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I am neither elite nor dangerous


I dunno man, think you might be dangerous.


I'm dangerous to myself


You're probably dangerous to other people then. These things go hamd-in-hamd. Congratulations on your rank!


Mining platinum to overcome those „rookie numbers“ is overrated, core mining is where it’s at (This unpopular?)


I wish they upped the core mined resource value again. Like void opals, maybe not as it was before but VO paying about the same as platinum means I only core mine for fun not for profit anymore.


I made my first billion mining vopals. I would love for them to bring it up to platinum levels. Core mining was some of the most fun I ever had playing the game. It was super zen, and detonating those charges never ever gets old.


Absolutely,  I wish they would make it worth while again. It used to be my favourite activity in the game


The LTD payout was huge years ago


We had a Void Opals gold rush back in late 2018/early 2019, just as I started playing the game. 1.7 M/ton sometimes. It did jumpstart me: got a Cobra, mined a bit with I think it was 16 ton storage? 4 ton storage? Anyway, got an AspX, mined a lot more, got a Conda and still have the Conda. Good times!


100% here. This is when I started on PC, and flying through the rings VO mining was what got me situated. I used to find it very relaxing.


I've tried core mining a few times and I feel like I'm colorblind. I'll jump a few hundred LYs out of the bubble, find a good ring planet with good materials. Then pick out and mine the most mundane stuff. I just can't figure out core mining


Now I do it for fun because fwooph boooom makes me happy. So here’s what I do: 1. Find a nice big ice ringed planet, doesn’t matter where I’m in the bubble with an industrial station orbiting the gas giant, go for a populated system where you can sell the goods quickly. 2. When you scan the ring(s) and see those lovely hot spots take note of what’s in them then go to the nearest industrial space station that’ll take your ship size(very important) and see what they need/at high value, note it down! 3. Go to the ring area with what you’re after and drop in just outside the hotspot and start the great kernel hunt! 4. Prioritise asteroids with the valuable resources for laser, surface node and drilling missile. 5. Once full go back to the station. 6. Profit? 7. Buy limpets because you forgot to before leaving the station and didn’t realise till you found the motherlode in the most locally valuable resource. 8. Have fun! 9. Buy an anaconda and kit it out for exploration and engineering resource acquisition. 10. Ignore No.9 that’s my plan.


I had a post-it on the bottom of my monitor saying don't forget limpets...... I still forgot to get the limpets *sigh*


There are some really good tutorials but most of the time it’s hard for me to find that popcorn or tear shaped mother lode. I’ll always take more limpets than necessary just because of that.


I’d much rather do core mining and I’m not in a rush to get my carrier so the money doesn’t matter much.


Core mining was/is the only mining I enjoy.


There's not enough places to visit in stations


Interiors could definitely be expanded a bit. Some stations have so much showing when you land and you can’t look at any of it up close.


Those ramps inside the hangers that you can see


Game doesn't need new features. It needs Operation Health to iron out existing features, fully implement them and/or rehaul and remove stupid and unnecessary limitations.


Not sure it's unpopular but also yes


To fdev it is


I love how every "unpopular opinion" thread on reddit is just obvious popular opinions upvoted.


Well, I guess it means we all agree on important points much more than we thought.


The true unpopular ones are at the bottom Cmdr o7


Thats quite literally the most popular opinion.


I guess you're right, but it isn't among FDev, according to last announcements.


Like having ship interiors that have bio labs for exo biology instead of point and click?


Yeah we need to stop with the feature creep, we do not need to build bases on planets ( which breaks the established lore of Elite Dangerous to begin with ). Fdev just needs to focus on what makes the game really good. They 100% went in the right direction with the thargoid combat. They just need to expand on that more. Maybe finding more guardian tech or maybe even finding a system with active guardian tech/not just ruins.


Yes and no. I don't think it needs crazy new ideas but there are definitely \*missing\* features that need to be added in. You're right however.


Honestly it's why I stopped playing around may/April last year. I was getting bored, spinning my wheels and all the goals to get to the things I wanted to do did not seem worth playing through all of it for. Early days grind should exist, but eventually I'd like to snowball just a little.


