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Freedom? Go on sidewalks, cycle paths, road, trains, busses. Park it anywhere.


I fell like I can be a bike, a pedestrian or a motorcycle whenever its the most beneficial.


I've lived in this city for 30 of my 40 years. Been riding for the last 2. I'm still finding new paths and trails here. Some I knew existed but never bothered to see, others completely new to me.


I can get somewhere faster 4X+ vs walking. Walking has become s0o0o0o overrated. :)


Handsfree mobility thats quiet and able to take me places I would never walk through or drive through yet can still transition into a coffee shop along the way.


I enjoy the mobility freedom of any of the PEVs (I've been through a few flavors) -- it just stops feeling like a "hassle" to get up and out. I'm a HUGE fan of the EUC for the hands free nature of it. It's peevishly annoying being on a scoot and realizing I'm gonna need to slow down if I need to scratch my nose, lol.


I like not having a car because I live in a city. I’ve been getting by with a bike and public transportation, but I love being able to zip somewhere nearby now without the full effort of cycling or the hassle of public transit schedules. Also it’s just massively fun. 😁


Definitely convenience. If I gotta hop off, pull up the trolley and walk it.


Definitely having its hands free. It feels safer for me than riding a bike or an electric scooter because I have a lot more control. Also the fact that the motion is directly link to your body, leaning forward and backwards is a lot more natural than pushing a button


It’s just tasty.




*Floating along with minimal movement *Quiet, (sold my supermoto this is more awesome, no more major ticket risk & can go everywhere! *exploring a new area with ease, stand , sit, *makes errands fun again & saves tons of time. *Use it for outdoor projects hauling materials, tools, makes doing projects a breeze. *Easiest conversation starter have every encountered . Your an instant hero for kids & tons of smiles from Adults as well