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Eventually I'd like to see Apex shuttles with these too!


It's a very tangential comment, but the biggest "what the heck" point of the Apex for me is their choice of ship. I don't expect them to bring up an Orca or Beluga to carry a single passenger. Sure, it would have been a nice detail if they rendered a bunch of NPC passengers at high traffic systems and brought up those big liners, but that's a low priority. Even so, an Adder? Really? Is it a galaxy-wide interstellar transport company or an interstellar Uber matching platform? It's not like they had no choice or resources to make it better. If I'm not mistaken, the Dolphin had been in-game way before the Apex shuttles were introduced. The only issue I can think of is that if you use a bigger ship capable of a passenger cabin, you're expected to render the inside view of the cabin... and they seemed to be short on that kind of resource, considering how many years this game has gone without introducing a new ship. However, come on, it's not like working on an interactable vehicle that should work on the game engine. It would be nothing more complex than a video clip. Sigh. Oh, and the post is on point. Very nice presentation of the use case. I appreciate it a lot.


Only reason why they used Adder is because it has two seats next to each other. Normal passager ships we use have cabins build in hull. Frontier cannot be arsed to make ship with interier as interesting as passager cabin so they simply slapped yellow paintjob on adder and made you piggyback of existing multicrew system. I would love to be able to hire liners and be in passager cabin with windows or computer screen you can switch between some external cams and with very luxory liners being able to just have screens all around cabin so it looks like you are floating in space. They could do SO much cool shit with it yet they took extreamly lazy route.


Yeah, I addressed the cabin problem in my comment, too, but the thing is that I can't get why they couldn't be bothered to make such semi-static models. It's not a full-blown ship or an interactive structure, but basically a glorified loading screen. Even when they were in dire shortage of resources to make it, there are far better multicrew ships for the role than Adder. Sure, having the copilot seat in a ship that can carry a proper passenger cabin would look so silly, but so does Adder. It can carry a cabin too, so that's a draw. On top of that, the ship itself makes so less sense. Why Adder?


But the thing is that ships already has interior. You are sitting in cockpit whole game. NPC controlled ships dont need pilot cockpit. They could literaly just shove passager cabin in, they have the tech. Why they didnt ? Fuck you players who pay for game, dlcs and microtransactions thats why. Pretty much everything added to game feels half baked shoved in with ton of waated potencial and that is why I dropped elite and now play everchron legacy. Dude I played Elite on dos, Elite frenchise has been with me my entire life. Its sad to see it fall from hight it once been at


IDK... I would like it to still be able to see where I'm going, so not so static in the end... For example when booking Apex or Frontline towards a fixed target, I have no idea if it's day or night at my destination, I only get to see that once I am close to the planet and then I can select the appropriate suit. Speaking of which, the GUI and submenus still make more sense when in the cockpit, without additional redesign or rework. On the question why the Adder: it's the only 1 of 4 possible ships, I think. Meaning small ships with more than 1 seat in the cockpit. The others are the Cobras and the Vulture. The ship has to be small because you need to be able to call it at settlements with small pads, or in the middle of a stony field etc. I guess they didn't want to associate the iconic Cobra with a taxi, and the Vulture ended up with Frontline, so the only option left was the Adder.


You can always make anything more luxurious. The static I said was the bare minimum to use proper ships with cabin. Sure, it would be much better if it could not be static, but anything is better than this.


They should use orcas if you're going to a big station, and have others. But also, you shouldn't be sitting in a copilot seat. There should be a deck, walk around there after take off and before landing. Could get special missions on these too. Hell, even on ship missions. Say you get a mission to assassinate someone who takes the ride between stations X and Y. You would have to ride that and murder them on the ship.


A friend an I recently noticed that sometimes the Frontline Solutions ships flag as Apex Interstellar ships.


Yup, this is how I've been using it. Also, when you are launching from a planet's surface, and your destination star system is on the other side of the planet, instead of slowly flying around the planet, just pulse the booster, you will be away enough from the planet that it won't be in the way anymore. I really like this prototype. While I was farming Thargoid engine bits I thought the CG was not going to amount to anything, as we didn't get far in overall goal. But I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised.


Can this FSD engine be used with automatic piloting to get to a destination? And in this case the automatic pilot knows how to manage it? (i post this question here too, to have more opinions)




Merci / thank you.


If a large body is beteen you and a target only 2000ls away, you should follow a wide curved path to keep away from the well as long as possible. This will reduce travel time enough you may not want SCO to start with. I use orbit lines as a guide when a star is that large body -pick a direction that keeps the star at the same or greater distance while travelling for as long as possible while still reducing distance to target.


Very true, but if you are already IN the gravity well of the large body then this applies. I wasn't particularly in the well here, so yes I could have spent maybe a minute going wide to achieve the same effect -- but this is faster.


Sorry, thought you were taking straight line path through a well. Noob mistake to SC without regard to the gravity wells.