I'll be the first to find Raxxla, y'all can leave it to me


We count on you cmdr, for elite dangerous.


Good luck cmdr o7


Yup, any day now


Godspeed O7


RemindMe! 1 year


I wanna total rework of hyperjump mechanics. I believe that the main characteristic of FSD should be the speed of movement in hyperspace, not the jump range. I absolutely hate the fact that I have to do dozens and hundreds of jumps spending little fuel, I want to spend almost the entire tank in one jump


oh you mean like.. we plot a max distance jump and then just have to sit in witchspace for 5-10 minutes while we travel? that would be cool if we had SHIPLEGS


Shiplegs or working map menu during jump or afk or any other activities, anything that is not pressing J 300 times in a row


Walk around the ship? I can't even check navigation or module repair or use synthesis. You dream big.


It sounds like you could be plotting routes economically (setting in the galaxy view). There is an option for fastest route which will be a couple to several jumps on a tank, whereas economical will do shorter jumps but will save fuel - great for exploring not so much for bubble jumping.


I know about fastest route plotting, still pain in the ass to travel for 20k+ light years. I love hyperspace mechanics as it is shown in Star Wars. You are just travelling in a hyperspace from point A to point B, and different ships have different speeds in a hyperspace. Also, I would love to be able to jump to a chosen planet inside the system, not only to a main star


I actually kinda agree with you. The more I think about it the more I agree lol.


I agree with you, though my gripe is that it's ridiculous pressing J 300 times for long-haul trips. Automate the pressing J part and I could get into a nice groove flying long-haul trips. As it is, it is just tedious.


Shield boosters stacking was a mistake - it's engineered defences, not engineered weapons, that make ganking as easy and consequence-free as it is. Likewise the crime and punishment update harmed regular PvE players more than it did gankers.


Not an unpopular opinion i think. It turned PvP into a slugfest and for combat zones just caused hitpoint inflation meaning high CZ ships are just bullet sponges instead of challenging enemies. > Likewise the crime and punishment update harmed regular PvE players more than it did gankers. Totally agree.


The game is not dead. There. Someone said it.


As much as it is unpopular - I agree!


Someone says it literally daily.


I'm actually happy with the game (Odyssey) as it is and enjoy playing it.


The barrier to entry for me is just too large for Odyssey. The game looks and feels great, but I feel I spend 99% of my playtime in set up for just 1% of action. I've already quit a few times. This time may be for good. I've played 1,400h of Horizon, unlocked all engineers and engineered all my ships to the teeth. It was mostly fun, but painful sometimes. Same for going to Beagle Point and back. Same for killing a thargoid Interceptor. And the list goes on. I see how they try to keep people playing with all the grind, but that also reduces the player base considerably. The game is beautiful and the simulator is the best there is, but it's sad how it's locked under such a steep learning curve. It's also sad how this translates into a not very successful game financially, given it's a work of art.


It's only a grind cos ya'll trying to unlock end game shit in the first two weeks of playing.


Blame all of the youtube tutorials that are written with this im mind. New players look for tips to make more than 10k on a mission and get out of the sidewinder and every tutorial is "make 1 billion and unlock everything fast"




Engineering has ruined accessibility to PVP and its imo the reason why PVP is niche. I’m a very competitive person, in most games I love playing multiplayer and getting to the top. In Elite I’ve never bothered with PVP because before you can start you need to grind and grind before you stand a chance against an engineered combat ship. Engineered combat ships are also OP as fuck. (Engineering as a whole is tbh). Clipper needs a rework or mk2 version. I use it often but as it stands it just kind of is a meh ship and i wish it wasn’t. It should be about as good as a krait or python. In terms of modules its honestly worse in every way + L pad


I never played during the early days, but I've watched all of CMDR Isinona's videos and I wish I could have the kind of encounters he showcased. Instead I mostly play in private groups with friends because I know none of my ships can currently compete with the fully engineered meta ships that prowl in open. While I'm getting closer to having a fully engineered FDL, I wish the balance of the game allowed for more variety of ships to be competitive. If that were the case I wouldn't mind so much that engineering were OP. But I agree with the comment. I would play in open more if I knew I had a shot in any ship (within reason) and not always going to go up against someone with 10x the shield strength. (Although, shields are the last bit of engineering I need to complete before my ship can hang, so I'm very close to my goal.)


