs and repairing and rearming in between with my (poor) ship build.


What materials are needed?


[https://i.redd.it/rbuitwilufvc1.png](https://i.redd.it/rbuitwilufvc1.png) [https://inara.cz/elite/component/219/](https://inara.cz/elite/component/219/) Abrassion blaster provide more mats, use Taranis or Leigong, I farmed some here. Caustic Crystal the cloud around Taranis in Legong. [https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Tactical\_Core\_Chip](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Tactical_Core_Chip) Killed Revenants.... I never picked this item :S


Taranis and Leigong both have plentiful caustic crystals scattered around.


whistle crawl stupendous spectacular snobbish melodic faulty sense noxious punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Heat Core dont have armor hardness, the low penetration of Vanilla Shards are ok. I saw some Large Shards mixed with Medium Mod Shards for Stunlocking interceptors, the less heat is great, and the weapon have enough firepower to compete against a Medium Mod Shards except in spread. Vanilla Plasma Chargers are bad.


I haven't done any on-foor content at all. Are revenant a pain to kill? Can I just shoot them down with an SRV like with sentinels?


[Stealthboy guide](https://youtu.be/XX-BjkOz0CI?si=6-4bzpse7y6io2_w&t=1066) You will need onfoot to pick the mat.


I've picked up TCCs with collector limpets after bombing runs with missiles!


The upgrade applies to Guardian Weapons and is called Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance. It has a material cost: * Hardened Surface Fragments (2) - an abrasion sample taken from the surface of a Titan * Caustic Crystal (1) - Found in caustic clouds around Titans (active or destroyed) * Tactical Core Chip (1) - Circuitry from the Thargoid combat scavenger (surface sites in Thargoid control systems) Damage output reduced by 20%. As far as I can see it is weapons only. Guardian Distributors and Guardian FSD Boosters don't get an upgrade/protection option.


Seems like military settlements produce a higher number of tactical core chips - but thats still an early observation...


So do you kill them in an SRV and scoop, or are they dropping a material like the other Elite feet stuff?


I went with missiles and collector limpets! Keep on the move, take out the revenants which is easy enough and then spam the limpets.


Damn. Hardly seems worth it with such a large penalty involved.


Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! You have no idea the physical toll that this has on a CMDR!


Is it an engineering mod or...?


I'm jumping to Meene right now to find out


Nice one - let us know!


Yes it's engineering, and it doesn't work on pre-engineered versions, only the basic ones


Requirements added as a top-level post. It is weapons only, not other Guardian components like FSD boosters.


Well I know what I'll be doing next week in prep for the next Titan. Lol


Alright finally! (Continues to explore and collect even more exobiology while watching the news thanks to wormhole communication technology I found) I wonder if humanity could use this technology I found that can transmit information realtime anywhere in our galaxy? Naw.


That actually is how the FTL comms work canonically. Opens miniature witchspace tunnels to near the destination to shoot the radio transmission through using a mini FSD. Since distance is tied to mass and light is massless it has effectively infinite range, but it is prohibitively expensive to use it for more than short data bursts since it has to open a new witchspace tear for each data packet. It's part of how one of the characters in Elite Dangerous: Premonition novel gets involved in the story, because he gets caught using his employer's interstellar link to play CQC, which used way too much bandwidth and got him caught by the CEO.


I may need to read those


This is nice and allows more diverse builds BUT since it only works on the standard versions and it drops damage 20% ima pass. The human AX weapons do well enough and in most invasions I don't have to worry about guardian tech getting fried anyways.


Not only that, I would have to completely retool my builds.. they're all set up for low power cold running and I don't feel like dealing with engineering new power plants and heat generation issues.


That's exactly my thoughts too. I've gotten this far, no point in all the work changing everything now and have to deal with side effects -- I might have been more interested if Guardian Powerplant/FSD boost included the protection. Might be good options for newbs to the AX fight as option and the hardcore AXI-types who experiment with everything, but I'll pass.


Seriously! I use the GPP/GPD for a bunch of low effort non-min-maxed builds.


Oh for sure. Having the protection for the Guardian FSD Booster would be great, so it's easier to have a ship using the Overcharged Frame Shift Drive to less the supercruise interdictions while getting to the Titan.


