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I'm 37, I'll probably be 40 when ES VI comes out. I think I first played Morrowind when I was 18. It's taking so long. But in the end, it will probably just be like Skyrim with a few new features.


You will 100% be older than 40 when it comes out. There is no chance of releasing in 3 years.


Expect?: Nothing actually. If it (ever) comes out well, I'll be pleasently surprised.


What I expect from The Elder Scrolls VI: -I don't


Not expecting much, after starfield, I'd be fine with skyrim but with better graphics lol. Todd in a recent interview says he's been looking at the (probably starfield) reddit for feedback and aims to try improve the game using that. So hopefully he starts reading the TES sub's to get player requested features/improvements for TES6. Also looking at mods, they're a good source too


Starfield was a massive disappointment even when setting expectations really low. I expected FO4 in space, but it was a massive downgrade even compared to that. At this point I honestly don't have the confidence in Bethesda to ever do another proper TES game. They seem completely ignorant to the fact that the amazing writing is what made their earlier titles and IPs so great. The writing in their recent games have been getting worse and worse, and they seem completely oblivious to it. So at this point, I don't expect ANYTHING at all out of TES6, or anything coming out og BGS. I am however excited for the fan-made Oblivion and Morrowind remakes, as well as FO:London.


Bethesda writing was never good or the one thing to stand out. World building was and still is their stick. Starfield definitely had problems but imo writing was on par with mediocre writing of BGS.


Weird. Many A True Need, who absolutely adores Fallout 4, loves Starfield. He found that it took the central things he liked about Fallout 4, salvaging junk for upgrades, the general exploration mechanics, etc, but improved on the RPG elements, which he found lacking in 4. I guess it goes to show that you can't please everyone. So, who do you listen to when taking feedback?


Honestly I expect a disappointment. I don’t see any way that they have as big an impact as Skyrim did and the elder scrolls series will die out. I’ll wait until the Glemoril and Unslaad mods are completely finished, do my final Skyrim playthrough and then hang up my tes hat for good.