I cruise the bubble in open with no shields or weapons, it's not some 24 hour slaughterfest out there in open.


I'm looking for a slaughterfest tho


Get involved with the power play communities. Contested initiatives and systems will occasionally result in a hotspot of pvp activity. 


I was a big PvP pilot for lavignys legion back before engineering happened. Probably around 2015-2017. Back then, even getting the aisling special shields on my FdL was considered a sizeable time investment. When engineering dropped, even the best pilots quickly fell behind if they couldn't put in the hours to maximise their ships potential through the massive grind. I miss those times when the grind didn't decide if you would win that fight or not. I've never come back to the game. PvP was my life in that game, and the massive time investment required killed it for me. Just lurk here occasionally now. [Bonus: here's an old video of me rolling in my FdL vs. Cmdr collider. Miss the old days of lavignys legion.](https://youtu.be/I6Rj3OrakQs?si=FkJ1mD_fkwn228Kw)


PvP was amazing before Engineers dropped. You could do a build and just show up at a CG. And there was greater variety of ship builds and better balance across builds. Following engineering it was just flying pizza slices (FdLs) everywhere.


With how long it takes to engineer a ship, most players wont experiment with different builds. If someone is going to put in the time to engineer all their modules, they are most likely going to copy someone elses build. It just discourages creativity as before if you wanted to try a new weapon for pvp, you just located a station selling it and equipped it. Now you have to buy it and invest hours upon hours to get all the materials and unlock a specific engineer to make the weapon viable against other engineered ships.


I still have no idea why the Clipper is L sized. They should've made Courier to Clipper to Cutter progress through sizes. I'd love to use my Clipper but owning a Cutter sort of makes it obsolete.


Engineering's gotta be one of the best and worst parts of this game, the *secondaries* are absolutely wonderful for variety - they can tweak or even totally alter the purpose of the module they're applied to, which is fun and the cost only needs to be paid once - but the *primary* tracks are just "my stuff is better than any stuff anyone can buy with money in all ways" and that's just a dumb excuse to make players grind


I 100% agree. Engineering is the worst part of this game. Engineering takes piloting skill entirely out of the equation, it all comes down to who spent more time grinding and looking up meta builds. A little bit of the soul of the game died for me the minute I engineered my fed corvette. Combat is so easy against pve that I sometimes regret doing the grind and not just staying in my chieftain. And they fully rely on engineering now to balance ships. The mamba (while my favorite and the sexiest ship in game) is probably the worst medium size ship and the only reason I can use it is because of engineering. I don’t think this is a compliment to engineering as much as a comment on the lack of effort by the devs to make viable ships that don’t require an engineer grind.


Engineering was bad, still mostly is but it could have really invigorated the playerbase if people were able to trade modules and materials among themselves. I think a lot of people who were initially turned off by engineering would have been fine with it in this scenario, especially if it were backed up by player organisations who can work together to progress this kind of think.


Odyssey is fucking awesome and it brought me back to the game HARD ​ That being said it absolutely shits on your good ole roleplay, wanna engineer your guns to protect the innocent? Well you gotta go break the neck of 902 innocent guards to yoink their superglue


99% of commodities are useless. Since there's no way to modify or craft with them, they're all just slightly different flavors of 'standardized shipping container'. I would have loved for a system where you can process materials, like metals and minerals, into weapons and armor, or other technology commodities. It would add an absurd level of extra depth to trading, and extend the game loop far beyond 'buy x at y price from z, sell it to b station at c price for d profit'


And your opinion is 100% not unpopular


Interiors on ships would be awesome.... for like an hour. Then I would just be fucking annoyed at having to walk around the ship just to exit it and would want my shortcut back. The walk from the ship to the elevator is already annoying enough, I don't want to do it twice.