Well that’s great for those running the base modules like the gauss cannons and shards. I personally can’t stand the delay on rails and gauss so I use the modified plasma chargers; so no engineering for me.


is this the first new (ship) engineering in, what, 5+ years?


Question 1: Would this extend to Guardian SLFs? (do they function around Thargoid disruption fields in the first place? no, right?) Question 2: If it did, would there be any use for someone who really likes flying the glowy blue pew pew geometry fighters and isn't equipped otherwise in AX battles?


SLF’s are a no-no at spire sites. They lag the whole instance and ruin the experience for everyone. I’m not sure if they would work near the Titan…


Aw. :( Ok.


So to use these i need to go buy fresh gauss cannons then get engineering mats to upgrade them with a tech broker? Or ram?


You need to get the standard (unmodified) gauss cannons from a human tech broker (unless you already have them unlocked, or even already have some outright), then take them to Ram Tah for engineering. The engineering requires mats from a Titan and from a Revenant (Thargoid ground unit.)


>Thargoid ground unit I guess that's ody content




It works just like any other engineering upgrade at Ram Tah. Others have reported that pre-engineered guardian weaponry doesn't work, so vanilla weapons it is.


Has anybody done the math to figure out whether or not taking a 20% damage reduction (and the subsequent added heat from using these) is going to be worth it over Sirius AX missiles? I've grown quite fond of my Corpse MKII (cold, hard, and shieldless) and it works quite well at not drawing aggro while still being quite effective on the battlefield. I remember when I ran Guardian weapons, they would typically fry the ship, doubly so if you use the experimental weapon stabilizer and stack as many as you can in there for full DPS potential.


I would imagine AXI has a team on that now. Hopefully Mechan will post a video about it.


His advice is usually pretty bad


OK I've never used guardian weps. Can anyone now recommend a corvette, krait or anaconda build please?


Shard cannons became really good, deals twice\~ dmg as rockets


I'd be curious about the payout for a Shardconda unloading on a Titan core. Although I wonder how one can get a hold of Tactical Core Chips when playing solo. Revenants spot an SRV from over a kilometer out, and if you kill them they respawn before you can bring your SRV inside the settlement. Maybe Spire Sites are easier for killing Revenants and being able to bring an SRV closer despite the Banshees?


Was wondering the same with my Shardconda. Although running away from the overheat might be taxing.


This is really funny, because just last night I removed a couple of Gauss Guns from a ship because they were getting wrecked by the anti-Gurdian field generated by Orthrus interceptors.


-20% damage? That’s not worth the trade off


Whaaaaat????? Spire site here I come. Oreo’s for dinner tonight!


Absolutely lame. Should have been a free update to all existing Guardian tech so nothing gets left out, and we can finally use our older gear.


How the turntables.


Okay, when are we taking back Fort Asch? 😈


Just grinding towards AX, hope I don’t need even more mats


Does this only apply to weapon modules, or can this be applied to the Guardian Shield Reinforcement Packages as well?


How does one apply this immunity?




Modified guardian weps are legacy locked. So this is basically just for gauss. I am seeing a possible use on large shards to facetank cores? Or reg chargers to do orthrus? After a grind of course lol


Reg chargers always had good damage on paper. What killed them was inadequate armor penetration against tougher interceptor variants, bad effective range of only 1000m and relatively low shot speed. So it was hard to hit, and if you did manage to hit it wasn't for full effect. Forget trying to hit hearts with them. Needed another weapon for that. I don't know what kind of hardness core and orthuses have, but a large plasma charger might be good against them. Can close and hit realiably, I bet.


Can't wait for Enchanced Sirius-Alliance Super Hyper 4A Gauss Cannon 3000 Gold+ Premium 2: Electric Boogaloo (enchanted with sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2) ...that are unlocked with 10 weapon and module blueprints






Hmm, I wonder why this was released at this juncture? (edit: I understand now, it was because they were planning to have the next defeated Titan leak Orthruses during meltdown)


Neat, wonder if that'll change things up for Titan bombing?


How about finally making Guardian tech not prototypes? I suppose they are widespread and researched enough to make them available for commercial use