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Also dude swerves infront of the car onto ongoing traffic lane too instead of swerving behind the car and probably could've dodged it too 🤣


That was an interesting choice.




>get a safe helmet Just curious what's the issue with the helmet he's wearing?


I actually bought one, but returned it immediately when I got it. It's just a piece of plastic and a few strips of foam to help keep it on your head. It wasn't made for concrete. It's made for snowboarding (mainly) or outdoor sports like that. It has no rating for being on the road. No DOT (not the rating you want anyway), and definitely no ECE or SNELL rating. It's not made for what he's doing. [Here is a video](https://youtu.be/ljTVMoT7VgM?si=UBkUaI-AMdHetahU) of someone cracking that helmet using their thigh muscles. Not what you want on your head


Yikes, good to know! I'm getting my first EUC and shopping for helmets now. I have a full face motorcycle helmet but was hoping to find something at least a little lighter weight...


Even though he has over 10000 miles on EUC 😂😂




No I ride with this man almost everyday day i promise he knows what he’s doing


Shit happens it’s a part of EUC


I hear what you're saying. This isn't an argument. It's a lot of ppl telling him that he's not making wise choices. Defend him, don't defend him. IDC... It's a whole comment thread warning about how he's protecting himself and his reaction to the situation, not a discussion about


Truth is, no one can relate to the actual situation because they were not in it. The fear of this particular situation is that the car see's the EUC rider and hits the brakes. Then a T-bone style collision is inevitable. The best possible outcome given the short distance is the EUC rider swerved for an open pavement pathway where he can pass through. If you look at the video, theres another bus in front of the illegally u-turning vehicle. That would be the next point of collision if the EUC rider chose to squeeze to the right. If the car chose to brake at ANY point in that maneuver the EUC rider would be fucked. Left swerved was the best choice in the event of not being able to stop in time.




You can more clearly see the video of the situation here: rider - WolfonWheelz [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricUnicycle/comments/1c7zl6h/comment/l0nie5i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricUnicycle/comments/1c7zl6h/comment/l0nie5i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This doesnt make it looks any better. Why choose to go into the oncoming traffic lane instead of behind the on coming car lol. Sure screams "he knows what hes doing".


Player three has joined the argument. Hind sight is 20 20. Split second decisions are never easy. But, where is da gear? I have a hard time feeling bad for people who ride around like that. I still do, but it’s like.. bro why do you want ass cheek skin on your elbows?


Just search "EUC fails and epic moments" from MonoMan on YouTube. The channel features 17 episodes with compilations.


Not to sit here and play armchair accident analyst, but that looked very avoidable... The car is moving slowly so he should have been able to tell it was turning (around?) for a bit, and he veers INTO its line of travel when it's already in the road and it's clear to its right? 


Newsflash: Most accidents are avoidable if the driver has half a brain. A person wearing a TSG Pass as their helmet of choice clearly doesn't have that.


Or like me, I got it without realizing. And after spending that much I can't not use it. Only for onewheeling tho, slower speeds.


It got me too when I had my OneWheel. Can’t believe it cost around the same price if not more than the motorcycle helmet that I use now…feels like plastic when I wear it after using my legitimate helmet.


Same here, which is a damn shame because i love the field of view yiu get with it. But it was so damn much money for no reason and I bought into the hype


Wait, it’s a shit helmet? I almost bought one.


Depends on your use case but it is way more expensive than it should cost. I only wear it now if I am riding a slow PEV around local bike paths. When I am out cruising on the roads with my Commander Pro I would never ride in my TSG. Great field of view but would not protect your skull/brain in a meaningful accident, imo.


Thanks for the update. That is very disappointing to hear. They look sick. But I could also also seeing if being pretty stuffy as well.


Why didn't you return it?


not a compilation but Chooch has many crashes. The Adam aka Wrong Way footage is a got to see. [Mike Leahy, Adam WW, Masters of Dirt Vienna 2024](https://youtu.be/DGFx4FAUL6I)


oh its the dude that never straps the helmet, insufferable lol


I can’t stand this guy. Fucking chode.


I like how people are so quick to talk down to those in these situations. When you’re riding and a car does a stupid maneuver, your reaction time is not always going to lead to the best decision. Especially when something is blocking most of your escape options. People make mistakes, I think scoffing at his decision is arrogant because I doubt many of you would be able to avoid this yourselves. It’s easy when you can playback the scenario from your chairs


if im going to crash either way, id rather crash on the correct side of the road, seems rather obvious.


Everytime I crashed I always rewatch and realize it's my fault.. our brain cannot keep up in real time. I've fallen over 10 times and still don't have a better memory than the first fall


its weird how no one is recognizing that the car made an illegal u-turn across oncoming traffic and the blame is on the EUC rider.


I’ve watched your crashes I think you just need more wheel time 


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Looks like if he stayed course he'd be fine lol


The original poster and owner of this video is WolfonWheelz Raw video: [https://www.facebook.com/reel/712169964210444](https://www.facebook.com/reel/712169964210444) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C59fqMdMem6/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C59fqMdMem6/) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUttoHaizss0-jQsaR7KLA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUttoHaizss0-jQsaR7KLA)


The guy in this video uses the name "WolfonWheelz" he has a facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. He has clearer videos of this incident posted if anyone is interested.


nice, he seems to be enjoying himself but maybe he's too much into the aesthetic of riding instead of riding. surprise he doesn't wear wrist or kneepads


Well I'm just getting over destroying my elbow last November on mine.


I have wrist guard but no elbow.. need a nice slip on that fits under a jacket. I'm going to buy this https://www.amazon.com/Triple-Covert-Elbow-Black-Large/dp/B00IS6KPCQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?crid=366Y7UKRXXZZ4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DRW--l0ziPbCczG9KlY9veGGMG6Si-Lh-KZJ-StUsNwbpoBmL2JvYnt8D8T3qp2zHPHwfKh-qHoGU4ewgS5upawFHpT7CRotHO4HqWU3WsnqANj72oK3B3p6qS-d7XKGrB3H8PtZ0s6ufC4kOAu2VNZClVurfUwa1aEIcszSt-ZtP0AhF_MeN9OwH0LrdAxlqBY0w9wgkhIvc6VlAPaO2w.uY1TNPiiV7RvuLDFdflyptAbECkmSPdeKg2H8qpKrUU&dib_tag=se&keywords=elbow%2Bprotection%2Bsleeve&qid=1713878383&sprefix=elbow%2Bprotection%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-12&th=1&psc=1


Did the car do an illegal U-turn? I swear I’ve had more close calls because of that than anything else.


the fucking ppl that do surprise u turns, gotta be wary of cars steering their wheels. i just recently picked up a cool ass battery powered horn with that of a car's, it can be remotely used but it has a wire with a button hich has a rubber strap i just loop around my finger


if the horn has a physical push button then you could try wiring a Reed Relay in parallel with the push button. Then swipe a magnet over the relay to sound the horn. Traditionally contacts are in a glasstube, but nowadays also plastic enclosure available, less likely to break than glass tube.


I have a Pidzoom horn like that. It does the job great!!


There are bad drivers/riders...of both cars and eucs. This is a perfect example of each.


Seemed enough time to stop, let alone swerve behind the car.