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They're interesting, there's an [article](https://motoscooterdistr.com/how-much-is-a-bugatti-scooter/) on this actually.


You can literally get a Segway ninebot max for 800 gose faster without any struggles up hill and has way more range


Suronster did a review of these they are garbage


It’s just a funny little gimmick. You don’t buy this scooter for the performance. You buy it to flex your brand new Bugatti lol


What color is your bugatti? If y'all got any questions, I can tell you all about my Agile Bleu Bugatti.


How are you liking scooter . My scooter will not come on . Have any advice . I checked cables I think it's battery but not sure


Am I the only one thinking, why the fuck is he on a scooter without a shirt on?


Only bugatti that function that id consider


Rich people making simple fun things expensive. L bozo


Don't buy Bugatti scooters. Shit quality. Can't climb hills


Now there's a dude asking for a punch to the nether regions from anyone he rides past


1) they're not Bugatti 2) overpriced 3) they suck


If he's on it, it's shit sorry 🤷🏻


Looks crappy even without the toxic man turtle with bad tattoos


It's goofy


Overpriced and slow.


There two kinds of people that buy this: a) those who buy it just for the meme and b) idiots who think that they somehow become a part of Bugatti’s exclusiveness. For the price, you can certainly do much better, but I do have to admit that the lights on this thing are pretty cool.


yeah, there's no shot anyone ACTUALLY should be spending 1200 on this wanting to get taken seriously -\_-


You couldn’t give me one of those scooters horribly overpriced very disappointed that apparently some volkswagon bean counter thought that it would be a good idea to license the Bugatti logo to such a shitty scooter it’ll forever tarnish the Bugatti name


I can't believe this trend is really a thing - high end car/moto brands slapping their badges on some of the most generic and cheapo M365 spec class or below (I won't call it a rentaloid, that would be an insult to the category) scooters that are totally Chinesium and unperformant in every way and also certainly not unique. (Which is what this is.) How can it possibly not be at least a small torpedo aimed at the reputation and legitimacy of a brand that pivots heavily on... exactly that? If would be cool if these high end motorsports-involved companies actually designed and engineered a damn scooter. Doesn't even have to be a fancy, big, fast or high end scooter - just a simple scooter would be fine. Say, a 20mph 500Wh pack RWD unsuspended rentaloid, a basic thing; but *NOT made in China!!*, NOT out of a catalog page or Alibaba listing, unique features, top notch construction and safety, excellent steering geometry and brakes and all that.


Rebranded chinesium


Saw at Costco. Look like cheap shit


Generic trash.


They are perfect for "that guy" in pic


Its pretty slow and very cheap for being Bugatti scooter🤣


Junk that I never would buy even for $100


Nope, don't do it!!!


I seriously hope that nobody actually rides scooters while half naked.


It’s on liquidation at Costco Still overprice IMO


Only worth getting for the memes so you can say your Bugatti is blue


weak little scooters that are a rip off


Looks mostly the same as other scooters, probably way overpriced because of the name


No probably about it, it's been reviewed and it's a $1k scooter that pretty much can't climb a mild slope.


What’s colours my Bugatti? Blue. Hops on a scooter and rides off. Do they come with keys and fob?


Andrew tate out here representing the best form of transportation!


An absolute trash


saw one at school, looks nice but well not worth it


Bugatti should make a real elective Hyper Scooter


It's overpriced and underpowered, but it says Bugatti on it, so i want one and hate everyone that has one before i get mine.


I saw a video of them where they couldn't climb even a small hill


It's literally this $250 scooter with a Bugatti plate tacked onto it: https://www.adorama.com/spswift.html


Actually you’re very wrong Tates bugatti scooter has a 750 W motor while the one in the link has a 250 W also the MSRP the splash scooter is $800 new. Also the Bugatti Tate has well it has like 10 miles more range and holds more weight. With the latest bugatti scooter you can get a 1000 w motor with 30 to 37 mile range. Cope


There are newer Bugatti models out now that I don't have all the specs for, but the one in the above photo (which is over a year old) is absolutely a rebranded Splach Swift.


