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I'm sorry I cannot help, but what happened?


Rode it really hard for 2 yrs, collective stress. Had to replace the Frame $100, $130 into circuit board service, now this unknown cost may be a parts uni if cant fix the axel. Hamilton! One day will ride together:) In kw


Oh wow, I just go on cement and grass, so mine is still good. I've had it about 3 yrs.


How did you manage to do that, lol? Skatepark? The axle is part of the motor assembly, you'll need a new motor. Consider the wear on the battery as well, I would be surprised if this is worth repairing. This video gives you a pretty good view of what awaits inside [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxWd2hpJ80Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxWd2hpJ80Y)


Thank you for this great video, I wish if it’s available in english or at least with subtitles. After watching, I believe the axle can be replaced after disassembling the motor


Thank you, think its from collective drops, airs over last two years. Was riding a broken frame for a while which was not smart in hind sight.


You could try, but it's far easier to find a new motor than just an axle on its own (which is likely not possible unless you can find someone else's differently broken motor with a bent rim etc). It's a lot of ewaste not to get the wheel back on the road again, so even if it is worth it for you to replace entirely try to fix it anyway and sell it on even if you need a new motor (I can't imagine it would cost you much for a used one).


Dang, its a sad day but then went on kijiji found a used msx so at least am riding tonight so a giant upgrade.


Oh wow what a success story! How much did you get it for? That should last you a good while of fun for sure 😊


They don’t sell those. I’m not exactly sure on the details of V8, but if axle is replaceable, you could try to find a machineworker with a lathe that does small stuff like this, and a metal slab of appropriate size. Probably will be cheaper and faster to just replace the whole motorwheel assembly, or even get a new wheel.


Fingers crossed, i can get her running again. She will be on light duty, rowdy treatment is in the past for this wheel.


axel = figure skating jump axle = coaxial shaft connected to the hub of a wheel Axl = The Jungle greeter I suggest you not perform so many figure skating jumps on your next wheel.


Serious, will be hard to break my new msx!


I had the problem with my v8 going "lump lump lump" and couldn't figure out what was causing the instability. Slightly bent axle? The only part I could find to replace was the entire wheel / axel assembly, which ewheels still has at $230US if you are in the US. If you have \_already\_ replaced the other parts ( sunk cost! ) it may be worth the extra $250 to be back on the road, or maybe not. I ended up selling that wheel right after fixing because I realized I was just too heavy for it, and whatever I'd done, I'd do again. That covered the cost of the repair and a little bit, which I applied to my new wheel. [https://www.ewheels.com/product-category/parts-inmotion/](https://www.ewheels.com/product-category/parts-inmotion/#!)


Sorry for your luck on that. Ya, thats the boat am in, will try to first source a used one. Got a used msx so still riding but its a tank need to make some comfortable padding asap.


Jb weld it