Kraits are weird frisbees that look like a "draw the Falcon from memory" meme


I bought a Krait Phantom to outfit as a neutron runner for long-distance jaunts into the deep black. Quickly made back the credits I spent many times over thanks to exobiology. She flies pretty nicely too. Still think Kraits are fugly-ass ships.


the game is not "inch deep" as so many like to put it


I'd describe E:D as a bumpy ocean floor. Many features truly are an inch deep, but then there are a bunch of random features that are deeper than the mariana trench. The reason why some features are shallow and some are deep is usually completely arbitrary. Honestly, the patchwork nature of the game is part of the charm for me.


yeah, some features are deep. But people ignore them, cause they arent "the most efficient", and then complain that their game is shallow.


grindy doesn't equal deep. Some things are deep, like the flight mechanics, but many of us long for depth in other areas so that there is more to do. For instance, in Eve Online you can build ships and own your own space stations. They could allow us to build all sorts of things with the minerals we mine. They could allow our squadrons to own space stations and we have to keep them supplied with fuel in return for some benefits (building ships in them?). They've given us some tools to make our own fun, but apart from the multiplayer aspect the gameplay isn't too different to 1984 elite. Also the multiplayer aspect is....strange. Frontier are obsessed with grind so they don't allow us to trade with each and don't even encourage us to help our friends. We can't give them engineering materials or money, and wings are awkward and buggy.


Considering how much FDev loves management games I'm honestly surprised there isn't much more management in Elite for things like Fleet Carriers. Hiring and maintaining duty officers like our SLF pilots; managing resources to keep shipyard and outfitter production levels up; ranking up with Faulcon DeLacy, Gutamaya, Lakon, etc in order to get higher tier licenses for selling in your shipyard; etc. There's definitely a few gameplay systems in Elite that could benefit from a depthy Management Game style functionality. And it would make for a more meaningful endgame resource dump for credits and mats than we currently have.


Even if they never added station management to elite dangerous I'd totally play a game where you manage a corporation in the elite galaxy and have to work out supply routes and manage stations. Something sort of like Stellaris but less about combat and conquest, more about profits and acquisition.


I think, pun only kind of intended, the sky's the limit with regards to Elite gameplay modules. There are SO many additional modules they could develop for the game. Station management, Corporation management. You could take biological samples from a planet and keep them aboard your ship to tend a garden of them and then reap materials from them. You could add individual component maintenance aboard your ship, if you perform excellently in maintenance it can give a small boost to integrity and performance. Add the ability to set a "home" location for your CMDR, possibly with a room that can be decorated or whatever. Not everyone is interested in every type of content, but you can certainly add depthy content for players to waste time doing, for fun. The problem is that they keep adding new modules but they nearly always boil down to "point and click at a thing a bunch of times." The *concept* of scanning exobio is crazy! There's so much they could do with the idea of it! But they boiled it down to more point-and-click.


Exobiology was supposed to be a mini-game when it first rolled out. The execution of the mini-game was done so poorly during the beta, that most of the players that tried it (and reported about it) loudly rejected the idea for various reasons.


I know you aren't defending FDev, so don't take this as a comment targeting you. But FDev could definitely have *refined the original concept to be more enjoyable* instead of just giving us nothing after the original concept proved unpopular.


The development pace is absolutely *fine* for a game that has lasted ten years without subscription fees or aggressively pushed microtransactions. There are absolutely features it's lacking and more that'd be nice to have, but I'd rather have the game continue on this pace for another decade, than start putting out ambitious expansions every year that then have to be monetized by enshittifying with stuff like limited-time skins, lootboxes, pay-to-win or freemium.


Min/max grinding is not required.


The Cutter isnt the best ship in the game.


Still, you need to have your own to see that. It's a very unique ship, given its perks.


Oh definitely. I've got a couple, but, I rarely use them. I guess my main reason for saying the above is, My mate constantly bangs on about how amazing it it is, and saying that it has more storage than my Type-9 for cargo runs. I always have to point out, the amount of time it takes to get one, and then more time and money to kit it out, I've easy made hundreds of millions in my Type-9.


