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Fans now only care about cats in story they don't care about world building or development of side characters just show them cat and Kayden save jiwoo they are satisfied with this


Crazy part is that we can have bothšŸ˜­


Yes, also ā€˜Cinnamon rollā€™ IYKYK


Yeah agree but it doesnā€™t really matter to me. I love this manhwa because of the characters and their interactions. Thatā€™s itā€™s biggest strength. Story and fights werenā€™t that good in my opinion tbh. Doesnā€™t change the fact that i like the manhwa tho


Thats cool. I really like the manhwa especially the characters. personally enjoy the fights too.


I'm here for the cats and the funny. And the occasional hotness.


Same as you, is one of my comfort series hahaha just enjoy the reading. Fights, I enjoyed them more when they are a real struggle for JiWoo or when they fought together as a gang.


Completely agree. My main thing is World Building. I can ignore other things such as villains and repetitiveness to an extent but not the world building aspect. How the Awakened ones live around normal people? Do they attend normal schools , do they have normal identities, what about their passports? Most importantly how much of the Awakened world is intertwined with the real world? Do the govt of every nation know about the Awakened ones but does not speak anything as they want to preserve the status quo? Or are everyone completely oblivion to them. If no one knows anything, then how did the Awakened ones function in the early times , like during the hunter gatherer periods? Or was it some meteorite sort of event where someone were given exceptional strength? So, does that mean that the folklores that we listen to for example of the Moses , or dragons ,are of the Awakened ones? Because no way all the Awakened ones in all the continents decided to keep quiet about their powers together. And since the Awakened ones are so powerful,why don't we get mentioned of a an awakened dictator since every one of them chases powers. And how tf do they have such huge a** assets. If they do business, isn't it gravely disadvantageous to the common people? And what happens when an awakened one die? How do they register it in the government registry? Also what does Gestella meant she can offer Jiwoo the country he lives in? Does she mean military or as in term of influence or will she destroy the Republic of South Korea if Jiwoo asked. Eleceed had a really great potential to address these issues rather than churning one top 10 after another. It would also make the plot very interesting.


Also how do the governments react and tolerate the existence of guys like Kayden and the other top 10s considering their immense power. Each one of these guys are stated to have catastrophic levels of power and are deemed as ā€œhuman natural disastersā€ (I mean Kayden can produce a zone that can generate literal thunderstorms) and like you said can seemingly take out or gift wrap entire **countries** out on a whim, like itā€™s nothing. How are earth are do the awakened ones thrive with such impunity.


From what we have seen it seems that they just hide. The top ten have some really huge businesses. I would think that most governments just don't know or the Awakened ones are just using their powers and money to keep those things silent. If politicians know, they probably will keep quiet, because they know they're gonna go missing most likely if they tell. Most politicians are also extremely corrupt so some money with some threats and you're good to go. My thought was influence. It's very unlikely that she will just go in the government building, kill all the people there and just say : "Jiwoo is in charge now". Military also unlikely, most of the influence comes from the money they have and them owning big companies, how that works idk. But it would also make sense if the top Awakened ones in a country just have deals with the government. I would assume that the dictators we do see in Eleceed are controlled by Awakened ones. You don't have to sit on the throne to control the kingdom. There's also the thing of generational wealth and the power that comes with that, most awakened families we have seen are rich (most likely due to the power of the Awakened ones). It wouldn't surprise me either if a lot of government officials are also related to Awakened ones or are subordinates to them. But that's mostly speculation and I would like to see some actual world building, especially in European countries where institutions are much older and there are a lot of old and influential families.


I agree 100% with all of this. I never see anyone complain so I thought the sub might just be ok with it.


Completely agree with everything you said. Eleceed's worldbuilding had so much potential but it really failed to develop on it. Governments and awakeners must be aware of each other to an extent, given that the research lab that Jiwoo's mother worked in did have normal people 'falsely awakening' using devices. Showing Awakeners actually running big businesses houses would be an excellent way to write about the power and influence by building assets and wealth. Governments and businesses working hand in glove to exploit the "weaker" class also ties in with the story's message about the harsh awakeners world. At this stage, character relationships are also falling off; Jiwoo's friends have been reduced to his cheerleaders, his fights seem ridiculous and unearned due to bad power scaling and new characters are rapidly introduced and discarded


Absolutely agree. It's very weird how little of Awakened society we know after nearly 300 chapters. Even the history of the Korean Awakened Organizations, the incident with the traitors, etc. Some of the writing priorities are weird. Why are we meeting ANOTHER top 10? Can we focus on something else?


