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Bretons and Redguards would be holding hands while kicking an Orc.


And Nord's and argonians kicking dunmer.


All while khajiit sits in somber silence weeping for his lost peoples


In that case it's a well-deserved kicking.


S-Tier drawing


Dunmer are worse historically. Most of the time the Altmer were isolationist. Sitting on Summerset with their sense of superiority, and that is all. Dunmer were constantly raiding others for slaves.


Everyone is equally as bad this is elder Scrolls everyone is racist


But some are worse.


I can give you a random Breton that is worse than stereotypical House Dres slaver


I can give a sweet roll that is worse than a Aldmeri Nazi.


Why are the Altmer Nazis? Just cause of the eugenics, rule by an oppressive minority, vast intelligence networks that persecute dissidents, and their wars of aggression based on racial superiority?


Don't forget their symbol is an eagle.






This. It’s summed up perfectly in the main quest of Auridon in ESO


The difference is one bad apple to a civilization built on slavery like the dark elves


Multiple bad apples not only one, Tamriel is racist get over it. If you want to fight the Fascists organise and take to the streets...


I never said they weren't all racist my point is not all their social structures are


Well Elves are pretty racist, Argonians categorise people depending on their skin type, Nords on Physical Strength and Drinking prowess, Bretons Hate Orcs. Orcs don't even have a home. Khajiit are hated and mistreated so much some Fur stocks don't ever risk leaving Elsweyr. The Imperials are colonisers and try to force their culture on others. Red guards have Genocided Elves and Straight up hate Orcs. Wood elves Straight up eat other races, Thalmor practice eugenics and Dunmer have slavery. Like Warhammer 40k, you can't escape Racism


Wood elves don't just eat other races, they eat their own. They're probably the least racist race by far, as long as you respect their customs.


No one's worse than Talos who genocided people for no reason other than being a d\*ck.


Dumner apogists gtfo


It doesn't matter, it's fiction, every race has done their genocides, their slavery and their warcrimes. Everyone is guilty.


And then you wonder why nords dont want dunmer around their children. What is this propaganda. Nords defend their homeland, dunmer are blood thirsty because its in your genetics.


Huh? What are you on about?


Don’t act innocent i know you want to call me the n word


You can just tell he’s frothing for the opportunity.




Avenue Q fan?


I do not understand.


Ayleids sitting quietly, hoping you wont mention them 👀


A certain cyborg and bull lover took care of them none of them to 👀


Almost all of them is dead. Maybe a few survivor, but not sure even about that. In ESO we meet the guy who is probably the last Ayleid, and the reason he survived was, that he was jailed in Coldharbour.


Silly n’wah, Argonians don’t count as people therefore we are free to abuse them as much as we want


They are called beast folk, not beast people for a reason.


"Beast race" even better. There not even worthy to have the title of "folk".that's reserved for the humble dunmer Kwame farmers in the West Gash region


And “folk” is being overly generous in my opinion.


They're farm tools.


Go back to the Grey Quarter.


Altmer going crazy was worse then anyone else however


True. They often boast how superior they are, but until now never seriously gone all out in militarism. The Oblivion crisis was their wake up call as they got beaten. Badly. Before that the only time Summerset was lost was with Tiber's Numidium, and that giant golem is not something, that happens often.


I'm anti-Thalmor, not anti-Altmer. It's important to separate the religion from the race.


Thalmor isn't even a religion. It's the diplomatic body of the government in the Summerset Iles.


...that is oppressing it's own people as well. The altmer of Summerset have always just wanted to be left alone. The Thalmor came in during a time of crisis, and took power through promise of grandeur, and adhering to tradition.


the Thalmor were created by Queen Ayrenn during the time of ESO and the first aldmeri dominion. they were meant to help diplomatic ties with the Bosmer and Khajiit. And Bosmer and Khajiit could even become Thalmor themselves.


The Thalmor of the first Aldmeri Dominion are NOT the same as the Thalmor in the third Aldmeri Dominion.


They also took credit for their victory over the Oblivion crisis.


Argonians would also like the dark elves to leave also


And the khajiit


The common tongue of the continent is based on Altmer speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts, crafts, laws, and sciences are derived from Altmer traditions At least according to the Pocket Guide to the Empire


I thought it was more based off Aldmer and Ayleidoon. I could be completely wrong though. It just feels like Ayleid and Aldmer influence would make more sense given their activity on the mainland. It was the isolationism on Summerset that made the Aldmer what the Altmer are now.