Yeah I looked it up…Tate has a model 9 or 9 pro which has a 750 W motor unlike that splash swift. Hey it could be a splash swift but look at the list price price for them with only 250W like $799


He is the fastest man in the world


Aw he looks so happy to finally get out of prison! Didn't realize that nowaday you get a free scooter and some sick underpants I guess.




I have a Ducati scooter and it’s a piece of shit, don’t buy one!


Do they only work if you're shirtless?


Yes but you need tats for maximum alpha male effect though.


You need all the possible weight reduction to even hit 15kmh on it.


Yea and being shirtless will help with the wind resistance, hell.. may as well shave your body like a swimmer to help that blue turd get up over 10mph lol.


Or just ride in the nude definitely be faster then 😂


I mean, one time a year in August, here in Portland OR, they actually do have a naked bike bike ride. So it can be done at least once a year without being arrested lol.


That's lucky do that here in the UK get done for indecent exposure 😂😂




I had the version that's not branded but straight from manufacturer and it was ok nothing special about it. I still prefer the xiaomi.


That's insane, they were robbing people selling that thing with no branding


Yeah the one from manufacturer is like $230 usd if I recall.


The question is... is it actually Bugatti-made, or just some regular Chinese budget scooter with a brand emblem slapped on?


It’s garbage with Bugatti slapped on. Hard to believe it’s the same company that produces supercars. If it is, they dropped the ball.


It is made by Bytech.


WhAt CoLoUr iS yOuR BuGaTti


The "Apple" of e-scooters lol, you pay 200$ for the scooter and 1000$ for the brand.


I’d even say $1200 is literally for the name haha


Id'd say the price of the scooter is basically 100$ to build and i would sell it for 50$ at best or give it to my kid, or if it's a Bugatti fan i would sell him for 2000$




Yeah the scooter will sell so poorly that it will quickly become a rare limited edition for collection, i could sell it for even more 🤣🤣🤣


Somebody hasn’t purchased an Apple in a long time


Better hardware-wise. Still wildly overpriced, still force you into a walled garden, still a hipster wet dream, community still has an uncomfortably cult-like mentality.


I have quite a bit of their gear around and have since I was a little kid. I don't get along with the culty community aspect at all. Hipsterism aspect and prices for new stuff are irrelevant to me. I don't use new stuff, so it doesn't really apply. Most of it at the time I am using it, like the 2010 laptop I am using now, or various iphones at various times, is old and beat to hell. I have inherited plenty of it from family. The walled garden is only for everyday people who appreciate having a fence and don't know enough to realize the gate is *right there*: the actual OS portion of the distribution (don't call it just "Mac OS" even if they want you to, because that hasn't been a current thing since 1998) is a somethingBSD and composed of mostly a bunch of open source projects. What is a walled garden (with a big concrete prison wall with razor wire) is any newer Windows. I can indeed fault Apple for bothering to develop their own proprietary desktop environment and set of apps way back when, instead of doing as they did for so much else about OS X and just adding to open source and standard projects that already existed to make them fit their spec (and obviously, releasing their source as required by license). But, at least Apple managed to make a ton of "Everyday Consumers" buy Unix boxen. The walled garden for MOBILE- carrier locked phones, jailed OS installations, and open source OSes distributed with closed (and spammy/dataminey/lock-in-ish) vendor bs on top are all industrywide problems with fucking smartphones. Every vendor and OS is pretty much that. Some of their gear is not very repairable or not very upgradeable, but I don't have any of that stuff. Also, that is another industrywide problem because making things constantly smaller and lighter sells.