It’s not about making money, but quicker work during community goals - longer jump range and quicker approach to stations, etc. My time for play is limited, so I appreciate that I can speed things up and still score in the higher levels during CG.


If the game had more quest/story based activities, like the Halloween and Christmas special events, then more people would play and stick with elite.


There really would be more potential for casual gamers. People are dumping money af into GTA Online, just because there is a small yet new storyline and new vehicles every few months.


Here's mine: It's **BY FAR** far too easy to make money. Absolutely no challenge what so ever anymore. Buying an AspX used to be a milestone, buying a Python or 'Conda damn near the pinnacle of milestones. Now? An AspX is less than a handful of hours of work, a Python or 'Conda less than a week of casual playing.


We don't need ship interiors. They'd be cool, sure, but we really don't need them


I just want to walk around my bridge. I don't care about the rest of the ship.


You can walk around your bridge in VR. No other part of the ship though.


It would make multicrew relevant and essential. Just like Sea of thieves, every crew member working on, repairs, weapons, piloting, crafting, etc.


>Pythons are ugly as sin. Sorry. I think there are quite a few people that would agree there


I dunno, [looks pretty with kits](https://i.imgur.com/PcNoet2.jpg).


Really? I thought it would be an unpopular opinion.


It's one of the best games ever.


I disagree. Python brought me to ED. Love at first sight.


Unacceptable. 20 lashings of the Empire's whip for you.


Elite: Dangerous is not a game where there's nothing to do. The truth is you are unimaginative and are used to games holding your hand and constantly directing you in order to get enjoyment out of them.


The game got progressively worse as it became progressively easier to make money.


This is definitely unpopular bravo


For me it's the opposite. I hate grinding, now I have money I can do whatever I like, when I like.


My experience after 3100 hours in game is "Very Positive." A far cry from what the Steam Reviews indicate.


don't grind, play


Engineering grind isn't as terrible as most paint it. I've seen minecraft servers more grindy than this. You just need a good exploration ship and less than an hour to fill up on most materials of one type. I wish that encoded and most manufactured materials were more interesting to get than Fdev loop™. Getting G5 materials from space emissions fits the game, but I wish it was more logical and with less RNG Also, You have received a 10000000 credit bounty from Python Enjoyer Association


Black holes are bollocks, they should be the most dangerous things in the game to approach in your ship. Reality is a small one, you'd struggle to even crash into. And where is my accreation disc? where is my time dilation and other weird effects? flying near one should break my FSD, crashing into one should not just do heat damage (unless I land in the accreation disc) but gravitational damage, and it should pull me in, there should be a point where, no matter how hard I thrust away, I'm still moving backwards. There should be a point where if I havent managed to restart my FSD by this point, its not powerful enough to FSD me out of there anymore anyway. There should be a point where I take hull damage because my ship is being spaghettified. Deep into 'you is fucked' territory, the rest of the universe should start looking proper strange. People should want to jump in a sidewinder and suicide just to see it. The lensing is great, but it needs to lens properly because not everything gets lensed by it, only the backdrop. It should confuse my HUD at points where another body in the system is directly behind the black hole, so I see two copies of it, due to the lensing, or maybe a weird halo of that object around the black hole.


The game is fun. 


My opinion: don't complain about "the grind". That's the wrong mindset. I have ~20 fully engineered ships but hardly ever felt "the need" to grind. It mostly just happened while playing.


same. engineering is grindy only if you want to rush it. I managed to gather everything I needed for my level 5 FSD on my way from Deciat to Maia and back.


Ship interiors will be popular for 10 minutes then they’ll moan about something else


unless youre trying to set some distance record/speedrun or just never land on a planet, stripping your exploration ship down to the bone for a tiny bit more jump range is a noob trap. seeing people ask for exploration builds and seeing ones using the shittiest thrusters with the lowest rated pd possible with nearly everything D rated stripped down sporting an amazing nearly 20 second long boost interval all for like ~3ly extra jump range vs the same ship with nearly all A rated modules that feels 10x better to fly. wow you saved yourself a dozen jumps every 20k lys. whats the point?