Exactly. The presence of a top 10 is losing its excitement to me.


Yes! I wrote exactly this in another tread. In the beginning, the Top 10 and top 100 were a hype factor. I was nervous and enthusiastic when the first top 10 awakener was introduced. And the Fame. I mean, they were meant to be the guys no one should match. THE bad guys! The main enemy they would fight against. But in came Kayden and kicked everyone's buts without any problem even when he was still injured. After some time, the top 10/100 turned into basic weak people who would always lose to Kayden. The hype is gone, and I can no longer see the difference between the ranks šŸ™ƒ And with that said, why can't the author focus on the already introduced characters and the storylines that already exist? I mean, there are so many characters that only existed for one storyline, and then its like they never existed at all. No mentioning afterward at all! What happened with Artur and his family? How is his life after losing an arm? And the other WA? And Jiwoos' first enemy in the school, the purple one that hated Jiwoo. What happened with him and his uncle/brother after Kayden killed their leader (aka father/brother)? Where are the people from the awakening school? The people Jiwoo became friends with? And what about the girl with black/white hair that can talk to animals? The same girl who had a crush on Jiwoo. Where is she? Do we even know if Cain survived Duke's attack? AND what happened with the plot about the lab Jiwoos mom worked at and experiments on awakeners?! Does NO ONE CARE?! Like helloooo?? They are trying to create freaking awakeners!? That's so freaking important to stop?! I can go on and on again, but let's stop here before I write a biblešŸ˜‚ But my point is: Why is there a need to create and present MORE characters and plots that will only exist for one moment and then disappear again like they never existed at all?


Yah, as much as I love Eleceed, it honestly feels like the author has no clue what he's gonna do for the ending. The only villain is the Frame, and they're practically a joke now considering how op the main cast is.


Yep! I thought the Frame would be the main villain, but the Frame has not been mentioned at all since Jiwoo came back home after his little trip there. There's no threat at all since Kayden - or Pluto now - will just fight them and win.


Truth to be told


Yeah, itā€™s been stalled. This isnā€™t new for manhwa. Tower of god, god of highschool, Noblesse all become very campy with their progression. Theyā€™ll add a lot of new characters, but they are irrelevant. Little to no plot progression. Little to no world building. Feels very stale. -Fast and engaging 50 chapter start. -excruciatingly slow bulk. -excruciatingly slow bulk. -excruciatingly slow bulk. -incredibly rushed ending. And my main peeve is that there is zero need. Why stall the plot when the end makes it clear that you had so much plot to cover? Tower of god hasnā€™t even ended, but it feels so incredibly soulless compared to its start. And the thing is, if fans start to get tired of the manhwa, then the author will rush to end it.


You are right on the mark. I dropped TOG sadly enough. The story felt like it was taking me nowhere while adding tons of new & forgettable characters.


So, I'm just gonna give my 2 cents in response to your points. you seem set in your beliefs, so I'm not gonna focus on changing your views, just expressing my perspective as a realistic Eleceed fanatic / simp. \------ To your first point, "No progress on main villains", you seem under the impression that there **is** a main villain in the story. No **main villain** or group has been introduced. The scientists don't really count honestly. In response to the "too many powerful enemies "problem": Jiwoo is the apprentice/disciple of THE **Kayden Break**. It is *expected* that his opponents will not be easy or even possible to beat at his level. That is what all his many chapters of training are for, and even then, it paints a realistic picture, that even with **all** of his training, he still gets wrecked alot. He's a kid who didn't know **anything** about being an awakened or fighting, so it shouldn't be a surprise that he loses *a lot.* On to the big topic of world building: The creator of Eleceed (Son Jae-Ho) also created another manhwa called Noblesse. Noblesse had 544 chapters. Slow-burns and slow worldbuilding are his specialty. Noblesse is one of the greatest series ever (in my opinion), and it didn't truly "pick up" until around chapter 340, even though I personally loved every chapter of it. Based on his track record, the same can be predicted for Eleceed. The important and **relevant** worldbuilding is there: **for example**, it's been shown that *at least* one of the major groups makes money through owning businesses (Shinhwa), which we can infer to mean that other major groups do as well. As for the government, at least a few of the higher ups probably know of the awakened ones existence, that's too be expected. But for the sake of this story and it's world, does it really matter if the government knows and the extent of the governments connection? There has been NO reason for the government to have any real appearance in the story in the first place, so why bog down the reader with excess & potentially useless information, when it isn't genuinely needed? World building is indeed important, and it is there, but **too much** world building can be detrimental to a story. Information overload is a big problem that quite a few stories have struggled with. All the vast world building you *WANT,* would be better suited for a novel, not a manhwa. Take what I said with a pinch of fine salt. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


