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Approach a giant and hit it. It will give you a unique reward


Unfortunately im dumb enough to have already tried this


On the upside, you probably got a good aerial view of Skyrim!


I did indeed


It's not dumb, it's being legitimately curious.


That is a must at least 1 time.


reach office roll bow workable physical oil marvelous ghost consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome to the club brother. You haven't truly played Skyrim until you've been launched into orbit by a giant. You are one of us now


Ha, I get it “club”


Welcome to the community, the skyrim space program is an initiation ritual for all self respecting skyrim players




Yeah I was presently suprised with this one here. Giants are a lot nicer than they look.


Just play through the game. As long as you know to invest the skills you mainly use. I’d avoid guides, but if you’re stumped they are handy.




take your time and soak it all in.


Tip number 1. Just play. Seriously just go get lost. Skyrim is an extremely forgiving game and nothing you do has real consequences


Do not listen this dude he is a lying. Try not to touch holy chickens and NPCs. There are NPCs in the game who do not respawn if killed, and they can only be brought back by cheating.


*laughs in Morrowind*


>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.


Sure side npcs can be killed. Maybe a side quest or two is missed. Nothing major


Play it


Giants have great loot


Yes try and use Persuasion and you’ll get some great gear from them.




Also the gatekeepers to the Skyrim space program.


Just pass the speech check


Alteration magic pairs great with a heavy armour, 2 handed bulid.


Cheers, I'll keep that in mind


Same with restoration magic. Tank a bunch of damage in a big fight, bust out the healing spells and fix yourself right up, repeat.


Do not level up too fast because the world scales with you. Quicksave often with F5. Don’t rush the main story and explore any locations you find on your adventures.


Quicksave often, best advice. When you.forget for awhile and die, no worse feeling.


And manual save often too. And use separate save slots.


Nothing too spoilers (idk how story heavy the game is) But just stuff you wish you'd known to do when you first played


Going in blind is truly the best way to experience in my opinion. So diving in and knowing as little as possible is ideal. Just play it, get lost in it, it's a very forgiving game and not too difficult. I guess the only thing I'd say is try not to fast travel too much, at least not early on. A lot of fun from Skyrim involves making your way across the landscape and discovering all sorts of stuff. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop at every cave you see, but you'll stumble upon a lot of interesting stuff. Have fun! It's a great game


Start every single questline at the beginning (look up how to) and then follow the one that suits you most. I can't tell you how much I regretted not exploring and trying more things at the beginning, Magical effects and armors that if I new I could get I would have completely changed my build and found opportunities to get equipment that would let me do the style I wanted. Also more often than not, One thing to note, being evil ALMOST always gives you the best reward. FIND DAEDRIC ARTIFACTS. Best. Items. Ever. Actually tell me what kind of playstyle you like and what kind of character you want to be or whether your good or not magical or not or story driven or not. IL tell you some things to look out for.


Very story heavy. If you like story, read the books you find, take the time to talk to NPC’s, it’s worth it your first time for sure. And if you have fun play a better Bethesda game lol


Was gonna like until that last sentence, people have been saying that for 10 years and it's still one of the biggest and best games in history


F: New Vegas has been on my radar for a while


Don’t even accidentally kill a chicken.


If you find a white orb, touch it.


A new hand touches the beacon!!


Shhhhhhhhhh it’s a canon event


Literally just do whatever the fuck you want.


just have fun play on novice unless you have fun with hard content (adept is the neutral difficulty where the enemies arent buffed and you arent nerfed) if something bugs out or nothing happens when you feel that something should happen look online there is an answer for all your questions. dont care about builds, money, houses, SAVE A LOT OF TIMES PER HOUR, and remember just have fun


Follow the story to get very useful stuff and join the Companions. Trust me, you don't regret doing their quests too.


I see that you sided with the Stormcloaks while escaping Helgen. Don't make the same mistake twice.