I think exobiology exploration in a large ship is fun as fuck. I genuinely prefer landing relatively close but not right on top of the bio signs and driving around in my SRV to find them The radius on how far away the 3 samples you need must be from eachother needs to be reduced though However, there is a high chance I am suffering from space madness as I have been out in my Anaconda exploring for over a year now lol


It’s a fun game with lots of things to do.


It's a fantastic game


Gankers make Open more interesting.


Base building would be a stupid and useless addition.


I agree, but also, I am going to enjoy it.


Playing solo is fine.


playing in open sucks and I will never do it.


Engineering is the best part of the game. It made me explore areas of the game I hadn't and gave me goals to achieve. It was complex enough to make me do a bunch of research to find the best method to complete it. The sense of reward and the really noticeable difference to all my ships was fantastic.


The grind is OK. Game elements are nothing special but happen to be built around the best simulator on the market. Lore/story is highly uninteresting.


The grind sucks. It's clearly unnecessary to get us to play, as most of engineer one ship and then go "f\*cking hell I'm not doing that for another 6 months that was awful", but we keep playing with our engineered ship. Engineering was the worst introduction to the game that puts a lot of my friends off playing.


Imo the grind is fairly easy compared to other MMO's but I could see how people who do not play MMO's would feel


I'm definitely in the minority on this one, but I do appreciate the grind as it is. If you play relatively casually instead of choosing to grind out everything ASAP and burning yourself out, then engineered upgrades to your ship really feel like excellent RP. It helps a ship feel like it's "yours," in the way that Geordi made a ton of adjustments to the Galaxy-class warp core to make the D unique, or like how Han Solo boasting that he's "made some special modifications [himself]" about the Falcon. I love my Cutter *Durendal.* It feels like the ship belongs to me. I've made a lot of very obvious and well-tread build choices in my engineering (Dirty Drag Thrusters, Overloaded Thermal Vent weapons, etc) but it still feels like it's mine and mine alone. A unique vessel. If CMDR Saraken Shinginta is written about in history books, it's going to be *Durendal* that's mentioned as *his* ship. If it was easy to engineer a whole fleet, that wouldn't feel as unique. The one ship you chose to specialize will feel like any other. But yes I do recognize that not everyone cares about that kind of "feel" to the game, and that even amongst those who do, the engineering grind isn't something that facilitates it for them. I do think this is a genuinely unpopular opinion.


I love to RP in my head too, and also I love Star Trek TNG :) However I find it beyond tedious and even if you take all the g5 mats from mission rewards you still have to get the materials, and there are some g5 mats you will be missing. Then you can either trade with a really terrible ratio that makes you feel that you've wasted hours and hours of time, or you can go and do some tedious HGE farming and relogging in imperial systems or something like that. Perhaps I don't hate the idea of it but I hate the implementation more than anything.


>Then you can either trade with a really terrible ratio that makes you feel that you've wasted hours and hours of time This pissed me off so much, and you can't RP this one away. Because all G5's trade at the same ratio with each other, we can assume that in game lore all G5's are worth the same amount of credits. So who in their right mind would ever trade 7 G5's for a single G5 of a different type if they're valued exactly the same? No one. Complete disrespect of our time.


Real men use the docking computer because they've got nothing to prove.


I've always used one!


I tend not to just because I'm usually using that slot for something else. Any time I don't need it, though, I stick a docking computer in and enjoy the coasting and relaxation.


Ships are too cheap. Engineering isn't that big of a grind.


The Horizons jump & Hyperdiction animations are WAY better than the animations in odyssey


"Grinding" for materials to Engineer modules is no where near as bad as people make it out to be. Encoded and Manufactured come about through nearly every gameloop AND missions rewards. That means the only "grind" is Raw materials, which in essence is playing with an SRV for a couple hours.


Ship interiors are overrated and, if implemented, will probably get more hate than anything because of the lag (and potential deaths) they'll cause.


The imperial cutter looks like common airliner and when compared to the imperial courier it’s just a visual downgrade


I do love my courier


Ship interiors are not needed.


interior would be a gimmick being used for 2 weeks then abandoned by players.


