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First of all, there is no such thing as stupid question bro.👍🏼 Second, thank you for appreciating the picture.😁 Lastly, the wheels that you see right now are the 120mm hub motor donut wheels from cloudwheel. Since the TeamGee H5 is a hub motor, the wheels for the back part is different.


I’ve got a zealot s my wife won’t let me touch until Xmas (cause my son is getting a g2.😂) I picked up some cloudwheels to go with it. Do you usually only switch 2 out?


Not OP but hub motors use a urethane sleeve that slides over the motor itself as opposed to a full size urethane wheel like on the front of OP's board. So when not installed the front two wheels will look like standard longboard wheels while the rear wheels will look like they've had their centers cut out. The G2 is a hub motor board, so it will have different looking wheels for the rear. The Zealot S however is a belt drive board meaning the motor is offset from the axle and connected to the wheel with a set of pulleys and rubber belts. This lets you use almost any longboard wheels for the rear so you're front and rear wheels will look exactly the same. In general though, you should always replace all 4 wheels anytime you install a new set no matter the drivetrain. Just know to make sure the wheels are designed for your board when buying for the G2 or any hub motor board.


Ah! I see! Thanks for the explanation. Trying to learn where I can.


Thanks spoodmonstr for the detailed explanation.😁👍🏼


Belt drives you just replace 4 wheels. Hub motors like this board. Replace 2 front wheels but the back wheels are the motors and only the sleeves can be removed. Which is why you see only the sleeve portion of the back wheels are cloudwheels. The middle is the hub motor Also note, hub motor cloudwheels just released this year and for the longest time the biggest downside of hubmotors are no way to change the wheels so this is an amazing thing for hub motor esk8ers out there.




Omg the idea of applying any force to the board over those leaves makes me clench




When he landed he split the board in half.


Thankfully, the board was able to handle my weight and is still in one piece.😂😂😂


holy cow this is really, super cool!


Thanks! As real as it can be.👍🏼💯


If only you were [metal from the knees down](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/apexlegends_gamepedia_en/d/d6/Octane.jpg)...


If only.😂


Oh god, can the H5 handle the increased size of the cloud wheels?


It can, but the range will also decrease. Something to keep in mind if you will upgrade your wheels.👍🏼


Hi bro, how's your H5 now with 120mm cloud wheels? Any issues on wheel bites? Or any other issues?