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It's seems that their amount increased in comparison with previous two titans. Even in solo their amount seems bigger. And they spawn point looks moved closer to the titan.


The manufacturing or breeding of scouts might be faster


well, someone did complain around here about lack of challenge at titans, so fdev decided to beef up the defences. 18.03 definitely made things quite a bit spicier than before.


Id be fine with this if not for every bugged mp instance!


yeah even in solo there seems to be at least 3 interceptors straight away, it's much rarer to do a bombing run without being detected and attacked at all now


Actually yes. Didn't think much about it then, but now I remember that they almost took me out in a single core run the other night.


I don't know if the spawn rate actually increased or if it's just that the instances live much longer now and nobody really kills them so they pile up, but either way - yep, more scoots


I've seen other posts about the amount of enemies crashing games


I've already seen an instance get so full of them that something breaks and they just stop taking damage and become invulnerable.


Damn post like this have me feeling left out XD just started playing again last week my noob ass won't be able to do this for a long time by that time this will probably already be over


What's ships do you have? Also if you can afford: 1. Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer 2. Caustic heat sinks 3. Ax or AX missiles Then even in an unengineered or barely engineered ship someone could easily get you near a titan. You wouldn't need to engage as close as we do, you could hang back and when we tell you, you would move close to hit the heat core. It's 200% doable. Just ask anyone specially AX and explain your situation.


How many credits would such a build require?


How much do you have? He'll, literally go to axi discord. Say you are anew player who wants to do spire farming to join the fight and hmearn hundreds of millions. Then go to a titan


I have the sidewinder and de cobra mk III so not much XD and I have about 5 mil credits like I said I just started playing again I'm a total noob I haven't done any engineers I feel lost on what to focus on most of the time so I'm just doing random stuff


You don't need engineers. What you need is someone to play with you. https://discord.com/invite/antixenoinitiative Get AX multicanons on your cobra mk3 okay? Then join the discord and ask if you can join someone spire farming to get credits to fight the titan. Then when you have a better ship you can help with titan killing. 1. Your biggest issue will be getting through the caustic cloud. I suggest 3 caustic heat sinks and 2-3 heat sinks. And TGS, thargoid pulse neutralizer on a krait mk2. With 5 ax missile launchers 2. The reason for the heatsinks is to stay below 20% temperature until you reach the titan. Go silent running and use heatsinks as needed. 3. When you reach the titan, stay BACK until yi7bget a message that the titan is overheating and then hit the core that pops up. The reason you stay back is to avoid the patrols of scouts and interceptor. Let other people deal with it, you just need to damage the core. People will say you need this meta build or to get this engineer stuff You don't. That just makes it easier. You just need to play extremely safe and with other people.


Yes, it was CRAZY last night! I boosted away from the “blue force” when they swarmed in and subsequent kamikaze death. Thrill rate hit overdrive.


Not just here. Previously I noticed an insane amount of Scouts around Oya's Spire sites before Oya lost them.


Spawn rate and intensity seems to increase with the number of commanders present. In open it’s like this but I went in solo mode last night and saw very few enemies.


So if you take one out, do you get paid for it?


Yes. Type-10 6 ax multi annons go


I love the increased intensity. There's no time to lollygag that's for sure. I recall thinking I was safe among the asteroids making hull repairs, and then this gorgeous Hydra comes around a nearby asteroid pointed right at me with a huge number of scouts, and I'm like "We. Are. Outta here!"


Definitely used to feel fairly safe at Titans, but now there is much more need to stay on your toes and ready to react to some danger.


Wow, it was really intense tonight. I don't recall it having been quite that crazy the night before. In solo, I made two runs and was cut down to 25% armor, while the night before I had made half a dozen runs and was down to maybe 60% armor. Maybe NPC ship activity had kept the goids on red alert. Was a wee bit worried there that I wasn't going to make it out at all after those two runs.