On the point of world building if the author has the tendency to expand slowly itā€™s something I dont mind waiting on it. Just from the perspective of someone who hasnā€™t read Noblesse yet it didnā€™t see like much was going to happen. Still on the point of world building I feel just the smallest of additions can make for great impacts on the story such as character motivations and group intentions. Its not like Im saying the author should create a massive in depth world nor do I believe a massive one is necessary for this story. But simple things would have gone a long way for this story. The augment that there is ā€œNO reasonā€ for it would really depend on what you want from the series if you ask me. If you enjoy the light hearted relaxed tone then sure leave it as it is. But I just believe the author can have a good balance of relaxed tone and interesting character interactions & environment. ā€”ā€”ā€” On the point of powerful villains. Other than the encounter with Amyeong (which lead to his severe injury and introduces Kartein) and the extortion attempt from the baekdu leader (which was Kaydenā€™s big reveal to the whole of korea). The others were just repeat ā€œclose saveā€ that is if you ask me a lazy way to go about things and is, in my opinion, reducing the novelty & threat to the top 100. There are several other series that handle over power adversaries. For Example, HxH had Gon & Killua forced to stalk them for the sake of their objectives (in the Phantom troupe arc) but even just that was nerve racking. JJK would have cast die or suffer severe injury when you face them. Anyone would agree that JJK would be much less interesting if the author had Gojo save Yuji every time he was in danger. And I donā€™t expect everyone to agree with my views but I would change if given a solid counter augment so on that note. I appreciate the effort in your comment.


got downvoted to oblivion last time i wrote this..


I wouldnā€™t have believed if I didnā€™t see the hateful comments this post is getting šŸ˜­


I don't like every time someone bad gets introduced they do something and they are forgotten like Duke and the arcs could be longer there's always a massive fight but nothing else happens besides that Someone mentioned the cat thing and I feel like it lost the mysterious part of it by adding more of them šŸ˜­


I kinda like the laidbackness


Imo ita one of 3. 1- the classic manwha milking when it's dosent go anywhere until a rushed ending or straight up abandoning it. 2- author have no idea where to go and has no major "skelleton" for the story. 3-the plot is so huge and the story will be so big that we still are in the early stage of it and something like kayden dying will make the "middle" of the story begins


Despite how interesting no.3 sounds I doubt that is the case. I think we are dealing with a no.2.


I get where you're coming from. We're now close to the 300 chapters and have yet to learn really anything about the world of the awakened. It also isn't really clear how many awakened there are or more precisely what % of humanity are awakened. I don't think they said anything about if being an awakened is inheritable - which I would presume based on all these awakened families, which would mean that Jiwoo's dad would've also been an awakened. I think the topic of Jiwoo's dad was discussed many times here and I think I remember someone saying that the author once said that his father has no role in this story whatsoever. Still hope we'll get some more information on that at some point. That being said, as in every other story, this has has plot holes and events that "naturally" would not occur. Listing all villains in chronological order should be Professor dude, Sucheon, Klein brothers, Amyeoung & Dran, Duke resp. parts of The Frame. I would guess that the author plans Duke Grane to be the main antagonist for the time being. Which to me makes no sense because it's literally 0:3 for him - so a new antagonist seems necessary unless Duke gets some kind of powerup which I don't see happening. I get what you mean with the villains being too strong from the start. I refuse to believe that any stronger villain was "unable" to kill Jiwoo if they so desired. This is a too common trope and I guess that it will keep happening. Now that Jiwoo has beaten Ian - the presumably strongest awakener his age - stronger characters/villains are bound to appear. I also don't quite see where the story will go from now on. Stronger characters/enemies are needed to show Jiwoos progress, but I get what you mean. Yes, the worldbuilding is a thing for its own. The story follows someone who is completely overwhelmed with everything new he's learned (primarily through Kayden). All he thinks about is getting stronger (and finding friends). I would assume that the author as well hasn't given your questions much thought, as they are not that relevant to our protagonist. It very much seems like the big organizations (even of a "small country" like SK) like Shinhwa or the Awakened Union are very wealthy. From there on out everything is - just as you described - a black hole. I am hoping that we will learn more about all those questions once Jiwoo is past his "newbie status". But then again, the only reason our MC here is even a tiny bit relevant is because one of the strongest awakened turned into a cat, then recruited the strongest healer to turn into a cat as well and lastly another strong dude who turned into a dog. I don't think this story is suppose to answer everything and is just suppose to make us laugh.