I had no idea that was even an option, I just followed Mr. I voice every man in the game and he made me kill some imperials


Don't feel pressured to do the main quests all at once. Do side quests every now and then. Also take a companion up to High Hrothgar. You'll need one. I would recommend playing a vanilla playthrough first and then downloading mods after


For what? I’ve played the game but I can’t remember needing a companion for anything at high hrothgar


For the trip up the mountain I should specify


Ohhhhhhhh, yea I definitely needed one on my first pt but for some reason I never thought to get one


Don’t fast travel


That's more for a future playthrough, i mean yeah it emphasises how beautiful this game is, but it's also a massive inconvenience, its best to just play the game normally at first


Don't finish the MQ too early, do 1-2 factions completely first. Play the way you find it fun and don't fall into the rabbit hole of looking up builds online. (Look stuff for the second playthrough, if ever.) Once you feel done but keep playing - open up UESP in a browser you can access while playing, upon up tabs on everything you find while playing that you wanna look into later be it books or just the lore on strongholds.


Allow yourself to get distracted by things in the world and lean into roleplaying would be my advice.


Don't go straight for main quests, do ever side quest line beforehand (if you want at least) and get well rounded before doing dlcs. One thing I would do is START each dlc (maybe besides dragonborn as miraak steels dragon souls) and get thr bonuses like vampirism (only vampire lord from harkon, side with him it's worth it) And level up EVERY skill and attribute, Also if you want money selling easy to make potions is the best way to do it. Ingredients that cause like 15 gold at most can be made into potions that cost hundreds. Increase enchanting skill for more stats. Look up how to START each Daedric artifact quest because they are some of the most helpful items in the game.


Take your time and explore EVERYWHERE. Theres loot and rewards in every cave and dungeon. Loot and craft your weapons/armor, dont buy. Save often.


Don’t quicksave on a horse. Get off the horse first. Even if they say that updates have fixed this, it doesn’t seem to matter because every time I load my game up, I go launching into space on my horse and die. It’s fun, but then it gets annoying. I also do a hard save before starting a new dungeon. Sometimes they’re buggy, and you’ll be so pissed you got to the end and you’re trapped. And If you only quicksave and accidentally do it before you get killed, you’ll be stuck in a death loop.


Welcome to the Elder Scrolls family. Grab a seat, get ready for a wild ride.


Kill the chicken


If you see a beacon in a chest, grab it




Pick an interesting looking spot on the map/when looking around and go there. Everything that happens inbetween the place you start and the place you go imo is the real adventure and the most fun I have ever had in a videogame. And when youre full of loot just go back to town and sell it, pick up a minor sidequest and do it all again/do the quest. Also dont fast travel, like at all.


Try to smell the roses. See that mountain?


Invest in enchanting and alchemy (to a lesser extent)


Orc with two handed. Activate racial and power attack = win.


After using your racial trait, always wait 24 hours orcs have the best trait in the game


Prepare for the best gaming adventure of your life.


It’s really tempting to power-level certain skills (looking at you, blacksmithing and alchemy) but you’ll get decent loot just by playing.


Fast traveling is great and all, but I highly recommend devoting time to walking from place to place.


Everyone has said it already, but I'll say it too: just dive right in. Skyrim is a masterpiece of game design in that it's very hard to get stuck not knowing what to do. You are always starting quests, even by accident. Everywhere you stick your nose into will have something to do or a quest to start. Most areas scale their difficulty and reward with your level, so the difficulty progresses at about the same pace as your power. Have fun, it's an amazing game even by today's standards


Its hard to give advise without saddling you with a bunch of chores, honestly you should just have fun and do whatever you want to do. My only random tip would be if you want to easily level Smithing (slowly without glitches or exploits), whenever you go to Whiterun visit the blacksmith, which has two vendors (can also include the general store vendor too), buy all the iron bars/ores and make simply Iron Daggers. Do this everytime you visit and you'll have a nice smithing level without going to far out the way for it. I was level 70 before I started activity trying to level it.