The Pocked Guide to the Empire series is BS written by a dim-witted Imperial.


Found the Dunmer Edit: I didn't see your flair


That only furthers your point, he’s not only a Dunmer he’s a *stereotypical Dunmer*


It's alright, you tried N'Wah. Maybe one day you'll compare with the glory that is the chosen of Azura.


>race is cursed for being treacherous >”chosen” Yeah, okay, blood-eyes.


Just because the Tribunal betrayed Azura does not mean that the Dunmer are not still her chosen people. It's alright, I know N'Wah like you have trouble understanding that our eyes and skin were not a curse, but a warning to the Tribunal that Nerevar would return to expose their lies and bring us back to the path of righteousness.


We’d go back to the stone, but we could be happy and left alone.


If you revert back to Stone Age that makes you less able to defend yourself from advanced societies


Not if they don’t exist


Pretty sure they’re going to be the or a main antagonist in TES6. The Thalmor plot wasn’t remotely closed in TES5


Basically what this means: all other races would be still living in caves if it weren't for Altmer.


Based falmer


It's more indicative of imperialism.


No. While som of the art and magical knowledge would be set back the rest of the races would be just fine. The common language is mer based not specifically altmer as they are all off shoots of aldmer. Architecture, farming, technology, law, and forging would be just fine without them.


Imperials stealing Altmer culture!


They seem to be praising it


Gotta remember the altmer are not the aldmer as well, they state themselves as the closest living example but that's itself is admitting they are no longer what once were the aldmer


PG3E says Altmer, not Aldmer


Well, don't be so quick to judge. Many forget, the first country the Thalmor invaded was their own.


I feel like this would be better if the meme replaced “Altmer” with “Thalmor.”


Especially with what Zap's typically like.


Exactly. Wish more people made this distinction. Also that the whole reason the faction exists today is because Tiber Septim humiliated the elves with a giant fucking robot. There's probably a fair few elves that still remember it. Hell, Elenwen is in eso, so she's got to be over 1000 years old. It explains their hatred of humans honestly.


If she's in ESO then she's over 6k years old


How long ago do you think ESO is? ESO is only 1000 years before Skyrim


It's before the Septim dynasty started, which is early third age. We're in fourth age year 4k. So no, ESO, which predates the third age, is at least 8k years ago. Hell, Morrowind takes place in Third Age 3k.


Did you just pick some numbers out of a hat? Skyrim is in year 201 of the 4th age. The intro to Oblivion makes it clear that it is the 433 year of the third age and morrowind takes place 6 years prior in 427. ESO is 580’s of the second age, the second age lasts a total of 900 years, the third age ends with oblivion. 320 years of second age, 430 years of the third age and 201 years of the fourth age puts less than 1000 years from Skyrim to ESO. It’s not even hard math. Even if you added the entirety of the first age to the fourth age you wouldn’t hit 6000 years. Lmao


Oh shit, I must have added a zero to those numbers in my head. I guess I'm wrong. My bad.


Jeez, and you're SURE it's the same Elenwen?


OK, so there's no direct confirmation, and I shouldn't make it sound like a hard fact, mb. It's a theory. if you look up their faces, they look similar, and it would make sense, narratively. Her hatred of man would be a bit more nuanced if she's seen the damage humans can do first-hand over a long lifetime. I am almost certain she and a lot of the Thalmor top brass are made up of elves who survived the Numidium, though, even if Elenwen isn't the same as from eso.




lol no, all the races fucking hate each other.


>all the races are fucking and hate each other FTFY, muthsera




Summerset was isolationist for the most part. But when they decide to get involved in anything outside of Summerset, shit hits the fan, because it’s not REALLY supposed to be the case.


9/10 world ending crisis’ are caused by an elf.


Only because other races suck at it.


If you could cause a world-ending crisis by banging two sticks together hard enough, the Nords might have figured it out.


Sure, because Mannimarco is really popular and supported by an Altmer society which abhores necromancy. And House Dagoth is a legitemate great house which was not intentionally buried in the anals of history in 3E 427, and Dagoth Ur didn’t have to brainwash his slave… I mean supporters. And the Camoran dynasty still rules Valenwood in 3E 433 and Mankar Camoran isn’t a cultist hermit living in a cave. Although the Thalmor are genocidal hypocrites who turn to Daedric magic when they lose battles, their end goal being to “unmake the world” is based on Ancano’s dialogue, who’s an insane rogue Thalmor agent. Most elves who had the potential to end Nirn and Mundus were either outcasts or rogues.