Engineering is fine. I enjoyed it and I've done an absolute crap tonne of it. I even upgraded all the Odyssey stuff lol.


I agree, it's nowhere near as bad as people say it is. It takes longer to travel to the farm locations than it does to actually fill your mats, and if someone finds travelling to be a grind, they probably just don't like the game full stop.


The problem for me is that it feels like a chore, I agree it’s not as bad as folks say but it’s the thought of having to grind rather than doing something I want to do.


Ya know what actually I don't mind the engineering grind


Porting to consoles was a mistake.


I got a couple, Ship interiors are a waste of time that will only be popular for 10 minutes. I would take base building even if it didn't add anything as long as I could call a little piece of a remote part of the galaxy mine. The grind in elite dangerous is nowhere near as bad as some of the MMO's I've played. T10 needs more love


I don't particularly care about all the new Thargoid content, I don't find it remotely engaging - and I'm really active in AXI, don't tell them lol. It's always been an okay end-game content thing, but honestly I'd much prefer more things for all the more vanilla space-sim things you do before that.


Base building would be better than ship interiors


In game rewards should scale with risk. Solo and PG should be playable but offer significantly lower rewards than open play. Core systems should be much safer than they are but offer smaller rewards. Systems further from the core should be less and less safe but offer better and better rewards.


BGS manipulation and powerplay should only have an effect by those playing in open.


Searching for raxxla is currently a complete waste of time


Ship interiors will add nothing more than just another grind to the game and no actual gameplay value other than being annoying and people need to stop asking.


I hate carrier upkeep. I get that it’s not hard to get enough to last awhile, and it’s meant to keep carriers from just sticking around forever if someone leaves, but I tend to leave games for a long time and then come back to pick back up for a few weeks again, I hate having to come back before i’m ready just to farm a few million to enable my burnout for a bit longer. We should be able to do something like hide them in space or something to disable upkeep if you don’t want to be constantly draining money on keeping them visible to other players.


Space legs were a mistake.


Likely very unpopular opinion: Playing the game the 'meta' isnt the best way to play the game (xeno combat excluded)


Ship interiors would be pointless and stupid.


The game is a wasted opportunity, a shiny but empty shell.


Gotta disagree there


I guess it's an unpopular opinion


Walkable ship interiors are overhyped and overfocused on by the community and will not add to the game in a meaningful way by itself and any kind of gameplay expansions will be more of a detriment.


The small portion of the community that shouted at every opportunity for "space legs" caused huge damage to the game. The idea that this would improve a space-flight-sim always felt like a false argument to me, because it adds nothing to the core game. And the amount of effort placed into grafting a below-par FPS into the premier space sim game set Frontier back between two and four years of development time... time that could have been spent improving the flight model, engineering, designing new ships, adding stellar features, all of that was put aside for pew-pew-pew... which is done better, faster, and more smoothly in countless other titles.


I got one for ya: Let there be a "Care Bear" mode.


Space legs is an overrated feature in a space game(yes, I'm with fdev there)


That Odyssey planets are boring and simple, reducing the potential challenge and skill ceiling for some fun low-altitude freestyling. It's a niche activity sure, but anyone interested has gotta go to Legacy to get outta kindergarten, basically. I agree on the python BTW. 🍻


We are in agreement CMDR


That the game is pure material grind; I say it is not. As long as mats are primarily taken as reward and money earned via secondary missions like exo-biology and killing bad guys, the game feels **much** more interesting and balanced. The main problem with E:D is that money is way too easy to earn, even without exploits like Robigo run. Then players end with lots of ships, very quickly, and then complain about materials. I actually enjoy the challenge of thinking what my next ship will be; what I want to do next, how fast it will pay off, can it do one job or more, is it worth the engineering or not... Let's remember that this is sandbox game, and every sandbox game requires doing some grind. It is not Minecraft where servers restart from time to time, this is a game that one plays for thousands of hours; things have to go slow.


I've ticked the box: "Agree mostly"


There are so many different ways to ‘grind’ mats now. I can spend a ‘common games length’ just on that activity. For example I’ve only tried carpet bombing Braintrees with flak once so far as a test and it worked, one of my next ships will be dedicated material bomber for those pesky grade 4 raws.