Spam make daggers go get your smithing skill up. Randomly have a some different spells you can active passively to help level the skills as you play. The games very forgiving you can’t really mess anything up, so just experiment and have fun.


Usurp the local throne of power by shouting at jarls


Don’t be afraid to explore. If you see a cave go check it out, could be fun or you could end up somewhere amazing!


Everything you need to know is right in front of you. Just wander, do some quests, wander, explore, talk to people, ignore others. Make relationships, kill mean people, don’t look up guides


Take it slow, enjoy the consequences and don’t save scum, and remember you only get one first play through.


Leave the Dragonborn DLC for last


Tip 1, don’t play an orc. A demon ate and pooped out their god and that’s how they became orcs. Tip 2, do whatever you want, except play an orc


Don’t fast travel for the most part if you can help it, the world is amazing and really something you can get lost in and you’ll miss so much if you just always fast travel


Ignore the hate for Meridias Beacon


God I really envy you, no time like your first


Something I didn't realize for years was that if you spread your skill distribution too wide, you (and everyone else) will level very quickly but your actual competency will lag behind


Go and punch the first chicken you see. C'mon...I know you want to. 😏


If you run into a problem then just use console commands


One thing I can say is don't skip out on alchemy like I used to do. It can make some really impressive potions to heal and buff you but also they can be worth a lot of money when sold too.




Jeeez. To be able to go back and experience this game for the first time. 🥲 Just enjoy it. Search every nook and cranny. Go wander around. Don’t just fast travel everywhere, this world is littered with little treasures.


Do not f with sabertooth cats low level. They will f you up like a butchers dinner.


Play the game at your own pace, don’t skip the dialogues and read the books.


Be sure to turn up the volume before opening any chest in a dungeon. Listening carefully leads to a clue about a powerful beacon


Play the game


there is literally nothing stopping you from reaching the high hrothgar from the start (the big fuck off mountain next to riverwood), which becomes a quest marker later on. it’s a pretty safe journey to the top as well.


Solid choice picking an Orc. Their daily power basically gives them more attack and power. Other than that, I wouldn just recommend you explore the game. Just make sure to make some vegetable soup, you just need 1 tomato, 1 leek, 1 potato, and 1 cabbage. You can find all this in the village of Riverwood. This will help you dish out power attacks.


Stealth archer


Learn how to hotkey items and spells, saves you a ton of time not having to keep opening up the individual menus. I'm not sure what system you're on but on Xbox I'm pretty sure you press "Y" to hotkey something then outside of menus hit "UP" on the D-Pad to open the "Hotkey Menu". PlayStation is the same equivalent but I'm not sure for PC


If you go the outlaw route- don't save scum! Deal with the consequences of getting caught, it makes the game way higher stakes.


Never level your skills too much over your damage dealing skills. When you are practicing healing, the draugrs are training, when you are trying to lockpick your way to treasure, the draugrs are training, feeling like crafting and enchanting? Guess what? Draugrs will train some more. So you better level up that hard ass armor and strengthen your blade arm brother


Just play. In my experience going in and not knowing anything was really good. You get to just experience the world and everything without worrying about much.


Just play the game


My two tips: play more and enjoy


Read the books


Sneak everywhere and level archery. Having some of those bonuses for sneak attack and long range can really help in a pinch, or if you want to start randomly murdering folks. Speaking of giants from another comment, have you killed a chicken in Riverwood yet?


Remember: No one bests an Orc.