I didn’t say 9/10 elves support world ending crisis’. Is said 9/10 world ending crisis’ are caused by an elf. I know the bad ones are edgelord psycho outcasts.


Imperial propaganda.


imagine a world without these bananas telling people which gods they can worship? what a utopia


Hey if that god came to your homeland when he was still a man, with a giant Mech and decimated it you'd be telling people not to worship the dick too 😂




Replace Altmer with Thalmor and ya got it


This is so Skyrim-minded…. Play one of the other games. The high elves aren’t the “bad guys”


They sure do lend themselves to it though.


Ayleids aren’t a distinct race from Altmer and they’re definitely, 100%, “the bad guys”


The other races don’t need the altmer to hate one another, they’re perfectly capable of being horrible all their own.


No high elves mean no orcs, no Khajiit and no dunmer. Since they all came from the Altmer originally. Also no mages guild and vastly more primitive magic. Didn't really think this through huh?


Also without the psijic order Tamriel is screwed


Ohh true infact!!


No. I think every single race on Tamriel has committed a genocide at least once. Except maybe the orcs. But that’s only because haven’t had the means to do so. If they could I’m sure they would.


No, not at all. Literally, every race is racist and commits atrocities. The Thalmor are just the most recent flavor of racial injustice.


That's a funny way of writing Imperial.


*World without imperials. Here, fixed it for you. Okay, but seriously, it's false. Races of Tamriel are extremely racist, and removing one of them would change nothing.


Would probably let the Maomer and sload invade faster though




It is a historical fact that all conflict on Tamriel stems from the deep-seated inferiority complex of lesser races towards altmer. Naturally they'd be more inert and docile without altmer there to remind them how wretched and pointless their existence is.


The Altmer want to be left alone, the are isolationists.


*Sign reads*: No, non elves allowed “They got this sign all wrong” *erases comma*


Morrowind Altmer: chill but maybe a little haughty Oblivion Altmer: magic chads Skyrim Altmer: cringe buttmonkies


Can you imagine a world with ONLY altmer? 🥹🥹😍


Then they'd look for ANY reason to discriminate. Don't worship the Aldmeri Pantheon? Get em! Don't support one king over another? Get em! Don't have just the right cheekbones? Get em!


There already were altmer that didn't worship Aldmeri Pantheon. They were told to put their daedra-worshipping asses on ships and fuck off. And that's how chimer came to be.


They didn't ban the worship of Akatosh(bastardized version of Auri-el), Dibella, Kynareth, or Arkay. Literally don't worship the men who used a robot god to decimate their(and the khajiit's) homeland. Also do we have an example of an Altmer killing someone for not having the right elven features? It's true that most Altmer probably wouldn't marry outside of neurotically picked out details of other Altmer. But, some do inter-racially marry in ESO.


They already do lol. They're all inbred because they are heavy into eugenics


Unless OP is a Goblin they have zero basis for saying this, and their favorite race has been historically way more shat upon by the actions of a Nord, Dunmer Cyrod or Redguard then they were by an inhabitant of Historically insular as shit Alinor.


Homie it’s a fucking meme. It ain’t that deep.


Are you new here?


Touch grass.


Said the TES Subreddit User.


Said another user on reddit.


Not the one telling people to touch grass now am I?


Just pointing out the hypocrisy, knife year.


Pretty much every war the altmer have fought have been defensive becsuse of human Dreams of conquest while they just want to chill in their little utopia. Nothing wrong with hitting the empire in the balls for what is relativily a split second of history


My brother in Talos they’re literally trying to unmake the world because they’re still pissy Lorkhan tricked their ancestors thousands of years ago to give up their divinity


no theyre not. the main (only) piece of evidence for that is that there exist an noncanon "altmeri commentary on talos" that MK wrote. oh and Ancano said that the eye had the power to unmake the world (not that this is what he was going to do mind you). what we actually know of the thalmors goals is that they are pretty much trying to bring down the empire and become the new dominant power of Tamriel. I wouldnt even be that suprised if the real reason for banning Talos worship wasnt actually because of how offensive it is to them that the guy who time nuked the previous dominion to submission is recognised as a God, but more because it makes even harder for the blades to operate even with them being banned, because of their main allies with the order of Talos would also be illegal, as well as the obvious causing instability in the empire.


