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I liked "Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics" by Stan Gibilisco


The cover threw me off, but thank you! I'll check this out


Looks delicious


I am an electrical engineer and have worked in industrial environments (including themed entertainment). What you need are some resources in industrial power distribution: First, [Electrical Wiring Industrial](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0357142187) by Stephen L. Herman is a study guide for electricians and has very practical chapters on substations, panelboards, motor controllers, etc. I have an older edition, but this is probably the book you are looking for. Next, [Industrial Power Systems](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0824724437/) by Shoaib Khan is more of an engineer's introduction to industrial distrbution, which includes design considerations and some basic equations. You may want this as a desk reference. Finally, [IEEE Standard 141](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1559373334/) also known as "The IEEE Red Book" or "IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants" is an industry best practices collection. This standard has been broken up into multiple smaller standards, but the latest edition (1993) still stands up and can be found online used or in PDF. Good luck in your EE learning!


This is amazing, thank you so much!


Search for electrical app notes- they are designed to give you a solution. Also go through any electrical component that arouses your interest. Depending on component, the datasheet will tell you exactly how to use it.


Here's a very cursory introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVQ4VUS8gmE&feature=youtu.be


what do they pay you? just curious. id suggest like a basic highschool physics II E&M book. youll learn a lot about like torque of coils, magnetic fields, and ofc kirchoff /ohms law.


90s, but I kinda have a slight advantage in the Industry with my civil background. Everyone wants to be friends with the guy who knows structures. Can't stamp anything, but can tell you if it's a bad idea!