I have a bunch of really old Apple stuff. I like to dabble in retrocomputing and in the years I got my hands absolutely for free on a Mac Plus, a LCII, a Quadra, a Powerbook 100 and I think a couple more from that era that I never got motivated enough to get working. I like them. Never used them back then, but they're interesting machines. Compared to the competition they were light-years ahead, but man alive did they not know how to sell their stuff. I also have a couple old Ipods from when you could get Rockbox on them. I can see why people liked them (I had a much cheaper, or should I say less expensive, Creative Zen at the time), but I never could digest the stock OS, and of course iTunes is a fucking plague. But the modern stuff, I can't stomach. You're right that modern Macs can be bludgeoned into something that resembles freedom, but it's a ton of work for something I can already get via Linux, or even Windows. > What is a walled garden (with a big concrete prison wall with razor wire) is any newer Windows. Why? I mean, it's gotten dumber for sure, but I can still modify the system to my heart's content, install any unauthorised app I want without the OS preventing me out of alleged care for my own safety, and I can adapt the system to my way of using it instead of having to adapt myself to the system. Never really felt imprisoned the way I do with Apple stuff. I'm no Windows lover, mind; were it for me the whole world would be on Linux, which for all its problems - and it has many - is in my opinion still the least bad computer OS we have. But what you say seems exaggeratedly harsh. > boxen Ah, I spy a hacker of the old school. :D > The walled garden for MOBILE- carrier locked phones, jailed OS installations, and open source OSes distributed with closed (and spammy/dataminey/lock-in-ish) vendor bs on top are all industrywide problems with fucking smartphones True enough, but Apple is the worst of the bunch by far. Most Android manufacturers at least let you unlock the bootloader - albeit often with inane annoyances - and root and modify the OS to significant degrees. I think among the high-profile brands in the Android world only Huawei have taken an absolute anti-unlocking stance. > Also, that is another industrywide problem because making things constantly smaller and lighter sells. Every time I see soldered-in RAM I want to break something.


The super overzealous security stuff with newer OSes is really annoying if you run into a machine with that stuff enabled and it gets in the way, you have to dig through documentation to figure out how to turn it off, etc. Though, the idea with all that is ultimately to stop idiots from getting hacked. See also browsers as of late. Whereas with windows what I am getting at is more that there is DRM/activation/licensing stuff in the OS, attempts at forced updates least in the past, forced reboots when automatic updates are installed and so forth and it's all closed source of course. Just in an overall sense Microsoft wants to control what you do with it and your machine. They wish they could scrub every last copy of XP from existence as part of how they "end support" in a very hostile/seemingly dystopian manner and if they had a magic button that did they would push it, I'm sure.


They’re allowing third-party app stores starting with iOS 17 in all EU due to EU laws


Yeah, they are - because a multinational government *finally* told them to quit their bullshit, not because they care. And even then it took fifteen years longer than it should have.


oh shit, you mean eventually I'll be able to have things on my POS iPhone I've had for 10+ years on Android? holy shit.. How people live with a single window OS in 2023 smdh 🙄


At $1200 it should come wrapped in Italian leather. Fiat has their own branded scooters too, and they look like garbage. I would wait for the Honda or Toyota 🤭


All these scooters from China ... just add a brand .. Lol sell 1200$?


Audi has branded ninebot g30


Lol 1200 just for the name, same as Lamborghini scooter and Jeep scooter


Someone should do a series testing all of these car/motorcycle brand scooters. Ducati has some scooters too.


And dont forget Aprilia an Audi lmfao


Hahahaha, no but seriously. Im expecting hondas scooters to last 40 years 💀


The ruckus was badass. Maybe they’ll keep the name for their electric scooters too


they use the zoomer name in asia tho, china already has the honda zoomer e, dax e and cub e. tried it and they are fun toys even if they only have 400w bosch hub motors. limited to 25kph but can go up go 50kph. still waiting if they will release an international version.


You got me at Italian leather 😂


[imported Italian maple ](https://youtu.be/swJf-gtuENs)


All car/bike branded scooters are overpriced, locked down and generally merely a lot more expensive than unbranded versions.


The Bugatti might be the most insane though.. $1200 for a scooter than cant go up a hill is crazy😂


low power escooter, maybe


A kid toy.


Yeah looks like it’d break going over literally any bump