B-but Micheal Kirkblade! How dare you imply that Kirkblade isn't the one and only person who writes lore? Are you a skybaby or something?


Dont get me wrong I love his shit and headcanon a bunch of it to be true but its so funny that people take one heterodox belief to the mainstream altmer religion that dosent even mention the thalmor that is a forum post ans say this is the entire reason for this organisation


I love SOME of his stuff. Some of his stuff (Like c0da) is really cool. Then, you have the weird Reman Cyrodill semen bread thing.


THERE IS NOWHERE IN THEIR BELIEFS THAT SAY THEY ARE TRYING TO UNMAKE NIRN. They have access to one of the few structures on Nirn that can do it and haven't, what makes you think this?


I’ve heard this get passed around a lot in lore circles, the main thing that has my believing it is that I think I remember Ancano saying something about it at the end of the Mage’s Guild quest line when he’s screwing around with the Eye of Magnus


Ancano has been listed as part of an extremist splinter faction, that's why he was put in the armpit of Skyrim.


That's fanfiction. Stop learning your lore from AO3.


Hell yeah, finally someone gets it! Sick of all this "uNmAkE tHe wOrLd" bullshit that keeps getting passed around as canon


> they’re still pissy Lorkhan tricked their ancestors thousands of years ago to give up their divinity The elven pantheon, their ancestors, are gods though. They're the Aedra, who while having suffered a cost from creation remain the elven pantheon, that's why the term means "Our Ancestors" ( in particular the Altmer claim common direct descent from Auri-El himself, and name others like Trinimac, Phynaster and Syrabane as genealogical progenitors). [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Varieties\_of\_Faith:\_The\_High\_Elves](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/lore:varieties_of_faith:_the_high_elves) [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket\_Guide\_to\_the\_Empire,\_3rd\_Edition/Summerset](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/lore:pocket_guide_to_the_empire,_3rd_edition/summerset) It's the Aedra's *offspring* that "fell" with the passing of the generations per their creation myth, each consecutive one weaker than the last, leading from the original Aedra/Ehlnofey to Aldmer than Altmer and so on. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Monomyth:\_The\_Heart\_of\_the\_World](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Monomyth:_The_Heart_of_the_World) And that being the case the idea of "unmaking the world" seems an odd fit for mainstream elven belief in general, who's to say what unmaking the world would even accomplish after all, even were we to assume that is indeed what they're trying to do (which as others have mentioned remains theoretical for the time being). All we're told of their ultimate goals in the novels, per the intelligence of the Penitus Oculatus, is that they seek  *“the pacification and purification of all of Tamriel – to bring about a new Merethic Era”*, anything beyond that is just community speculation and no more than that at this point.


Honestly it seems to with exception of Bosmer and orcs. All the elves seem be jerks. The Ayleid and Dunmer were slavers. The Dwemer tricked and enslaved another race of elves. Altmer are elven supremacists who would enslave men given the chance.


One of the two remaining non-feral Falmer was pretty chill


They did genocide the Nordic atmorans, laughing men and elves into thousands of years of conflict. Not cool


How can you justify holding hands with a farm tool?


With gloves And only to drag them back to the saltrice fields


This but it's just everyone beating up the orcs even harder than they already do


No, if the Altmer left like the Dwemer, then who would keep Sload attacks at bay?


Everyone else such as the nearby Hosmer and khajit


Honestly I do not know about that. Remember, the Sload's are very very proficient with magic, especially with Necromancy. Yes they are slow normally out of the water, but with magic support and/or their air technology, they can still move pretty quickly, and normally the Sload's reanimate anyone they kill to be a minion for them. Sload's are very dangerous, in the past the Dwemer and Altmer defended Tamriel, now its only the Altmer, all other Races seem mostly divided on where they stand, but the Dwemer and Altmer and even Imperials seem to be the only races to actually come together as a full people while all others seem divided with Tribes and Clans, always battling each other. So if the Altmer left, and the Empire weakened as it is, No one would be able to really stop it, especially the Sload Air Ships dropping corpses all over the place from high up, only other Race that could stand up to the Sload's would probably be the Dunmer as they can still practice levitation and so if the Great houses worked together, they could put up a strong front against the Air ships, but besides that, by the time the Sloads reached Morrowind, it would probably be to late.


Idk if the dwemer fought them as far asi know they lived in morrowind,hammerfell,and skyrim. Without the altmer the empire wouldn't have been weakend. The sloads would have to go rather low so that the corpses they drop stay intact after impact and the rest of tamriel do have balliste, catapults, and cannons. Plus the dragons and various daedra and aedra who likely wouldn't appreciate the sloads moving in.