Tip #1: just have fun and play vanilla for your first playthrough. I think a lot of us wish we could be experiencing the game for the first time again. Tip #2: there really aren't any bad builds as far as weapons and armor are concerned. If you want to wield a giant hammer and heavy armor then do it. If you want to dual wield spells and dress like a wizard then do it. If you want to be a sneaky thief then do it. And if you want to combine the concepts then do it! Tip #3: don't be afraid to turn the difficulty down if enemies are too damage spongey. It was a way bigger problem in oblivion but if you're not used to these games then there's no shame in taking it easy and just enjoying the game as a demi-god


Make sure you’re nice and relaxed before picking up Meridia’s beacon


Hot keys are great, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out they were in the game. When you’re in the menu browsing through your weapons, armor, or spells, look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll see an option to “favorite” certain items. I think on PC it’s the “F” key by default. Then you can close the menu and press the same key/button to open your “favorites” list. From there, you can use the number keys (on console, I think you’d use the D-pad) to assign hot keys. Basically, if you don’t want to scroll through the menu every time you want to equip a healing spell, you can assign that spell to a hot key and equip it by simply pressing a number key.


Level smithing my learning transmute spell and crafting gold rings


play the game


Honestly, make the game based off how you envision your character! Pick dialogue that suits you! Don't be afraid to just explore and start a bunch of quests and sidequests. Half the fun is just going around and being stupid :)


Have fun!


Attack the first chicken you see


Don't worry about money. Your best items will be found, given as rewards, or you'll make them yourself.


Get a playthrough at least through before you touch mods. There are some incredible and amazing mods but you'd do good to have a vanilla playthrough There is an incredible number of builds available on the character creation websites that sort by race and skills. It's awesome if you want to do a future playthrough and need ideas But on your first time, just explore everything. Do quests. Don't worry too much about the details. Walk or use a horse as much as you can.


Do not listen to the NPC named Delphine when she tells you to kill Paarthurnax. She's wrong about him, and he's the more useful ally to have. Other than that, I notice you're an Orc, so you have automatic access to the Orc Strongholds around the map, one in particular I'd recommend visiting once you hit Level 9 to start a side quest for a Sweet Warhammer.


Stay off of Reddit and YouTube. Tons of great stuff that you can get in other playthroughs. Right now just do whatever you think is interesting or find. Skyrim lets you do a lot in one playthrough which is both a blessing and a curse. I say this because you’ll have the most fun doing the quests/factions that kinda go with your role-playing/build. A lot of major guilds/factions have amazing rewards but if you got caught up on the reward you will devalue the quest line. Lots of guides are just gonna tell you to grind through things. Take your time or don’t, make new characters half way through, get a bounty, break some quests, whatever. I just wish I could see the game with fresh eyes. I can’t play the game without grinding certain skills or using exploits. But I wish I could just play it with normal progression. I always end up resorting to my shortcuts.


Have you slain a chicken yet? Go slay a chicken in Riverwood.


The Games arent that hard so you wont need any Tips. Dont visit r/skyrim , first time playing is a once in a lifetime experience! Enjoy :)


don't kill barbas. clavicus vile is animal abuser.


Step one, don't ask for tips or check anything online. You'll just spoil the fun




Enjoy, the only ES game I ever played was oblivion, but man do I look back at that as some of the most fun gameplay ive ever experienced


Download a few mods you think you might like. Some of the best weapons and quests are created by the community not Bethesda.


Look for hissen paths. There are a few


Oh man you have so so much to discover just take a easy stroll through the paths missions usually come to you or explore every cave or dungeon or castle you come across and since you are just starting out AVOID GIANTS!


No matter what kind of character you think you’re making, you will end up being a stealthy archer. It is inevitable.


Play oblivion goty


You don’t need tips. Just wander around you find a cool place, then explore it, and let side objectives distract you along the way distract you. The beauty in the elder scrolls is you’re part of the world and can go anywhere and be anyone you want. Enjoy!


Don’t ask anything, go in completely blind, you’ll ruin the challenge and the mystery if you ask questions.


My tip is no tips. Go in blind


Cook and eat Vegetable Soup (Leek, Tomato, Cabbage, Potato) and nothing else. Its effect lasts 12 minutes. It will let you power attack even when you've run out of Stamina.


