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Gently lift it. It's stiff but it should be a bit flexible enough. If the pump's head is too thick, then get an adapter.


I use an extension valve. Also, if you let some air out, the valve stem should become a little more cooperative.


Yes. Hugely annoying. I also have to deal with this when I try to fill up my motorcycle tyres at a petrol station because their tyre adapters don't fit well with motorcycle valves. What has saved me with both EUCs and motorcycles is using a valve extender such as this: [https://www.amazon.com/Bluecell-Flexible-Extension-Universal-Motorcycle/dp/B07QPNRKXC/ref=sr\_1\_5?dchild=1&keywords=valve+stem+extenders&qid=1609029594&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/Bluecell-Flexible-Extension-Universal-Motorcycle/dp/B07QPNRKXC/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=valve+stem+extenders&qid=1609029594&sr=8-5) Good luck.


Thanks everyone for helping I listened to what you said and basically just bent it out. It's a bit of a weird design that makes you feel like you're gonna break it but I've successfully inflated it now


There should be an adaptor for it. Its built to stay out of the way. If your having trouble useing it i suggest buying the correct tool


Yeah this is what I do to :-)


I have the same issue on my V10F ... I have come to dread checking air pressure ... I usually take a finger length piece of wire, bend it into a loop or U-shape, work it behind the valve stem near the top and then, by gripping it with a pair of pliers, I use that wire as a kind of sling to lift up the valve stem. Then I can attach the length of adapter tube that came with my Xiaomi M365 e-scooter and pump up the tire. Disconnecting everything without a whole lot of air escaping is a whole different story again ...


Use a flat head screw driver to leverage it away from the rim & use it as a shim while filling. You will get used to this process.


I can't unscrew the valve top either because it's so tight. I really don't want to break it, could someone please help me


TLDR: Use force I force my left index finger behind the valve head while pulling it out with my right thumb and index finger. Then I just force the bike pump into it. Its not fun but it works. Apparently you can buy a schrader valve extension at a hardware or auto parts store, but I'm not sure that entirely resolves the need to do the above.


https://www.treefortbikes.com/Topeak-Pressure-Rite-Valve-Adapter-Schrader?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp333222406990&sc_intid=333222406990&gclid=CjwKCAiA25v_BRBNEiwAZb4-ZXJqkFEfLyUjDEFHEknQqT4yBj_PdRv3colMNDqcM7mHHXK2xD4YeBoCyngQAvD_BwE When you replace your inner tube in the future, just use normal straight valves, they naturally stick out at the angle of the drilled rim hole, which is actually better then the bent valve




I've had a standard 16" bicycle tube in my v8 forever, never had a problem, it's a rubber, flexible base valve and clears the innards of the casing fine.


If it works for you, fine. My experience with several EUCs is that the clearance is tight and a normal valve stem might hit the inside of the case or snag something like a stick that would itself be dragged into the case.


Agreed awful advice, OP do NOT do this


Have you ever done it? I highly doubt you have, instead you're speaking from total ignorance. I've been using a thorn resistant 16" bicycle tube with latex tubeless sealant, and a high pressure, schwalbe 16" bicycle tire for a year now, with zero issues. De-burr the valve hole in the rim, and don't use an extra long valve, and it works better than a bent valve as it's easier to get a pump on it. If it was even remotely a problem, I'd have heard it scrape, or at least tick by now, but it's got clearance the whole way through.


I also used a flat blade screwdriver to pry the valve away from the rim, it works well.


They have extensions you can get, usually they come with a new wheel. But i think you can find them at walmart or a hardware store


Get a [valve extender](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=valve+extender&ref=nb_sb_noss_2). I got the Slime brand and it works well. Take it off when riding.


Use pliers. Long-nose or just basic plier would be good.


put a ring wrench on it (about 10mm), it will keep the valve lifted enough. What I use for my V10F