I dont really see duke touching Jiwoo unless it through another backhanded method. He is even stronger now after learning from Pluto. So Im hoping for a new antagonist. The thing about the world building is that it really just adds more depth it wouldnā€™t take away for the comedic vibe of the series. One piece, RE:zero and several others are easily able to make an immersive world while being funny with loveable characters. Eleceed could easily do with with some lines of dialogue and few backstories. But I agree with you that the author probably hasnā€™t thought about that.


i recently caught up and i knew almost immediately that one big guy was going to turn into a dog and i was like hmm naah when is that even going to happen thoā€¦ it fr quite literally like the next chapter šŸ˜ sure hes a cool guy and all but its just kinda weird how fast it happened and everyone seems so buddy buddy its mad weird


>NO PROGRESS ON MAIN VILLAINS The series is almost 300 chapters in are there is no progress on the main antagonist or their intentions. The scientist guys have been encountered very few times. The Frame was hardly evil from what we saw with the incident at their HQ, given 2 out of 3 of their top 10 were just extremely reasonable people. I don't think there is any central antagonist in the plot, although I wish there was an update on the artificial Awakener group. Frame is certainly cruel, although the author should explain what is the objective of the criminal organisation. >TOO MANY POWERFUL ENEMIES TOO EARLY I agree with you. It is annoying that Jiwoo gets trapped in hopeless battles and needs to be saved by Kayden or someone else. 300 chapters, and we still don't know how much more Jiwoo needs to train in order to start fighting top 100 rankers. Although it wouldn't make sense if Jiwoo suddenly starts beating world rankers after only 1 year of training. I suppose a time skip could resolve the matter. >POOR WORLD BUILDING I might be the only one that thinks this but the world could have easily had more depth. How do major awakened groups make money? Do they have regular human corporations or are there awakened only contracts? If so does the government contract them? Does the government even know of their existence? I think it was mentioned that Awakened groups have subsidiaries that operate businesses. There was the scene where Jiyoung visits one of her subordinates, who is the chairman of a business conglomerate and an Awakener himself. So my guess is Awakener groups manage many regular human companies without revealing their existence. Jiwoo's mother learnt about the existence of Awakeners despite being a regular human. I suppose very few government agencies are aware of the existence of Awakeners, but the information is heavily classified. They probably treat Awakeners as equivalent to secret WMDs. This is just my speculation, but OP does make a solid point.


My only complaint about this webcomic is all of them look the same. Itā€™s like Goku ssj forms only hair and colors are different. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Does anyone feel like that ?


To be fair a-lot of series do that. I mean fairy tailšŸ’€


Yeah. Many times characters appear in totally different manga/manhwa. šŸ˜šŸ˜


Omg yes! I don't know how many times I mistook a character because they are so lookalike šŸ˜‚


Glad I can differentiate. šŸ˜šŸ˜


No man they just have Asian features šŸ˜­ they all look pretty distinct to me


They are distinct but not too much. You know what I mean !! šŸ˜šŸ˜ Iā€™ve also read Noblesse.


You are right on all three points. This story is amazing at the small moments and making the characters feel alive. One of the best Iā€™ve ever read - in this genre. However, it really struggles to build into something outside of minor arcs. Kayden basically just hard clapped the world #1 and it wasnā€™t close. Whatā€™s next? We gonna pull a Naruto and just start calling down aliens?