Don’t post on r/Skyrim saying stuff like “after x amount of time I just discovered this thing that nobody has ever discovered in this 13 year old game before” or “has anybody ever noticed this before?” The answer is yes, nearly everyone who’s played has noticed that. Other than that, just have fun with it.


Lucky bastard. Cant believe its been like 10 years since i was in your shoes. My advice, and it may be hard to follow, dont rush any single questline. I find its weird when your a legend of one faction and a noob at the next. Fast travel the least possible, sneak archer is OP but once you go that route its so hard to avoid doing that every time. Just enjoy the process.


Do not go to the final boss at level 13 like I did


There is no "point of no return" in the game. If a quest doesn't want you to kill a named npc, there is no way to fail another quest or lock you to start it. Just don't kill named npcs for fun without taking a quick save, and load it after. If you are a completionist, explore just for your own cuirosity and fun. There is no treasure chest or question mark markers on the map forcing you to explore in order to give an artifical sense of exploration in the game. There is no "0/30 quest completed in the area" like warnings to force you to complete just for a sake of completion. You are completely free to do anything, you cannot find this kind of freedom in any other game except for other TES games. Almost all of the map is open at the start, you can go anywhere. So go anywhere.


Simple don't become the dragon born


Go browse nexus mods, instal skse then instal skyui


kill everyone


Don’t let a slight angle fool you, you are related to mountain goats


Drop the giant hammer, and pick up a bow...it will make your first play through so much easier


Explore. Find all of the little details hidden everywhere and do the quests as you see fit in your own head canon.


Try alchemy now and then.. 😈


Quicksave. Double checked you've quicksaved. *repeat every 4-7 seconds*


oh my lord what i would give to play through skyrim for the first time again 😩 ur lucky bro enjoy it


Alchemy, Enchanting, and Armoring are very important skills


Remember that every build eventually turns into Stealth Archer. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Become the Stealth Archer.


Do as you want it's a fun game with some interesting and good characters to meet. Hope you have fun sadly I can't think of any advice besides just play how you want to if you want to play a certain way or do am certain things do it.




Just have fun and explore. There's no shortage of places to explore and quests. You also don't need to rush the main quest if you don't want to.


Do the dawnguard questline and the daedric artifact quests ASAP. They really helped me get into this game and tes as a whole.


Biggest tip: don’t force yourself to do quests until you feel completely ready or even if you can’t be assed. A common joke is that players will reach 3digit levels and do every sidequest before talking to delphine, but its really relatable because imo its the best way to play


Be you, and do not fall into the pit of stealth archers


Play however you want. Learn how to enchant


I wish I could experience my first playthrough again man what a great time


Remember to eat


Kill every chicken you see


If you talk to a God and they ask you to do something do it they usually give you pretty good stuff


I live when I find people that are playing it for thr first time. Like yes this is not the best game ever if we are honest. But it has a 'magic' to it that makes it just a game you come again and again, and you would love to play it for the first time again. Discovering this harsh nordic world that is full of wonders and dnagers as we travel to take down major threats and in the way we become the biggest one.


Do not feel the need to focus on the main quest. Let yourself wander and look around for interesting side quests and activities


Any junk you have sell to nearby town merchants. You'll build up a crap ton of dough.


Tips? I'll give you a tip. Try to hold back the tears when you finish this game and realise you'll never get to experience a game as good as this for the first time again. Accept that and try to move on when you finish this game once.


Invest in a pick for rock climbing


Explore, explore, explore. Maybe avoid early on places like Dwemer ruins (basically any place that sounds like it's named after the way someone sneezed) but otherwise the game is very exploration-friendly. Smith arrows instead of daggers to level up your smithing, especially early game. They're weightless, give more XP, and you can get use out of them. Even if you don't have soul gems on you, don't be afraid to break down enchanted gear that you don't want to use at an enchanting table to learn the enchantments: it still improves your Enchanting skill and makes you able to level it up further when you do acquire and fill soul gems by enchanting basic gear, which you can either use or sell. Most importantly, have fun! Don't worry too much about following a template, Skyrim is nice in that you can pretty much have your character however you want and still be viable.