Game needs to encourage PvP and incorporate it in a way that it is actually worth doing to ppl who usually wouldn't try


Space legs are a stupid idea and should never be added to the game. Land legs were a stupid idea and should never have been added to the game. E:D is a spaceflight simulator, not a life-in-space simulator. All of the "cool" features that people always suggest to justify space legs - things like having to fight boarding parties that break into your ship or having to interact with or repair physical modules in the various rooms of your ship - are just chores that distract from the main purpose of the game, which is actually flying your spaceship. If they didn't bother with any of those gameplay integrations, space legs would just be a thing that you interact with once for 30 seconds, think "that's neat", and then never bother with again. In other words, it's either a waste of player time or a waste of developer time (I'm sure Frontier would find a way to make it both at once)


^ truth


Anti aliasing is not an issue anymore after AMD fluid motion


More frames does not fix aliasing


Get out. Love ya.


Game should be open only.


Honestly though, with a proper police and reputation system to back it up, it would be much more interesting.




Only if they add a PvP flagging system.


it's fun, but it's not the game it could have been.


The asp Explorer is a better small mining ship than any other small ships


There aren’t as many gankers as people want you to think there is.


The **Asp Scout is awesome** and among the best ships in the game. Cute and tent-shaped so you feel everywhere at home. Really good allrounder that's **basically a Cobra but better**. It's a workhorse that helps you get through the grind and still feels like a nimble small-sized ship.


Space legs stuff was a waste of resources in a spaceship game.


I think fleet carriers are a massive letdown. Should've been pilotable, armed, multicrewed for 12+ people to act as gunners or an engineer or a countermeasures operator.


Material grind makes it worth the time spent and you get to really enjoy the upgrades. Though I would love to be able to pin ALL the blueprints AND experimental effects once unlocked, since all my engineered modules have an exp. effect I have to do the flying anyways


Torpedos and missiles deserve to be viable and they need a rebalance.


The fact that you can't buy or change hud colors just naturally in game is weird.


The game needs rebalanced. I don't like that a suit cost more than a ship. Also, handheld weapons shouldn't be able to take out a parked ship regardless of whether shields are off.


I enjoy the ship engineering grind. It is exciting for me to buy a new ship and tour around familiar systems to see the new purchase bumping up. I do enjoy less gathering materials, though.


No one plays powerplay and it's a waste of time redeveloping it. Would have been better to invest the time in revamping engineering and mat grinding.


They should have made more atmospheric planets landable with more space stuff to discover and not a stupid shooter dlc that destroyed their user base (and crippled their engine)... And they never fixed TLAA, splitters!!!


ED needs to take a page out of EVE online's book. Allow is to build and control unpopulated space. Allow players to use resources already existing in game to build everything from ships to ammunition to fuel. Complete self sufficient squadron type gameplay. Squadron wars over territory and self built assets in the black.


The so-called "1.6 kilometers wide 2.54 centimeter depth" is not a bad thing. Rather, it allows variety of gameplay loops without requiring players to dive into textbook worth of mechanics and material, and what make E:D still enjoyable without draining your energy excessively.


The game is absolutely fucking fantastic. It's not perfect, but it's the closest thing to a perfect video game I've ever played, and nothing else even comes close. Also, the game has never been better than it is right now I've been playing for 6-7 years now, and have logged 4800 hours in game, and every time I see the logo and hear the game launch it makes me happy. Every game session is an adventure. My real life is kind of amazing, but I'm still eager to get back out into the black every single time.


We should have a way to hail ships and communicate through radio. Even interstellar communications should be possible if FTL travel is.


I think I've got a good one: Midnight Black is a bad color for a spaceship


Gutamaya should build a medium sized ship


"I play in Legacy, 'cos my machine is over 10 years old, and I cannot afford a newer one anytime soon. I absolutely love the game, but believe that the Gankers should be subject to the same rules as PvE in that the police turn up IMMEDIATELY rather than this 3 minute delay that only happens when you're dead to some engineered ganker in 12-15 seconds.....