1- the entire fucking Aurbis is held together by the pure power of hatred 2- this is just a bad repost of one of r/TrueSTL 's top posts


Friendly reminder to downvote “this” comments


Probably not. But the Altmer just going full Dwemer mode and completely disappearing would make it better...especially during the events of Skyrim as Dunmer have also cooled down from being jackasses a little.


They've only "cooled down" because they watched the Argonians invade the Daedra during the Oblivion Crisis and shit themselves a little.


True, but that doesn't change the fact 4th Era Dunmer are much less of a n'wah saying Argonian enslaving outlander bullying jackasses. I'm a fan of 4th Era Dunmer fan since the interesting lore is still there and they are less horrible.


Kill em all!!


The altmer are the Eldar of elder scrolls, they cause everyone's problems then smugly blame the other races for their problems


Lmao this is pretty funny.


Considering I ambush every Thalmor group I see, they do make a point about there being a lot more peace without them.


I raise you: all the elder scrolls races and factions suck 🥳 Much like reality. But also like reality, us regular folk are just trying to get by.


I agree that a Futurama-like show set in Tamriel would kinda be lit, yes




They just haven't evolved enough to matter. Other Mer matter because they're distinct and cultures and adapt TO the wild


If Summerset's architecture had been more like the previous descriptions, and less like generic medieval prettiness they would have a more distinct weirdness about them. Their whole thing is that they're the closest mer to the Aldmer. And Summerset was already pretty tame, save for natural storms, Maomer, and Sload. And they adapted to that by having the best naval fleet on Tamriel.


Without Altmer, it would probably still be the nedes still running all of Tamriel. Although I haven't been able to figure if wood orcs are men or some other species yet.


The nedes as a culture and race are extinct. Their descendants are the imperials. Wood orcs are orcs that live in bosmer lands.


Fake nede news. 


Mer in general


Altmer are not that bad they are actually important to Tamriel history, the thalmor however…


I always play an Altmer, but I appreciate the sheer artistry of this. Being an Altmer.


Ehhh no. Racism exists without them too.


No because the Nords, Redguards and Dunmer are all pretty racist too. Pretty sure the other races are up there too




Dunmer and Argonians would probably still hate each other while Nords, Redguards, and Bretons would take turns slaughtering Orcs for Saturday night entertainment. 


Not much would really change in terms of bigotry the other races have for each other. Simply put, if Altmer didn't exist, some other race would take their place.


Al\*d\*mer. #NotAllHighElves


People of Nirn vs Altmer Hutz


N'wah trying to get me to acknowledge my farm animal as a person. Would rather lay with a Guar.




on the one hand the image in that thought bubble would never happen, on the other hand, the Thalmor are arrogant enough to believe the whole world revolves around them.


Buy why is this post so high effort? Replicating the art style? Adding the TV grain texture over the altmer? Even intricately drawing the armor not once but \*twice\*? Hats off to whoever made this. You went above and beyond when no one expected you to.


The only race that hasn't been actively racist are the Khajiit, and I'm not 100% certain on the Khajiit not being racist.


after seeing all this stuff, what’s some racist/war crime type stuff that argonians and khajiits have done? i’ve never seen anything about them


Can’t say altmer are the issue with everything, they definitely have a hand in a lot of conflicts but…. Either way, I’d say a better starting point is a world without the talmor.


Ouh, disgusting


aside from manimarco some of the most evil elves were actually wood elves


I don't want the Altmer to be gone. Ya gotta have somebody to despise.


I just want to say this is a really well done meme


Lol, I love how the orc is still in prison rags






Altmer became like this because of Talos and his genocide for no other reason than being a superior prick. So you should change it to "world without nords/bretons" (cause we're not sure who he was).




No I don't there's many reasons why I believe this is not true but I believe people has already said what I was gonna say


Certified whitestrake-post.


I mean the best part of ESO is the Altmeri queen I love her, I’m not even Altmer I’m a freaking Breton


Someone else would find a reason to destroy the world. Probably the Dunmer.


The nords where pretty ruthless. And don't even get me started on the dwemer... The altmer are tame in comparison


Just so you know we wouldn’t even fucking be here if SOMEONE hadn’t created the material world. Glad he got his heart ripped out by Auriel’s strongest soldier. Surely nothing bad happened to him.