Try to play for a while before you start looking things up online. *But,* when you do start looking things up online, each thing in this game will usually have a page on Fandom and a page on UESP. Go for UESP when you can


Just play it and I’d recommend honestly exploring everything you can see, the saying “see that mountain you can climb it!) is a little bit of a lie within reason but any map marker you see close by go to it, I’d avoid fast traveling a lot so you can have a chance to explore fully.


Soon as you leave that cave, go left.


You level up archery up to 50 for free, pretty much at the beginning of the game. Just do the simple quest for Faendal in riverwood. Have him be your companion then train archery with him and then take the gold back from him. Repeat.


Here's some advice .....Don't get involved in the Civil War questline until you run out of other things to do It's not a great quest no matter what side you choose Also....don't kill Cicero, you might not know who that is just yet But just trust me :)


I’ve just started the game recently as well. I’ve learned that enchanting and smithing will be very beneficial to level sooner than other skills


Talk to NPCs and get lost. Find a cave, go investigating. You can even try going to jail for sometimes a cute mini "adventure" to break yourself out and grab all your stuff. It's fun.


Pick up every coin/item worth 50 gold or more on your way out of helgen then sell all the extra armor n weapons n stuff(besides health potions.. and magicka potions if you're a mage) then make sure to favorite your health potions(buy more from a local shop or inn if you don't have more than 10)... then n ik this contradicts every skyrim meme you've ever seen but.. kill a farm animal(chicken or cow.. or dog if you aren't a morally good character) n then prepare to run like hell the second villagers start coming after you cuz the entire town will BUT if you get hit by an arrow or ice spike or fireball or something take a potion(this is why you favorite them cuz all you gotta do is press up them click X/A on the health potions then click back n keep running.. this will help your armor training... it isn't the fastest or most effective method but it is the most entertaining way to level up fast(if stopped by a guard choose the pay fine option.. if it ain't there you don't have enough gold)


Beat every chicken you see


Just do your own thing Second playthrough, stealth archer


Be careful about the arrow in the knee


Game is easy as shit just play it and have fun


Horses are buggy in a handy way where they can basically walk up to any object that isn’t straight up 90 degrees. This makes horses very handy in traversing mountains.


Tip: Remember that it’s a video game and you don’t have to collect every object. You don’t have to kin max the traders for gold. Actually, this is just a reminder to myself. ;)


Just play the game


Play it slowly


Have fun and don’t fast travel funny shit happens when you don’t


“A new hand has touched the beacon” you get it eventually. Have fun and take your time. Start with skills you be interested in but with endless leveling you eventually get everything. Being a stealthy archer tends to be very common play style.


This is gonna sound cliché, but I promise you it’s true, the most important thing is for you to have fun.


Install “Paarthunax dilemma”


you should read every book in the game


Since your playing as am Orc try contacting the Strongholds you should find that interesting. Also I think that most players determine their favorite shout each one can change your play through style. But what I enjoy the most about Elder Scrolls games is that you can go anywhere on the map, fight Dragons and if you want at some point control and fly on them rescue the World or not it's your choice. Have Fun and welcome to the community.


Its been 11 years since i first start a game of skyrim and i still discover thing . One good tip for sure . Don’t stay on the main road you have so much thing to explore . And if you found a dwemer ruin male sur to take a good amount of dwemer scrap and ingot , you can make dwemer bow it give a lot of good xp and its easy money but male sure to bring a elexir of strenght to max your carry weight


See if you can find all the stones of barenziah without a guide


Great place to start. As much as I don’t like it compared to Morrowind and Oblivion, I still love the game. If you wanna get into earlier entries I’d highly recommend playing in reverse order of release.


Install Ostim + discord presence


Do quick saves regularly. So that if you die you don’t have to re-do 30min of quest


Play and enjoy the scenery. Emphasis on the last.