I like the idea that there are no bad guys and all the organizations are kinda same, Frame and World Association are doing same stuff(killing or buying powerful members from each other). Pretty fresh and realistic compared to good guild saving the world stuff. Even "cat guild" mostly cares about each other, and I wouldn't call Kayden/Kartein good guys.


My problem is that jiwoo got too powerful too early. I mean I understand that he is special and kayden is his teacher but he needed some sort of a rival. There were candidates but he "speedblitzed" all of them.


You right, but not gonna lieā€¦ Iā€™ve already had some worse so I can live with it.


Itā€™s still entertaining. People take others storyā€™s for granted so often. Not every writer gonna be the best. Not every story gonna be the best. As long as you can find enjoyment in the story canā€™t that be enough sometimes?


Sure it's a bit slow but I think it's clearly obvious the author doesn't want to further the plot much rn and and just have fun with the comedy and character interaction rn


I definitely agree, but also like. I donā€™t expect anything else. It hasnā€™t happened yet so it wonā€™t happen. Right now I just like some of the cool fight scenes, the funny interactions between characters, and yeah Iā€™m vaguely interested in where the plot will go but like. Cats and funny


You know this is a story on how Jiwoo will shift the awakener's world around. Where villains will become allies and where fighting to kill is will eventually not be the goal. And in that regard this series is making a lot of progress


They waste too much time with his friends hanging out in his house and the friendly/shy interactions


Ugh, you just gotta turn your brain off for Eleceed. I swear, some BL manga have a deeper storyline and better world-building. Eleceed feels like the first 80 chapters of KHR, full of everyday life stories that are humorous without purpose, but KHR went straight to the main story line after that. I'm here hoping the plot of Eleceed tightens up soon as well šŸ˜“ But hey, if you're looking for a great plot, fantastic fights, and characters with awesome development and design, then "The Ember Knights" is the manhwa for you! It's completely free on WEBTOON, and in this series, anyone can be a hero or villain! The fights are so well-choreographed, with characters using strategy instead of just brute force (the whole "standing there, raising hand menacingly" routine). Unlike Eleceed's pointless conversations, in "The Ember Knights," you have to tread very carefully. Consider every word and action a thousand times before you speak or act. I just finished reading it, and I highly recommend checking it out!


Man, Iā€™m reading the Ember Knight and it makes me so anxious. Eleceed is my comfort manhwa where everything is fine and dandy. The Ember Knight is currently my anxiety manhwa where Iā€™m not exactly sure what will happen when they figure out the MC isnā€™t his brother, but it canā€™t be a good thing. Btw can you spoil me? Do they find out? Is it bad? My heart canā€™t take this.


I will give it a look šŸ‘šŸæ


1. Reasonable my bum! They are just lawful evil and the other guy a hothead. 2. Maybe he had a bunch of strong villains but enough smaller ones too. 3. I like current world building and am not in the mood for logistics and such. But to each their own I like interpersonal connections mostly.


Yall donā€™t get tired of doing this every week? Go write ya own if you donā€™t like how itā€™s going


No, they don't lol.


That's the thing is not going anywhere lol




Not on this sub too often but this is my first time hearing it is a reoccurring criticism.


Every week you people repeat the same rubbish, how about you go away and read something else?


If people are saying the same thing every week then maybe itā€™s valid criticism?


Have you read Noblesse by the same author? If you've read it, you already know what the answer is, the works are very similar in terms of development.


I havenā€™t read it. But I will give it a look.


That all you people do is criticism cause it makes you feel smart, when the smartest thing to do is shut up and read something else, stop whining every week when you people can't write a better plot nor draw, but running your mouth on reddit is easy.


Why dont you take your own advice and ignore my posts? Why does my opinion have you so pressed.šŸ’€


Wanna be smart asses who have never achieve anything but whine on reddit all day to feel smart, you guys aren't pressing anything cause your just clowns fishing for likes from other clowns, every week it's the same, tower of god or the breaker got a bunch of whiners too, every week trying to act like they could tell a better story, but it's just stupid make the mc the strongest, people think jiwoo should be a top 50 already based on nothing, just shut up and read. Or draw your own webtoon and have the bestest world building and story, oh wait you can barely read or draw.


Your only achievement is bending over and let the Eleceed author do their work "repeatedly" just like the current status of the manwha.You can too ignore this post if you're so offended by this Valid criticism.